Contract marriage: My billionaire’s cure


“You whore. You cheated on me with my brother” James slapped Kaitlyn hard on her cheek.

“James no Clara is yours” James landed another slap on her face.

“Don’t lie to me. I know all about you and Kyle’s affair” James screamed not falling for lies anymore.

Kaitlyn fell to the floor and cried while little boy hid behind the door, watching all of it.

He recognised the name Kyle. He was the man who read his Santa Clause letter and then later on tortured him till he bled. But he was surprised to hear that Kyle was James’s brother, not his friend who enjoyed hurting him.

“I already fathered a child you had from another man. But I won’t tolerate this anymore” James took the baby Clara to his arms and strode out of the room.

He opened the door and saw the little boy standing behind it, shivering in fright.

“Here is the other bastard. You come with me boy” James gripped the boy from his arm and dragged him up the stairs.

“James” Kaitlyn shouted from downstairs.

“James please don’t do this. I’m her mother”

James gave out a hoarse laugh. “Mother? You are not even worth of that title”

He looked down at the boy “That’s your mother boy. Your whore mother”

“James please I love you. I even hurt Marcus because you liked it. All I wanted was you to be happy and love me”

James spit on the floor and continued dragging the boy to the bathroom.

He walked over to the bathtub and opened the faucet. He waited till the water was almost overflowing and then closed it.

“Boy. I fed you all these years. It’s time for you to pay back”

The little boy raised his head up and glanced at his step father in fear.

“Do me a favour boy” James bent down to his height and gave the baby to the boy.”Kill this bitch”

“No no no” The boy scrambled back holding his sister close to his chest, afraid his step father would hurt her.

“James no” Kaitlyn screamed and ran up the stairs but James stopped her.Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Shut up. This will end today and then you will learn your lesson”


“If you keep silent I will come back to you” James said with a smirk, knowing that it would shut her up.

“You will love me again?”

James nodded and Kaitlyn’s stared at the baby, pondering whether to save her or not.

“Mother help me. Please” He cried but the woman slowly shook her head.

“No! I love James. I need James to love me. I need him”

He stared at her in despair. That was when he realised she was never a mother. He felt betrayed, he felt sad, he felt agony. He had always hoped that someday his mother would understand his pain and help him

But today he realised who she truly was. She was nothing more than a devil that haunts in his mind.

Kaitlyn then sat in the corner and buried her head on her knees pretending not to see anything.

James smiled with a glint of mischief in his eyes and then his gaze fell onto the boy. He grabbed him by his shoulders and the boy started struggling to get out of his grip.

“You brat” James slapped him but the boy shook his head, tears streaming down his eyes begging his step father not to do this.

“If you don’t want to kill her then both of you will die”

James forcefully lifted him up and took him to the bathtub. He threw them to the tub and pushed both of their heads underwater, suffocating them to death.

The boy gasped for air but James pushed him back down. After a while of struggling he heard his sister’s cries slowly subside.

He tried lifting his hands up to bring his sister out of water but James was too strong, he kept pressing them down.

James stopped as he heard a scream behind him.

It was Barbara holding her baby Rebecca and then next to her was the little girl, Meghan.

The boy came up and gasped for air, water dripping down his hair mixing with the tears in his eyes. He brought his sister up but she was silent.

She didn’t make any move nor was she warm. The little boy was confused. Why was he gasping for air but not her?

“You killed your own child. You monster!” Barbara screamed and scrambled a few steps back.

James charged forward and pulled her by her hair. She screamed in pain and Meghan quickly hid in the corner.

Barbara struggled to fight him, she kicked him and screamed at him but he was too strong.

He punched her in the face and she started bleeding. Holding her baby to her life she glanced at the small boy who was looking at her through teary eyes.

At the moment she knew what she should do. No matter what she should save the children.

She kept her baby on the floor and charged forward giving out a war cry. She ripped James’s face with her nails till he bled. She poked his eye and he screamed in pain. She punched and kicked him overthrowing him of his strength.

“Mommy” Meghan cried, pointing at a metal batten lying on the floor next to Kaitlyn. Barbara quickly took it and slammed it on James’s head, knocking him unconscious.

“Young master” Barbara ran to him and knelt down in front of the tub. The little boy gave her the baby, confusion running on his face.

Barbara kept her fingers on the baby’s neck and sadness washed over her face.

