Dangerous Desires

Chapter 116

Chapter 116

116 Come Out Wherever You Are


The office was silent for a bit. Everyone was thinking about what Caleb had said. He was right to be concerned about the bloodshed and the number of casualties we would suffer if we should go to war. There was also no guarantee that Regan would take the bait. I looked at Stacy because she knew him more than all of us.

“Stacy, do you think he will take the bait?” I asked, and she looked at my father and then at me. She had obviously never been in a meeting like this one.

I thought about everything. The way my father would yell at her and throw her out times without number, he mistreated her, and she took it out on me. To her, it was my fault he

couldn’t love her the way she wanted but thinking back at it, the woman never tried to kill any of us. I used to think she was the one that caused the accident that claimed the innocent woll’s life and got me labelled as a murderer, but now I know better. The only thing Stacy was good at was lying and slandering people. She barked with no teeth. Deep down, she was fragile. All the boldface she put up was a defence mechanism. She was used to being used and abused. I hoped my father would treat her better if he planned on getting back with her. The fact that they forgave themselves did not mean they were fully reconciled. They might just end up being good friends after Regan is dealt with. We will just have to wait and see.

“It should work. He is arrogant and will not want you to have the last say. He is bound to respond and will not want to seem weak, but you must be careful. He is very sly. He might agree to one-on-one and cheat to win. Be very careful and vigilant.” she advised, and my father rubbed her back gently. She smiled at him lovingly and looked away. I guess I was wrong about the whole friend thing. Twenty-three years was a long time to just forget each other. She will not walk away because my father won’t let her go. They

loved each other and got each other. I looked at my wife, and she smiled at me. I wondered where we would be in twenty-three years from now. Grateful that there were no lies and secrets between us, if the goddess permits, we will be alive, and our love will be stronger than it is right now.

“Very well then. I will set up a press release and challenge him while Kirk and Caleb get the army together. It will be hard, and I know we must incorporate civilians and ensure no underaged or newlywed joins. We want to bring peace and not sorrow.” I said, and everyone


“I will gather able-bodied women that can fight. This is not a man’s war only. We all own Woodclaw Island, both men and women, and we deserve to fight for our island if the need comes;” Tia said, and my father and I exclaimed at the same time. “Hell no, Tia,” I said to my wife.

“I won’t let you fight while carrying my grandchild. I know the horror we all went through during and after the last attack. You were in pain, Tia. Unimaginable pain. You did not even know when your father attended to you. I can’t put you or my son through that. You will stay put.” My father said, and I was happy he said the words.

“As much as I would like to stay put, it will be wise to prepare for the worse. If our men need help, we will have to chip in. I would rather suffer the pain than watch Regan win. If he wins, he will kill all of us.” Tia said, making a valid point.

“I will help you gather the women, Tia I am in agreement with you on this. I might not be a warrior, but every wolf has instincts, and I am willing to give my life to bring that bastard down.” Stacy said with conviction, and she meant it

“I won’t allow it,” My father said, holding her hands, and she pulled her hands away.

“I want to do something meaningful for a change I want to save lives and contribute to the peace on our island I also want to prove that I am not just a pleasure tool I will join Tia, and the women will fight if it comes to it I will not hide away” Stacy said with conviction, and I knew there was no talking her out of it What was the worse that could happen? She had been humiliated already. My father had separated from her, and she was already hall out of our lives She was clearly doing this because she wanted to and not because she was trying to impress anyone

“I know where we can start, Tia. I was Luna before you I know some able bodied women that are skilled and strong enough to take up arms. They will lead us to others, and the rest will hide in our bunkers with their children. There will be no sorrow in Woodclaw.” Stacy said, and I was surprised at her wisdom. Hiding the women and children before the challenge was brilliant

“I will set up a press release daring Luis to come out so we can finish this once and for all,” I said, and they all agreed.

“We will be making that press release together.” my father said, and I nodded.

“I will make the press release tomorrow. Hopefully, it won’t be too late by then. But while I do that, we will gather help and hide our citizens. Let us be mindful not to make our intentions obvious because he has spies in our midst. He is bound to know where the bunkers are Our plan is not a hundred per cent safe, but it is a step.” I said, and everyone already knew that was possible because no one argued.

