Dangerous Desires

Chapter 30

Chapter 30

30 Reconciliation and Heat Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

Tia. The moment I checked into a room in the Leaf hotel, I exhaled. I did not know I was holding my breath until I exhaled, and along with it came my silent tears. I sat with my back against the door, weeping. Why did it hurt so much? I said I will keep my guard up; I promised myself I would not be stupid and get hurt, but that was precisely what I did. The look on his face when he carried Elisabeth lingered in my mind. There were workers that he would have ordered to carry her, but he carried her himself. He still cared for her. He might have thought he never loved her, but his action said it all. I felt like the other woman once again. I felt like the bitch that came between two lovers that loved themselves deeply. I rubbed his mark violently, wishing I never asked for it. I wish I had never taken that step. That was a defining moment for us, and he chose her. If he genuinely cared about me, he would have asked me to come along and called me in the least, but he didn’t. I waited all day and all night, and he didn’t call. I did not exist at that moment. All that mattered was saving the life of his ex and his unborn child. Stacy had done irreparable damage to all our lives. If she had left well enough alone, Elisabeth and Luke might have been married by now, especially now that they are expecting, and Celeb and I would have continued our lives as besties. Of course, he might not have been Alpha, and I might have been dropped from the army, but I could pursue a career in the medical field, meet someone and settle down. Instead, there are three unhappy people stuck in a triangle.” I never want to be the source of pain for anyone. I decided if I took myself out of the equation, they might actually have a chance. I just needed time to get over him. Once I do, I will never let him in again. he can be with Elisabeth; I would not mind at all. My heart was too damn fragile for this. I ordered Icecream and sat on the floor to watch some television. Anything to get him off my mind. Anything to help me forget about Luke and his bitch. They were probably kissing by now, with him telling her how sorry he was for ignoring her and choosing me. I sighed. Thinking about them and speculating wasn’t healthy, and it wouldn’t help, but I did anyway.

I was angry, so mingling with people was definitely out of the question. I intended to lock myself in the hotel room until I was over him. Then I will return to the mansion. Hopefully, he would not tell his father. I was still worried about my folks being cast out, and that was the only reason I would return to the mansion, but I needed time to build up my walls again. This time they will be higher and stronger. My phone rang, and I checked to see who it was. It was Bart; I could not believe him. He was too nosey for his good. I did not want Alpha Aesop getting involved, so I brazed myself and answered the phone. “Hello,” I managed. “Tia, it’s Luke,” I heard his voice, and I was mad, but I tried to compose myself. Why call now? “What do you want?” I asked him, trying to sound indifferent. “Tia, please come home. I swear, it isn’t what you think,” he said to me calmly. “It is what I saw, Luke. You did not look at me for a second. Your heart was in your mouth. She got what she wanted, which was your attention. You might say you don’t love her, but your actions screamed otherwise. I just need time to accept it, please,” I said, fighting back my

tears. “Tia, please. I do not love her; I wasn’t …” he said and paused. His voice was shaking. I “Where are you?” I know you are not with your parents. I called your mother, and she said you are not home. Please, Tia, where are you? Let me come there and explain myself. Please don’t do this to us, Tia,” he said. I heard him break. “I can’t do this, Luke. I can’t. It is bad enough your father bought me for you, then she is carrying your child, moves in with us and now this. How do you think I feel? You left in a hurry, Luke. You never looked back. In those moments, I did not exist in your life. All you cared about was Elisabeth, and when you got to the hospital, you did not call me, Luke. I waited all day and most of the night, and you did not call. How do you expect to come home to me? Why should I be home waiting for you after your public display of complete affection for your ex, whom I doubt is really your ex at this point? What do you want from me, Luke? You have everything, and I am removing myself from the equation to make it easier for you,” I said, crying

