Clubrooms Diary

Chapter 43: Is this the end?

Chapter 43: Is this the end?


May 14th 2018

The door to my car jerks open and I watch as Maddie gets in and closes the door behind her. She's

wearing a long blonde wing, a black floppy hat with dark shades that cover the majority of her face.

Looks like she's auditioning for a movie scene in which she's a part of in reality right now.

'How to get away with kidnapping the greek-gods virgin'

I give her a stern look as she pulls her glasses down the bridge of her nose with her eyes peering over

the top, meeting mine.

"What?" She asks in a snarky manner that has me shaking my head.

"You look fucking ridiculous you know that, don't you?" I snicker at her.

She takes her shades off, popping her gum and glares at me with distaste.

"Should I saunter my brown sugar ass into the club and inform those mother fuckers, that bringing

Mal's dad here was your idea?" She scoffs at me evidently mad that I pointed out how outrageous she


"Go on, Maddie Baby." I dare her.

"If you honestly believe that Amar will let you walk away without him ripping your throat out. You're an

absolute legend." I say sarcastically, knowing full well Amar wouldn't let her walk.

The kids got her head stuck so far up her arse that she still claims she can see the sun shining through


I silently pray that everything goes as planned. My blood screams loudly for what I crave. Having me

run full speed ahead, blindly pursuing my agenda. What I thought was a slice of pure heaven turned

out to be a flaming piece of fucking hell, tormenting me for the past couple of days, driving me to the

edge, becoming someone I don't even recognise anymore. Hate is an influential son-of-a-bitch that will

have you doing shit where you won't recognise yourself anymore.

She scoffs again, "Fuck him, fuck his ugly side bitch and fuck Mal. I told you from day one there was

something fishy about her and all you saw were dollar bills spitting outta her mouth." She shifts, sliding

her glasses back on and points at me.

"And fuck you too Chad. In fact, Fuck everyone who works in Clubrooms. I know y'all just think I'm a

crazy bitch." She exclaims.

"You are and that's what makes you a threat. You're unpredictable, careless and you can't follow simple

instructions." I scratch the back of my head hoping she doesn't punch me in the face again.

"Thanks!" She beams, taking what I said as a big compliment.

"Uh... You're welcome." I lean back in my chair and watch the front of the club.

The door opens and I see Amar's sidekick dragging out a motionless body, he opens the boot of his Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

SUV and dumps the body inside, closing the door and walks inside, rolling his shoulders back...

"Please tell me that wasn't Mal's father." I groan, wrapping my fingers around my steering wheel,

watching my knuckles turn white as I realise Maddies plan didn't work.

"Uhhhhh... That wasn't Mal's dad......" She says sheepishly and I whip my head to the side glaring at

her as my nostrils flare with anger.

She giggles, knowing she fucked up and slowly extends her hand, reaching for the door.

"FUCKKKKK MADDIE!!! You said it was a solid plan." I roar at her, with my eyes bulging out their


"Yeah......" She sighs.

"I'll just, Ummm..." Before I could grab her, she abruptly opens the door and flees my car.

"Shit," I mutter not surprised by her antics.

Reclining in my seat, I stare straight ahead at the club for what seems like an eternity when it's only

been less than an hour. I gradually begin to drift off as the queen of darkness seizes control of me and I

succumb to her insanity.

I stir in my sleep, emancipating myself from the darkness that will not hold me captive. I slowly pry

open my tired eyes to find a pair of emerald green eyes glaring back at me. I flinch and open my mouth

to scream for assistance, but my screams are muffled by a thick piece of rope wedged between my

teeth. I'm bounded into a chair, my eyes scan my surroundings, and I notice that I'm being held hostage

in an abandoned building, a cliche scene from a mafia film where I'm about to meet my maker.

My eyes well up with unshed tears as I reflect on the amount of pussy I've had and the amount of

pussy I'll miss out on. It's been an exhilarating ride, but I wouldn't change a thing.

"I'm sure you and that piece of garbage over there were instrumental in bringing Malayinas patèras to

the club." His voice carried a deathly tone that should not be taken lightly.

My gaze shifted to the corner where Amar had previously scowled, and I was greeted by a pair of

dormant brown eyes staring back at me. Maddie lay in a pool of blood that covered her curly hair

completely. My eyes scan her body and discover that she is completely scratch-free on her torso. As

they continue upward, I discover where she has bled to death. They slit her throat open the sick mother


"You fucking scumbag!" I scream and bounce up and down in my chair.

Fear seeps into my pores as I watch him raise his hand holding a gun, pointing it right at me.

"Today marks the day where your bloodline will be eradicated from this planet. Caddie and her son are

lucky they are not from your bloodline." He titters.

" I can only imagine how slowly Vanko would've ended your life."

"Please... Please you don't have to do this!" I beg, knowing they can't understand my pleads for mercy.

He cocks the gun, and I stare straight down the barrel, my eyes squeezing shut as I piss myself,

knowing I'm about to meet my maker. The air fills with a loud crackle, followed by silence.

My body feels light as air as if I'm gliding towards the clouds. I smile, knowing heavens waiting for me.

Suddenly, my body screams in agony as I'm being dragged down into the pit of fire, where hell claims


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