Coming Home For Christmas

Chapter 110

Chapter 110 - Time To Heal

Lacey's POV

"Ok fine, Tll dr i Lid Til mn ¢n rahak and get help” Content rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.

~ ~

Luca said and I smiled

“You made the right choice, cugino”

nsaw who was standing there

Oh god

How long have they been standing there for?

Standing in the doorway of the kitchen were my parents, my brothers, Logan, Klayton and Cassidy and they all had a mixture of emotions

on their faces, most notably hurt, anger and disbelief

"What are you all doing here?"

Ashocked Luca asks everyone

“Logan called us...he said you needed us"

Justin said as he looked at Luca with pity but he also had a lot of anger in his eyes as well which I knew was for Nico and not for our brother

“My baby"

My mom sobbed as she came over and embraced Luca

She was teary-eyed and her body was shaking as she held onto her youngest son

“I'm 50 sorry, Luca, I'm 50, 50, 50, 50 sorry... failed you, my boy, I'm sorry”

Chapter 110 - Time To Heal ~)

My mom sobbed as she repeatedly apologised to my brother and I honestly felt really bad for her

It must really eat away at a parent's mind, heart and soul to know that one of their babies was inappropriately touched and there's nothing

they could do about it until it was too late

My parents clearly didn't know about Luca being abused because they would've put a stop to it if they did but it doesn't stop them from

feeling guilty or thinking about the what if's? and the woulda, coulda, shoulda, if you know what I mean

My dad, Justin and Liam also approached us and it was only when they were mere inches away from where we were standing that I noticed

their red-rimmed eyes and tear-stained faces

When my mom pulled away from her son, Justin and Liam wasted no time in hugging Luca who sobbed and shook in their embrace

"Why didn't you tell us, Luc?..why didn't you f+ tell us?"

Justin asked angrily

“I couldn't tell you, Justin... couldn't tell you because I felt so ashamed..I'm so sorry"

"You ftrrtg it”

Liam said barely above a shocked whisper

“It's not you who should feel ashamed, Luc and you for damn sure don't need to apologise either, it's that dirty, nasty bastard who should

feel ashamed for preying on an innocent child"

Liam said with a sob

“Speaking of that prick...Klayton"

I'say with annoyance in my tone as I look over at my cousin who was leaning against the kitchen doorframe with his arms crossed over his

Chapter 110 - Time To Heal chest

“Please tell me this bastard is dead, Klay"

“Language, principessa”

He warned me and I rolled my eyes

Now's not the time to get pissy over my language, my dear cousin

“Just answer the damn question, Klayton, is he dead or not?"

Justin asked angrily

“Oh he's dead, Justin and he's been dead for a while now but I promise you all that Nico didn't go easily”

“How do you know? wait, did you..."

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"Don't you even dare finish that sentence, Lacey Black, I'm warning you"

Klayton growls startling me

“I never knew about any of this s**t and I'm just as shocked and as appalled as you all are"

Klayton said with a look of disgust on his handsome face

“Don't get me wrong, I knew there was something going on with Luca but I never would've guessed it was something as sick and twisted as


“Then how do you know Nico's dead?”

I ask him feeling both intrigued and confused

“Because I've been standing here for a lot longer than you think, kid and as soon as I heard Luca mention Nico's name, I had one of my men


my father and find out what happened with him because I knew he had

died, just didn't know how and I certainly didn't know that his death had something to do with Luca”

“And what did uncle Mario have to say?"

Chapter 110 - Time To Heal =

An angry Liam asks our cousin

“Well, according to my dad he and our men made sure Nico suffered tremendously for a very long time before he took his final breath”

Klayton said and my mom scoffed

“Yeah, of course they did"

She said and Klayton's facial expressions softened as he looked at my mom

"I'm telling you the truth, auntie”

“Well, I'll believe it when I see it my dear nephew because your father wasn't interested in getting revenge for my son when it happened and

that's what caused the rift between us, so please tell me why I should believe you when you say my brother killed that monster?"

Mom growled and I was shocked to see her get so angry with my cousin

She may be an Italian American and a member of one of the world's most prolific mafia families but you wouldn't think she was if you'd met

her, in fact, I vaguely remember my great nonno calling her the runt of our family because of how weak and timid she is. (Grandfather)

“If you don't trust and believe in my father, auntie then trust and believe in of the first rules of the mafia is no innocents are to be

hurt and they're always to be protected, my dad's second in command broke that rule and he paid the price for it, I promise you"

"Words and promises mean nothing to me, Klayton, actions do and I won't believe a single word you or your father says until I see proof

that this sick bastard was tortured and killed"

My mom said and Klayton nodded his head

“You want proof? ok fine, I can give you that proof”

Chapter 110 - Time To Heal J "What do you mean? how?" Liam asks confused

“My dad has informed my men that he recorded Nico's torture and murder” Klayton says shocking everyone and confusing the hell out of


“And why would he do that? isn't it another rule of the mafia, Klayton that one shall never record one's evil and illegal doings for fear of

being chased down by the boys in blue?"

Task and everyone chuckles

"You're right it is, Lace but my father made an exception in this case because he knew that there would be a day when you all would wanna

see it and I'm more than happy to provide it to you sometime if you want"

Klayton said before smiling at Luca

“I'm sure Luca wouldn't mind watching his abuser getting his ass handed to him over and over again and in more ways than one if you

know what I mean”

oh my god

“Really, Klayton?"


