Coming Home For Christmas

Chapter 7 (s2)

“Are you ok, babe?" Lasked my husband who had suddenly startled me when he embraced me from behind and nuzzled his face in my neck “I'm fine" Logan muttered as his hold on me tightened “Are you sure? my nonno didn't go too hard on you, did he?" I ask him and he shakes his head against my shoulder No Logan said as he pulled his head away from my neck and rested

I thought to myself whilst rolling my eyes

"Wait, Carmella actually said that?" Logan asks confused "Of course not daddy, she said the actual word but I'm too young to say it" "Too young?" Task shocked

"Teddy, can you please remind your father and me what you called your brothers the other day?" I ask Teddy who immediately clenches her lips together tightly like she was trying to stop her mouth from opening and speaking the word she used “We're waiting, young lady” Logan says sounding amused and Teddy lets out a breath as her shoulders sag “Ok fine, I called them dipshits but in my defence mummy and daddy, they are”

Oh my god I swear this little girl of ours is another Carmella in the making and I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing “Carmella isn't babysitting our kids anymore, Lace, I'm sick of her teaching them all of these damn curse words" “Yeah because she's the only one who curses around our kids, isn't she?” I muttered under my breath while rolling my eyes “What was that, love?"

“Huh, oh nothing, I never said anything” said before walking over to the couch in front of the window and picking up the white bridal hoodie jacket which was gifted to me by my bridal party Iwas putting it on when I was once again startled by Logan who embraced me from behind and whispered something in my ear which instantly made my panties wet or at least they would have if was wearing any

“I heard what you said, love and you should be lucky our daughter is here because if she wasn't then I'd bend you over our bed, I'd pull down your panties and spank that sexy little ass of yours" “Jokes on you, I'm not wearing any panties” I said with a scoff before quickly covering my mouth with my hands Cite / shouldn't have said that Logan groaned in my ear as his hold on me tightened

“You're killing me here, honey" He says and I chuckle "LACEY OLIVIA BLACK!" ©Oh god Talking of killing people "LACEV!!, LACE." Carmella shouted before gasping as her eyes narrowed on my husband

"knew it, T knew you'd be the reason why our night is being held up” "Don't worry, Carm, I'm going” Logan huffed as he kissed my lips before turning around and grabbing his things from off our bed “Good and take that f*****g dipshit you call a best friend with you as well, he's getting on my goddamn nerves” Carmella said angrily whilst rolling her eyes I groaned in frustration as my husband looked at me with an angry and annoyed expression while I looked at him with a defeated one

It's hard for me to defend my best friend when she's literally just used the same word our child has used right in front of us “Carmella, do all of us a favour, love and go and wash your mouth out with some soap and water, actually no, wash it out with paint thinner instead" Logan growled as he glared at my now confused best friend

"Why?" “Because I'm sick of you teaching my kids these nasty curse words, Carm” “Wow, pot calling the kettle black there, babes" Carmella said and I let out a breath as I ran a hand through my hair I could tell Logan was getting pissed off and I knew his mood was gonna get worse because trying to talk sense into Carmella is like trying to beat a dead horse and get a reaction from it, so I decided to step in and end this before it got out of hand because the last thing any of us want or need is for my husband to get into a slanging match with my maid of honour the night before our wedding

his head against mine as he looked at me through the mirror “You look stunning” “Thank you" Isay with a smile “Where are you going?” He asks me and [ narrow my eyes at him “The girls and I are going to the spa while you boys go and play poker, remember?”

“Ok, you two, knock it off, Carmella, go back downstairs and take Teddy with you, I'l be with you guys in a minute” “Fine, come along, Teddy" Carmella said as she grabbed hold of my daughter's hand and left the room with her but her departing words left Logan seething “Have I ever told you the story about Mike Hunt, Teddy?" “That's it" Logan growled as he threw down his stuff and attempted to go after

my best friend but I stopped him by grabbing his face and kissing him Chapter 7 - Unexpected News. il passionately When felt his body relax and I knew he was calm, I pulled away from Logan and looked him in his eyes as I rested my forehead against his “And you Mister, you'd better get going before Klayton and my brothers come up here and drag your fine ass out of here by your ear"

I'tell my husband who scoffs “They wouldn't dare” “They will and you know they will now get going” Isay while smacking Logan's ass a couple of times and pecking his lips I fully intended for our kiss to be just a quick peck because [ didn't wanna keep the girls waiting and I also didn't want to become even more turned on than I already was but my beloved man had other ideas as he grabbed my face and deepened our kiss locking our lips and tongues

together in a very and I do mean VERY passionate kiss When we pulled away from each other to catch our breaths, Logan brushed his lips against mine whilst smiling as he looked me in the eyes "See you tomorrow, Mrs Black" "See you tomorrow, Mr Black" I'say with a big, bright smile which my husband reciprocates Logan gave me one last kiss before grabbing his things and leaving the room

I'then turned around and I felt my face redden from shame when I saw my smug best friend leaning against the doorframe with her arms crossed over her chest "That was so hot, Mrs Black” Chapter 7 - Unexpected News Carmella said whilst mimicking Logan when she said Mrs Black and I chuckled Yeah, it was hot

