Contract marriage: My billionaire’s cure


“They are just like you. So evil” Jake said pointing to my 4 year old twins Hannah and Dylan.

Marcus was sleeping on the armchair with a book lying in his hands and the twins were behind him, tying his hair up into two ponytails.

“Aren’t you getting married today? What are you doing here?”

Jake grinned and held out a paper to me. “Check if this is okay”

“What’s this?”

“My wedding vows to Blair”

“What do you want me to do? Check your grammar?” I joked earning an eye roll from him.

“You are the love expert. Check if this is romantic enough”

I gave him a are you serious look and took the paper from him. As I was reading it Lucas who was now 7 years old hopped down the stairs with Leo beside him.

“Hahaha Mowgli is coming” The twins laughed and Lucas scowled in return.

The twins call Lucas Mowgli because he hangout with animals more than humans. But unlike Lucas the twins were more loud and playful. Much more Jake type.

Marcus call the twins the fire alarm of the house because they were so loud. They become friends with everyone and everything and already call themselves the head of neighborhood children’s community which I had no idea that it existed.

“LEO BABY!” Dylan screamed next to Marcus’s ear and Marcus’s eyes snapped wide open in shock. He jerked upward and looked around in alarm, his pony tails wagging in his head. “What happened? Where are my kids?”

The twins covered their mouth with their hands and started giggling. Marcus eyed them suspiciously and rubbed his ear in pain. “I’ll become deaf soon”

Hannah gave Marcus a kiss on the cheek and Marcus smiled. He wrapped his arms around their waist and pulled them closer “Why can’t I ever stay mad at my babies? It’s so annoying” He pouted and the twins grinned.

I stared at them with a smile on my face but suddenly gasped as I felt someone licking my feet. “Lucas take him away! Ahh Leo go go!”

“Mowgli don’t! We’ll take him” The twins released themselves from Marcus’s grip and came running to Leo but Lucas held his palm out, stopping them.

“Stop! Can’t you see that my dog doesn’t like you? You are like the twins in Garfield”

“What? Those twins are girls but I’m a boy” Dylan complained in irritation.

“Well I don’t care. Now shoo. Go play with Dora or something”

Dylan’s jaw hanged wide open in shock. “Boys don’t play with Dora. Dora is too dumb. She can’t find anything. We even have to scream map map for her to find her own map”

Lucas stared at them for a moment and then his lips twitched up into a small smile.


“No I’m not”

“Yes you are. Hannah! Attack!” The twins came sprinting towards Lucas and jumped up on him. Lucas fell back and the twins started tickling him. “Tickle monster yay!”

Lucas bent his head back and laughed, tears streaming down his eyes. “Go away! Leo drag them away”

“Keep tickling him” Marcus called out and Lucas looked at him in shock.


Marcus laughed and stood up. He walked over to the kitchen and sat on a stool, looking at Jake with a bored expression. Jake who was now turning red as he stared at Marcus’s cute little pony tails took his phone out and snapped a photo.

“Why did you take a photo?”

“Because I need to boast how handsome my brother in law look”

Marcus narrowed his eyes and leaned into grab Jake’s phone but Jake jumped back and ran to the door in a hurry. “Bye lovelies, meet you at my wedding” He waved and sprinted down the steps to his car.

“What’s wrong with him?” Marcus scoffed and took his phone out to check his reflection. Suddenly he gasped in shock and turn around to look at the twins.

The twins got off Lucas and squealed in joy before dashing upstairs, dragging Lucas with them.


Marcus shouted and I started laughing. After a while Marcus laughed along with me, ripping the hair bands out, messing his hair.

“Remember? You also did this to me”

“Mmm. Yep. I think a week after you confessed”

Marcus scoffed in disbelief. “I confessed? You confessed to me first”

I averted my gaze, pretending not to hear it. “Liar” I muttered and Marcus smirked.