“What do you mean what?" I ask annoyed

“Don't you think he's been tortured enough for the past twenty years? he doesn't need to see that sick bastard being tortured to death as


Isay and he shrugs his shoulders

“You never know, cugina, it might help him"

/s he being serious right now?

Chapter 110 - Time To Heal So

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“In what world would it help him, Klayton?"

“I don't know, may give him some closure so that he can move on, not to mention, it might make him feel better to see immense

amounts of pain being inflicted upon Nico before watching the life being sucked out of his eyes, I know it would if it was me"

“He's got a point, Lace"

Luca says as he looks at me with a smile but his smile quickly drops when he hears our mom's next questions

“Baby, what happened here? why is the house like this? and where are the kids?"

“The kids are at Lacey's house and as for this place..."

Luca looked around and sighed but he didn't finish his sentence, probably because he didn't want to get into why he and Dylan were

fighting with everyone here

“But why didn't your staff clean up?”

My mom asks sounding annoyed

“Because I told them not to life and my family are already a f*****g mess, my house may as well be in the same boat as well"

Luca said while running his hands over his face

“That's a lovely attitude to have, brother"

Isay and he glares at me but his glare was quickly wiped off by a tap to the head from our mom

“Don't look at your sister like that, Luca, she's right, besides, the maids should've cleaned up anyway, it's their job"

“You're right, mom"

Luca said as he nodded his head and he looked like he was thinking, he then looked over at Klayton and Cassidy with a look on his face that


Chapter 110 - Time To Heal J couldn't decipher

“Is the offer still open, Klayton?"

Luca asks in a weak and timid voice

“Yeah it is but only if you really want this, Luca, you can't do it because

Lacey's telling you to and you can't do it for anyone else but yourself, you have to do it for you and only you"

Klayton says and Luca nods his head

“I know and I want this, I really do...I don't wanna live like this anymore”

“Then are you willing to leave with us now, Luca?"

Cassidy asks him and he looks at her shocked


“Yes now...if you really want to get better then you'll leave with Klayton and me now"

“But my kids"

Luca started to panic but our parents quickly reassured him that they'll be fine

“What about Dylan? I can't leave him"

He says earning a scoff from my husband and my cousin

“Why not? the prick left you and your kids, Luca"

“For Christ's sake, Logan"

I groaned whilst facepalming

This man never misses an opportunity to show his dislike for Dylan

“No, Logan's right, Lacey...fuck him, if your husband can't stand by you in your weakest time then he won't be there for you when you're


Chapter 110 - Time To Heal Y) My dad said shocking me

That's the first time in a very long time that I've heard something smart coming out of my father's mouth

Luca and I locked eyes with each other and I smiled at him

Twanted him to know that he was fine and that everything was gonna be ok because he was about to do a really hard and scary thing and I

wanted him to know that he didn't have to worry because he's got all of us here to support him

Luca then said an emotional goodbye to everyone before being escorted out to the car with Cassidy

“How long have you been here?"

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Iasked my cousin as I stood on the front porch and watched as my brother walked away

“Long enough..I came to get his answer..instead, I got more than I was expecting”

“We all got more than we expected today, Klay"

Isaid with a sigh

“But he's accepting help and that's the most important thing" I said with a smile as tears filled my eyes

I don't know why I was feeling tearful, all I know is that I was

“Don't worry, principessa, I'l look after him"

Klayton says while hugging me and kissing my head

“Thanks Klay, I owe you a lot"

“You don't owe me s**t, kid"

He said and we both chuckle

Klayton then pulled away from me and looked down at me with a smile as he gently gripped my chin

Chapter 110 - Time To Heal -

“Tlove you, kid"

“Ilove you too, Klay"

We bid each other goodbye and Klayton leaves but I wasn't left alone for too long

"Are you ok, baby?"

Logan asks me as he embraces me from behind

“I'm fine"

And I was

It may not seem like it but 1 am fine, especially now that I no longer have to worry about my brother killing himself with drink

My eyes remained on Klayton's car as it was leaving the estate but then my eyes drifted to another vehicle that was pulling up just as they

left and I knew exactly who was inside of it

Now this prick decides to show up

Ithought to myself as the black car sped up the driveway and pulled up in front of us

“Lacey, Logan, what the hell is going on? why are you here? who was in that car? where's Luca and my kids?"

Dylan asks as he gets out of the car and narrows his eyes between us and the retreating car

“Why do you wanna know, Dylan? do you even care about Luca and those kids?"

I growl at my brother-in-law as I break free from Logan's hold and step closer to him

"What? of course I care, Lacey, how can you even ask me that?"

“Because you abandoned them, you left your three minor babies alone with a drunk who got so intoxicated he didn't even know what day


Chapter 110 - Time To Heal id the week it could you do that, Dylan? how could you leave them like that?”

"Oh get off your high horse, Lacey, you're not so innocent yourself”

Dylan says angrily as he steps closer to me

“I beg your pardon, asshole, what did you just say to me?"

“You heard me, Lace, you're not so innocent yourself, you stand there acting like the queen of f*****g Sheba like you're Mrs Perfect who's

never done anything wrong in your life but you're not perfect, you're far from being perfect, Lacey, so you can stand there and get mad at

me all you want for leaving but just remember this little abandoned him as well”

Dylan said with a smirk

Iwas two seconds away from punching this motherfucker in his throat

when someone else's fist came out of nowhere punching Dylan in his jaw and shocking the life out of me

Well, Illbe damned

I never thought I'd see the day he'd come to my defence

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