Clubrooms Diary

Chapter 46: The Bleeding Truth

Chapter 46: The Bleeding Truth


May 15th 2018

"Mikros put the mirror down and we will talk." He muttered as he took a step forward.

"STOP!" I scream.

I want him to leave, I'm so fucking confused about what I've just learned. I desire some alone time to

absorb the fact that Blair was never my father, he was a sick piece of shit who would have ended up

raping me.

Though deep down, I know he's not going to leave, he's fucking stubborn and I regret everything that

happened between us yesterday. I was in such a state that I would've given him my virtue without

second-guessing my motives.

I thank the Gods that I didn't gift it to him, I would've compelled the need to scrub myself raw, ridding

the evidence of him claiming me entirely.

"My mother," I whimper. "Yo..your grandfather, Amar." I drop my hand.

He takes another step....

"NO!!!! STOP!!!!" I suddenly raise it again, but this time I'm pointing the shard of broken mirror towards


"Did you know?" My voice quivers as I glare at him and my heart sinks into the pit of my stomach.

"Naì, I've known about you from the beginning." He confesses, his voice barely audible.

"What?" I cry out as a sudden wave of confusion crashes into me.

"The day you found the BMW. It was left there on purpose with a tracker on it. I solely left it in front of a

house where it was being watched." He confesses. "I made it available only to you, so you could

escape him."

"So now you're my Knight in Shining Armour?" I spit out with disdain.

"Òchi, I was sent here to watch you. You were meant to be my pappoùs's secret weapon against your

father. But after he approved Blair's request to sell your mother, I couldn't accept the fate that was

being entrusted to you." He looked at me with so much remorse crossing his face.

It made me want to believe in him but I knew I couldn't. This whole time he had me believing I owed

him a lot of money, I've been working in a brothel, sucking dick because of him and his fucking

treacherous grandfather.

"Is my father still alive?" I ask him with hope lacing my words.

Not that it really matters, it's not like he'd want me back after all these years.

It's pretty fucking obvious that he cut his losses with my mother and me.

"He died six years ago with a bullet between his eyes." I couldn't help the gasp of surprise that escaped

between my lips.

"He made a move against my pappoùs and his men eradicated everyone on site." He looked at 'The

Hulk', nodding his head, letting him know it's okay for him to leave.

"What did my father do that was so bad that he had me and my mother kidnapped?"

"When everyone gathered around the table to form a truce to work out their territories in order to avoid

further bloodshed between the rivalries, everyone had something to offer except your father. Your

mother was a stunning woman who appeared to be as pure as water in pappoùs eyes." He brushed his

hand across his face, exhaling with a sigh.

"When pappoùs saw her, his world came to a standstill and he only saw her, he was captivated by her

beauty and desired her for himself. Your father stated categorically that he would not divorce her.

Challenging my pappoùs and in the end, he lost his wife and his only daughter who grew up looking

exactly like her mother." He raised both his hands up in the air as he slowly stepped to the side and sat

down on the bed.

"I became an orphan because of my mothers' beauty and my father's refusal to give her up, Is that

what you're trying to tell me?" I cry out, using my hand to smear the tears of heartache across my face.

"Naī, the Greek mafia believe you're dead. The day you ran away, Blair told them you jumped off the Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

harbour bridge and your body was never discovered. The only reason why he's still breathing is

because my pappoùs wants to see proof of your death. Blair told him, he was actively hunting your

body down, trying to make out that he was still an asset to him. If he was to know that you are still alive

and breathing..." He suddenly stops talking and looks down at his feet.

"He'll kill me himself?" I ask him with fear creeping up my spine.

"Òchi, he will make you his, AnghelE mou." He abruptly stands, with his chest rising and falling quickly.

"You're in more danger than ever, mikros. If he finds you, we're both dead after he's had his fill of you."

He snarls.

"You're afraid to die by the hands of your grandfather?" I scoff with amusement.

"I can't bear seeing you die! This entire time, I've been attempting to keep you safe, to keep my

emotions in check in order to avoid being blinded by my feelings for you and making poor choices!" He


"You're lying! You mean nothing to me, Amar. I don't ever want to see you again. I'd rather take my

chances out there on my own instead of being stuck here, with you, for another second. Your bloodline

is tainted, it's disgusting, you're... Disgusting!" I scream at him as my body shakes, my heart breaks

and my legs threaten to buckle beneath me.

"Well, that's just too fucking bad AnghelE mou. Remember that piece of paper I got you to sign?" He

snickers like a mad man high on crack.

I close my eyes, drawing in a deep breath as I try to calm my racing heart. I knew that piece of paper

was going to ruin me eventually. But, I never listened to my inner goddess and I went ahead and

fucking signed it after they saved Caddie and got rid of Ace.

"What about it?" I say as I slowly open my eyes to find him standing right in front of me.

"You belong to me now." He wraps his fingers around my upper arm, yanking me closer towards him as

he glances down at me.

"Mayalina Black became Mayalina Diamandis the moment you signed your name across the dotted

lines." His eyes heavily drink in the shocked expression crossing my face.

"What the fuck?" I screech.

"You're my wife! You are mine and I intend to keep you." He says deviously.

"I want a fucking divorce and a protection order out against you." I struggle against his hold.

"The only way you'll be free of me, mikros. Is if I die." He says firmly, narrowing his eyes at me.

I don't know what drove me to do it but absentmindedly I plunge the shard of broken mirror straight into

his abdomen. I know it won't kill him, but it will buy me some time to get away from him. With wide

eyes, he drops his hand and looks down at his abdomen where a pool of blood is soaking his shirt.

"I want a divorce." I quickly state before running out of the room.

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