Contract marriage: My billionaire’s cure


“Lucas” I slowly whispered to my two year old son who was sitting on my lap biting the buttons of my shirt.

I was in a meeting at the office and Lucas didn’t like anyone in the room. So he kept his face hidden inside my coat.

He was an asocial child and was extremely uncomfortable around anyone other than Marcus and I.

We sometimes blame ourselves for his behaviour because after that terrifying incident we became overprotective parents. Specially Marcus.

But little did we know our actions would lead him to showing an allergic reaction to rest of the world. We thought this would pass with time but it only kept getting worse.

Since Lucas doesn’t stay with anyone else, Marcus and I both had been taking him to office turn by turn. It was sometimes hard but we had to do it.

“That’s it” Anne came to the end of the presentation and looked at me.

“Okay everyone send these files to the Marketing department. You are dismissed” Everyone gave me a small nod and walked out the door.

I look down to see my son who was still biting my buttons. I leaned down and kissed his head. “Baby they are gone now”

He slowly raised his head and looked at me. “Look around” He turned his head and scanned the entire room.

“We have to go to my friend’s house today. You promised you would be a good boy. Remember?” He stared me and then hesitantly nodded his head.

He spoke very little words and smiled very rarely. I almost never heard him laugh and there were countless days I cried myself to sleep thinking about it, so did Marcus.

Today Harrington’s had prepared a meeting in their house to discuss about this year’s contest with the hotel owners and the participant companies.

Taylor said many were invited and would be coming along with their children. So I thought it would be a good chance for Lucas to meet others as he wasn’t uncomfortable around children.

I had planned to take him to a therapist next week but Marcus hates it. He made me promise if Lucas at least plays or talks with another child today I would not take him.

I didn’t want to take him either but I want what’s best for him. Lucas was an heir to both of our companies and would also inherit the Empire group after Marcus. So the media had been circling around him, trying to find faults as much as possible.

They already knew he’s a quiet child but they speculate fake news as Lucas is a mute or he has autism.

I would ignore them if I could but these news would someday hurt Lucas when he starts schooling and when he inherits the business.

But the main reason that convinced me to take him to a therapist was that he doesn’t let out his emotions like a normal 2 year old would. He even tries to hold his pain and sobs quietly so we won’t see it.

I checked the time and took Lucas into my arms. I sat him on my hips and took my bag before walking out the door. As we walked past my staff Lucas buried his face in my neck, hiding from everyone else.

I heaved a long sigh and ran my fingers through his hair, reassuring him.

As we reached the lobby Marcus was waiting outside, leaning on his car.

“Daddy is here”

Lucas slowly leaned back and looked at Marcus who was beaming at him.

Marcus took him to his arms and kissed his forehead. “How’s your day?”

“Umm…okay” Lucas said shyly.

Marcus sat him on the baby car seat and wrapped his coat around Lucas. Lucas liked it when we wrap our coats around him and the therapist told me that was because he feels a sense of protection when we do that.

We reached the Harrington’s house and as we got off not-a-virgin-anymore Jake hopped towards us. He beamed at Lucas but his smile fell when Lucas hid his face from him.

“Jake why are you still getting sad? You know he’s uncomfortable around others”From NôvelDrama.Org.

Jake pouted and stared at Lucas. “I know but… Tsk it’s still sad”

I shook my head and walked past him into the house. I knocked on the door and Taylor opened it.

“Camilla it’s so nice to see you again” She gave me a hug and looked behind me. “You too Marcus. Come in please”

Many people had already arrived and were sitting at the dining table discussing about the contest.

“Oh sorry if we are late”

“Oh no we just started” She then pointed at the living room where the children were playing on the floor. “Lucas can join them. There are many children of his age here”

I smiled at her and then glanced at Marcus who looked very unwilling to keep Lucas down.

“Can we take him?” He whispered in my ear.

“Marcus you promised. And he’s not uncomfortable around children”

Marcus rolled his eyes and walked to the living room. He kept Lucas on the carpet and crouched down.

“Lucas, look your favourite toys are here” He took the plastic animal toys and gave them to Lucas. “Play with these while mommy and daddy sit over there” He said, pointing at the dining table. “And try to be friends with other children”

Lucas didn’t say anything but stared at Marcus and then at me. Marcus heaved a sigh and got up. He walked towards me with a frown as if I did something wrong.


“I know I know it’s just-uhh I don’t even know anymore”

Jake took a seat and I sat next to him with Marcus on my right. We were directly facing the living room and I felt better because then we could check on Lucas.

The meeting started and Smith began talking. We went on for a while but I couldn’t focus since Lucas kept glancing at us without playing or doing anything.

Whenever another child laughs or shouts he wince and look down with trembling lips.

I knew Marcus wasn’t paying any attention either because he also kept looking at Lucas.

“Camilla let’s go” he whispered slowly.

“Marcus we can’t go right now. Lucas is doing fine. We are right here, aren’t we?”

Marcus scowled at me, clearly displeased. Impatiently he began tapping his foot on the ground. And I looked at the clock wishing this meeting would come to an end.