Kimberly walked in carrying Emma She was looking worried. She looked relieved when she saw Caleb

“I have been looking for you, and you were not picking up your calls. Emma is running a fever, and I do not know if I should take her to the hospital or call a doctor because of all that is happening, I do not know if what is safe,” she said, and Stacy went to her and took Emma from her She rocked her in her arms and coed her. Then she smiled.

“There is no cause for alarm. We will just get her teething meds. Monica was.” She was about to say, and her smile changed to sadness. It wasn’t long before tears began to stream down her face

“Teething powder will solve it ” She said and held Emma to her chest. Stacy was clearly hurting about many things and holding a lot in

“When is Paul arriving?” She finally asked me.

“Tonight,” Tia replied, and she nodded

“Kimberly will have to hide with Paul and Emma in the estate bunker We cannot allow that bastard lay his hands on them,” she said and faced Kimberly

“You will be able to take care of both of them with help from one trusted nanny,” she stated, and Kimberly nodded. It was the best idea. We had an underground, fully furnished bunker | wanted to send Tia there with Kimberly so she and our baby could be safe, but Tia will never

agree to hide.

“I will make some calls, Luna Tia, and then we will pay some people visits to gain their trust,” Stacy said and looked at me. I nodded, indicating it was okay. My father got up and took Stacy away. Caleb went with Kimberly, and Kirk left the office, leaving me with Tia.

I undid the upper buttons of my shirt and motioned her to come with my finger. She looked at me and pretended oblivious of what she had done. So I went to the door of the office and

locked it up. Sitting on the one-sitter couchi, I motioned her to move close. She did and stood before me. I reached under her dress and rolled down her panties. She shimmied out of them, and I unbuttoned the top part of her dress to expose her bra.

“You have been a naughty girl Tia,” I said with a deep growl, and I could smell her arousal. “Naughty girls get spanked,” I said. And made her lay across my lap with her butt in the air. I circled her entrance with my thumb rubbing lightly, and she moaned. It sounded so fucking good that I wanted to bury myself inside her, but that will have to wait. I wanted to punish her for not giving me a choice but to leave an option open for her to fight. I smacked her butt, and she moaned. Then I circled her entrance again. She was dripping wet. I knew she was anticipating and waiting for my cock, but I would make her wait and beg for it.

I smacked her entrance, and then I smacked her butt repeatedly. I growled and groaned because my cock was hard and throbbing. Her entrance was sleek with her wetness, and she kept moaning and rocking back and forth, trying to get me to stick it in.

“Tia,” I growled with need. She moaned in response, and I caressed her entrance with my thumb.

“You have been naughty today.” I said to her rubbing her entrance, ” What should I do to you, “I growled.

“Punish me,” She moaned, and I smacked her butt.

“Who am I?” I asked her and rubbed her entrance lightly, teasing the entrance with my middle finger. She rocked her butt, wanting me to dip in.

“Please… Please.” She moaned, and I could feel her shaking. If she needed me, and her need was driving me wild.

“Please, who?” I asked her, still rubbing, and I moved my thumb coated in her wetness to her clit and rubbed gently.

“Ahhh, Please, Alpha..” She moaned, and I growled. I made the circular motions and rubbed pretty fast; I stopped when I knew she was coming.

“Get up,” I said, and she obeyed me. Tia Knew exactly how to please the Alpha in me. She submitted completely whenever I needed that, which always made me eager to please. Her.

“Kneel”, I ordered her and stood before her. I unbuckled my belt and let my trousers and shorts fall, setting my hard cock free from its cage.

“Show me how much you want me inside you,” I said, and she took me in her mouth, making all my troubles disappear. I did not want to stare at her because that would make me come quickly. She was masterful. Taking me deep into her throat. She stared at me with teary eyes filled with lust, and I knew I would break. The pleasure she was giving went straight to my

head, and I gripped her hair.

I said, “Fuck Tia, you are a master,” and began to fuck her mouth. She gagged a couple of times, and with the final thrust, 1 poured myself down her throat. She swallowed every bit and Ticked my sensitive tip. It was time to reward her for being a good girl.