Ithought to myself as I smiled like a giddy schoolgirl “Come on, Lace, it's time for us to go and get treated like queens at your cousin's spa” “Ok, let's go" I'said as I grabbed my bag and left my room with my best friend We then headed downstairs where we were greeted by my mom, my mother-in-law, my sisters-in-law, my cousin's wife Cassidy and a few other family members My grandparents and Abby were supposed to join the guys and

girls on their respective nights as well but their flights were delayed due to the weather and theres a chance they may not arrive until tomorrow which is kind of scary because my grandfather is walking me down the aisle with my father and he can't do that if he's not here After greeting all of the girls, we all headed towards Klayton's built-in spa where we immediately changed out of our clothes and into a white bathrobe which were personalised ones gifted to us by Cassie and each one had our names on the front and our roles in the wedding on the back in silver We were all then catered to like queens receiving massages, facials, manicures and pedicures as well as mud baths which were so much fun

It was so relaxing and it felt so good to just sit there and do nothing as people looked after me for once or at least, it was relaxing until the girls started to harass me and beg me to show them my wedding dress which I've kept under wraps ever since I found it a year ago Chapter 7 - Unexpected News. ae Nobody, not even my mom or my grandmother has seen it and I don't plan on showing any of them it until tomorrow "Please, Lace"

"No, Carmella” "Please" “Nope

"Oh come on, Lacey, we're all family here, it's not like you're showing it to someone at the Wall Street Journal, for Christ's sake” Rachel groaned in both annoyance and pain because she was getting her eyebrows waxed as she spoke "We just want a sneak peek, Lace, that's all" "And I said no, Carm” “But why?" She whines and I chuckle “Because I want it to be a surprise for everyone” I say and Cassidy rolls her eyes at me

“Oh yeah, I forgot” Logan says whilst rubbing his forehead

“Girl, your dress should only be a surprise for your man, not the rest of the family" “Tknow but [still want it to be a surprise, Cass, I've worked really hard to get my body back after having Vito and Valentina, especially my curves since my husband loves me with a bit of curve to my body, not to mention, I want everyone's first reactions to seeing me in my dress to be when I'm fully made up as well” “If you say so, Lace" Cassie says as she finishes her glass of champagne and pours herself

another glass Ishake my head at her as I narrow my eyes to Carmella who was acting strange despite being her usual demanding and argumentative self “Are you ok, Carm?" “I'm fine" She said with a smile but it didn't reach her ears “How are things with you and Cade?"

“We're great, everything is all Gucci” She said as she took a sip of her orange juice, wait, orange juice? Why is my bestie drinking orange juice? “Carmella” "Hmm" “You know you can tell me anything, right? lie Rachel said, we're all family here” Isay and she lets out a sigh

“I think me and Cade are on the outs" Carmella says causing me to almost choke on my drink "What? why?" I ask her and she shrugs her shoulders “We want different things, I guess" “Like what?" Cassidy asks with confusion written all over her face and I don't blame her Cade and Carmella are perfect for each other, so why would they beNôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

on the outs? I don't get it Chapter 7 - Unexpected News “Well, for starters I want to settle down and have kids and get married and he's not ready for that yet, he said he's still too young to be tied down to an old ball and chain and a screaming baby" She said with a scoff while rolling her eyes “He actually said that?"

I asked feeling shocked Ihighly doubt Cade would say something like that because he's not insensitive, especially with Carmella who he knows has always dreamed about having the whole husband, four kids, a yappy little dog and a white picket fence ending “Not in so many words, Lace" “Well, what did he say then?" Tasked her and what she said next had me spitting my drink out everywhere, narrowly missing the nail technician who was giving me a pedicure as I did “Itold him I was pregnant and he said and I quote ain't nobody got time for that s**t"

What the f**k?

“Are you sure you're ok, babe? do I need to go and have a word with my nonno and Klayton?” Task him as I turn around to face him and he shakes his head Chapter 7 - Unexpected News “No babe, I promise you, everything's fine" I didn't believe him but I decided to drop it anyway because whatever it was is clearly something he's not interested in talking about just yet but I knew he'd eventually tell me when he's ready “What were you thinking so hard about when I first came in

here?" Logan asks me as he pulls me closer to him “Huh, what do you mean?" “You know exactly what I mean, love...when I came in here you looked like you were lost in your own little world" “Oh that, I was just thinking about how dreamy and perfect my man is, that's all” I'say with a smile whilst wrapping my arms around his neck as Logan once again nuzzled his face in mine and kissed my neck making me moan

"Really?" “Mmm-hmn, it's just a shame Tom Hardy is married because if he wasn't..OUCH!I" Iyelped in pain when Logan slapped my ass which felt like he was hitting bare skin because [ was wearing a very thin dress and nothing underneath it “Dammit Logan, what did you smack my ass for?" I growl at the little fucker as I looked up at him “Because you called Tom Hardy your man, that's why, Lacey” A pissed-off and annoyed Logan said as he gently gripped my chin and brought his face closer to mine so that his thick, juicy lips were hovering over mine while his beautiful blue eyes

burned into my light green ones Chapter 7 - Unexpected News “He's not your man, Lacey Black, I am" Logan growled possessively before crushing his lips to mine Tinstantly moaned and wanted to deepen our kiss and maybe even have a quickie before we went our separate ways but a throat clearing behind us interrupted us from going any further

We pulled away from each other and looked towards the door Where our eldest daughter was standing with her arms crossed over her chest and she had asmug smile on her cute little face “Daddy's right, mummy, he's your man, not anyone else” "That's right, Teddy Bear"

Logan winked at our daughter who beamed at her father's affection while I chuckled She's such a daddy's girl and has been since day one and I love it “What can we do for you, Teddy?" ask her and her smile brightens “Auntie Carmella is here and she said if daddy doesn't hurry up and get his A double snakes out of here then she was gonna kick him out of here and make sure he lands on his thick A double snake and it bruises” Oh my god

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