He came behind me and slapped my butt. I gasped in shock. “Marcus you-” But he ignored me and crashed his lips onto mine, capturing them in an intense kiss. His lips sucking and licking mine, causing moans within me.

I pressed myself closer and moved down, trailing kisses over his jaw. He bent his head back and a strangled moan escaped his lips. I smiled evilly and stretched my hand to his back. As he was immersed in my kissing over his throat I squeezed his butt and his face blushed in crimson red.

I leaned back and laughed hilariously. But before he could pull me back I ran upstairs.

As I was at the top step I turned around and sent him a flying kiss which he pretended to catch and throw it into the dustbin.

I scowled, my face almost splitting into two but he just winked at me.

I walked over the polish cobblestones leading to the garden reception facing the lake. A wooden altar decorated with flower petals stood tall in the middle fanning the wind with it’s silk robes wrapped around the arch. On the trees hanged white lamps to be lit when the sun sets embracing a crimson aura, matching the royal flush in my red dress.

The evening sky loomed above me, light of the day draining away. Soothing breeze blows across the lake becoming absorbed in it’s beauty, letting the nature wash in. Gentle whispers of the people hushed in my ear interrupting my thoughts pulling me into reality.

“Daddy, we won’t run. We promise”

Dylan wriggled to get out of Marcus’s grip but he held them tightly by their hands.

“I don’t trust you”

Dylan stomped on the ground and looked away angrily. “So mean”

I chuckled and wrapped my arm around Lucas’s shoulder, pulling him to me. But suddenly his eyes widened and he hid his face behind me.

“Lucas what?” I asked in worry.

“Mom hide me”

His eyes were focused on something. I followed his gaze and saw a small girl staring at him.

“Why are you hiding?”

“That girl is so annoying. She follows me everywhere”

I choked on my laughter but seeing Lucas’s scowl I tried my best to compose myself. “What’s her name?”

“Ava Bolton”

“Oh that’s Clara Bolton’s brother’s daughter. Isn’t she your classmate? I guess she’s your friend then”

But Lucas shook his head. “She is my classmate but she is too dumb to be my friend. All she want is to hold my hand”

I giggled and kissed his head. “My boy already became the popular hottie of the school” Lucas scowled again and my grin only grew wider.

The garden was buzzed with exicited chatter as people gathered around in circles drinking wine waiting for the wedding to be started.

Under a tree near the lake stood Steve and Sarah chatting with each other while their boys, Joey and Joel who were also 4 year old twins played run and catches around Sarah’s pink dress.

Suddenly Dylan and Hannah cheered seeing them. “Thomson and Thompson”

The boys stopped playing and turned their heads to look at us. Their faces beamed in joy as they saw my twins.

“Hansel and Gretel!”

They screamed and ran in our direction with open arms. Dylan and Hannah who finally got out of Marcus’s grip ran to the boys and gave each other high fives.

I waved at Sarah and turned to Marcus. “You go now. We’ll be sitting over there” I pointed to a long empty bench at the front.

He nodded his head and went off to escort Blair. Blair had no father to walk her down the aisle so Marcus took over the job since he had been caring for her like his own sister in the past few years.

I walked over to the bench with Sarah and we all sat together. Everyone else began sitting as Jake came to the front and stood next to the wedding officiant.

In a matter of time the music began playing and Blair walked down the aisle, one hand holding her bouquet and the other hooked under Marcus’s arm. Her white wedding dress was flowing around her with grace, her veil stretching to the ground covering the grass glistening under the setting sun.

Blair slowly raised her head and glanced at Jake, her lips curved into a soft smile as she saw Jake beaming at her.

As they reached the altar Marcus kept her hand on Jake’s and she gracefully walked up the stairs. Marcus came back and sat beside me, his eyes carrying a softness as he stared at the couple.

