Damian’s Obsession




Grey stood impatient as he waited for Selina to come out of the restroom. It was taking forever so he started to panick.

He leaned on the door to listen for any sound that shows thatshe was still in. He became calm when. he heard the tap still running.

“Miss, are you done yet?” He asked but he heard no reply.

“Miss?” He called again as he knocked on the door. Still no reply from Selina.

“If you don’t open up now, I’ll be forced to come in.” He said, still no reply.

“Fuck this..” He cussed as he broke the door knob and opened the door.

He saw the the basin over filled with water so he switch off the tap.

“Miss??” He called as he searched around for Selina but there was no sign of her.

His eyes bulged out when he saw the window was wide opened. He immediately understood what had happened.

“Shit!! The boss is going to kill me.” He muttered as he ran out of the toilet

He searched every nook and cranny of the club but he still couldn’t find her.

“Where could she have gone?” He asked himself tiredly.

“There’s only one thing left to do now.” He muttered as he walked towards Damian’s office.

He stood in front of the door. After waiting for some minutes, trying to gather all the courage he could muster, he finally knocked on the door.

“Come in.” He heard Damian’s voice say.

He took in a deep breath before entering the room. He stood in front of Damian, with his head bowed.

He was so scared that he didn’t know what to say. After several uncomfortable moments of silence, Damian finally looked up from the files he was reading with a frown creased on his forehead.

“Where’s Selina?” He asked when he finally noticed her absence.

“I… uhmm. t.. the…..” Grey stammered not knowing what to say.

“Speak with words you dimwit.” Damian said angrily.

“She has escaped.” Grey uttered.

“What did you just say?” Damian asked angrily.

“She escaped bos…..”

“Oh I heard you the first time.” Damian cut him off angrily.

“How could she escape under your watch?” He asked.

“I’m sorry boss. I couldn’t follow her into the restroom so she used it at her advantage. She escaped through the window.” Grey said in fear.

“I see. Did you search for her around the club? She could have gotten far.” He asked.

“I did. She’s no where to be found.” Grey answered.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Okay.” Damian answered as he brought out his phone.

Grey looked up to stare at him in surprise. He was expecting Damian to last out on him but instead, he looked so calm.

What Selina didn’t know was that Damian installed a tracking app on her phone. That way, he could easily track her location so she couldn’t escape from him easily.

Luckily, she was with her phone when she had escaped.

Damian’s calm face morphed into a frown when he saw the direction she was heading. It wasn’t her home she was going to. But instead, Roman’s mansion.

This only clears the fact that she never escaped. Instead, she was kidnapped because the Selina he knows wouldn’t just follow Roman to his home.

“Gather some armed boys with you. We are gonna be paying Roman a bloody visit.” Damian ordered Grey as he walked out of the room angrily.

Grey looked up in shock. When Damian gets like this, it only means that he’s going out for war.

“How dare you touch what’s mine Roman. You’ll pay dearly for this.” Damian said inwardly.


Thankfully, it didn’t have bars. This is it. This is my last chance to leave here for good.

I put on the tap so he won’t be able to hear what I was doing. Then, I climbed on the toilet seat and opened the window.

It was large enough for me to escape through it. I climbed out through the window before I landed on the floor.

Thankfully, I didn’t sustain much injuries. I stood up and took to my heels immediately. I was about to head out of the compound when a black van suddenly stopped in front of me.

Not again, not when I’m almost there. Why’s this always happening to me?

Two hefty looking men jumped out of it and suddenly grabbed me. Before I could run away, they covered my mouth so I couldn’t scream threw me into the van.

After that, they drove off.

They tied me up because I wouldn’t stop struggling.

“Where are you taking me to you bastards?” I asked angrily but they didn’t answer.

“I’ll scream if you don’t let me go.” I threatened but they all bursted out laughing.

“You think this is funny??” I asked angrily.

“Who do you think will save you if you scream? Damian?” One asked with a mocking snicker.

“Look at how beautiful and flawless she is. I see why Damian kept her as his whore.” Another said and they bursted out laughing again.

I was so angry at his remark so I spat on his face. I heard ooo’s and laughter’s from all the guys around and that made him angry. He frowned in disgust.

“You crazy wench.” He cussed as he lifted his hand to hit me but I didn’t blink nor flinch.

“Do your worst.” I said courageously.

“You’re so lucky the boss wants you unscathed if not I don’t mind beating you into a pulp.” He said.

“Don’t worry. We’ll soon have our way with her after the boss is done. Then, you can do whatever you want.” The one driving said and that made him smile

“Good. I can’t wait baby.” He said as he trailed his large thumb around my face but I shook it off in disgust.

I was finally starting to panick now. My stay with Damian was much peaceful even though he knows how to irk me sometimes.

Why did I try to escape in the first place? See what my disobedience has out me in. I hope that I’ll be able to escape this one too.

The van finally stopped and I was dragged out by the hefty me.

“Let me go.. let me go!!!” I kicked and screamed.

“Shut up bitch!” The one who was exchanging words with me in the van said angrily but I ignored him and continued struggling.

He frowned in anger and raised his hands to hit me. I closed my eyes, expecting the pain but instead, I heard a loud gunshot.

I opened my eyes to see him laying dead on the floor with blood flowing out of his forehead. I screamed in shock.

“There’s no need to be afraid love. I’m here for you.” I heard that familiar voice say.

I turned to see who just said those words.

“Roman.” I said as I stared at him in horror.

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