Contract marriage: My billionaire’s cure


“Are you angry with me?” I asked Marcus, who was sitting in front of the TV, flipping channels with the remote as if his life depends on it.

I walked over to him and stood next to the sofa but no response. He didn’t even look at me. It was night and Marcus still hadn’t talked to me after I arrived home from visiting Blair.


He kept the remote aside and leaned back on the sofa to watch news.

He had a big frown on his face and it was enough to warn me that he was damn pissed. Nevertheless I walked over and sat on his lap but he still kept his attention on the TV.

“Marcus I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get into trouble. Talk to me please”

Marcus kept silent and watched news. I sighed loudly and kept my head on his shoulder.

“I’m sorry. And I’m fine now so please don’t be angry with me” I closed my eyes and stayed there for a while.

Memories of that man running his hand under my blouse was very disturbing. But considering what Blair had gone through it was nothing. I was still in the privileged part of the society and I feel bad for it.

“Did they hurt you?”

I opened my eyes as Marcus finally spoke. “Well no”

He stayed silent for a moment, staring deep into my eyes.

“Did they touch you?”Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

I wasn’t sure how I was gonna answer that because I knew how much angry he was at the moment and it will only take few seconds for him to erupt like a volcano.

“I mean not much”

“I asked, did they touch you?” Marcus asked with more authority.

“Mm… Yeah just here” I pointed at my stomach.

Marcus looked straight into my eyes, waiting for me to continue, his eyes displaying a wild rage.

“Umm… One man pinned me to the ground and ran his hand under my blouse. But I hit him with a bottle so he couldn’t go any further” I said quietly, feeling disgusted.

Marcus closed his eyes and looked down. His fingers were trembling, his body was shaking in anger. I gulped loudly fearing the man before me.

He slid his hand under my blouse and caressed my stomach. He gently ran his thumb around my belly button looking very disappointed. “I should have been there”

“You didn’t know. And it wasn’t that seriou-”

“I hate it. I hate it when people touch you. I hate it when men look at you. I hate myself for not being there when they hurt you”

Sadness washed over me and I looked down in pain. “Do you find me disgusting?” I didn’t know why I asked it but I feared that he would loath me for being touched by other men.

“What nonsense are you talking?” Marcus raised my chin up and made me look at his eyes.

“Don’t ever say that okay?” He warned me with a slight harsh tone and pecked my nose, cheering up my mood. “And remember, you are only mine. No one else’s”

I scrunched up my nose. “I’m mine”

Marcus chuckled softly and pressed his lips to my jaw. “I think we already had this conversation. And it doesn’t change the fact that you are mine”

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed closer to him. “Possessive much?”

“Mmh” Marcus nodded his head and smiled.

“Jeez you don’t even deny it” I laughed and kissed him on the lips. He tightened his hold around me and kissed me back with more fervour and desire. I moaned against his lips as his fingers trailed up my thighs. I was wearing a baggy t-shirt and white shorts. So I trembled under the slightest touch by his fingers.

He suddenly stopped and buried his head in the crook of my neck. He heaved a long sigh before speaking in a more aroused tone “Camilla I don’t think I can wait anymore”

“Wait for what?” I asked in confusion.

“I want you. I want all of you” Marcus leaned back and stared at me, his eyes craving with lust.

“Umm…didn’t you want to go on a honeymoon?”

“Hell with that. I can’t wait anymore Camilla. Let’s have sex”

That was also something I wanted. To finally get intimate with him but a smile crept up my lips as an idea popped into my head. It’s time to bring down his dominance.

“Well no”

“What do you mean no? You are not ready?” Marcus asked with a small sad pout in his lips.

“No I’m ready. But I don’t want to have sex with you”

Marcus face contorted into big fat scowl and he lifted me off his lap and threw me to the couch next to him. He then stood up and walked upstairs.

“Oh my god. Marcus! Why are you so serious? I was just joking. Marcus!”

But without responding he shut the door with a loud bang. “Oh really? You want me to sleep on the couch? So be it then. I don’t even have a pillow or a sheet but I’ll be fine”

I laid on the couch and curled up into a ball. There were many other empty rooms in the house but he expected me to sleep on the couch. Then be it.

An hours passed but I couldn’t sleep. The couch was uncomfortable so I kept rolling to the sides. But I quickly stopped and closed my eyes as I heard footsteps descending down the stairs.

I pretended to be asleep because I knew it was Marcus. I felt two strong arms lift me up and carry me up the stairs. Marcus gently laid me on the bed and I felt the bed dip as he got on.

He put an arm over my waist and pecked my cheek before pulling me closer to him.

I woke up to find an empty bed. I ran downstairs and was greeted by Madeline.

“Madeline, Where’s Marcus?”

“Sir left early in the morning”

Furious, I jogged up the stairs and changed into black pants, white shirt and my favourite black trench coat which I wear most of the time.

Today the RJ and the rest of the groups have meeting with the Lester’s so I drove my car to their headquarters. I already saw Marcus’s and my Family’s cars parked in the parking lot.

I walked inside and everyone was chatting in the lobby. I caught Marcus’s eyes but with a deep frown he looked away.

What the hell is wrong with him?

I was harshly pulled into the corner by someone and I raised my hand to smack the person but realising it was Jake I smacked his head anyway.

“Ouch. You are very violent”

“Let go of me”

“Blair didn’t open the door”

“What do you mean?”

