Coming Home For Christmas

Chapter 30(s2)

Chapter 30 - Don't Underestimate Trevor Lopez Lacey's POV “Are you ok, principessa?” Klayton asks me and I nod my head “Yeah, I'm just shocked and confused, that's all" Isay as I look at my cousin "Why would Trevor use the same name twice?" "Maybe he didn't know who you were, babe"

"Oh and he sent me some flowers the other day with a creepy note but other than that, no" I tell Klayton who immediately tensed up, his jaw clenched together Chapter 30 - Don't Underestima. aie and his eyes widened with so many different emotions flowing around in them “He sent you some flowers?" He asks me and I nod my head "When? and what kind of flowers?"

"Yesterday and it was so strange, he sent me Black Dahlias With a weird note attached to them" “Do you still have the note?" Klayton asks me and I nod my head as I stand up from the couch and grab the note from a drawer in the side cupboard Thad every intention of telling my cousin about the flowers that I'd received but we just haven't had the chance to see each other or even talk on the phone “Here you go" Ihand Klayton the note and he reads it out loud “Be careful who you trust, Mrs Black even the devil was

once an angel, love TL" “I tried to not let it get to me but I couldn't help but go down the rabbit hole if you will and start to think about anyone who I may have fallen out with or who would want to betray us and nobody has come to my mind” "Really? not even Katerina?" Klayton asks with a raised eyebrow and an amused smile on his lips “Really, Klayton?" I ask while glaring at him

“I thought Katerina had told you we'd sorted out our differences” Chapter 30 - Don't Underestima. , “Yes, she did and that makes me feel so happy” Klayton said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and kissed my temple “I'm so happy that you guys have settled things and are getting along now” “Well, I couldn't continue to doubt the girl after she saved my child from being kidnapped” "That's true...anyway, I've gotta go, kid, I've got a meeting

with a crazy Russian in half an hour which I'm not exactly looking forward to but I've already put off meeting him three times now, so" He said and I chuckled “Crazy Russian, Klay? why can't he just be a Russian, or a businessman or a man that you're meeting?” “Because he's Russian and he's f**1q crazy, that's why, principessa” Klayton says in a duh tone He then kissed my forehead and bid me goodbye before leaving with Benjamin and Connor

Isit back on the couch and huff as I wait for Hurricane Logan to make an appearance and his anger didn't disappoint me “Why didn't you tell me, Lace? why didn't you tell me about that bastard propositioning you in some f*****g s*x club?" "First of all, Logan, watch your mouth” I say with annoyance in my tone as I look up at him “Our kids may not be in the same room as us but they're still in the same house, so please watch what you're saying” “Just answer my question, Lacey, please..why didn't you tell me

He says and I let out a sigh “Because to be honest with you, Logan..I had blocked it from my mind after it happened, I was so creeped out and scared that I decided to just block it from my memory and forget that it ever happened, besides, I had no clue who they were or that they were embroiled in a war with my cousin, so 1 just brushed them off as being some random Weirdos" “You should've told me, Lace" Logan says with a sigh as he runs a hand through his hair and smile “Why? so, you could be tormented by the what ifs and the woulda, coulda, shouldas? so, you could live with guilt and regret that you shouldn't have to live with? you already live

with so much unnecessary guilt and regret, Logan, I don't want to add to that, besides, I told you I had blocked it out” Logan sits down next to me and I rest my head on his shoulder "You're not mad at me, are you?" “Of course not, babe, I'm just annoyed, that's all...I don't like to hear about my wife being harassed by some creeps in a s*x club” Logan said while wrapping his arms around me and holding me close to him

“It wasn't exactly a barrel of laughs for me either, love but it's happened now, it's a part of my past, I'm just glad that Klayton didn't jump to conclusions and believe what Trevor said” “Klayton would never do that with you, babe, he loves you too much and knows you'd never befriend someone like Trevor let alone betray him and your family for him" Chapter 30 - Don't Underestima. , “No, I wouldn't, anyway, I don't think Trevor wanted to be my friend, Logan, I mean who goes straight for the jugular With a stranger and asks if they'll participate in a kinky threesome with him and his friend if they just wanted to be friends with me?”

"People like Trevor Lopez, love" Logan says and we chuckle “God he's such a freak” “Yeah he is and I'm glad you had your wits about you that night, babe” Logan says while kissing my head “Well, I'm a Scorpio, we're known for judging someone's character and being able to tell if they're being genuine and sincere, not to mention we can pick up on other people's energies and let me tell you, baby, Trevor's energy wasContent is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

"Oh he knew, let's not insult the man, Logan” Benjamin said confusing me "What do you mean, Ben?" “He's a mafia Don, Lace, they're just like you women when you wanna find out every last detail about your best friend's ex who broke their heart because you wanna destroy them” “Wait, so you're telling me Trevor has known about me for a while now?" I ask and Benjamin nods his head “It's highly possible, Lace..when you're planning to defeat your enemy you do everything you can to find out as much about him or her as possible including finding information

weird, that man is dark and crazy, no wonder he owns as*x club” I'say and Logan chuckles as he pulls me closer to him “Ok Mrs Scorpio, what's my energy telling you?" He asks me and I scoff “Your energy is the same every day, Logan, you're a dominant, horny asshole” Itell him and he gasps “You cursed with kids in the house, I'm gonna have to

punish you for that potty mouth of yours" "What? Logan...OH MY GOD, LOGAN!" I shrieked when Logan picked me up and threw me over his shoulders “Put me down, you dick..OUCH!!" Chapter 30 - Don't Underestima Logan smacked my ass hard and I yelped Motherfucker “That's for cursing again”

“Logan, where are you taking me?"

