Dance With Me (Silent Whisper’s)


‘Falling in love is very real, but I used to shake my head when people talked about soul mates, poor deluded individuals grasping at some supernatural ideal not intended for mortals but sounded pretty in a poetry book. Then, we met, and everything changed, the cynic has become the converted, the sceptic, an ardent zealot.’

Somewhere In an Unknown Place:

The smell of dried blood filled the room.

Craig lay on the ground, his eyes closed in a grimace of pain, the Ninja’s sent to torture him has left him in pains. Ignoring the pain in his thigh, the blood seeping from the cut in his left arm and feet, he tried to get up but screamed out in pain as he couldn’t. His head hurt too much. His body hurt too much. It seemed that everything hurt too much. Slowly, his senses started to send reports back to his brain. There were bruises and cuts and scrapes and maybe some breaks all round his body. He kept his eyes closed, not because he didn’t want to see where he was, but he thought it would hurt too much to open them.

Why is Philly doing this?

He hopes that his second son survive and also hope that Nora wasn’t harmed.


A Ninja knocked on the door Philly was in and waited for a response.

“Come in Leo.”

Leo, a built up guy, opened the door and entered the room, not surprised of how Philly knows it was him. Unlike the rest of the Ninja’s that put on black, Leo dressed in all white.

Leo went to seat at the only sofa in the room since Philly was sitting on the bed Nora is and was still caressing her face.

“How far with your investigation about the killer who had killed Ivan and the other two?” Philly asked softly.

“My findings lead me to Paul Mirror, he was the one who had killed them master.” Leo reply lowly.

“I won’t have believed you if Max hasn’t told me himself that Paul was once a Samurai.”

“What should I do with him? Wait…he was once a Samurai?” Leo asked confusedly.

“Yeah, he was a Samurai. Max attacked him and he was brought to the hospital which Pan worked. Pan called me a few hours ago and told me about that fool who is still breathing. I told Pan to kill him once and for all, since then he hasn’t call me back.” Philly explained.

“Do you think something bad might have happened to Pan? Maybe he was caught?” Leo said.

“Nah, Pan is too careful in whatever he does, this is not his first time in eliminating someone for me.” Philly said in confidence. He was definitely sure that Pan will succeed in his mission.

“If you say so master.” Leo said before a knock sounded once again on the door interrupting them. “Come in.” This time, Leo said lowly.

Two Ninja’s step into the room and bowed before Philly and greeted Leo.

“We have torture the man you asked us to torture master. He is greatly injured, we injured him badly.” One of the Ninja’s told Philly.

“Good, very good, he shall bleed to his death.” Philly said with a smile, “You can go now?”

The two Ninja’s bowed again and left the room. At that moment, Nora start to groan in pain holding her cheek as she was finally awake.

“Leave us alone Leo.” Philly quickly ordered as Leo quietly left the room.

Philly eyes couldn’t leave Nora’s face as he awaits for her to open her beautiful eyes.



David quietly left his room and knocked on Eric’s door. Eric opened the door and usher David in.

“What is it bro?” Eric asked as he saw the worried look on David’s face. He became alert.

“Paul just called me and told me he was attacked by Philly Ninja’s. He said Philly took Nora and his father away after the help he had called backstabbed him.”

“What!? Then I must go quickly to Floda to protect him. He saved my life and I shall do the same for him.” Eric said.

“He hasn’t ask for our presence yet let alone for yours. If he wants our help, he will call and ask for it. If you go to Floda now, who will protect my father, his foster father and me against those Ninja’s? He knows you know how to fight the Ninja’s, that is why he asked you to come with me.” David told him.

“You’re right, I will try my possible best to protect those he cares about.” Eric promised.

“Good, I shall be in my room. Good night.” David said with a smile.

“Night bro.” Eric return the smile with one of his own as David left his room.


Max and some of his Samurai warriors had gone into Robert Mirror home in search for his father, but they couldn’t find him. Out of frustration, he ordered the house servants to be killed.

Making him the master of the Samurai’s was the biggest mistake Paul had ever made.

Max and Philly were friends and went to the same Ninja training. Max had to drop out when his father realized how cruel their teacher was. That was how he found himself training with some Samurai’s.

When he heard that Philly was the new master, he rekindle their friendship once again and was even happy when Paul made him the new master.

Unknown to Paul, he and Philly became Ally, thus making Samurai and Ninja working together.

After they made sure none of the servants were breathing they left the mansion.

Max started thinking if he could remember the place Paul had taken him too once before, but no matter how hard he tried to remember, he couldn’t remember what road they had taken to the penthouse. He stopped and gave a sign to the rest of them which prompted them to stop also.

“We shall spend the night in the old layer then continue our journey tomorrow. Its late already.” Max announced to his comrades. They all started off to the direction of their late teachers abode.



Daisy appeared in Nora’s room, dropping Dementia gently on the floor, she quickly removed whatever spells the evil fairy had cast in her body which made her not to move any part of her body.