“After I brought her home and showed her to her room she closed the door and still hasn’t come out. I’m scared Camilla”

“It must have been hard for her and also the fact that you saw something she doesn’t want you to see. That must have made her uncomfortable. Don’t worry she will open up for you soon. And we’ll help her get through all of this” I patted his back, comforting him. Jake nodded his head with a sad pout in his lips.

“Let’s go now” I dragged him back to the lobby and spotted Marcus, leaning on the couch. I walked over to him and leaned against the couch next to him.

Marcus folded his arms in front of his chest and stared ahead pretending to not see me. Jake looked at me weirdly and stood next to us.

The door of the entrance opened and I spotted a familiar figure with blond hair and a dark blue suit walking inside.

I gulped anxiously as I stared at him in horror.

Jake’s eyes widened in recognition. “Camilla! Isn’t that Nate? The guy you lost your virginity to?”

I snapped my head at Jake in dismay.

Shit Shit Shit

I was in deep deep trouble. Marcus would kill me.

Slowly I turned my head towards Marcus. I gave out an awkward laugh seeing Marcus glaring at Nate and then at me. His jaw clenched in anger, his knuckles turning white as he balled them into fist.


All the colour drained from my face as I heard Nate calling me. I gave a forced smile at him. But instead of smiling back he came running towards me.

“It’s so good to see you” And then he did the worst. He hugged me.

“Haha…haha you too”

“You’ve grown more prettier”

“Umm…Thank you”

Nate shook hands with Jake and then turned towards Marcus. “Oh I have seen you in magazines”

“Umm yeah he’s my husband” I said awkwardly and glanced at Marcus. And boy he was boiling. His face was red with anger. He looked like a hen ready to crack it’s eggs.

“Yeah I know. I was quiet surprised because I thought you were into blonds” Nate said, making it more worse.

“Haha huh…umm”

Why the hell can’t he shut up?

“Wow why didn’t I think of it earlier?” Jake suddenly shouted. “All your boyfriends are blond. Brandon, Nate, Louise, Dean and who’s that guy with leather jackets?”

I was sure fire was blazing in my eyes. I moved near Jake and hissed in his ear. “Shut up or I’ll tell everyone that you are a virgin”

“What did I do?” Jake whined in frustration.

“Well anyways I’m Nate. You are Marcus right?” Nate extended his hand but Marcus ignored it and walked past him.

I gave a weird laugh and brought up some excuse. “Umm… He’s very shy”

One of the Lester’s secretaries clapped his hands to grab our attention “Let’s proceed with the meeting. Please come and sit down”

Hero saves the day.

During the entire meeting Marcus ignored me. It was like I wasn’t even there. He walked past me. He avoided eye contact. And then finally left without saying goodbye.

“What’s wrong with him?” Jake asked confused.

Without answering him my mind wandered off to a possible solution that could make Marcus cheerful again.

“Hello?” Jake waved his hand in front of my face “You still here?” He snapped his fingers before my eyes and I turned to him with determination on my mind. “Hey do we still have that island in Brazil?”

“The one you begged grandpa to buy?”


“Yeah it’s still there. Why do you ask?”

“I want to go on a honeymoon”

“Why? It’s not like you and Marcus didn’t have sex before” Jake chuckled and leaned back on his chair.

I zipped my lips and kept silent to that.

Jake narrowed his eyes and stared at me, drilling holes in my skull. Then his eyes widened as he put everything together “Oh my god. Oh my god. Don’t tell me. Hahah don’t tell me that you still didn’t have sex with him. Haha”

“Okay I won’t tell you” I said sarcastically but Jake was too busy laughing.

“Hahah I can’t. Oh god I’m wheezing” Jake clutched his stomach and laughed like a maniac.”And by the way you just came back. Is it okay for you to disappear again?”

“I’m not gonna disappear and I already asked Sarah earlier and she said I have four days free but it’s after three weeks. So I have to wait”

“First you have to make peace with that boulder. He looked like he just came back from WWE”

“Yep. Now I’m going. Bye! Take care of Blair. Hurt her and you are dead”

I got on my car and drove to Marcus’s office. Ignoring all the staff I jogged to the elevator and reached Marcus’s room.

I opened the door and he was sitting on the edge of his table going through some papers. He raised his head and upon seeing me he scowled and went back to working.


I walked over to him and stood in front of him. “I was just joking. Don’t ignore me or-”

“Or what?”

“Or I’ll cry” I gave an evil smirk knowing how much Marcus hated it when I cry.


I giggled and sat on the couch in front of his table.

Marcus stared at me for a while and then sighed loudly. He stood up and laid down on the couch next to me. He leaned his head on my chest crushing my boobs. “You know that I don’t have a flat chest right? My boobs hurt when you crash on to me like that” I complained and Marcus gave out a small chuckle.

He turned his head and kissed my left breast.

“Oh my god Marcus” I lightly slapped his shoulders and he laughed before turning back to lean on my chest.

“Umm… Marcus”


“There’s an event in Brazil three weeks from now on and I want you to accompany me” I lied because I needed to surprise him.


“On 25th. For four days. Can you take a break?”

Marcus heaved a long sigh and took his phone out to check his calendar. “Well I guess I can”

“Good” I leaned down and pecked his foreheard. He smiled and brought my hand to his lips.

He then turned back and adjusted himself to lean on my lap.

“I’m sorry”

“For what?”

“I shouldn’t have gotten mad when you refused to have sex with me. I respect your decision and even if you never want to have sex with me I will still be with you. I love you. Not your body”

“Aww that’s such a sweet thing to say but I’m still hot right?” I joked and Marcus gave out a low chuckle.

“Yeah very hot that you arouse me everyday”

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