Coming Home For Christmas

Chapter 22(s2)

Chapter 22 - Unleashing The Beast - Part 1 Klayton's PO What a day today has been and it's not over just yet My uncle James is still unconscious but he's stable and the doctors have said if he doesn't wake up later tonight then he'll hopefully be awake by tomorrow morning

"The girls have to tie the dickhead up but we haven't, we wouldn't have been able to control ourselves if we had” Liam says with a slight grow! and I nod my head “Are you guys willing to get your hands dirty?"

Task my cousins and they look at me like seriously? "You bet your ass we are, Klay" "Just don't get mad if we go too far, cousin, the asshole is gonna get everything he deserves from us" "Yes, he will but let's get some answers first, ok" Tsay and they nod their heads in understanding

I'then walked over to the door and opened it up and I was immediately hit with the scents of damp, old and new blood and urine amongst other smells which I'm used to after all of these years of being the Don but my cousins on the other hand aren't “Jesus Christ, what died in here?” “Wouldn't you like to know?" Katerina chuckled at Liam as I stood looking at the piece of s*tin front of me who was having a nice little nap “Hey Kat, do you mind making me an ice bath, please?" "Sure"

Kat walked over to our ice dispenser and filled a bucket with ice before loading it up with cold water She then handed me the bucket and I thanked her with a smile before pouring the entire contents over the bastards head “Wakey, wakey, sunshine, come on, we haven't got all day" Ishouted whilst slapping the man's face The asshole flopped around like a fish out of water, well, as best as he could whilst tied up to a chair He then looked around at us and his eyes immediately

widened until he got to me and that's when he pissed his pants “Well, that's one way to say hello, I guess” I'said whilst looking him up and down in disgust "Do you know who I am?" “No hablo ingles" (I don't speak English) “Really? we're gonna play the I don't speak English card?” Lask with annoyance in my toneThis content belongs to Nô/velDra/ma.Org .

“No hablo Ingles” Chapter 22 - Unleashing The Be Motherfucker “Katerina” Isaid through gritted teeth “Hablo Espafiol, pendejo” (I speak Spanish, asshole) Kat said and this guy's eyes widened once again

"You've got no excuses now, have you?" Task with a smirk and he looks between us both looking visibly shaken as he did “Ok fine, I speak Ingles” He said sounding like someone who has clearly learned English as an adult, not someone who was raised speaking the language "Good, now that we're speaking the same language, do you know who lam?" Task him and he nods his head "You're Klayton Antonelli, Don of the famous Antonelli

famiglia” “That's right" I'said with a tight smile “Do you know where you are?” “I'm in Italia” He says and I shake my head “No, you're on my personal island, you're trespassing on private property, asshole”

Tsay and his body starts to shake “That was the first dumb thing you did, jackass, the second and third dumb things you did was killing my uncle and attempting to kidnap my nephew”

"WHAT? he. he's dead?" "Yeah" lied “And you're lucky my little principessa isn't down here because she'd waste no time in cutting your d**k and balls off with a rusty machete if she was" “Lit was a.accident” “And the boy? was taking him an accident as well?" Task him and he shakes his head “It's not like that"

I really hope for my auntie and my cousin's sake that he wakes up soon because it's breaking my heart seeing them so hurt and heartbroken like this Even now as I stand in the doorway of my baby cousin's bedroom, my heart bleeds for her as I watch her sleep with a peaceful yet tear-stained face and also with Logan Junior held tightly in her arms like she's terrified of letting him go Lacey's had one hell of a day, from finding out she's in danger to her dad almost being killed and her child almost being kidnapped, you'd think after a day like this that she'd be too wired to get some sleep but she was practically gone as soon as her head hit the pillow not too long ago “Let's go, Lo"

"Then what's it like, hmm? hurry up and speak before I let my cousins loose on you and trust me when tell you that you really don't want that because they're the sons of the man you killed and they won't hold back" I growl in the bastards face and he gulps as he looks between myself and my cousins “It was fake" “Fake? what do you mean it was fake?" Lask him and he gulps again before answering me “Trevor Lopez wanted me to fake kidnapping the kid to startle you so that you would hand over your cousin and your mafia to him but he wasn't alone, the brat was with. AAHHH!!"