“Welcome family and friends and loved ones. We gather here today to celebrate the wedding of Blair and Jake. You have come here to share in this formal commitment they made to one another to offer your love and support to this union and to support Blair and Jake to start their married life. Will you who are present here today offer Jake and Blair your blessings to their marriage? Please respond by saying we will”

“We will” Everyone said in one echo, disrupting the silence of nature.NôvelDrama.Org content.

As the officiant continued it came to the time where Jake and Blair would read their vows. Jake took a paper out of his coat pocket and smiled at Blair before starting to read it.

“Blair I don’t know how to truly define marriage but I know it starts with you. Even though we have been dating for years I still feel like I have a crush on you”

Blair laughed to that, her face blushing red.

“I know we had flaws in our love but every time I spend my time with you I realised how afraid I was to let you go. The first time I saw you I never thought we would come to this day. I never thought the girl who scratched the word idiot on my car door would someday be the person whom I cheerish the most”

Everyone laughed and Blair chuckled shyly, tears filling her eyes.

“I promise to stand behind you in times of need and beside you in moments of glory. I promise to be truthful and loyal and to be honest and fair and never to let you be sad”

“I promise to be your best friend and your biggest fan supporting you in every decision you make, cheering you on everything thing you do. Blair Scott, I can’t wait to call you my wife and I vow to love you forever”

Blair’s lips trembled and tears began streaming down her eyes. The crowd went into an aww including my twins who understood nothing.

Jake gave Blair’s hand a gentle squeeze, calming her down. She wiped her tears and took her paper out to read it.

“Jake, Whenever you were beside me there was never a time I have been anything but happier. I never thought the man who broke my headlights would someday own my heart, filling it with love. Until we started dating I didn’t realize how afraid I was to let someone in and see all my flaws. Being in that place of vulnerability would usually scare me but with you it continued to feel like the most safest place in the world. And I promise to stay in this place forever with you”

Jake lips formed into a pout as he looked at her in adoration.

“I feel so lucky to meet the man I would spend the rest of my life with. I can’t wait to share it with you and the child that grows inside me” As she said the last part the crowd gasped. Jake looked at her in shock for a moment and then his eyes widened in surprise, brimming with tears.

His gaze fell on her belly and he gently kept his hand on it.

“Blair is it true?”

Blair nodded and Jake broke into tears. He covered his face with his hands and began sobbing. Blair chuckled, her eyes glinting with happy tears.

She took his hands down and held them in her palms as she stared deep into his eyes.

“Jake Graham, I can’t wait to call you my husband and I vow to love you forever”

Everyone applauded and the officiant smiled before continuing.

“I now pronounce you as husband and wife and you may kiss now”

Instantly Jake pulled Blair’s hand, pressing her closer to his chest. Blair blushed but Jake smirked and cupped her cheek in his hand, angling her face upward as he leaned in, capturing her lips in a passionate kiss.

Everyone stood up from their seats and clapped, cheering for the newly wedded couple.

Jake pulled back and softly pecked her lips again. Then he turned to the crowd “Okay people” He jumped out of the altar and took a champagne bottle from the table. He popped it and fizz came out, pouring all over. “It’s party time”

Dylan and Hannah clapped their hands, jumping up in joy.

“Daddy we want to drink that”

“Champagne? No”

“Pretty please?”

“Not happening”


“No! And look-” He crouched down to their height and pointed at a tent. “There’s a chocolate fountain over there for kids. You can dip Marshmallows in that and eat”

“But that bottle looks fun-” Before they could finish their sentence Marcus lifted them both up into his arms and groaned as he sat them on his hips. “Babies are getting fat”

“We are not fat” The twins whined and Marcus chuckled.

“Lucas come!” Marcus turned his head and called out but Lucas shook his head. “I don’t want to eat chocolate-”

“Lucus!” Ava, the small girl shouted and came running towards us. Lucas’s eyes widened in panic and he quickly dashed behind Marcus, clinging onto his shirt. “Dad let’s go let’s go”

“But you said you don’t want to eat chocolate-”

“No no I love chocolate let’s go. Quickly” He pushed Marcus to the food tent in a hurry and I couldn’t help but smile as I ran to catch up to them.

