Contract marriage: My billionaire’s cure


“Marky run!”

The small girl yelled as they all ran along the sidewalk, pushing past the people who were yelling at them in fury. Little did they know that they were running for their lives, away from the horror that awaited them.

The little boy held the small baby in his arms as they run further into the bustling city. The sky darkening with each passing second warning them about the storm yet to come.

“Mummy hurry up. He will catch us” The little girl shouted at her mom who was closely following them from behind.

“I’m coming. Let’s run to a near by police station”

The little boy didn’t turn back as he heard a hoarse voice shouting his name. He knew it was him. He knew he was coming to kill him.

The small baby started crying in his arms as he bumped into people, running away from the hell hole he was in.

“Meghan follow me. I see a policeman” the little boy shouted at the girl who caught up with him as she cried for her life.

The boy ran across the road holding the baby tightly in his arms but stopped as he heard a loud crash.

The little boy slowly turned back only to see the woman who saved her life lying under a car covered in blood. The girl gave out an ear piercing scream and fell to the floor wailing for the loss of her mother.

With trembling legs he edge closer but the girl stopped him.

“Marky run. Run away from here and don’t come back. Please”

The girl begged and he unwilling took small steps backward. He saw the man grinning at him evilly from the other side. Without thinking further he quickly turned around and ran away mourning for the loss of his saviour, his friend, a mother he wished he had.

He suddenly stopped as he heard a loud crash behind him. His fingers trembled in fear as he felt history repeat itself.

And it was all his fault yet again.

He slowly turned back only to see a crowd of people gathered around something he was not willing to see. Something he couldn’t bear to see.

Slowly limping closer he pushed past the people and fell to the floor, seeing the love of his life, his everything covered in blood lying on the floor, lifeless.

He took her to his arms and leaned her head on his lap.

“Camilla” He slowly whispered, his eyes filling up with unshed tears.

He couldn’t bear it.

He couldn’t believe it.

It was his fault.

If he hadn’t come to her life none of it would have happened.

If he hadn’t come to her life he wouldn’t have hurt her.

He slowly tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead. He heard voices, whispers, screams, yells, sirens but he cared less.

It was all his fault.

Blair’s pov

I quickly cleaned the tables since I was already late to my part time job in the supermarket.

The hotel gave a small leave because of my hard work during the contest so now I had more time to work in the cafe on the other side Mr. Anderson’s office. I still couldn’t believe that I personally know the owners of the most famous hotels and the most famous fashion brand.

The door opened and the employees of Anderson corp. Came in, talking in a hush tone.

“I can’t believe she had an accident. Jeremy told me that she’s still in a surgery”

“Well I can’t believe the rich walks on roads and can get into accidents like normal people. Guess this really proves that there is no different between them and us.”

“Don’t say that right now. Mrs. Anderson is in a critical stage. They say they are not sure whether she’ll live or not”

I suddenly stopped mid way as I heard the word Mrs. Anderson. They couldn’t possibly be talking about Camilla right?

But to make sure they were not talking about her I decided to turn around and ask.

“Hey um- you are not talking about Camilla Anderson right? I mean she didn’t get into an accident. It-it can’t be possible” I stuttered with my own words hoping they were not talking about her.

“Uh yes we were talking about her. Just few hours ago a car crashed into her while she was crossing the road”

I felt all the blood drain from my face. Tears pricked at my eyes as I tried to process the words that left her mouth.

“M-may I know which hospital she is in?”

After taking the details from the employees I quickly removed my apron and ran outside to get on my bike.

I reached the hospital in a matter of time and dashed to the emergency ward. I saw familiar faces as I neared the operating theatre.

Jake was on the bench, his face lying on his palms as he breathed heavily. His parents were beside him, his mother crying in his father’s arms.

I slowly walked near Jake but stopped seeing the state Marcus was in. He was sitting on the floor infront of the closed doors of the operating theatre with his head bent low. His shirt was covered in blood, his hands gripping his disheveled hair as tears streamed down his cheeks.

A single tear drop fell down to the ground as I realized the reality I tried to ignore was actually true. I lightly tapped Jake on the shoulder and he slowly looked up at me. His eyes were blood shot red telling he cried for hours.

