Damian’s Obsession


“Selina.” I heard and looked over to see Damian sprawled on the floor.Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

His face and body was filled with blood. He looked like he had been attacked.

“Damian!!” I called out in fear and was about to run towards him when someone suddenly grabbed me.

“Going somewhere??” My teary eyes widened when I saw those familiar blue eyes staring down at me. No way. No fucking way!!!

Mark??? He found us!! Conniption gripped me and I tried to break away from his hold but my attempts were futile. I finally had an idea but I didn’t know if it would work.

I managed to release one of my hands and attempted to hit him but as expected, he easily caught it. He held it and smirked at me.

“What are you trying to do?? Hit me??” He asked as he laughed while his minions joined him too.

He was finally distracted. I took that chance and kicked him very hard where the sun doesn’t shine. He released me immediately and landed on the floor with as a painful grunt escaped his lips.

“Boss!!” His minions called as they ran towards him.

I took that chance and ran towards Damian. I crouched beside his battered body.

“Damian!!” I called tearfully as I touched his bloody face.

“Selina. You need to go.” He muttered as thick red blood oozed out of his mouth.

“See what they did to you. I should have never left you in the first place.” I cried.

“Don’t worry about me princess. You need to leave right now.” He said as he tried to push me away from him but I wouldn’t budge.

There is no way I’m leaving him alone here.

“If I should leave, then you are coming with me.” I said.

“Selina…” “Damian…. You should listen to me to. Let’s leave here together.” I muttered as I tried to help him stand up.

He finally got up with my help and we were about to leave when someone suddenly pulled me back. I lost my balance and fell down, Damian too since I was supporting his weight.

The person that pulled me back was one of Mark’s minions. The one that brought me here in the first place.

“Where do you think you are going you crazy bitch??” He asked as he pulled on my hair and dragged me on the floor away from where Damian was and back to Mark.

I could feel my clothes tearing as I was being pulled on the floor. I screamed in pain as I felt my bare back scratch the floor.

“Let go of her!!” Damian shouted at the top of his lungs when he heard my screams.

“What if I don’t?? The man said as he continued pulling me by my hair and kept ignoring my painful shrieks.

“I said you should let go!!!” BANG!!!!!

A really loud gun shot was heard and the man pulling my hair fell down dead. Damian had picked up a pistol and shot him.

“Shit!! He has a gun” One of the boys said and was about to rush to Damian when he shot at him too. Damian didn’t stop there and continued shooting at whoever he saw. Except me of course.

I managed to crawl away from where I was because Damian was still exchanging bullets with Mark and his boys.

Sometimes, I would peep out of my hide out to see what was going on. Thankfully, Damian was already against only Mark since he had shot down all of Mark’s boys.

“URGHHH!!” I heard a painful grunt and it sounded like Damian.

I peeped again to see Damian holding his arm painfully. Damian was about to shoot again when Mark shot him on his second arm.

Damian dropped his pistol on the floor and grunted in pain.

“I wanted it to be more fun but you just had to ruin it.” Mark said as he walked closer to Damian.

No!! I need to do something. Anything. Think Selina!! Think!!!! I saw a pistol on one of the dead man’s hands.

I managed to remove it from his hands without getting caught by Mark. He had already held Damian harshly by his collar when I jumped out of my hideout.

“Let him go!!” I said as I pointed the pistol at his face.

“The princess has finally come out of her hideout to save her prince,” He said.

“I said let go of him!!” I warned as still pointed the gun at him.

“As you wish.” He muttered as he let go of Damian.

“Now, move away from him!” I ordered and he complied as he raised his hands up in surrender.

I followed his every move as he walked away from Damian. I made sure not to lose my focus as I kept the gun pointed at him.

“What are you going to do now?? Shoot me??” He asked.

“Don’t test me!” I answered back.

“Do you even know how to use a gun??” He teased as he started taking slow steps to where I was.\

What is he trying to do now?? “Stay where you are!!” I ordered.

“Don’t you fucking tell me what to do!!” He shouted and was about to run towards me when I shot him on his right leg.

“You fucking bitch!!” He screamed in pain as he held his leg.

My eyes widened in shock as I watched him holding his hurt leg. I just shot him. I can’t believe I actually shot him. The pistol started to feel really heavy on my hand so I dropped it.

I was about to pick it up when someone suddenly tackled my to the ground. It was Mark.

I tried to get up on my feet but he quickly climbed on top of me.

“Get off me you animal!!” I screamed at him and tried to push him off but a slap from him was enough to make me numb.

“How dare you wench!! How dare you shoot me!!” He screamed at my face as he dealt me with another heavy slap.

“Get off her!!” Damian said as he tried to get on his feet but fell back.

Mark didn’t stop but continued hitting me. By the time he already had his fill, I was a bloody mess and my eyes were already blurry.

“You made a very big mistake today and I’ll make sure you regret it for the rest of your life.” He whispered.

I was so much in pain to even listen to what he was saying. I suddenly became alert when his hands reached underneath my gown.

What is he trying to do?? No!! He can do this!! I started to struggle with him again. This time, harder than before.

“Stop it Mark. Let her go!! I’ll give it to you if you do!!” Damian said, making Mark stop his assault.

I sighed deeply.

“You’ll give me what??” Mark asked.

“My title and my life. I will give it to you if you let her go. So, please, stop it. I beg.” He said.

“What is the need?? You are too weak tyo fight me anyway so you are just good as dead. But first, I want you to watch as I use your woman.” Mark said.

The agitation returned again. “No!!” Damian muttered. “I want you to watch as she screams out my name, begging me to stop when I slam deep into her.” Mark said with a smirk before he resumed what he was doing.

“Stop!! Please stop it!!” Damian begged but this just pushed Mark to continue.

“Let me go!! You can’t do this to me.” I cried as I tried to push him off me.

“Oh but I can. Stop struggling and let me give you the best experience of your life.” He whispered as he tried to pull off my clothes but I wouldn’t let him. He started to get really frustrated.

“I said you should stay still!!” He shouted as he punched me on my stomach.

I groaned as the pain cursed through me and weakened me. I stopped struggling so he took that chance and tore off my clothes from my body.

I shivered as the cold air blew my body. This is it. This is how I’ll loose my innocence I have kept for years.

I looked to my side to see Damian whimpering on the floor. His eyes were very red as he kept muttering ‘stop it’ repeatedly. He looked so helpless.

I never knew Damian would ever weep this way for me. It brought tears to my eyes.

“Damian…..” I whispered as tears started to drop from my eyes.

My attention was finally brought back to the animal on top of me. My eyes shone with anger when I saw him struggling to pull off his pants.

No way! I can’t let him just have his way with me like this. While he was still struggling with his pants so I stretched out my hands on the floor to pick anything I could use as a weapon.

My hands finally came in contact with something hard. Same time he was about to pull off my pants.

I took my chance and raised it up. I smiled happily when I saw it was a huge shard of glass.

“You animal!!” I screamed at him and used the glass to stab him on his neck.

It got stuck deep in his throat. I pushed him off me and watched as he struggled really hard to breath as he held his neck. I kept watching him until he drew his last disgusting breath.

I crawled weakly towards Damian and wrapped my hands around him shakily. I cried like I have never done before as I tightened my arms around me while he returned the hug too.

“You did it.” Damian muttered as he buried his head on the crook of my neck.

I cried harder as I held him closer. That was a really close call. I suddenly heard foot steps sounding out side so I picked up a pistol.

I was about to shoot at whomever it was that would enter the living room when I saw Felix trooping in carefully with some boys behind him.

He is still alive??

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