He groaned in pain when Logan punched him in the face before grabbing him by the collar of his shirt "WHAT DID YOU CALL MY SON, HUH? SAY IT AGAIN ASSHOLE I f*****g DARE YOU!" “Calm down, Lo" Chapter 22 - Unleashing The Be I pulled Logan away from the asshole and tried to calm him down which was next to impossible because it was like pouring gasoline on a fire with hopes of putting it out Iwas eventually able to pull him away but Logan was pissed

when I did “You expect me to be calm with this dickhead, Klay?" “Yeah actually I do because I can't get answers out of him now can if you break his f***g jaw, Lo" Logan was and still is an animal when it comes to fighting and he's the last person I'd personally want to get on the wrong side of because the man is an absolute beast with his fists but right now, he needs to find some self-control until can get what I need out of this fucker “Fine but hurry up because I don't think I can control myself if he says one more thing about my son or if he starts on my wife"

Logan said in a low voice and I nodded my head I'then walked back over to my prisoner and stood in front of him with my hands in my pockets "What's your name?" "My name?" He asks confused “Yeah, your name, you know the title that your mama and papa gifted you when you were born, what is it?" Task him and he narrows his eyes at me

“My name is Carlos Alvarez" “Carlos Alvarez?..were you born and raised in Spain? or is that just genetics?” “Why do you want to know?" Chapter 22 - Unleashing The Be Carlos asks confused “Well because you see my cousin over there looked in your bag for an LD. and we found one with a name on it that..doesn't sound very Spanish tome" Isay and his entire body stiffens as a fresh scent of urine hits my nose

“It's good that you're afraid of me Carlos and I'm so happy to see that you fear me because the name you're using is a familiar one to me and I think you know that which is why you've soiled yourself once again” "L.L.he.he.." “You, you, you... WHAT? SPEAK UP, ASSHOLE!!, TELL ME WHY YOU'RE USING MY DEAD BEST FRIENDS IDENTITY?" shouted in his face and he started to shake again "He gave me it, he told me to use it" "Who?..Trevor?" "Yes"

“And why would he do that, hmm?" Lask through gritted teeth as I felt the familiar itch in my fists to knock his ass out “To trigger you, I guess, he knows how much Tommy meant to you and that he's one of your weaknesses along with your beautiful wife and that stunning baby cousin of yours"

I'smirked at him even though I was seething with anger “I hate to break this to you, Carlos..but Tommy isn't my weakness and neither is my wife, my children, my parents, brothers or cousins, none of them are my weakness, little boy, they're my motherfucking strength” & Chapter 22 - Unleashing The Be I growl at the end before landing a hard punch to his face and I swear [ heard a crack when I did “Logan, unleash the beast on this bastard"

“With fe=rg pleasure” Logan said happily as he began his assault on Carlos “Is this really a good idea, Klay? you know Logan isn't gonna hold back and he's probably gonna kill him" Justin says and I smirk as I watch the viper beat the living crap out of my prisoner “That's what I'm hoping for Justin" “And Lace?..what about her? don't you think she's got any rights to talk to this piece of s**t or get a couple of punches in?"

Justin asks me and my body stiffens and my jaw clenches at the thought of my cousin Ever since I was a young boy, I've made it my job and my own personal mission to protect Lacey from all kinds of harm whether it be physical, mental or emotional, whether it be boys causing her harm or girls or hell even the mafia causing her harm, I've always given one hundred percent when it came to her and her safety Yes, I've failed her in some areas like when she fell pregnant with the triplets and she was forced to abandon her life in New York but I had my own s**t going on at the time and I only found out about what had happened afterwards but trust and believe me when I say that I would've lost my frrrag s#+t if 1 did know about what had gone down at the time

