Clubrooms Diary

Chapter 41: Innocent until proven guilty

Chapter 41: Innocent until proven guilty


May 14th 2018

"It was you wasn't it?" I stammered.

"What was me, La?" His demeanour suddenly changes as he scowls at me

"You got Ryder to start up that sinful side hustle didn't you?" I trembled with anger.

"Don't be fucking ridiculous." He scoffed, as his eyes bounced off the walls.

He looked everywhere else but in my eyes.

"I have sons of my own." He grounded out.

"Does Nikki know, Does she know what kind of sick fuck she married and produced kids with?" My

words were coated generously with repulsion.

"I told you once before to keep their names out of your filthy mouth." His hands formed into tight fists.

He was openly losing control in front of me. The more I looked at him the more I believed it was his


"My mouth may be filthy but you're a sick son of a bitch who needs to rot in hell." I shove him, pounding

my hands against his chest, imagining my fists were daggers.

He wraps his hands around my wrists in a vice-like grip, stilling my movements as he snarls at me


"Haven't you heard of the term 'Innocent Until Proven Guilty?" He says in a deathly tone.

"You mother fucker!" I struggle against him.

"I've already judged and sentenced you! You're guilty." I break down crying.

"My Ryder wasn't a sick bastard. He was a gentle soul who had a heart of gold." I whimper, wishing I

wasn't such a heartless cow towards my husband that night.

He tried to tell me it wasn't for his pleasure, cryptically telling me it wasn't his idea. I lost everything that

weekend, including a piece of my soul when Ryder pulled that trigger. I've been walking around with a

heavy heart and bricks for feet. Time seems to roll over slowly, slower than I thought it did just days

ago. It's not fair this perverted sicko gets to walk around, living his life like an innocent man.

It's not fair!

"Fuck you, Jimmy, you'll pay. I swear to the mighty gods you'll pay for your sins." I continue to struggle

against him, his touch branding my skin with pain that fuels my bitter hate I have towards him.

He chuckles, striding forward, backing me up against an unwelcomed wall. He leans forward, grazing

my neck with the tip of his nose, inhaling my scent. I pant, with the need to strike him.

"What are you going to do La? Tell Nikki that we fucked?" He laughs.

"She won't believe a word that leaves your fucking mouth. You see princess, I've been going home and

telling her you've been following me." He says darkly in my ear.

"You're a liar!" I spit out with venom"

'Nope, she thinks you need help, mentally. Apparently, it's not healthy for a widow to stalk her

deceased husbands' brother and beg him to impregnate her."

"I would never!"

"But she doesn't know that now does she? She told me I need to go down to the police station and get

a protection order out on you." He chuckles some more.

"I'm going to tell you something and I'll only say it one time. So you better open up those ears and

listen real.... carefully." He releases my hands, steps back and turns me around, pushing the front of

my body against the wall.

"You're right... I'm a sick fuck who pries on little boys. It's their soft skin that gets me-"

His words are deafening and I use all my strength, using the wall to push myself backwards. I reach

into my bra and pull out the blade I had tucked away.

"You're dead!!..." I reach out and slice his face with the blade.

Crimson red liquid seeps through the gash on his face I've proudly just given him. Shock fills his eyes

as he reaches up to touch his cheek.

"You fucking crazy bitch!!!!" He yells as he charges at me.

I swing my hand through the air again, slicing his hand. He continues to pursue me, his eyes turn a

shade of black and I realise he's in a state of rage. I turn and quickly unlock the door, running out of the

room. I run towards the bar, dropping the blade as my fingers quiver uncontrollably.

I reach the bar and my heart sinks when I realise it's vacant. I run to the counter praying Lisas doing

stock take or Chads drinking himself silly. Disappointment sets in when I realise I'm alone. I turn in time

to see Jimmy up close. He grabs me by the roots of my hair and hits my face against the bar's

countertop. I cry out as pain spreads across my face. He throws me to the ground and I land on my ass

with a loud thud. I scrabbled backwards, regretting my actions, wishing I was stronger.

"Look at you," He titters, laughing.

"You and Ryder deserved each other! Two pathetic matching souls who can't do anything right." H Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

shakes his head with disgust.

Picking up a barstool he raises it over his head. I lean back on one arm, raising the other to shield my

head, waiting for the brutal impact, closing my eyes.

Moments later, I hear a deathly thud, I peer up to see Jimmy's eyes roll back as he falls to the ground

with the stool in his hands.

"Oh SHIT!!!"

My eyes shift to see my saviour who's now standing there panicking as blood pools around Jimmy's


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