“Where is Nora?” Dementia asked as she was able to feel her body once again.

“I don’t know, let me check what happened in my absence.” Daisy said and closed her eyes, concentrating. She soon opened her eyes. “He has taken her as I had foreseen earlier.” Daisy said after a while.

“Who has taken her?” Dementia ask not quite getting it.

“I can’t go into much detail dementia, but we have to find out where ever Nora is.” Daisy reply. “I thought I would make it in time.” she added sadly.

“Have you forgotten so soon sis what I can do?”

Daisy eyes widened in remembrance. “It has escaped my mind.” She said happily and went over to where Nora’s wardrobe is and opened it with her magic.

Dementia flew inside it and breathed in Nora’s scent. Closing her eyes she began rubbing her Palm together as she started whispering softly.

A small golden ball of light started forming in her palm as she opened her eyes.

The golden ball of light started levitating itself and Dementia use her magic to open Nora’s closed window.

The ball of light flew out of the window into the night.

“We have to follow that ball of light, it will take us to wherever Nora is being kept.” Dementia told her twin. Together they flew outside, Dementia closed Nora’s room window after them before they started following the golden ball of light.


Valten:This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.

How can he hear it’s Silent whispers?

Paul thought to himself and went over to where the box lay, dug out the key to it he had buried beside the box the day his master had given him the box.

Opening the box which revealed the sword in it, still the way it was when his master had shown him.

He heard his master’s voice again.

“There is a saying that goes: ‘the sword that saves man kills man’. The sword is a tool for killing. No matter whose hands it is in. If you want to master this particular sword, then you must be at peace with death. When you hear its silent whispers, you will know the name of the sword.”

Paul sat on the floor in India style, closing his eyes, he focus all his attention on the sword in the box, he placed his two hands over the sword and started whispering.

“Dance With Me, let me become one with you.”

Few minutes later, Paul heard something or rather a word, he opened his eyes and saw the sword floating in the air. The sword sheath was still in the box.

“The Sword of Attila.” Paul spoke out. He widened his eyes in shock as if he didn’t know when he said those words out. “The Sword of Attila.” He whispered again as he watches the sword.

“Hold the sword, it has accepted you. It is now yours.” A voice spoke in his head and Paul did as he was instructed.

Grabbing hold of the sword, he stood up from the floor.

He remembered what his late master had taught about the sword dance and had shown it to him once. The memories were still intact, he started dancing with the sword like his master had showed him.

30 minutes Later, Paul was through with his sword dancing, he took the sheath inside the box and put the sword back.

He turned to face the statues and went over to where the drum was, he beat the drum.

Nothing happened.

He beat the drum again, nothing happened.

He found out he couldn’t control his right hand when it grab hold of the sword and remove it once again from its sheath.

The sword he was holding suddenly left his hand and flew towards the statues. One by one the sword hit them in different rhythm and it went back into Paul’s right hand.

Paul suddenly found himself hitting the drum with the sword in a tune he doesn’t know. It was as if the sword has its own thought as it was counting the beat.

The statues started to come alive one after the other as he beat the drum with the sword.

As soon as all the statues became alive, the drum which Paul was beating turned into dust immediately.

The ten Samurai began to kneel before Paul one after the other. Their clothes were all Red in color except for their eyes and hair which were dark in color.

“We are at your command master.” One of them spoke as the Nine Samurai nodded their heads at the same in confirmation to what he said.

“Command us Master.” The ten of them said together.

The dust from which the drum had turned into began to transform into ten swords as they levitate and landed beside each Samurai.

Paul smiled for the first time that night.

“Stand up.” He said to them. They stood up to their feet. “First of all, don’t refer to me as Master, I am simply Paul. Two, I really need your help in fighting against some Ninja’s and collecting what was taken away from me.” Paul told the Ten Samurai’s.

“None of our old masters has ever allowed us call them by their names execpt you.” The last of the ten Samurai spoke.

“Well I am not like them, just call me Paul. Please, tell me your names.”

“We have no names Paul, we are just called the Ten Immortals of Samurai.” The first Samurai who had spoken said again.

“Okay, once this is over, I am going to give you guys a name each. From now henceforth, we are brothers.” Paul told them with a smile. “The night is still young, let’s get out of here.” he added as he lead them out of the secret chambers.

He came out with them in the compound and just at the same time, Max and his comrades jumped into the compound.

Paul was surprised when he saw them but his surprise quickly turned into hatred when he saw Max with them.

Max was equally surprised when he saw Paul, standing alone, standing by himself… fully healed.

How was he able to escape death? He had made sure he won’t survive the sword wounds and now, Paul was standing in front of him… not dead.

“Max, you betrayed me, I gave you the title of Master, yet you have the guts to betray me, Why?”

“Well if you must know, Philly and I were friends way back then. You fall in love with the wrong girl Paul.”

