Daisy’s Secret Crush

The Surprise Continues…

***Daisy’s POV.***

Theo looks at me as I take another big bite of cheeseburger and sigh in relief. After I fainted in the conference room, Theo woke me up by dropping some water droplets on my face. He was looking very concerned.Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

Theo explained to his and my team that we know each other well and asked me if I was okay. When I mistakenly told him that it was because I hadn’t eaten since last night, he got mad like no other.

We excused ourselves from others and here I am in his office and under his warning eyes to finish every little bite of my lunch, which at first looked too much for me, but now that I have eaten, I feel like I will need more. Theo thinks the same and orders a plate of pasta.

“Stop looking at me like that. I am the one who should be angry right now, not you.” I say and take one more bite and Theo walks from his desk to the couch.

“And why should you be angry rather than happy?” He asks innocently.

“You hid this from me, Theo. I thought Clara gave me this opportunity because I deserved it, but now I’m doubting that it was all because of you.” I say and remove the wrapper of the cupcake.

“But I had nothing to do with your firm at all.” He says sincerely, “It was all you. The only thing I did was say yes to Clara as not only she is my mother’s friend but also because I trust her judgement. I didn’t know at the time when she said that she was going to have a new firm and that you would end up being her new partner. I gave my promise to her way before that.”

“Then why didn’t you just tell me so?” I ask and give him a bite of the cupcake.

“Because I thought little of it. I thought you would be happy just like I was when I knew about it. If I had known you would faint on me, I would have told you way earlier.” He says.

“Oh, Theo! I am happy, so so happy that I want to yell it out to the world that you can find your calling anytime in your life and still pursue it.” I say.

“You make me sound old.” He says with a pout.

“So, you are saying you are not? Then what about that grey hair over there?” I say and point at his head.

He glares at me, but a smile comes on his face and he takes my hand kisses and asks, “Are you really okay? Do you seriously don’t need a checkup?”

“I am fine. It is just that I was tired.” I say.

“If I had known, I would have postponed the meeting for tomorrow.” He says.

“No. You would not be treating me as your girlfriend in the workplace. We would be professional.” I say and mimic the last past like him when he said those words on a new venture.

“You…” Theo says, comes to kiss me, but a knock distracts him and he leaves my side to bring hot and spicy pasta for me.

We have lunch together and then I wave him goodbye as we all leave. As it is Friday and we just got our biggest opportunity, we celebrate it in the office and everybody celebrates it with champagne and pizza and cake. As I have to drive, I avoid champagne since it would make my illness worse.

I get in my car and reach my apartment when I get a call from Theo and he says, “Park your car. I’m by the next building. Come soon.”

“I will be there in a few minutes.” I say and hang up.

I park my car and take out the duffle bag and my handbag and walk towards the place where he would be waiting. I find his car and he comes out and puts my bags inside the car and helps me in. Theo had told me on Wednesday that we would spend the weekend in his penthouse.

As my and his parents are away, it would be fine and also I would have a good and carefree weekend with my beau. We reach his penthouse and he blindfolds me.

“What other surprises do you have in store?” I ask.

“You will see.” He says and I hear the click of the door opening and he puts his arm around me to guide me in.

After a few minutes and some moving sounds, he opened my blindfold. I look around and see little to no change, but a throat clears behind me and I turn around. At first, I’m so shocked that no words came out of my mouth.

“Meow.” The small gray kitten says and my heart melts.

“Aww! He is so cute.” I say and take it from Theo and nuzzle its soft fur.

“He is actually a she. Name her as you want. And forget totally about the person who brought her here.” Theo says, then later mumbles, “That’s why I didn’t want cats. They hog all the attention.”

“Aww! Theo. You are the best boyfriend in the world.” I say to make him feel he is more important to me.

“You are lying. I just wanted to make you happy. That is why I adopted her for you. Otherwise, I would let no one come between us. But now I regret it even though I convinced myself earlier not to.” Theo says and I take a hold of his arm.

