Dangerous Desires

Chapter 105

Chapter 105

105 Tetra

Caleb and I dropped Tia off at the mansion and proceeded to base i noticed that Tia had developed a thick skin because she wasn‘t looking bothered. It was very unlike her Usually, s would need to convince her that I would return before she would let me leave I guess my trip to Santa Braee had boosted her confidence in me. We also had the element of surprise this time around

“Tia didn‘t flinch,” Caleb noted, and I smiled. He was reading my mind. “Did you tell Kim you were going on a mission?” I asked him, and he shook his head.

“I dare not, Luke. She wouldn‘t let me leave. She panicked when I told her I was to take over as alpha. She was highly relieved when she heard you had returned. So relieved that when I got

ninded me that you were back and I was no longer in charge.” he said, and I began to laugh. “You should have told her you were going on a mission still,” I cautioned him, and he shook his head.

“I am sure Tia will pass the message. She should hear it from Tia,” He said, and I knew he was just being a coward in that regard. It wasn‘t easy telling the woman you love that you were going on a mission that might cost you your life if luck was not on your side, but he owed it to her still.

The base wasn‘t far from the headquarters, so we arrived in no time. Kirk was there with crates of weapons pilled up. Tia wasn‘t joking about procuring weapons. Mike did not seem enthusiastic about the trip. In a genuine sense, Kirk was more qualified for the Gamma position, but my father made him Delta so he would hang around during the mission. I knew it was for Tia‘s benefit, so I allowed it. As much as I wanted to revert their positions, I did not want to embarrass Mike.

“What‘s with the long face?” I asked Mike, and he sighed. “Tasha is a bit ill,” He said, and I could not believe this guy.

“So?” I asked him, and he frowned at me. “I should be home with..” He said, and I cut him short. © NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

“We were at Santa Braee together. You got home when I did, and you have been indoors with your wife. I am equally married, and my wife is already showing, but the safety of this pack is high on our list of priorities. If this pack isn‘t safe, Tasha won‘t be.” I said, and I sighed. Although He was my friend, I knew I would have to put him in his place because I knew what he was exhibiting had to do with Tasha, which explains why Tia did not like the girl. She was a bit like Elisabeth but in a subtle way.

“If you feel you should be at home right now, then you have no business being here or being in the ranks,” I said, and he looked at me stunned. “Your situation is not more critical than ours. Your wife is not more important than ours, and

her well being is not more important than our wives, but we all chose to be here I will not have peace of mind if your heart is not in this. So if you feel you should be at home, as your friend, I will ask you to take your leave and say goodbye to your rank.” I said to him and held his gaze. His eyes faltered a bit, and he averted his stare, which was a sign of submission My mark burned, and i knew he could feel the pressure of my disappointment in his action

“I am sorry, Alpha, I was out of line.” He said and saluted me. I nodded, but I wasn‘t fooled. He was still unhappy about the mission. I could feel it. I moved past him to check the content of the crates

After making the rounds with Kirk, I was satisfied with what I saw. Tia wasn‘t joking when she said she would put the money into arms. With what was available, fifteen of us were enough to raise Tetra to the ground. The grenade with silver bits, silver bullets and gas with silver particles were perfect. They would not know what hit them. I wasn‘t planning to be merciful or convert Luis‘s pack members. I planned to wipe them out. I wanted all the territories that supported him to feel my might. Just as Tia had speculated, there was no way they could be as equipped as we were.

“I need you to send fully armed troops to Eastwood to guard the place. I do not want any surprises. Luis promised Santa Braee‘s Alpha Bitumen. We all know where he plans to get it. I also need Troops in the city here, just in case an attack should ensue.” I said, and Kirk nodded.

“What about the territories that are still under us?” Mike asked, and I shook my head.

“As far as we are concerned, the only people we can trust are people from Woodclaw city. I will not want our newly procured weapons to fall into Luis‘s hands. They can desert us at any time. The last thing we want is our weapons to be used against us. Let them know we will come to their aid if there is any need, but we will not be giving them weapons to defend themselves until we neutralise the threat.” I said, and they all understood because they nodded at once.

“So who are the twenty people that will be following me to Tetra, in Cleeve?“I said, and Many soldiers volunteered, but I felt their uneasiness. Not all of them wanted to go.

“I want soldiers that are passionate about our mission and will give everything without looking back. I do not intend to die there, so I want people willing to win.” I said, and the hands reminded up. My mark burned, and I began to feel them individually. I felt their resolve; some were weak, and others were strong. I did not know how I was doing it or if I was the one even doing it, but it was amazing to feel. It was a sign of loyalty and strength. It did not mean the weaker ones were disloyal. It just meant that their commitment wasn‘t absolute. Mike was one of the people I could not feel, and I knew why. “I hope you won‘t run for the hills when we get there?” I asked him, and he shook his head, surprised. Caleb walked to me and showed me his upper right arm. His alpha mark burned brightly. He was excited about it too, and I laughed. Kirk‘s resolve was the strongest, and I knew I would have to bump him up to gamma. He was supposed to be Caleb‘s Beta and would have been a fine one.

“Kirk, from now on, you are Garnma, and Mike is Delta,” I said, which meant Mike would have to remain in Woodclaw to help Tia in case of an attack. I expected him to go straight to the mansion once we left. He will be in Woodclaw close to his wife, away from the fight, just as he wanted.

