Dangerous Desires

Chapter 36

Chapter 36

36 Assurance and Doubts


I woke up early in the morning, eager to go to the house I had rented with Tia. I had rented the place spontaneously, but it was simple. I knew she would be happy when she saw where the house was. It looked like her parent‘s home. I knew Tia did not like flashy stuff, so I felt something familiar might do the trick for her. I wanted us to spend some time in the house. If we loved it there, I would buy it from the owner.

I wanted to start a family with Tia, and I hoped it would happen for us. Hopefully, we can catch Stacy, and the threat to my life will be over. Other than Caleb, she was the only one that stood run a lot with me dead. I knew my brother, and he wasn‘t a cold–hearted killer. He was

but he was a gentle soul, and he would never want to do anything to harm me. Yes,

razy about Tia, and he was angry, but he blamed his mother for the complications and not me. Caleb was easily content with what he had and did not have any issues. He wasn‘t like his mother, but he wanted Tia at all costs, and that was why I knew he wasn‘t behind the attack because there was no way he would have tried to kill the woman he was in love with.

I never knew Tia, and I will fall in love. I still remember what I said to her when I went to her house. She stood while I sat on the bench on their porched and spewed nonsense. She took it and did not crack it. I had called her a gold digger and implied she screwed her way to the top. I felt foolish now. She was a virgin, and she did not care much about money. I wondered how she must have seen me.

The goddess favoured me and kept Tia for me. She was perfect for me. She understood me and got me. She was cute and amazing, and her love was deep and genuine. It wasn‘t materialistic and shallow like what I had with Elisabeth. When my father had promised he would reward me greatly if I agreed to the

union, I had accepted it, but it wasn‘t because of the promise of the reward. It was because I knew Stacy had initiated it, and I did not want her to do more damage to my image than she already had. Her wickedness had brought a blessing into my life.

I looked at Tia while she slept naked on the bed, and she looked beautiful with her curly brown hair and tan skin. She was a beauty. I never imagined I would want to bury myself in her every night, but that was what was happening. I couldn‘t get enough of her. I wanted to make love to her every night, and I did. After the heat, I thought we would take a break, but I was wrong. I wanted her more. NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

“Come for breakfast,” I heard my father‘s intrusive voice in my head, and I replied, telling him I would be there.

I was about to enter the shower when I heard Elisabeth’s voice in my head.

“Luke, please come and help me. I am bleeding.” She said, and I panicked but remembered what she did and decided to wake Tia up.

“Tia woke up and was still battling sleep. Wear your robe, darling. I need you to come with me

36 Assurance and Doubis

to go check on Lisa. She said she is bleeding.” I explained to Tia, and Tia was a bit confused but managed to get up and tie a silk Robe. She soon woke up entirely, and we moved quickly down the hallway to Elisabeth’s room.

She sat on the floor with blood in her hands. Tia rushed to her, and she pushed Tia away.

“I want the father of my child,” she said, pushing Tia away, and I saw Tia roll her eyes, so I linked Bart.

“Bart will take you to the hospital,” I told her, and she looked at me, surprised.

“You are supposed to..” She tried to argue, and I shook my head.

“I am supposed to care for you; I do not have to be with you. Since you are not comfortable with my wife looking after you, then my butler should do. I have things to do today, and I am not a doctor. I am sure Bart will get you to the hospital on time.

“You are a bastard Luke!” she screamed at me, crying, “I will make sure our baby knows how badly you treated me and the kind of sick fuck you are,” she threatened.

“While you are at it, Make sure you tell the baby how you tricked me into getting pregnant and how you almost harmed it by taking poison for your selfish reason,” I said to her, and she tried to spit at me, but she felt a sharp pain and screamed. Bart entered the room, and I ordered him to take her to the hospital.

“Let us go, Tia,” I said to my wife, and she shook her head.

“Go to the hospital, Luke. I will join you there,” she offered, but I shook my head. I had to draw a line where Lisa was concerned. She needed to know I wasn’t her knight in shining armour and I will not always be there. She needs to know that I have moved on and will not be

at her beck and call.

Bart carried Elisabeth, and Tia left to get ready for breakfast.

“What if it is something serious, Luke,” Tia said. While in the shower, I took in her scent and kissed her neck.

