Crises in Love (Zora and Jaylan)

Chapter 524

Chapter 524

I stared into Monique’s eyes with mixed feelings. I didn’t know if this situation was a blessing in


"Only when I sneaked up to the attic did I grasp what was happening," Hannah said with a grin,

glancing at Monique. "I just knew Fidelia had to be hiding up there. I didn't follow directly but hid in the

stairwell. Undoubtedly, I heard them talking inside. They were discussing the dinner the Damons were

preparing for us!"

Monique shot Hannah a disdainful look. "Spying on us, how sneaky!"

Hannah retorted with the petulance of a child, "You're one to talk about sneaky!"

The rest of us quickly put two and two together. The reason they dashed home at noon was to sneak

some food to Fidelia.

But we were all present during dinner, with no one intending to leave. Since they couldn't swipe any

food for her, they ended up asking the Damons for some leftovers to take back to Wood Manor for

Fidelia to eat.

What a strategy! With more tricks up her sleeve than a street magician, they knew to hit up the Damons

for a bite.

"Whose bright idea was this?" I asked, looking at Monique.

"We couldn't just let our sister starve!" she shot back, standing her ground.

I turned to Fidelia and asked, "So you've been hiding out in the attic of Wood Manor since last night?"

Fidelia glanced at me and timidly nodded, with her eyes darting around the room.

Internally, I couldn't help but scoff. What a thriller this had turned out to be.

We'd alarmed the police. To be honest, finding that hairpin in the backyard nearly gave us all heart


I was silently grateful that the mysterious intruders hadn't shown up. Otherwise, all chills would be sent

down my spine.

I raced my thoughts, turning back to Fidelia, "You first went to the backyard?"

She nodded again.

Camilla, frustration etched on her face, nudged Fidelia and said, "Would you get a move on and tell us

what happened?" Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

Fidelia shifted uncomfortably, and I interjected with a laugh, "Hold on a second!"

I quickly grabbed the phone and told them, "I'm gonna call my dad first, let him know the kid's back and

he doesn't need to worry."

Camilla nodded eagerly, "Call him now!"

My mom chimed in, "And after that, take her for a bath. Let her freshen up before we talk."

Camilla, eyeing Fidelia's dirty clothes, led her away for a bath with mixed feelings.

Only after all the necessary calls were made and everyone was assured of her safety did I feel a sense

of relief. Fidelia, now bathed, had returned downstairs, ready to share her story.

Standing there, Fidelia was fidgeting with her shirt. It was clear she couldn't avoid spilling the beans

any longer. "I told my mom I wanted to stay here with grandma and go to school with Monique... but...

but she wouldn't allow it..."

Her voice trailed off as she sneakily glanced at Camilla, who offered us an awkward smile in response.

"I... I got so mad and left the room, but everyone was asleep. I was afraid she'd find me, so I went to

the backyard. After sitting there a while, I headed to Wood Manor to avoid your searching!"

I understood what Fidelia feared. She was sharper than she let on.

"Do you know who might be searching for you?" I asked softly.

Camilla looked puzzled by my question.

Fidelia shook her head. "I don't know!"

Though her voice was soft, her account was clear and organized.

It suddenly struck me that despite checking the surveillance footage numerous times, we never saw

Fidelia entering Wood Manor.

"So how did you get into Wood Manor? It's under surveillance. Why weren't you caught on camera?" I


Fidelia glanced at Monique again before replying, "I didn't go through the front. Monique told me Wood

Manor is heavily surveilled!"

I inwardly sneered, "See? Always my clever daughter." Updаted at Drамanоvels.cом

Fidelia hung her head, fiddling with her fingers. "I climbed in through a hole in the fence in the back!"

"The back?" I was skeptical. "But the back gate is always locked."

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