“B-blair” his voice broke as he tried to speak. I quickly sat beside him and brought his head on my shoulder, caressing his hair while he cried on me.

“Sh-she was cov-covered in blood. Her body w-was lifeless. I’ve never seen my sister like t-that. I c-can’t-”

“Shh. She’s all right. She’s strong. I know she will get through this” I tried consoling him even though I had a hard time believing my own words.

Suddenly Jake’s father stood up and strode towards Marcus. He grabbed him by his collar and lifted him off the ground.

“It’s all your fault. My daughter is in there because of you. You did this” He pushed Marcus to the wall and yelled in pain.

“Stop it” Carlton Anderson grabbed his wrists and pushed it away from Marcus.

“Do not touch my son. It was your daughter’s fault in the beginning”

“Are you fucking kidding me? My daughter is the one who is in the operating theatre fighting for her life. It’s all your son’s fault. I don’t want him anywhere near my daughter anymore”

“I don’t even want a reckless woman like your daughter in my son’s life. We will soon send you the divorce papers”

Marcus suddenly looked up, his eyes filled with tears. “D-dad please don’t do that. I ca-”

“What Marcus? She is a woman who doesn’t know her place. She shouldn’t have brought your mother. She shouldn’t have meddled in your personal life”

“Personal life? My daughter is his personal life. Camilla was just trying to help him. And what did he mean by his mother was the reason to all his sufferings? It’s not like she abused him or anything”NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

It was dead silent that one could even hear a pin drop from miles away. No one spoke for a while, till Mr. Graham’s face gleamed in realisation.

“I can’t believe this. I married my daughter to a person who was abused in the past. Of course you will slap her. You will hurt her. It’s in your nature. It’s who you are” He shouted louder and screamed at Marcus who looked like he was punched in the gut.

His entire body started shaking in fear. He staggered back into the wall and sat on the ground, bringing his knees closer to his chest.

“I did this” he whispered slowly, almost to himself.

“Marcus Marcus hey. It’s not your fault” Carlton knelt down in front his son who was trembling and murmming inaudible words.

Carlton bent his head and took a sharp intake of breath in agony before getting up to roar at Jake’s father. “Look what you did. Look what you just did to my son. Do you even know how deeply those words can affect him?”

“What I did to your son? What I did?” He pointed at himself in disbelief and started laughing out loudly.

“My daughter is dying. If I don’t ever get a chance to speak to her again it’s all because of your son!”

Mr. Graham yelled in anger grabbing everyone’s attention around us. But being a part of the privileged society no one dared to shut them up even though this was a hospital.

“I don’t want your son ever near my daughter. He slapped her and he will continue to do the same. He will continued to do the same to his children. He can’t erase his past. He is just like his mother”

Upon hearing the words Marcus suddenly clutched on to his head and started whimpering in pain. “I-I did this. I’m her. I’m just like her” His eyes were turning blood shot red as he whispered to himself, the same words over and over almost like a little child.

Carlton looked at Marcus in pity and turned around to grab on to Mr. Graham’s collar. “If my son ever go back to how he was I will destroy you”

“Really? Do you think I’m scared? First you should put your son to where he belongs. The mental hospital”

Carlton’s eyes blazed with a vicious anger and he charged forward to punch Mr. Graham. But Mrs. Graham pulled her husband to the back. “William stop. You have gone to far”

“I’m her. I’m just like her. I will hurt everyone. I will hurt Camilla. I-I don’t w-want to live anymore. I c-can’t” Marcus’s voice broke as he wailed in pain. His eyes were sunk, dried tears staining his face. He was a mess. A complete mess without Camilla.

“Mr. Wilson take Marcus away from here” Carlton shouted at someone and few men in suits came and dragged Marcus away.

“When she wakes up I’m gonna come after you” William roared in anger to Marcus.

“Who knows if she will wake up” Carlton said in a mock tone putting wood to the already burning blaze.

“What did you say?” Jake suddenly got up and strode towards Carlton but I quickly got in the middle and stopped him.

