Coming Home For Christmas

Chapter 87

Chapter 87 - Liam's Regrets - Part 1

“A mistake should be your teacher, not

your attacker, a mistake is a lesson, not a loss, it isa temporary and

necessary detour, not a dead end”

~ Mizz Laura

A Few Days Later.

Liam's PO

“No mom, I don't care”

“But Liam they're your family"

"So is Lacey but that didn't stop us from treating her like crap, did it?"

I'said stumping my mother

“But we wanna see you, honey, your dad and Luca are..."

She tried to give me some sob story but I cut her off before she could finish

“I don't give a damn, mom, I'm not interested in seeing or talking to

those q_ three fools ever again, they can all rot in hell with the devil himself for all I care”

Isay earning a shocked gasp from my mother

“Liam Carpenter, how can you say such words about your father and your brother like that?"

“Simply mom, by opening my mouth and using my voice, you know the two things which we should've done for Lacey but didn't because

we're both f***g cowards"

Chapter 87 - Liam's Regrets - P

Don't you curse at me, Liam or else I'l." This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

"You'll what, mom? you'll get dad or Luca to hit me? you'll force me to marry someone who has hurt or betrayed me? or will you make me

feel so insignificant, unloved and uncared for that you'll leave me no other choice but to grab my daughter and run away from this toxic

family like Lacey did?"

Task earning nothing but silence from the other end

“Look, mom”

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Isay as I close my eyes and sigh

"I love you, I really do and I love dad and my brothers but I also love Lacey as well and for the past six years, I've wanted nothing more than

to find Lacey and make things right with her but when I was given the chance to, I failed her just like I did six years ago when I failed to

stand up for her and protect her from our own dad"

“You make your father sound like some kind of monster, Liam"

“Isn't he?"

1 ask feeling gobsmacked at how much or should I say how far my mom will go to protect and stand up for my father

I'mean, I love my girlfriend the world and when we get married and she becomes my wife which I hope will be someday soon, I will protect

her and stand up for her with every fibre of my being but I'l never do it against our children like my mom has with my dad and I'll never

favour one or more of my kids over the others like my parents have done with us

“Your husband hit his own daughter, mom...he hit her because Lacey refused to be a submissive puppy to him because she refused to do as

he wanted because she refused to be a pawn in his game to unite two rich families together and because she refused to live an unhappy,

loveless and miserable life with a gay husband but that's not even the worst of his

Chapter 87 - Liam's Regrets - P

crimes, is it, mother? no, it's not..the worst of dads crimes is him not even wanting a daughter to begin with and when you gave birth to

that beautiful little girl, he started to abuse her both mentally and emotionally and all because she wasn't a f****g boy"

I growled in both anger and frustration as my mom sobbed on the other end of the phone

Her sobs made me feel even angrier than I already was because I knew her tears weren't for the person they should be for but for the men

who have caused all of this trouble for us and our family

"I hate that you're crying, mom but what I hate more is that you're crying and your tears aren't even for your own daughter, they're for dad

and for Luca"

Isaid while shaking my head feeling disappointed with my mother

"When are you gonna start putting Lacey first, hmm?..when are you gonna realise that you're putting all of your money on a dead horse

and neglecting what could be a very healthy and blossoming relationship with your daughter and grandchildren?”

Task but she doesn't answer me

"I love you, mom but I can't be around any of you anymore..for the sake of my own sanity and my daughter, I've decided to put some

distance between us and you guys..maybe one day when you've realised your mistakes and you've owned up to them..maybe then we can

be in each other's lives but as for right now, I'm done"

I say before hanging up the phone

My mom has always been a weak and submissive woman who has always done what my father told her to and has always believed

whatever he said

Chapter 87 - Liam's Regrets - P.Y

My dad could literally tell my mom that the grass is blue, the sky is green and the sun has got a cute little baby living in it like on that kid's

programme and she'd believe him in a heartbeat and without any questions asked, that's how naive and gullible my mom is

It's honestly shocking to me how my mom gave birth to a girl who is as strong and as smart as Lacey is because she's neither of those


Lacey has always been a very strong girl, strong-willed and strong-minded unlike our mom and 1 just know for a fact that if Logan was to

ever pull the same s**t on their kids that our father has with his then Lacey wouldn't hesitate to kick his ass and tear him a new one

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My phone started ringing again but I didn't answer it this time because the caller LD. was saying it was my dad and he's the last person I

want to speak to right now, especially when I'm as angry as I am because I don't wanna end up saying something which I may or may not


Knock!!, knock!!, knockl!

“Come in"

I say without looking up

I've been drowning myself in work to try and forget all about the family drama and that's exactly what I'm doing right now, I'm drowning

myself in a sea of contracts and paperwork so that I won't drown in my own feelings


"Yes, Agatha”

My maid fell silent for a few seconds before she spoke again and what she said had my head abruptly snapping up to look at her

"It's Jade sir, she's erm...she's refusing to eat her food"

Chapter 87 - Liam's Regrets - P

"What? again?"

Task with a growl which I quickly regretted when I saw Agatha flinch

"Yes sir, she said she'll only start eating when she sees her auntie and cousins again”


I throw my pen down and run a hand through my hair

Jade's only had a handful of interactions with my sister and her kids but it seems they've formed a special little bond with each other,

especially Jade and my niece Teddy, so it's breaking my heart that my kid is hurting because she may not see her auntie and cousins again

and it's all my fault

I'mean technically, Lacey and her lawyer never said that Jade couldn't see Lacey or her kids but they never said she could either and I don't

wanna cause my daughter any more pain by trying to arrange something with them and Lacey refusing or it not being allowed because of

the RO

"Where is she?"

“She's in the living area, sir"


Ilet out a sigh as I stand up and leave my office

Ithen head downstairs and make a beeline for the living room where my daughter was sitting on the floor in front of the coffee table and

she's watching some kid's show on Netflix

“Hey there angel face, what are you doing?"

"Watching TV"


Chapter 87 - Liam's Regrets - P

Isit down next to Jade whose eyes were firmly fixed on the television but I could see the sadness in them from where I was sitting

“Agatha told me you're not eating your food again"

Isay as I narrow my eyes on the untouched plate of food before looking at my daughter who was looking up at me sheepishly

"Why aren't you eating your food, princess?"

"Because I wanna see auntie Lacey and the triplets but we can't” "Who says you can't?"

I ask feeling curious

I don't involve my child in grown folk's business, so I'm intrigued to know who has told my child this

"Melissa did...she told me she heard her daddy's fighting and she heard uncle Dylan shout at uncle Luca that none of us will ever see auntie

Lacey and the triplets again because we're all bad people who have done bad things..I'm not bad though, am I daddy?"

Jade asks with teary eyes and my heart shattered into millions of little

pieces after seeing how hurt and broken she is

/'mgonna f=***g killLuca and Dylan

"Of course you're not bad, Jade, you're the best little girl a daddy could ask for"

Isay as wrap my arms around my little girl and kiss the top of her head

“Then why can't I see my auntie and cousins if I'm a good girl?"

Oh god

"Because...because daddy was a naughty brother to his sister and he hurt her but he deeply regrets it, Jade, I promise you"

"Do you love auntie Lacey, daddy?"

"Very much so, baby" I say without any hesitance as a stray tear falls down my cheek

"Well, if you say sorry and give her some chocolates then she'll forgive you, daddy”

Jade says and I chuckle

/ wish life was that easy, my princess

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