“Sit and let me taste you,” I said, and she sat on the chair, legs wide open with her legs each handing on the chair’s armrest. Her arousal permeated the air, driving me nuts. I knelt between her legs and tasted her juices. Then I stuck my tongue into her sweet pussy and went to work. Moving with my tongue from her pussy up her slit to her nob. She ran her fingers through my hair and held of tight. Grinding her pussy against my face and moaning uncontrollably. Someone knocked, but we were so deep that we did not care. I continued. She cried, and her moans were rewarding; I felt myself rise, ready to go into her to give as much as I could take. Sucking her nub, she came violently and began to shake. I finally released her nub and stood before her, stroking my cock.

“On your hands and knees, Tia. I want you now,” I said, and she got off the couch and knelt on it, holding the backrest. I placed myself in her pussy and began to pump. She was wet and ready. Her walls clamped and milked my cock. She was soft, and the pleasure was uncontrollable. I knew I could never get enough of this.

After we finished making low. I went to check who it was and found out it was Bart. He left a message to tell me that Paul had arrived with a nurse. I couldn’t wait to see my little boy.


Tia and I spent most of the evening with Paul. Tia was so good with him that I knew he would be an excellent mother. Soon the nurse and Paul retired to bed, and Tia instructed Michelle to keep an eye on them because we would be busy in the following days.

The next day after breakfast, Tia and Stacy went out while Caleb, my father and I went to the office. Kirk had made arrangements for the press release. All I had to do was just address the people. I was more than willing to do that. I was well rested and tension-free, thanks to my wife and the safe arrival of my son. I felt I could face anything. Walking toward the headquarters’ conference room, I felt giddy and optimistic.

I stood at the podium, my father on my left and my brother on my right. We only allowed a hand full of journalists in. I looked at the teleprompter waiting for my cue. Once it was time, I looked straight at the Camera to address the island’s people.

“Residents of Woodclaw Island. I am speaking to you this morning to address the unrest on our island caused by a man called Luis Moon. He has poisoned the hearts of some of the Alphas of our island and turned our military against us. Our lives, jobs, freedom and peace have been challenged by this monster who claims to be fighting for the poor and the well-being of the people. He claims my family stole from him. He claims we used our money to take something from him. Because of this, he stole all the pack’s money and teamed up with an Alpha from another Island so he could help him seize our island, promising this Alpha Eastwood’s resources and much more. We have asked him to tell us what our family stole, but he has refused to tell us, making us conclude that he is a liar and a social climber. Some alphas have been swayed by his lies, and he has used a lot of people to accomplish his goals. The attack on Tetra was because of him. If truly he cared about his people, he should have come out to

challenge us by now instead of lurking in the shadows and hiding behind a mask. This man has behaved like a traitor and a thief fighting for his selfish desires at the cost of people’s lives. My family will not stand for this. Every pack and Alpha were born from the Woodclaw clan. Thus it

is our responsibility to secure the well-being of the people of this island. We do not want any more bloodshed. So, as a result of this, we challenge Mr Luis Moon to show himself and fight one of us one on one. Let the winner take it all. We would rather give our lives than watch this island burn because of one man’s ambition. We will be placing his picture on the screen along with the names of the packs that their Alphas have teamed up with him. Please tell him we are waiting for him. If you see this man. Tell him to accept the challenge so we can end this massacre.” I said, and I knew at that moment the screen had switched from my face to Regan’s picture. Looking at the television mounted in the conference room, I saw a clear picture of Regan and a caption read. ‘He wears many disguises’, followed by a scrolling list of the packs that deserted us. I looked at where Kirk stood, and he smiled at me. He was the one that added that little bit, and I commended him for it.

I answered a couple of questions and exited the conference hall. The four of us sat in the office to wait for a response. A few hours later, we received a few calls, and we were glad our actions were getting results. The people were outraged, but not at us. They were mad at their Alphas and the man whose picture was posted on every screen on the island. Soon Regan would have no choice but to come out from the shadows. NôvelDrama.Org content.

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