“Hey hey Jake. Camilla is going to wake up. He said it out of anger. Your sister is a fighter. She will wake up” I cupped his face in my hands and he relaxed under my touch.

I slowly pulled him to me and hugged him as I patted his back. I had tried my best to ignore him in the past few weeks but in here I felt the need to console him, to tell him everything’s alright.

“Get out! Get out from here! None of you will ever see Camilla again.” Mr. Graham screamed and Carlton walked away in fury.

“William that was too far. You could have triggered his past” Jake’s mother tried to reason out but William shrugged her off and walked over to the bench.

“I don’t give a shit about what happens to him. We should have done a background research of him before marrying her off”


“Shut up. He only knows how to raise his hand to women and children. That’s what his mother taught him. He saw violence when he was small. That’s what he is now. He will always be the same”

William scolded his wife and sat on the bench. I dragged Jake to the bench and waited for hours till the surgery was over. My phone rang several times as my employer called me furiously. But I cut the call and turned off my phone.

Jake’s head was lying on my lap as he slept like a baby. I ran my fingers through his hair, caressing them trying to my best to comfort him.

A single tear drop streamed down his face and I quickly wiped it away. Jake and Camilla, both were my good friends, my only friends. I had been pretending to hate Jake all these times because I didn’t want him to be dragged into my miserable life.

My dad was suffering from cancer and we were crippling under the gambling debt he left behind. Going to college was always my dream but I had to pay for dad’s treatment and collect money to pay for debt collectors.

I always showed a strong side to the outer world to conceal the pain I was suffering from inside. I didn’t want Jake to come into my life because I know he will hate me when he knows the truth.

The truth that I’m dirty and disgusting.

I was raped multiple times by my debt collectors but I kept shut because I wanted to keep my dad alive. If I went to the police the mafia that the debt collectors belonged to would have killed him.

I worked day and night to give the money at the right time so that they wouldn’t rape me again. I appear as a strong girl to the world but on the inside I was just a miserable weak girl who cries herself to sleep at night.

Jake was too pure and kind that I didn’t want him to get dragged into the gruesome life I was having. I also tried to maintain a distance from Camilla because I know if she knew my situation she would immediately help me. But it was my problem not his or her’s.

Suddenly the door opened and a doctor came out. Mr. Graham stood up and ran to the doctor.

“Doctor, how’s my daughter?”

“The surgery was successful. We have already taken her to the recovery room. She will wake up in few hours. Please be seated and wait until I call you”

I released a breath of relief as I heard that Camilla was okay. I felt Jake slightly stir in my lap. I bent down to whispered in his ear.

“Jake wake up” he slowly opened his eyes and looked at me.

“Camilla’s surgery was successful. She will wake up in few hours”

Jake quickly sat straight and looked at me through his glossy eyes. “She will?”

“Mmm” I cupped his face in my hands and wiped the tears off his cheeks. Slowly leaning in I gave him a kiss on the forehead. “Don’t cry now”

The corners of his lips tugged up into a small smile and he wrapped his arms around me as buried his head in my neck.

“Thank you for being here Blair. It means a lot to me. Thank you”

“Shh don’t thank me. Thank you for making me laugh these days even though I didn’t show it to you”

He suddenly leaned back and looked at me in shock. “You laughed at my jokes?”

I shrugged my shoulders and decided to tell him the truth. “Well yeah. When you weren’t looking”

Jake beamed at me and suddenly kissed my cheeks. My eyes widened in shock and he mirrored my reaction.

“I-Uh- i- the kiss- uh” Jake stuttered while trying to form an excuse.

I bit my lip and turned away while clearing my throat awkwardly. “Um-it’s okay”

From the corner of my eyes I saw Jake grinning and unexpectedly he leaned in and kiss my cheek again.

“What was that for?”

“You said it was okay”

“Well that doesn’t mean you can kiss me again”

“But I wanted to”

“You have never loved have you?”

Jake’s face formed into a small spout and he looked away angrily like a little child.

Giving out a chuckle I stood up and held my hand for him to hold it.

“Let’s go to the canteen and eat something till Camilla wakes up”

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