Itell Logan who was sitting next to his wife as he stroked her hair “I don't wanna leave them, Klay” “You don't have to worry, Logan, everyone is safe here" “Yeah, you've said that before, remember? and look what father-in-law almost died and my son..." Logan drifted off before groaning in anger “fk, he's just a kid, Klayton..he's a kid who has got enough issues

Tknow Justin is right and Lacey's got every right to get revenge for her father and her son and I totally get that as a father and son myself but I Chapter 22 - Unleashing The Be don't want Lacey to be in this world like that She's too pure and good for this world and I don't want to involve her unless I absolutely have to “rk me, that felt good" Logan said happily while sounding out of breath “You ok there, killer?" Justin asks whilst chuckling

"I'm better than ok, Justin, I feel so much f*****g better after that" Logan says and I smile as I narrowed my eyes at Carlos and whistled when I saw the state he was in “Jesus Logan, didn't you think to leave some for the missus?” Tjokingly asked Logan who was about to answer me when there was a knock on the door Inod to Vanessa and she opens it letting in one of my men Phillipe who instantly bowed his head and even though I couldn't see his face, I could still tell he was worried about something

“This had better be important, Phillipe, you know that I don't like to be disturbed when I'm with a prisoner” “It is important, Don" “Ok then, what is it?" “Don, it's your cousin” He says and my heart rate immediately picks up as does everyone else's “What about my cousin? is she ok?" Tasked him but he didn't answer me and that's when T

almost lost my s**t and had to be held back by my cousins who had to stop me from going after Phillipe & Chapter 22 - Unleashing The Be “I believe your Don asked you a question, Phillipe, so if I were you, I'd hurry up and answer him before he turns you into fish food" Liam says and Phillipe’s eyes widen in horror “D.Don, Miss Lacey is upstairs causing a ruckus, she's not

happy that you locked her in her room and she's demanding that you come and release her at once before...” He drifted off and this time he pissed off Logan "FOR GOD'S SAKE WILL YOU TELL US WHAT THE f**k IS GOING ON WITH MY WIFE BEFORE I CHOKE THE WORDS OUT OF You!" Logan growled and Phillipe flinched “Sh.she said if you don't come and release her at once then she's gonna knock the door down herself and come looking for you and she'll destroy the Donna's favourite body part of yours when she does..those were her words, not mine”

going on in his tiny little head, he shouldn't have to deal with this bullshit" “Tknow, brother, trust me I know...and like I told Lacey, I'm sorry for dumping this on your doorstep” “It's not your fault, Klay" Logan says while sighing “You didn't know this bastard was sick enough to target kids" “But I should've done considering he took my own child from me and Cassie before she was even healed from her cesarean section”

I'say with anger and sadness in both my voice and my heart It's been quite a few years since the events that happened after Tommy died and even though my wife has forgiven me for everything I put her through and we've tried our hardest to get over what happened with Cassius and move on with our lives, it's still been hard for us, as you can imagine I mean, it's hard enough to believe your child is dead but to find out he actually wasn't and he had been kidnapped and kept away from you for several years of his life by a deranged motherfucker is still a very hard pill for any parent to swallow

"Lacey's not gonna like this, Klay" Logan says whilst letting outa sigh “To be honest with you, Lo, I don't really give a s**t about what that girl wants right now"

I'say in an angrier tone than I expected to speak in which also shocks Logan because he knows I only speak about and to my Lacey in an affectionate tone “What I mean is that right now, Lacey is running on her emotions Chapter 22 - Unleashing The Be instead of with her head and 1 won't be able to do my job and get the

answers to my questions if she's acting like a chicken with her head cut “Can you blame her, Klay? this bastard hit her twice today by taking shots at two important people in her life” Logan says as he stands up and walks over to the door "No, I don't" Isaid while closing the door and locking it “But still, the last thing I need right now is a hot-headed Lacey”

Logan and I headed down to the dungeons where Vanessa, Katerina, Justin and Liam were waiting for us Luca also wanted to join us but instead, he decided to stay with his mom and keep her company at the hospital “Your plaything is tied up and waiting for you, Klay" "Thanks, Ness" Tsay with a smirk “Have you guys been in there?"

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