Dangerous Billionaire

Chap 60

Chapter 60


[Jess, I’ll see that guy now, I’ll call you later. ]

The message Chelsea sent to Jessica’s number. According to a message from her friend, Chelsea only dared to send a message without calling to contact Jessica via phone call.

Then, she left the house. A taxi was waiting for her in front of the house.

“Queen Resto, hurry up, sir!” Chelsea was in the back seat. Several times she checked incoming messages on her phone. She was waiting for a reply from Jessica, but she did not get a reply from her at all.

Less than twenty minutes later, Chelsea arrived at Queen’s resto. She did not forget to pay the taxi fare, then got off. She looked at the digital clock on her phone. It was ten minutes late, without delay she immediately entered the private room according to the direction of the man who wanted to meet her.

“Good afternoon, sorry, I’m late, I’m Chelsea who contacted you a few days ago.” Chelsea nodded politely, then she sat down before the young man.

“Hello Chelsea, I’m Daniel Kim. I was the one who went to the orphanage the other day. Nice to meet you,” Daniel held out his hand. He was a little bit disappointed that it was not Elsa who met him. However, he was quite grateful that Chelsea would come to see him. At least, he opened the opportunity to be able to visit with his younger sister.

Chelsea shook her interlocutor’s hand. Her two eyes observed Daniel Kim from toe to toe. He wore shiny black shoes, black suit with a white shirt that fit perfectly to his size. A luxury watch that looped around his right wrist. From what the man was wearing, Chelsea was sure that Daniel was not just a usual rich man. Chelsea looked at his face. A pair of sharp black eagle eyes. The nose was sharp, with a solid jaw. Natural red lips that contrast perfectly with the pure white skin of his face. His thick black hair he combed back. Regarding appearance, Daniel Kim is more handsome than Lexi Ricardo.

“Are you Jessica’s friend?” Daniel Kim asked the question, he brought back Chelsea’s lost consciousness. Chelsea was amazed by the appearance of the handsome man who was currently sitting a distance of less than a meter in front of her.

“I’m a friend of Jessica’s! I have been friends with Jessica since childhood. We grew up together in the orphanage, ” Chelsea said seriously. The handsome face in front of her managed to make Chelsea not blink. He is very handsome.

“Look at this!” Daniel gave her two pictures of Jessica at the age of six, the same ones he showed Lexi.

Chelsea’s hands extended, taking the two pieces of the photo. Then, she observed it. It didn’t take long for her to recognize who the child in the photo was. It was Jessica.

“Why does Daniel have a picture of Jessica as a child?” Chelsea asked. Her heart sank when she saw the man staring at her. You could say, Daniel was the most handsome man he had ever seen.

“Yes, that’s it! I have so many questions about Jessica. Please don’t ask before I finish asking,” Daniel asked. All the information about Jessica was very important to her.


“What do you know about Jessica?” Daniel investigated.

“Jessica has lived in an orphanage since she was six years old. I don’t know what her parents are like, or the people who put Jessica in the orphanage. All I know is that Jessica was always staying in the orphanage. From the beginning, she refused to be adopted.” Chelsea’s memory of Jessica is clear.

“What about his school days?” Daniel imagined how hard it was for Jessica every day. She was far from her family, and living with simplicity and circumstances that were far from enough.

“Jessica and I studied in the same elementary school, but when I was in junior high and high school, I had foster parents, so we went to school in different places. However, we have remained friends to this day.” Chelsea started to look down and look away. She was not wanting to obey the words of the heart that made her want to always see Daniel’s handsome face.

“Now regarding Jessica and Lexi’s marriage, there are some things I want to confirm with you?” Daniel straightened his body. Both his hands were on the table. The distance between him and Chelsea.

“Yes– yess–of course!” Chelsea replied until she was nervous..

“Was Lexi sleeping with her or forcing Jessica to serve him before they got married?” Daniel asked her that and he looked straight in Chelsea’s face.

“I know less. But, I heard from Jessica that they had stayed at the villa a month before they got married!” Chelsea could only answer honestly. She did not know the consequences of every answer she gave.

“That’s it? How did their encounter begin and why did Jessica want to marry him? You can’t possibly not know it.” The atmosphere was heating up because the information Chelsea gave was almost the same as the facts he got.

“I do not know the beginning of Jessica’s encounter with Mr. Lexi, but I know if Jessica agreed to the marriage with Mr. Lexi, because the man lent her a billion so that the orphanage would not be evicted.” Jessica wanted to borrow money, and Lexi looked for it all the way to Chelsea’s house. It was still clearly imprinted in her brain.

“Can you say Jessica was willing to marry him because she was forced?”

“Most likely it was like that, because at the beginning Jessica always referred to Mr. Lexi as a crazy guy!” she said obviously.

“Is it really like that?” Daniel shook his head. He doesn’t like the facts he found.

“Yes, and even after marriage, Jessica once ran away from home and did not want to go home, Mr. Lexi has been rude to her!” Chelsea had seen the bite on Jessica’s shoulder.

“The last question, I think. Will Jessica be happy when she meets her family, or will Jessica still be the wife of LexiRicardo?” fingers of his right hand were massaging his head that felt dizzy.


Chelsea presented all the memories with Jessica when her best friend repeatedly said she wanted to see her parents..

“I think Jessica would be happier if she met her parents!”

“You sure?”

