Coming Home For Christmas

Chapter 37(s2)

So much crazy s**t has happened with me and my family lately from my baby boy almost being kidnapped to my father almost being killed, finding out Trevor had hidden cameras on our yacht to being attacked and nearly kidnapped myself You'd think with all of this crazy s**t going on in my life that I would be able to go to the toilet and have a freaking piss without anything happening to me but it seems god has got other plans for me because as soon as I opened the door, several bangs went off and I thought I was being shot at but it turns out it was a different kind of bang

Lacey again after so long, he didn't think something as small as party poppers would scare her"

“For God's sake, Olivia, I've known you ever since you were in diapers and you're now dating this dipshit brother of mine, I think we're at a point now where you can call me, Klayton® Chapter 37 - Blood Shed In The. Ww My cousin says and Olivia smiles at him as she blushes Aww, she's so cute, no wonder Marcus likes her "Are you ok, babe?" Logan asks me as he comes over to me and helps me to get back into bed “I'm fine, I'm just a little shaken up, that's all"

“Are you sure you don't want me to beat his ass, Lace? because Twill Klayton says and I chuckle “Tknow you will but you won't because if you kick his ass then Tl have no choice but to kick yours” “And that Livy baby, is why I love our Lacey so much, she's the only one in our famiglia who isn't afraid of my big brother” “Yeah, says the kid who stole Klayton's vintage 1969 Chevy Camaro Convertible after he'd just finished fixing it up and remodelling it so that he could show off to his friends and the girls he was hanging out with only to crash it into a pole because his ass was drunk”

I say with a smile and Marcus looks at me shocked “How do you remember that?" “Because it was only a few years ago, numb nuts" Isay making Olivia laugh “Ilike you, you're funny and you remind me of my grandpa Willy and grandma Lila" “Jeez, she's not that bad, Liv" Klayton says and we all chuckle “Anyway, do either of you two know when I can go home? I

feel like an i***t taking up a bed for a busted lip and a gash to the head" Chapter 37 - Blood Shed In The. Ww “You've been seriously injured, Lace" “Yes and I'm fine, Klay, my test results came back clear” Isaid while sighing in frustration “Relax, babe, I'll go and speak with the doctor and see if you can go home" Logan said while kissing my forehead

“Thanks, babe and do me a favour please, if they say no use your Logan Black magic to get them to agree” “And if that doesn't work?" Logan asks with a smirk “Then tell them Don Klayton Antonelli is here” “Wow, that's the first time you've used me and my status to get what you want, kid" Klayton says while smiling at me and I smile back at him “Iknow and I don't care, I just wanna go home now"

Ihaven't even been in here a full day and it's already driving me mad When I'm at home if I'm not with my babies then I'm working or cooking or cleaning, I'm doing something which at least keeps me busy but here, the only thing that's busy is my bladder and my brain going into overdrive Logan came back not long afterwards with the doctor who was able to release me with a quick autograph from my husband which made me happier than a pig in s**t but my excitement didn't last long when I suddenly felt dizzy “Are you ok, love?"

“I'm fine, have you got any clothes for me? I can't very well leave the Chapter 37 - Blood Shed In The. Ww hospital looking like a boujee queen in a ballgown" I'say and everyone laughs as Logan hands me a bag which thankfully had some casual clothes in it I quickly changed into the clothes and we left the hospital, I was about to enter Logan's car when I was stopped by Klayton who grabbed hold of my hand “Is everything ok, Klay?" “Yeah, I erm..1 just wanted to say sorry for last night and for

the other day for dismissing your feelings..I never should've done that" “No, you shouldn't, I mean, as the Don I understand why but as your cousin, I don't" I'say and I can see the hurt swimming around in his eyes from my words “You know my gut and my intuition has never been wrong"

"Really? what about Dylan?" He asks me and I glare at him which he laughs at “I'm joking and I know you're right, kid, it's just..Kat's our only suspect right now and if it's not her then who is it?" Klayton asks as he runs a hand through his hair I narrowed my eyes at him because I knew this wasn't the real reason why he wanted to believe Kat's the mole "You're scared, aren't you?" Task shocking him but he quickly tries to shrug it off