The meeting went on for another half an hour. I looked at Lucas again to check on him and saw him playing with the animal toys.

Two 5 year old boys were next to him, playing with Legos. Lucas eyed them curiously and stretched his hand to take one Lego but a boy snapped at him.

“Don’t touch my toys you mute freak”

My eyes widened and I saw Marcus’s fist clench in anger.

Lucas took his hand back but the boy threw a Lego at him. It hit Lucas on the head and a small cut appeared above his eye brow.

Suddenly Marcus stood up, the chair falling back with the force. He ran to Lucas and took him into his arms. Then without looking back he walked out.

Jake gave me a sad look and I felt tears brim in my eyes but I quickly blinked them back.

“Camilla he’s a child. He didn’t mean it” One of the women spoke.

Ignoring them I took my things before rushing out the door.

As I walked out I saw Marcus standing on the porch, his head leaning against Lucas’s. “Drive” Marcus ordered, his voice shaky.

I reached the keys inside his coat pocket and took them out. I glanced at Lucas, his cut was bleeding but he wasn’t crying. His face red and eyes teary but as usual he was holding them back.

I opened the door and got into the driver’s seat. Marcus sat next to me and kept Lucas on his lap, hugging him as I started the engine and drove off.

Black clouds sprawled across the evening sky, faltering the light of the setting sun. Droplets of water began downpouring onto the windscreen warning of a storm yet to come.

Uncomfortable silence remained inside the car as no one spoke. Marcus kept his elbow on the door and stared out the window. Lucas kept playing with Marcus’s watch, turning it to left and right.

Stillness inside was disrupted by a low crackle of thunder. The air grew heavy and humidity pressed down as more drops fell flooding the streets.

As we reached the gates Marcus covered Lucas’s head with his coat and got off the car, rain pouring down on him. He strode inside in fury and I quickly parked the car to follow him inside.

He kept Lucas on the kitchen counter and opened the cabinets to search the first aid box, his hands running around making a mess of everything. I could see the pain beneath his eyes, his soul drowning in anger.

When he couldn’t find it he growled in rage and smashed a dish on the floor. Lucas flinched at the sound and looked at me.

“Marcus you are scaring him”

Marcus raised his head and glanced at me through teary eyes. He then turned his head and stared at Lucas who was looking at us in fear.

I walked into the kitchen and opened the drawer where the first aid box was. I took it and applied an ointment on Lucas’s head and then covered it with a plaster.

“What did he do? He’s just two years old. Why does everyone keep doing this?” I heard Marcus whisper.

I gulped and wiped the tears that were forming in my eyes, my hands shaking as grief consumed me.

“Marcus that boy was just five years old. He must have picked it up from-”

“DO YOU THINK A FIVE YEAR OLD READ MAGAZINES?” Marcus raised his voice, his eyes turning a shade of red. “He listens to his parents. His parents talk about Lucas like that. Everyone talks about Lucas like that. You want to give an excuse for that too?”

“I wasn’t giving an excuse-”

“Then shut up” Marcus snapped. “I don’t tolerate my child being treated like this”

He kicked the pantry cupboard and Lucas winced at the sound. I wrapped my hands around him and brought his head on to my chest.

Marcus ran his hands through his hair, ruffling it in fury. He strode to the living room and sat on a couch before the glass wall, staring at the pool.

Thunder struck again almost shattering the glasses with it’s roar. Heavy rain poured down blinding the sight outside.

Lucas raised his head and looked up at me in confusion. “Daddy is just sad. Do you want to go and calm him?”

Lucas nodded his head. I picked him up and kept him on the floor. I took his plastic animal toys from the table and gave it to him. He held them with his small hands and then walked towards Marcus.

Seeing him Marcus wiped his tears and took Lucas to his arms. He sat him on his lap and hugged him from the back.

“What did the lion do today?” Marcus pointed at the lion toy in Lucas’s hands.

“Did he eat a deer?”

Lucas shook his head.


“Saved a… deer”

“Lions don’t save deers”

Lucas pursed his lips, thinking hard of something. Then he showed his lion to Marcus. “He… does”

Marcus chuckled and kissed Lucas on the head.

I stared at them with a small smile on my lips and turned to leave, giving them space.


I turned around as Marcus called me.

“Come” He extended his hand, asking me to take it. I walked over to him and he pulled me on to the couch next to him. He kept his hand on my thigh and gave a soft kiss on my cheek.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have gotten mad at you-”

“Don’t apologise. I know you were just worried about Lucas”

Marcus stared at me for a while and then looked down, fidgeting with his fingers.

“It hurts” He said slowly. “It hurts so much Camilla”

I brought my hand up to his chin and gently raised his head to look at me. “I know” I caressed his cheek with my thumb. “I know Marcus but we’ll get through this”

He looked at me, his eyes searching for comfort. “I hope so”

“Umm… Marcus, Is it okay if I take him to the therapist next week?” I asked, hesitantly.

He didn’t respond for a while and then slowly nodded his head with a small pout on his lips.

“Thank you” I beamed in joy and kissed him on the cheek.

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