“Yes, I am very sure that Jessica will be very happy to meet her family. She married Mr. Lexi just for the sake of the orphanage to not be evicted, and her family. You could easily pick her up.” Chelsea expressed its opinion with full confidence. She wanted to know what happened to Jessica right now.

“In that case, can you arrange for my meeting with Jessica?”

“I’m not sure, Mr. Lexi never allowed Jessica to leave the house alone. When I want to see her alone, I have to go there, and I can’t take Jessica to go out.”

“When the opportunity comes, I hope you will tell me.”


“I’m leaving now, regarding your question, calm down. I’ll send a message, I’m leaving now!” Daniel, who was still confused, just passed out in front of Chelsea.

If he was not Daniel Kim, Chelsea would be furious if she was treated like that. Left just to go. However, this time Chelsea forgave because he’s so handsome.

* * *

Afternoon to night, Jessica and Lexi did a lot of things together. They were walking in the mall, enjoying the beautiful twilight, and they decided to go home to the apartment.

Lexi deliberately did not tell Jessica about his meeting with Daniel Kim, who is most likely a member of Jessica’s family. He was very afraid that Jessica would leave him after knowing her real family members.

Jessica came out of her sleep. She was making sure Lexi was comfortably asleep. It was quite difficult. She would open a message from Chelsea. She was really curious about what really happened. Who did Chelsea meet? For what reason? And more importantly, his parents or not?

“Where to?”

The two eyes of Lexi’s eyes opened as Jessica moved. Of course it failed, usually Lexi woke up first. He is the kind of person who wakes up easily. The slightest movement would keep him awake. Unless he’s really tired.

“I want to cook,” Jessica said.

“You hungry?” he asked.

“Yes, I want to make some noodles!” she explained. Lexi, who had been very tempted, forced Jessica to immediately return to the apartment. As a result they have not had dinner.

Lexi nodded her head. Jessica was relieved to be able to call Chelsea and ask as much as she could. The husband did not suspect it and closed his eyes again.

Jessica slowly closed the door. Then, she reached her phone that she secretly put in her pants pocket.

There was a phone call, not from Chelsea but from Beryl. Jessica, who missed and wanted to know the condition of the Beryl, immediately received a phone call from him.

“Hello,” Jessica said as she brought the smartphone to her right ear.

“Hello, Jess. You finally picked up my call. How are you?” he asked from across the phone. He was so excited when Jessica finally picked up the call.

“I am pretty good, How about you?”

Jessica almost forgot that she had a baguette. As with Chelsea, Beryl is a good friend who will help her.

“I have good news too, emm- I have something to tell you,” he said hesitantly.

“Just tell me, what is it?”Jessica moved to the pantry and started turning on the stove to heat the water. It had been a long time since she ate instant noodles, which when she was in the orphanage became her favorite food. Instant noodles with extra pieces of chili and eggs.

“Two days ago there was a man who came to see me, he asked about you. He also said that he had just come from our orphanage and failed to see you.” If Jessica was not married, maybe he would come back to Jakarta every two months to see her.

The sound of Lexi’s footsteps approached, and the man immediately hugged her from behind. Jessica decided to ask more questions.

“Beryl, I’ll cook first, my husband is hungry!” Jessica said as she didn’t want Lexi to hear her conversation with Beryl.

“Oh, yes.” Hearing the word ‘husband’ always made Beryl inching, reminding himself that Jessica is now someone’s wife. It’s not a good idea to call her at night.


Jessica ended the phone call and put it back in her pocket. He was feeling scared, Lexi catched her calling Beryl.

“Do you call him often?” Lexi investigated. There was no anger in his tone.

“Only this time, I’m not the one who called first,” Jessica said quietly.

“Why did you get a phone call from him?” Lexi kept hugging Jessica from her back very tightly.

“Because I want to know how he’s doing.”

“Why do you want to know how he’s doing?”

“Because Beryl’s my friend?”

“Are you sure you’re just friends?”

“Yes, friend!”Jessica said firmly.

“Don’t call him at night.”

“Yes. I’m not gonna call him again.”


“Yes, promise. Then let me finish my cooking, I can’t cut chili peppers like this!” Jessica grumbled that she couldn’t wait to eat instant noodles.

“Here I help, or I just order so you don’t get tired of cooking!” Lexi offered, he didn’t want to let go of his hug yet.

“No my husband, you just wait, and let me do the cooking. It’s just a minute. I’ll cook for you too.”

“No, just a bowl for the two of us!”

“But this is spicy honey, you don’t like it right?”

“From today I will learn to like what you like!” Lexi looked closely at Jessica and managed to make her blush.

* * *

They finished eating a bowl of spicy noodle, Jessica-style instant noodles. A bowl of both at Lexi’s whim. Both of them returned to the room. They sat back and decided to watch a movie together.C0ntent © 2024 (N/ô)velDrama.Org.

Because he was tired, Lexi fell asleep first, while Jessica still pretended to be watching a movie. Though she was just waiting for Lexi to fall asleep and would soon read a message from Chelsea that she had not yet had time to open.

However, once again Lexi was awake when he heard Jessica’s movements. “Aren’t you asleep, baby?” Lexi saw the clock on the wall already showing late from eleven o’clock in the evening.

“The film is not finished,” she said.

“Let’s sleep”

Lexi threw the question with his eyes closed, but made Jessica immediately laid down and closed her eyes. Lexi hugged her wife from behind. He wanted to hug Jessica like this. Hopefully, what’s bothering him it was just a bad feeling. Never gonna happen. No!

* * *

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