Few of Lucas’s friends from school were already at the fountain eating chocolate dipped strawberries. They waved their hands at him and Lucas jogged towards them, giving them a fist bump.

After the twins were born Lucas became much more socialized and now already has few friends at school. But if he was given a choice he would still prefer animals over humans.

As Lucas went to his friends we sat on a table near the fountain. Dylan eyed Lucas for a while and whispered something to Hannah.

Hannah nodded and held her palm up for a count down “3, 2, 1”

“What are you doing-”

But ignoring me they started shouting.

“Mowgli! Mowgli! Mowgli!”

Lucas snapped his head and grit his teeth in anger. He mouthed shut up but the twins continued to shout. Lucas turned to his friends and said something to them before running back here.

He strode towards us and slammed his fist on the table.

“I can’t believe this. Uhh that was so embarassing. How can I face them? And these two rotten carrots couldn’t find a better time to call me by that name” Lucas groaned in frustration and the twins looked at him in bewilderment.

“We are not carrots and definitely not rotten!” The twins pouted and Lucas stared at them for a moment.

Then he bent his head back laughing at them. The twins looked at us but Marcus and I also couldn’t do anything but laugh.

“Even mommy and daddy are laughing. So mean”

Before I could say anything Jake came running with a box in his hands. “Babies come over there” He pointed to a tree facing the lake. “I got a present for you”

The children got up and ran, Marcus and I following them behind in confusion. Jake kept the box down and waited for us.

“What’s that?” Marcus asked.

“This is a gift”

“For what?”

“Well… you know there’s three children in your family but only one dog. So-”

“Hold on!” I raised my voice, stopping Jake. “Please don’t continue. I don’t want to hear what you are gonna say next. Go away shoo shoo ” I tried pushing Jake, knowing exactly what he was gonna say.

“You can’t shoo me away sister” Jake gave a Cheshire grin and knelt down to the ground

He opened the box and the kids gasped in surprise.

“So…. Surprise! I thought of giving you two more puppies to complete the family”

Marcus’s face split into a huge smile and he knelt down beside Jake. He gently took the white Labrador puppies to his arms.

“One is a girl and the other a boy”

As Jake said it Hannah and Dylan screamed, jumping up and down in excitement. Lucas came to Marcus and took one puppy to his arms.

“Daddy let’s name them as Snow and Khaleesi” Hannah said and Marcus nodded in agreement.

“Great! Dean Schneider’s other lions’ names” I muttered and glared at Jake.

“Let’s play”

The kids started playing with the puppies and I stood under the tree, arms crossed across my chest, staring at the night sky. It was already dark and the trees were lit with white lanterns hanging on their branches, making the garden reception look more spectacular at night rather than day.

Suddenly I was pulled out of my trance as I felt soft fingers stroking my cheeks. Marcus tucked a hair strand behind my ear and pecked my forehead. “So beautiful” He muttered, his eyes wandering around my face.

He kept staring at every feature on my face and I snapped my fingers before his eyes, pulling him to reality.

He blinked and shook his head. “Wow I suddenly forgot everything. Come” He dragged me over to the lake and pointed at the people gathered around the lake, holding lit lanterns waiting till it expand to fly it to the sky. “They are lighting flying lanterns. Let’s light few up”

Marcus took two lanterns and gave one to me and the other to Lucas.

Marcus helped Lucas while I lit the candle with the twins. “Babies make a wish”

Hannah pursed her lips, thinking hard. “Mmm…ah” She suddenly snapped her fingers as an idea popped in her head.