“I left my phone at home, Tia. I wanted to call you, but my phone was in the room. I never took it out. We rushed out together, and I never carried my phone; please, Tia, I need you to tell me where you are,” he said, and I was silent. I felt stupid and unnecessarily paranoid at that moment. “You mean the world to me, Tia; I only wanted to save her life and that of the baby. Please, don’t do this to us. I know it is a lot, and I appreciate you for everything you have done and how you have taken it. You are the only support I have and the only one that gets me, Tia, not my father, not Elisabeth. You get me, Tia; please, where are you? I will come and get you,” He pleaded, and I was ashamed. I had just behaved like a child. I was mad at myself for hurting him like this. I should have waited for him to come home and explain himself. I acted young and naive. “I am at the Leaf hotel, room e32, second floor, under Alisa Rain’s name,” I said, and he hung up immediately. I cried because I was stupid. I was mad at myself for allowing myself to be this stupid. I let Elsiabeth’s tantrums get to me. Deep down, I had always been worried that he still wanted her. I guess now he knew. How would I face him after this? O Reconciliation and Heat Thirty minutes later, there was a knock on my door, and I went to open it. Luke stepped in wearing the same clothes he left the house in when he took Elisabeth to the hospital, “Tia,” He breathed. His eyes were red, and although he tried to keep his cool, I knew I had broken him. I fell into his embrace and placed my head against his chest, I wept bitterly from shame and remorse. It was unnecessary, and I had somehow allowed Elisabeth to win, even If It was for a bit. “I am sorry, Luke, I thought..” I said, unable to finish the words. He held me and stroked my back. “I am sorry, Tia, I should have asked you to come with me, but you weren’t dressed at that moment, and every second mattered. I should have come home once I knew she was receiving help, but I wanted to make sure she would pull through, and the baby will survive. So I lingered. I did not know it would affect you, Tia. I am really sorry,” He pleaded with me calmy. Then pulled me away from his chest so he could see my face.

“Your eyes are puffy, Tia. You should not cry until your eyes swell,” He pleaded with me, and I nodded. “Shall we go home?” He asked me, and I nodded. I felt ashamed walking down the halls of the Moon mansion. I was glad no one knew other than Bart; if not, Stacy would not fail to tease me about it, and I dreaded how Alpha Aesop would react to it. We entered the room, and everything was as I had left it. Which meant Luke did not enter the room. “How did you know I left?” I asked him. “Bart was waiting for me at the door. He was the one that told me. Not wanting to waste time by going into the mansion to look for my phone, I used his phone to call the hospital, and they gave me your mother’s number and told me she was still off duty. I called her asking to speak to you, and she said you did not come by the house. So I asked her for your number.” “What did you tell her was the reason?” I asked him, and he laughed. “I said you went shopping and told me you would visit her, but I misplaced my phone, and I . wanted to know how you were,” he said, giggling a little. He went into the shower and returned in fifteen minutes. As he exited the shower, he looked around to ensure I was still in the room. I guess I had scarred him. “I am still here,” I said, and he smiled at me. I knew he was tired, so I just lay with him in bed, and soon we both fell asleep. I did not wake until night. I woke up feeling weird. My mouth was dry, and it was as if I was running a fever. I felt my inside burnings, and the heat that radiated between my legs was aching and seeking satisfaction. I went to the shower and switched the cold water on; I stood under it, and it helped cool me down immediately, but my pussy was clenching uncontrollably, and I was tempted to touch myself, but I knew it wouldn’t work. I needed Luke to ease the ache. I sat on the floor in the shower, writhing with pain and lust. I could not speak. I pulled the towel with his scent, and I breathed it in. It helped a bit, but the fever and clench in my pussy did not stop. I did not want foreplay or anything; I wanted straight-up fucking so badly that I would do anything at that moment to ease the ache.

“Luke,” I managed. My throat was dry, and I needed water. I hoped that Luke would respond quickly. I tried to get up from the floor. I felt my patience running thin. I felt my insides burning, and my rationality was slipping away fast. IR “Tia,” I heard Luke’s voice. He had come into the bathroom without me noticing. I looked up at him, and his eyes flashed yellow. He picked up on the heat. “You are in your heat period,” he said, smiling at me, and I did not know what was funny about my current predicament. He should just fuck me already, or was he going to wait until I pounced on him? He smiled and carried me out of the shower, then gently laid me down on the bed. Going between my legs, he smiled at me. “We will have fun and make love for five days, Tia. If I don’t calm you down now, most men close by will try to knock down this door for your sake. I do not feel like fighting anyone. I want to reserve my strength to enjoy this and satisfy you. After all, it will be our first heat,” he said and drove himself into me. I never wanted his cock more than I did at that moment…

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