Iwas backed up into a corner with my hands covering my mouth and my chest which felt like my heart was about to burst through because of how fast it was beating "Oh my god, M..Marcus" “Hey there, cugina” My little cousin stood with a big, stupid smirk on his handsome face “What the...” I'started but was cut off by the door being burst open by my husband and a gun-wielding Klayton

“Why would I be scared, Lace?" “Because if you finally accept the fact that Kat's not the mole then that means you not only have to accept the fact that we've still got a traitor in our midst..but you'd also have to accept the fact that Trevor's got Kat Chapter 37 - Blood Shed In The. Ww doing god knows what with her and there's nothing you can do about it" Klayton's eyes shut tightly and my heart hurt seeing the pain on his face

"You're right..I'm absolutely terrified about what he's possibly doing to her and I can't do anything to stop him" “Yes, you can" I'say while cupping his face and gently caressing his cheek “You can help Kat by focusing more on helping her than thinking she's your enemy” “And how do I do that?" “Use your noggin, Klay" I'say whilst knocking my knuckles on his temple causing him to

groan and me to chuckle “You didn't get this far as a Don with my help, right?" lask him and he smiles “You're right" “As always, now go home and find a way to bring Katerina back home and while you're at it think of a way to make Trevor and Antonio's deaths extremely painful for me” “Damn kid, when did darkness find it's way into your mind and heart?"

He asks me and I smile “When those two dickheads decided to mess with me and my family, you don't mess with a person's family and expect to walk away unscathed" “Spoken like a true Antonelli” Chapter 37 - Blood Shed In The. WwW “Actually, spoken like a true human’ Isay with a smile Klayton and I then bid goodbye to each other and I got in my car as he walked over to his black Mercedes Maybach

“Is everything ok, love?” Logan asks me as soon as I put on my seatbelt “Everything's perfect” Logan smiles at me before grabbing hold of my hand and kissing the back of it He then starts up the car and we head home feeling both excited and nervous about seeing our kids again because we had no clue how to explain away my injuries and we can't exactly lie to our eldest three who can always tell when we're lying to them Later That Night.

As Logan and Lacey headed home to their children at the Greystone Manor, somewhere deep in the heart of the Bronx, Trevor Lopez was busy putting the next part of his plan into action After seducing and luring away a young, unsuspecting victim from her friends at a nightclub, Trevor took her to a warehouse Where he's spent the past couple of hours repeatedly raping, abusing and torturing his poor victim The young woman begged and pleaded for her life as her body was violated but unfortunately for her, she was isolated away from the streets not to mention the fact that the building she was in has been soundproofed meaning her cries were only being heard by one person and that one person is Trevor

Her screams and cries for help were bloodcurdling and ear- piercing which brought intense joy to Trevor and they spurred him on and made him want to hurt her even more It's almost like the more she cried and begged for someone to save her, the more turned on and excited he got “Please...please, let me go’ The poor lady pleaded with him after he had raped her for the final time

"I'm sorry, I can't do that, you've seen my face and I can't have you ratting me out to the police” "Ll won't tell” She says and he laughs as he zips up his pants and puts on his belt "I can't risk that" Trevor said as he walked over to his bag He pulled out a pair of black leather gloves from it and put them on as he walked back over to the scared woman who tried her best to evade the psycho who was stalking his way towards her but unfortunately for her, Trevor was way faster

and stronger than her "NO!!, PLEASE!!, LEAVE ME ALONE!!" She screamed as he grabbed her by her ankle and pulled her to him, he then straddled her body and wrapped both of his leather-clad hands around her neck putting as much pressure on her as he possibly could “No, can do, sweetheart, I don't like to leave loose ends” Trevor's grip remained tight on her neck as her body wildly fought against him and his hold After several minutes, the woman's body fell limp and Trevor smiled in

His phone started to ring and he knew exactly who it was.