“May the puppies have more puppies”

Marcus began laughing and I looked at them in horror. “No more animals. Let’s not fly this lantern”

“Daddy” Dylan grinned evilly and looked at Marcus. “My friend told me their cat gave birth to seven orange kittens. He said he doesn’t want them. So can we-”

“Stop. I’ll fly this” I held the lantern up and released my hand, letting it fly along with rest of the other lanterns, floating above.

“Fly fly fly. Don’t come back. No cats. Cats only love whoever is in the kitchen and I happen to be the one in the kitchen and I don’t want seven cats around me”

The twins snorted and began laughing. I furrowed my eyebrows and glared at them, shooting daggers through my eyes.

I raised my head to glare next at Marcus but saw him staring at me intently with his deep green eyes.

Before I could think of a joke he pulled me to him, my back pressing against his chest. He kept his chin on my shoulder and leaned into my ear.

“You look so hot when you are angry. I want to eat you”

I coughed and cleared my throat. My cheeks were burning red and I looked ahead, avoiding his eyes in embarrassment.

Music began playing and the wedded couple along with other couples walked to the dance floor.

“My lady. Would you like to dance?” Marcus whispered behind me and I smirked as I nodded my head. Suddenly he spun me around and pulled me closer, our noses touching.

“Let’s go guys. Mommy and daddy are getting cheesy” Hannah groaned and dragged Lucas and Dylan away.

I glanced at them and bit my lips trying to control my laughter. “See, they gave us permission. Now let’s go” Marcus winked and dragged me to the dance floor.

The entire garden was lit with white hanging lamps flushed into the nature and the sky was clouded with bright yellow lanterns, giving off a romantic sight. Red roses winded along every chair, every table decorating the place into a floral beauty, mesmerising to one’s eyes.

I kept one hand on Marcus’s shoulder and entwined the other hand with his. The song changed and his lips twitched up into a smile.

Heart beats fast

Colors and promises

How to be brave

How can I love when I’m afraid to fall

But watching you stand alone

All of my doubt, suddenly goes away somehow

One step closer

“Mmm Twilight vibes. I like it” Marcus took a step forward, his breath fanning against my neck. He slowly trailed his nose along my cheek and gave a soft kiss on my forehead. Then he spun me around and pulled me back to his chest.

“Remember the first time we saw each other?”

I nodded. “At the fashion show”

“Mmm. You told me you don’t have time to pet a wild dog like me”

I laughed remembering that moment. It was many years ago but still felt like yesterday.

It was a long journey we went through to be in each other’s arms and I don’t regret a single moment, no matter how painful it was because at the end it was all worth it. He was the man I loved, the most sweetest and caring person I ever met, the father of my children. My better half.

I have died everyday, waiting for you

Darling, don’t be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years

I’ll love you for a thousand more

Marcus stared at me, a soft smile on his lips, his eyes wandering in mine as we danced.

Time stands still

Beauty in all she is

I will be brave

I will not let anything, take away

What’s standing in front of me

Every breath, every hour has come to this

One step closer

“Camilla I had never imagined myself with a beautiful wife and children before. But after I met you I realised I have been missing a part of me all my life. Your kind heart and amazing personality sometimes makes me wonder what I did to deserve you. But all I know is that I’m madly in love with you and can’t imagine a life without you”

His lips curved into a small smile as he saw my eyes brimming with tears. He brought his hand up and stroked my chin.

“Camilla, you are the one I remember when I’m happy or sad. You are the one who tolerates my mood swings, my woes and my rants. You taught me how to love. You became everyone I never had. A mother, a wife, a friend” A single tear drop fell down his eyes “You became the world to me Camilla and I thank you for that” He said slowly, skipping a beat in my heart.

I took one step and wrapped my hands around his neck, pulling us closer, our lips almost touching. “I’m so lucky to have you Marcus. I love you”

He smiled, tears sparkling in his eyes. “I love you too Camilla”

Then his soft lips landed on mine, closing the gap, strengthening the knot forever, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cheerish, till death do us apart.

The End

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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