“I really can‘t do anything for her. If I were a doctor, I would have gone with her. I have nothing to give or do for her. Whatever she is suffering right now is either a repercussion of the poison or self–induced. I do not trust her, and she will do anything for attention. I made a mistake last time when I panicked and carried her to the hospital, but that ship has sailed, and she needs to accept I am not her man anymore.” I said sternly, and Tia flinched a bit.

“Will you one day feel like this about me if I do something wrong?” she asked me, and I could understand her concern. I was with Elisabeth for eight years, and we seemed inseparable. Everybody thought we were madly in love, and it seemed like it until I wasn‘t up for the Alpha position and my father put me at the bottom in Diamond corp, earning a basic salary. She changed abruptly and started acting funny. I went above and beyond to keep her happy and satisfied. My salary wasn’t much, but my allowance was much, and I spent it on her. She tried

to poison my mind against my father and force me to revolt. In those moments, she reminded me of Stacy, but I didn’t leave her because she was familiar, and I did not want to go through the stress of initiating a new relationship with someone else. Now I had Tia, and my life was complete. Tia was nothing like her and Stacy. Tla was my soul mate. I kissed her neck under the showet standing behind her, and pulled her to my chest.

“My love for you will never change no matter what you do. You are the only one that can get to me, Tia. I promise you. My love will never fade.” I said, and I heard her sigh. She turned around in the shower and looked up at me.

“I love you, Luke,” she said, resting her head against my chest, and I embraced her while the water from the shower washed us.

We arrived at the breakfast table, and everyone, including my father, was there.

“It took you two long enough to grace us with your presence.” my father said, and I smiled at


“Had I known you two would fall in love like this, I would have joined you when Tia turned eighteen?” He said, and Stacy chuckled and rolled her eyes.

“Of course, Tia will fall heads over hills for him. He owns the biggest Company and is the future Alpha. He has everything. Everything Caleb doesn‘t have. Of course, she will fall for him. “She said, and I watched my father‘s anger rise. Stacy did not notice. She turned to me and smiled.

“How does it feel screwing your brother’s leftover?” she asked me, and I wondered what happened to her being nice. Monica giggled, and I looked at her with murder in my eyes.

“Enough!” My father and brother said at the same time.

“For your information. I never touched Tia! She was a virgin when she married Luke. I am sick and tired of your nonsense.” Caleb yelled at his mother, and she looked at Tia with shock My father looked at Tia with a lot of respect. We had all thought Caleb was screwing her. All the days they came by the mansion and stayed late in Caleb‘s room, we had all summed it up that they were screwing.

“So, what were you guys always doing in your room, Caleb?” His mother asked him.

“Assignments and playing video games,” he confessed, and I looked at Tia, who looked away.

“Monica, apologise to your Luna now,” my father said to his in–law, and Monica stood up immediately to apologise.

“I am sorry I giggled, Luna Tia,” She said, and Tia just nodded without bothering. I looked at my father, and he knew why. Monica wasn‘t the problem; he was sitting next to the bitch that he needed to put in her place.

“Tia and Caleb will be going on vacation.” My father announced, and Stacy looked surprised.


36 Assurance and Doubts

“Will you be taking your baggage with you?” she asked me, and I wondered why she was hostile suddenly

“No. Since they still live here, Elisabeth remains. She does not have to go on holiday with them.” My father said and sighed.

“Since they will not be around, Elisabeth will be moved to this wing where she will be cared for by the staff because of her condition,”

“No, Aesop. Elizabeth is Luke‘s problem, not ours. He better take her with him.” she argued, and my father laughed.

“Luke is my son and my heir. Elisabeth claims to be carrying his child, my grandchild, who might be Luke’s heir. She can stay anywhere she pleases,” my father said, and I felt Tia flinch a bit. Stacy had seen it, and she smiled at Tia.

“Welcome to my world, Tia. The first child always takes it all. You better pray he is not a boy and a strong Alpha. Elisabeth has already beat you to it. Just be ready to settle for less when the children are grown.” she said, and I squeezed Tia’s hands, but I knew she felt it, and there was no way to reassure her at the table. Stacy had just caused a problem for me.

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