“Now, you can remain here, but you must be with Tia and follow her orders,” I said to him, and he was a bit ashamed, but he got what he wanted. He could not chicken out of a mission and still keep his title. It

would not work that way. The dernotion was permanent, and it would remain that way regardless. He used to be a delta anyway; the position would be easy for him to fit in

I selected twenty loyal wolves. We alarmed ourselves, bordered a Chinook helicopter with our weapons, and headed for the place. As much as we planned on assaulting them in the afternoon, I planned on attacking them the moment we got there. We would rain bombs, bullets and gasses on them first, ensuring we get as many as possible, both military and civilian. Then we would jump down to finish the job. I decided to address the troops on our way to Tetra. “These people disrespected us and threatened our lives. They have robbed us of our livelihood and brought chaos upon our island. Our people can no longer go to work or work. Businesses are on hold, and people are afraid for their lives because of these people. They have tormented us and stolen from us. It is now time to push back. We will show them we are not to be trifled with. We will show them we are not pushovers, and we will show them we own this island. I do not want prisoners tonight; I want Tetra to seize to exist.” I said, and they hailed with respect. Kirk was so excited about the mission. I could see it in his eyes, likewise Caleb. I looked at the men around me; they were all excited and eager to get it over with. They were filled with the type of energy needed for the mission. I knew none of them would betray me and my heart was relaxed. The mark stopped burning the moment we were in the air.

We sat in the chopper for two hours and finally arrived at Cleeve. Tetra was an Isolated settlement in the woods of Cleeve. We began to rain bombs on them when we got there while the helicopter roamed the air. There was no way they had an anti–aircraft. I doubted we had that, so we were safe in the air. I heard screams among those, which were women and children, but I was past mercy. There was no way they did not know what their alpha was doing. If they had issues, they should take it up with their alpha, that is, if they live long enough to do so.

“This is a civilian setting,” one of the soldiers said. “Spray them all. They did not have mercy on the civilians of Eastwood. The aim is for this place to seize to exist. It is an illegal settlement and pack. They are all rogues,” Caleb ordered as beta, and no one spoke a word again. We continued to shoot and kill. Once the gas we threw had dissipated, we were out of ammunition. We jumped down and shifted. They

were more warriors in the place than civillians which made the attack worth our while. I Tore through flesh and bit down legs, crushing bones. I didn‘t care. My wolves carried my mark burning brightly, so I simply killed any wolves that did not bear my mark. It was clear their alpha wasn’t there, but every pack that had deserted us to team up with Luis would learn of what I did here, and they would be afraid.

“We surrender,” I heard someone say in my mind, and t did not care.

“I did not come here to take Prisoners. Luis Moon started this,” I said and continued to kill. They put up a fight, but they were not prepared for us. We did a number on them. “Please, we will give you whatever you want,” I heard a female voice in my head. She sounded

frail and afraid.

“I want your Alpha,” i linked her back, and there was silence.

“Our Alpha travelled, but our Beta and Gamma are around.” She said, and that wasn‘t good enough for me. For someone like Luis Moon, I was sure he had multiple Betas and gammas. I wanted every pack associated with him to know what would befall them, so I blocked my mind entirely and continued to kill. We spent hours in Tetra fighting until morning. We killed everyone.

To ensure they were all dead, we checked the bodies in wolf form. When I was satisfied, I linked the chopper to land. We had a camera to help us go live on the helicopter; this was the time to pass my message. I shifted back to my human form and wore joggers. Kirk held the camera, and we went live.

“This is Alpha Luke Moon of the Woodclaw back. What you see is the remains of Tetra. Their only crime is their affiliation with Luis Moon. Luis Moon has plagued my island long enough. He has stolen from my pack and ended people‘s jobs. I have a lot of jobless unhappy people in my pack because of this man. I promised my people I would restore their peace and give them their jobs back. This is me doing it. If your pack is associated with Luis Moon, I promise to come for you. I will keep at it until he surrenders himself

to me. He knows where to find me. Let this be a warning to all the packs that have chosen to house him and take his side. You will be treated as guilty as he is. Let this be a warning to all.” I warned and walked away. I allowed Kirk to walk around the place and film all the corps. It was a massacre indeed. The island needed to see how far I could go to end the threat. This was a perfect example.

I asked the troops to search the still–intact building in case people hid in them. I told them to bring whatever they found to me before killing them. The settlement was small, so I knew we would cover the grounds quickly. It wasn’t a genuine pack. It was an artificial settlement. It wasn‘t long before they started living there. The buildings were made from wood, so they were not planning to have permanent structures there

After searching the place for three hours, the men brought Monica to me. I was surprised to see her. I wondered what she was doing in the area.

“What are you doing here?” I asked her, and Caleb walked up to her.

“Were you kidnapped?” He asked her, and she could not speak. It was as if she was still in . shock, so we decided to take her back to Woodclaw so she could get some help. Caleb did not tell her their mother was awake. It either skipped his mind, or he wanted it to be a surprise.

“Won‘t you tell her your mother is awake?” I asked Caleb.

“I do not think her mind is functioning at the moment. She is in shock,” He pointed out, which was true. She was lucky I asked the men to search the buildings. We would have left without her.

We boarded the helicopter and returned to Woodclaw. This would force those territories that pulled their military support to stay away from Luis. Most especially the poor settlements. If not all, he is bound to lose some.

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