“What are you talking about? No one can come between us. No one can replace you. You are the only one whom I want the most. Because I love you.” I say and realise too late about what I just blurted out.

“So what if you love me? I love you too. But the cat would be still be between…” Theo stops as he realizes what I said and then what he said.

We both look at each other in surprise. No, this can’t be. I mean, I know I was falling for Theo. But when did Theo feel like that? Or was he feeling that but didn’t realize what it was? Does he really love me? Oh my goodness, I feel like I will faint again. But I can’t. I have to ask.

“Theo?” I ask as I pat the kitten and she purrs.

“Yes?” He asks, flustered and looks anywhere but at me.

I put my hand on his cheek and made him look at me and ask, “Do you really love me?”

I hold my breath as he takes his time to answer and looks at me with so many emotions in his eyes, then asks, “In simple words?”

“Any words would do.” I say with hope in my eyes.

“Any?” He asks teasingly.

“Stop messin’ with my heart, Theo. I love you and if you don’t, then it’s okay. But please don’t-” Before I can finish my sentence, he kisses me.

I lost myself in his deep, intense kiss, which promised so many things. Is it possible to fall for someone in such a short time? For me it was and I don’t want to let go of this feeling, which is giving me so much happiness and pleasure. And Theo is assuring me he feels the same. That he wants to hold on to this feeling, too. At some point, the kitten gets out of my hold.

“I love you. I don’t know why. But I do. I blurted that out, maybe because that’s the actual definition of what I am feeling for you. This undying need for you. This soul-consuming want for you. Every time I look at you, this deep voice inside me keeps saying possessively, ‘You’re mine. Just mine.’ You belong to me and I to you. I don’t think I can let you go. I was scared at first to have you in my life for many reasons. But when you left, my life felt empty, making me realize that this Prince lost the biggest battle of his life and with it his precious Princess too. And then when you came back to my life and thank god I got to my senses and got you, I felt this weird feeling for you which made me scared again. I don’t wanna let you go. I wanna hold on to you so hard that you won’t ever be able to leave.” He says, and I feel tears running down my cheeks.

“Oh, my gosh!” I say and burst out in full crying mode.

“Why are you crying? Is that so bad? I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that I wouldn’t let you go for your work and shopping or family visits. What I meant to say was that I will not leave you and let another man get lucky when I can be lucky. But not in bedroom terms. What I meant to say was life term. You are good, caring, and loving. I would be a fool to let you go. But that doesn’t mean I don’t won’t let go of you in bed too. I mean, you are hot and sexy plus fun. But what I mean to say… I am sorry if you thought that was too much too soon. Daisy, please don’t cry. I can bring ten more cats like this and won’t regret it, I promise.” Theo says in panic as I try to control my tears to answer and chuckle at some of his words.

“Theo.” I say between hiccups.

“Yes? You need water. I’ll go bring it for you. Stay here. And where did that kitten go?” He asks as he looks around for the kitten, for whom I got a perfect name in my head.

“Theo. I… wanna… say… that…” I try to say.

“Here, drink some water then say so I can hear it clearly and you don’t have to struggle to speak too.” Theo says and gives me some water and I take small sips, so I don’t choke on it.

“Thanks.” I say as I give back the glass.

“Are you feeling okay?” He asks and rubs my back. When I look at him, he wipes away my tears with his handkerchief, which smells good.

“I am fine. Theo, I-” I say, but he interrupts me again.

“That’s okay, Daisy. You don’t have to feel this instantly, just like me. I am sorry to put you under such feelings of mine, which are too much, even for me right now. I know you must be-” Theo says, but I interrupt him by kissing him this time.

“I love you, silly. You and I both feel the same way. I love you just like you love me. Maybe more than you.” I say and a slow smile breaks on his face like a sun coming out behind the mountains.

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