“Hello, lover boy" “Hey handsome, where are you?" “Oh just putting the next part of our plan into action, how's Kat?" “She's finally shut up which is a massive relief, 1 forgot how much that girl can scream” “What did you do to make her go silent?" Trevor asks with a chuckle

"Marcus" Klayton said through gritted teeth “Hello, brother” Marcus smirked and I had to refrain myself from rolling my eyes Chapter 37 - Blood Shed In The. Ww This kid is such an i**t “You little s**t, what are you doing here?"

“Nothing, she's either worn herself out and has fallen asleep or she's screamed so loud and hard forso long, she's lost her voice" “I see some things never change” “You're telling me, anyway, when are you gonna be home? I thought since the banshee has stopped wailing, we can order some food and spend some time together” Antonio suggests and Trevor smiles as he looks down at his watch “Give me an hour, I've still got a couple of things to do and then I'l be home" “Ok, send me a text when you're on your way and I'll order our

food" "You got it" "I love you, Trev" "I love you too, Tony" He says before ending the call and getting back to the task at hand Trevor then gets dressed and takes the body out to his truck making sure it's secure and is wrapped up so that no evidence can transfer from Chapter 37 - Blood Shed In The... YS the car to him He's seen enough episodes of CSI and watched one too many true crime documentaries to know how easy it is to get away with murder by making sure there's little to no evidence found

on the victim, after all, a murder is very rarely solved without any evidence to link a killer to the crime After cleaning and locking up the warehouse, Trevor got in his pickup truck and drove to an alley in one of the most popular areas in the Bronx where he set up the murder scene He carefully placed his victim's body on the ground before adding some little clues, not for the police but for Klayton Antonelli Trevor smiled at his artwork as he took several pictures as a sick keepsake for himself before walking away and disappearing into the wind with a huge and very satisfied smile on his faceNôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

He knew that come tomorrow morning, the whole country would be rocked by the news of the brutal rape and murder of a young woman but what he didn't know is how Klayton or the Antonelli famiglia would react to this horrific news because his clues weren't subtle but they weren't completely obvious either "OH MY GOD!!, HELP!!, SOMEONE CALL 9111!" Aloud screech was heard from a distance causing Trevor to chuckle "Well, that didn't take long, did it?" He muttered to himself as he got into his car and drove home

"Well, mom told me about Lacey being attacked last night, so I thought I'd come and see her with my girl over here...oh shoot, I forgot" Marcus said before turning to face me with a smile “Hey there Lacey Lace, this is my girl, Olivia, Livwy baby this is my beautiful cousin, Lacey" “It's nice to finally meet you, Lacey” Olivia said sounding shy and timid "You too"

"Marcus" Klayton once again said through gritted teeth as he put his gun back in it's holster “What's wrong, brother? you seem very angry and agitated" Oh sweet child of mine Ithought to myself as I facepalmed “What's wrong? what's f****+g wrong?" Klayton growls as Marcus looks around at each of us confused

“Did I stutter?” "You fttttg itt" Klayton attempted to go after Marcus but was stopped by Logan

“Don't Klay, he's just a kid" "Just a kid? he's a twenty-two-year- old college graduate, Logan and he still acts like he's a dumb sixteen-year-old kid" “Why? what did I do?" Chapter 37 - Blood Shed In The. Ww Marcus asks Klayton who looks at him dumbfounded “What did you do? take a look at my little principessa and see what you've done, idiota”

Marcus briefly looks at me before looking back at Klayton shaking his head “I don't understand” Marcus says and Klayton groans “She was attacked last night and she's suffering from the trauma of not only that but also from nearly being kidnapped you fool and you come in here with party poppers scaring the living s**t out of her" Klayton said angrily and Marcus looked at me shocked “Oh my god, Lacey, I'm so sorry, I didn't think"

“Exactly, you didn't think and you never do" “Klayton.." “No Lace don't stand up for him, Marcus has always been the same, he's intellectually smart and common sense dumb” Oh my god I narrowed my eyes to Logan and pleaded with my eyes for him to help me which he did “Klayton calm down, he didn't mean any harm, he just wanted to surprise Lace, that's all" "He's right, Mr Antonelli, Marcus was just so excited to see

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