Crises in Love (Zora and Jaylan)

Chapter 559

Chapter 559

As soon as Hannah lobbed the question into the room, we both leaned forward, our expressions a mask of anticipation, hanging on Fidelia's upcoming words.

“After | slipped into the study, | crawled from the doorway, under the chairs, and then | placed it under the table," she spoke cautiously.

The image of her tiny frame inching through the old family house sprang vividly to our minds, a feat only someone of Fidelia's slight build could manage, considering the high thresholds that segmented the old manor.

| glanced at Hannah, who immediately dialed Ronan to report our findings. After hanging up, Hannah tousled Fidelia's hair with a grin, "You're a real lifesaver, kiddo. Stellar job!"

| turned to Fidelia, mentally retracing the unraveling events, "So, you're saying you didn't sneak out in the dead of night by choice, but Uncle Jesper coerced you into it?"

She nodded, "Yeah after | did it, he told me to stay hidden in the Wood Manor. | was so scared, and | ran up to the attic. There was this tiny room, and | hid there. He said not to come out until no one could find me."

“And then Monique found me and brought me a sandwich," her voice trailed off. "Monique asked if | was mad at Mom. | just repeated what Uncle Jesper told me to say. Monique wanted me to stay in Silverdale City and go to school with her, so she didn't tell you guys. And later...” Fidelia glanced at Hannah before continuing, "Hannah found us and brought us back home."

| shook my head in disbelief, looking at Hannah, "We've been completely played." "Did Jesper come looking for you after you got back?" | prodded further.

"He wanted me to find a way to stay in Silverdale City too, but | didn't want to. Not because | didn't want to, | was afraid he'd make me do more bad stuff. But | really did want to go to school with Monique and Probert. It was so confusing.” Fidelia's face twisted with the conflict of her emotions.

"| didn't let you stay here because of your mom," | explained gently, "She's had a tough life, clinging to the hope of a family with you. | was afraid she'd miss you too much. Only your mom has the right to decide on that, you understand?"

"My mom..." Fidelia's big eyes darted towards me, hesitant to continue. “How has she been...?" | asked softly.

Tears welled up in Fidelia's eyes again, "She's not that kind to me. She makes me kneel as punishment, and sometimes she hits me. She says if it wasn't for me, her life wouldn't be like this. It's all my fault.”

The revelation shattered my entire perception of Camilla.

How could she blame Fidelia for her own choices? She was the one who couldn't stay away from Jerome, and now she was pinning her misfortunes on her daughter Fidelia?

But in front of Fidelia, | couldn't badmouth Camilla. "She hits you? Makes you kneel?" | asked, trying to keep the shock from my voice.

No wonder Fidelia knelt so readily when we were in Silverdale City. | had my suspicions that Camilla had been physically punishing Fidelia.

That was why | had snapped, "Nothing grinds my gears more than kneeling." That comment must have struck a chord with Camilla, considering the way she looked at me afterward.

Turns out my hunch was right. She had been disciplining Fidelia in such a harsh manner. | had to reassess everything | thought | knew about Camilla.

“And what about her relationship with your dad?" | ventured a question that wasn't suitable for Fidelia, but one | needed to ask.

"It's bad. Dad hardly ever comes home. He's go anpther\tamily how, evan alittle trot er." Please read theContent is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

original content at NovelDrama.Org.

| was stunned, quickly asking for clarification, "How do you know that?"

Fidelia pouted, "| overheard them one time. Dad came home, and t were arguing their reom‘adout his other Tara eck and after that, Dad stopped coming home even more." Please read the original content at NovelDrama.Org.

"But last time your dad was at home?" | recalled her mentioning a video call with her dad. "Yes, that's true. He was home, and Mom even let me video chat with him."

Astrange premonition twisted in my gut, a sense that something wasn't adding up. Camilla had always played ignorant with me, claiming she was clueless about everything.

Even when it came to matters reported cM Camilla would oT wean intajn chat Hewes

ly in en dark. But now, | was sertair she knew it all, as clear as daylight. Please read the original content at NovelDrama.Org.

So why would she lie to me? What was she hiding?

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