“To our room for some fun" Oh my god “Babe, we can't, what about the kids?" “Don't worry, love, we won't be long” ©Oh lord Trevor's POV

“Are you sure about this, Trev?" "Of course I'm sure, Antonio" Isay and the car falls silent for a few seconds before Antonio starts to bother me again “But are you really sure? the moment I leave this car and execute your plan there's no going back” “And? what's your point?” Lask annoyed “My point is that Kat is still your family, she's your baby

sister who you practically raised, if you go through with this then she's dead and me leaving this car on your orders is you signing her death certificate” “Like I said, what's your point?" Ilook at Antonio with a glare on my face but he doesn't flinch because he's so desensitised to me and my moods now "Klayton's gonna traumatise her, Trev..we've both heard the rumours of what Klayton Antonelli likes to do to those who betray him and if real life is worse than the rumours are then she's fucked...he'll put her through so Chapter 30 - Don't Underestima. w! much trauma before he

ends her life and even then her death won't be easy or pain-free” “Good, she deserves it for betraying me" "Nobody deserves this, Trevor, not even Kat" Antonio said before groaning in pain when I grabbed him by the throat "You're so lucky you're my best friend, not to mention one of the best f***s I've ever had, love because if you weren't then I would've killed you a long time ago for your backchat" “I just don't want you to do something you'll regret, Trevor"

“Oh trust me, baby, I won't regret this but Kat will" I'say with an evil smirk “I'm gonna ruin her life so f*****g much as well as f**k up her mind, body and soul that she'll regret ever betraying me and turning her back on me in every life her soul resides in and I'm also gonna make sure everyone she loves including that bastard Klayton and her w***e wife thinks of her the way that I do, now...” Ldrift off as I plant a hard and passionate kiss on Antonio's lips before pushing him away from me

Antonio gets out of my car and fixes himself before going to shut the door but I stopped him “Oh and Antonio, if you're a good boy and you obey your Don by doing a good job then I'll take care of that little problem of yours for you later on" Tsay with a smirk whilst eyeing up his hard c**k which was now straining against his pants and he reciprocates my smirk With a sexy one of Chapter 30 - Don't Underestima a his own

"You'd better, love" He said before slamming my door shut Antonio then made his way over to where my sister was rummaging through her bag as I sat with my camera in hand ready to capture some incriminating shots to send to my cousin Iwas like a kid at Christmas as I snapped picture after picture of Kat and Antonio's encounter and I almost burst With excitement when I saw Katerina smiling at him which makes the photos look even more believable

on their family members and it doesn't matter how small or inconsequential the information is because anything is deemed important when you want to win" “Benjamin is right, cugina” Klayton says and I let out a breath “Well, it explains why they paid a lot more attention to me than they Chapter 30 - Don't Underestima. nid did Carmella who is absolutely stunning and was more interested in what was going on at that club than I was, I

The funny thing is that Antonio is so worried about what that bastard cousin of mine is gonna do to Kat when he discovers she's the quote-on-quote mole” in his mafia when Klayton is the last person he should be worried about because there's only one person who is allowed to destroy and kill my baby sister and that's yours truly over here I continued to take some more pictures with a huge and very devious smirk sitting perfectly on my lips as one thought continuously ran through my mind Watch out hermana, I'm coming for you and when I do, you'll never be able to escape from me ever again. (Sister)

mean as soon as we walked into the main room and we saw a woman being gangbanged on staged by four guys wearing USA presidents masks, she got all giddy like a school girl and started singing, I Wanna Make Love In This Club as she swung around a random pole that was near us" “Why doesn't that shock me?" Logan said with a scoff as he rolled his eyes "There's also the fact that Carmella wasn't their main target because no offence to the girl, she's nothing important to me" “But she's important to me"

“That means nothing to men like this, baby girl" My opinion on this was different because if Benjamin is right and even the smallest and the most unimportant detail can cause a catastrophic reaction to their intended targets world then in my opinion, someone like Carmella would be an important detail because if they hurt her then that would absolutely devastate me which would then in turn hurt my cousin I don't know, maybe I'm thinking too much about this when Ishould be grateful that they paid no attention to my girl

“Can I have a few minutes alone with my cousin, please guys?" Klayton asks the three men around us who all nod their heads and leave the room I narrowed my eyes at my cousin who looked anxious and worried which are two emotions that are very rarely shown on a mafia Don's face but it doesn't shock or surprise me that I'm seeing them on his face now considering the literal bomb I've just dropped on him

“Klayton, you've got no reason to be worried about me..I'm fine and I'm safe” I'say with a smile whilst gently gripping his hand to give him some comfort “Tknow, kid" Klayton smiled as he placed his free hand on top of mine trapping it between both of his “But I can't help but worry about you" “Even with a whole army of your men surrounding my home and property?"

Task with an amused smile on my face and he chuckles “Even then, sweetheart, I think it's just natural for me to feel this way even if Trevor wasn't a threat in our lives” “Tknow and I love you for that, Klayton, I really do"

Klayton smiled slightly at me as he stroked my hair away from my face “Is there anything else I should know about regarding you and Trevor, kid?" He asks me and I shake my head “No, not really, I never saw him again after that night, I mean, 1 got a text from him maybe a week afterwards and he was asking me for a date and he also promised that he'd make it worth my while if I agreed but I just ignored him and blocked his number and that was it" Isaid before remembering the flowers

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