“Maybe…. maybe if we can take her to the hospital in time she can be saved. The hospital is near” Barbara’s face beamed in hope but it only lasted for a while.

Kaitlyn grabbed the baby from her arms. “No no don’t save her”

Barbara looked at her in shock. “Do you want your child to die?”

“If you save her James won’t love me anymore” She began shaking her head like a crazy woman.

“Are you even a mother? He killed your child”

“James didn’t kill anyone. Marcus did. He killed his sister” Kaitlyn screamed , pointing an accusing finger at the boy.

Barbara opened her mouth to scream back but James slightly stirred.

Her eyes widened in panic “Young master. We have to run, now” She lifted him out of the tub and wiped the tears off his face. She took Rebecca back into her arms and they all ran, ran out the door into the road.

They ran endlessly searching for help. Every car drove past them while they wailed in pain.

They came to a stop exhausted by their running. “Young master”

The little boy turned as Barbara called him. She knelt down in front of him and stroked his hair.

“I can’t run as fast as both of you. If something happened to me-” She gulped, fear strickned in her pale face. “Please take care of my Rebecca, take care of her as your own sister”

The boy hesitated but nodded his head and took the baby to his arms.

“And this” Barbara tucked a piece of paper in the boy’s pocket. “This is your real father’s address. Go to him”

The boy nodded but his eyes widened seeing a figure behind them, standing few meters back.

“You bastard!” James shouted. But without looking back they all ran for their lives.

“Marky run!” Meghan shouted and they ran along the side walk, bumping on to people who were yelling at them in fury.

“Mummy hurry up. He will catch us” The little girl shouted at her mom who was following them from behind.

“I’m coming. Let’s run to a nearby police station”

The hoarse voice shouted his name again. He knew it was him. He knew he was coming to kill him.

The small baby started crying in his arms as he bumped into people, running away from the hell hole he was in.

“Meghan follow me. I see a policeman” the little boy shouted at the girl who caught up with him.

The boy ran across the road holding the baby tightly in his arms but stopped as he heard a loud crash.

The boy slowly turned back only to see Barbara lying on the floor, surrounded by a pool of blood. The girl gave out an ear piercing scream and fell to the floor wailing for the loss of her mother.

With trembling legs he edge closer but the girl stopped him.

“Marky run. Run away from here and don’t come back. Please”

The girl begged and he unwillingly took small steps backward. He saw the man grinning at him from the other side. Without thinking further he quickly turned around and ran away

He ran and ran but didn’t know where he was going. He came to a narrow road and ran but only to find a dead end. He was trapped. There was nowhere to go.

The baby started crying again and he gently rocked her trying to calm her down.

He knew James would find him. And he couldn’t let another child die. His eyes scanned the area and he saw two cement bags lying next to the wall. He quickly hid her between the bags and turned to run back to the road to get help.

But came to a halt seeing the man before him.

“Found you”

James looked at him happily and strode towards him with a gun in his hand.

“You are not escaping today”

James raised the gun and pointed it at the boy’s head.

“There-there people here. You can’t shoot me”

“Mmm Smart but not enough”

The boy opened his mouth to shout but the man covered his mouth with his hand and started dragging him back. The boy bit the man’s hand and he screamed in pain, the gun falling out of his hand.

The boy quickly took the gun and pointed it at his stepfather.

“You don’t even know how to shoot foolish boy” James started chuckling.

But the boy kept the gun pointed at James, his fingers ready to pull the trigger.

James grit his teeth realising the boy wasn’t backing down. Suddenly he heard a baby cry. He snapped his head to the right and saw the maid’s child lying in between bags of cement.

He smirked knowing that the child was the boy’s weakness. He took steps towards the baby.

The boy’s fingers trembled in fear. He lost enough today. He wasn’t going to let anyone die again.

“You bastard, this child will pay jf-”

But before James could finish he pulled the trigger. The boy fell onto his back with the sudden force, his ears ringing hearing the gun shot sound. Slowly he sat up and saw James lying on the floor, blood oozing out of the wound in his forehead.

People started surrounding the area, peaking to see what had happened. The boy heard several gasps and then sirens.

Police came running and he drop the gun to the ground.

The police shouted but he cared less. He ran to the crying baby and took her to his arms.

“shh. I will protect you. You will be my sister from now on”

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