“Was that the reason why you stabbed me?”

“You didn’t die as we had expected Paul, indeed you’re a fighter.” Max responded. “And since you didn’t die back in Floda, I will have to kill you again.”

“If I didn’t die then in Floda, what makes you think I will die Max?”

“You’re alone and I have my Samurai warriors with me.” Max said.

Paul turned his head to look at his back, he saw his Samurai behind him. Seeing his confused eyes one of the Samurai spoke. “They can’t see us except you Paul. If you want, you can make us visible to the world.”

“How?” Paul whisper quitely.

“With your sword.” The ten said together.

Paul nodded his head in understanding and remove his sword from its sheath.

“You think you can kill my Samurai’s with that sword of yours? Listen, they have been trained….”

“If you had been listening to what Master Sari (Paul’s old Samurai teacher name) has been teaching us, maybe you might know what kind of sword I am holding, but no, your brains were filled with Philly thoughts.” Paul interrupted him.

“Attack him!” Max shouted in annoyance. The Samurai’s with Max started running towards Paul.

Paul quickly made his sword touch one of the immortals Samurai with the sharp edge of the sword which made him visible. “Kill everyone except the one I spoke too.” He ordered.

The Samurai he had released nodded his head and ran towards the other Samurai’s.

He was very fast and before one could count up to 3, all the Samurai’s lay on the ground in pieces.

Max stood alone now and was surprised when he saw his comrades in pieces. Who ever this new Samurai is, he was dangerous. He turned to run away at least to escape and tell Philly what he saw when he saw Paul standing behind him.

“Going somewhere?” Paul asked him as he thrust the sword into Max stomach before he could reply him. He thrust the sword once again.

“I can heal you, if only you tell me the whereabouts of Nora. I healed myself, that was how I had survived. I can also heal you if you tell me where Philly took my Nora too, I promise you.”

Max quickly told him where Philly hideout is.

Paul removed the sword from Max stomach and thrust it for the last time, this time into Max heart. “Sometimes I don’t keep my promise, especially to backstabbers.”

Max breathed his last as he fell to the ground in a loud thud. Paul remove his sword and clean off the blood on it in Max clothes.

He uses the sharp edge of the sword and touch the remaining nine.

“We’re paying my brother a visit.”


Somewhere In an Unknown Place:

Nora quickly opened her eyes when she remembered what had happened. Philly had slapped her and she had fainted. She looked around her and noticed with fear that she wasn’t in her grandmother’s house.

The cleaning of throat brought her attention to person she wish not to see again, Philly.

“Am sorry I slapped you my love.” Philly apologize.

“Take Me Home right this minute whoever you’re.” Nora said

“My name is Philly my love, the twin brother to Philip who died in a plane crash.”

“Well you’re wrong, Philip is not dead as you had thought, he is alive and you planned with that guy to stab him.”

“You mean to say Paul is Philip?”

“Yes, Paul is Philip and you know what, even if he is not Philip, I will still choose him instead of a monster like you.”

“He won’t survive that wound Max gave him and even if he does, he won’t escape me.” Philly said in determination as he moved closer to Nora who shifted back. “Why can’t you love me the way you love my brother. I have his face and everything yet you don’t love me, why?”

“My heart doesn’t want you, please let me go.”

“Too late for that Nora, I can’t let you go. I will have you all to myself.” Philly said shifting closer to her.

Unfortunately for Nora, her back hit the wall at the end of the bed. There was no escape.

“I love you Nora with every fiber in my body.”

“And I don’t love you Philly. I belong to Paul.”

“Well you belong to me Nora, your body, your soul, everything belongs to me and I swear, I won’t allow Paul or Philly or whoever come between us.” Philly said staring at her shaking body and licking his lips, that sent shivers down her spine. “You have never been with a man before Nora, I am glad for that, I will be your first and last my love.” Philly said with a wicked smile as he touched Nora arms and bring her closer to him, closing the remaining gap between them.

“Please don’t touch me.” Nora pleaded in tears.

“Too late for that, I have waited so long and patiently for this my love. You will enjoy it… enjoy me when I ravish all your body.” Philly said pushing her to the bed and quickly climb her, holding her hands above her head as Nora tried to get away from him. He raised his body up a little bit from Nora’s and used his free hand to start tearing the clothes Nora wore with ease.

“You can’t do this to me Philly, I will do anything but this, please.” Nora pleaded with tears.

Philly didn’t answer her as he removed her clothes save for her bra and panties. His eyes were filled with lust as he saw Nora’s naked body.

“I will scream out my lungs.” Nora threaten with tears.

“Scream all you want my love, no one can save you, but I can assure you that your scream will turn into moans for me by the time I am done with you.” Philly said as he suddenly kissed her roughly, his hand going for her bra and yanked it off her breast.

Someone please save me.

Nora thought as the tears poured out the more from her eyes.

Daisy? Paul?

Help me.

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