Dangerous Desires

Chapter 62

Chapter 62

62 Mistrusted


Dinner at Tia’s house was eventful. Her father got on my nerves at first, but soon we were able to patch things up and get along. I understood his pain. I had really insulted Tia the day I visited. I was ashamed that they heard everything I said. To couple that with the news that was going on about Elisabeth, I could understand why the man would be so mad. If it were under normal circumstances, I would have stayed and allowed him to voice his mind, but Tia was pregnant, and he was stressing her out. My wanting to leave was to give Tia peace.

We returned home and got ready for bed. Tia was the first to fall asleep. I snuggled into bed next to her, and she wrapped her arms around me and placed her hand on my chest. She did it while sleeping, and I smiled because holding me in her sleep had become a habit. I caressed her arms lovingly until I finally fell asleep. We woke up late in the morning, and I decided we should soak in the bath a bit. Tia had cinnamon-scented bath salts and bubble baths. She said it reminds her of me. So I opted to use it. With her between my legs, we soaked in the warm water, and I held her. “I cannot believe we are expecting Luke,” she said to me, and I hugged, caressed the skin of her arm and kissed her shoulder sweetly. NôvelDrama.Org content.

“It is a gift and a blessing from the goddess. I wasn’t expecting it either. I was going to wait for another heat period so we can try and keep trying until it happens. I did not know it had already happened for us.” I said, and she giggled a bit. We spent a while in the bathroom before leaving. Instead of remaining cooped up in the house, I decided to take her to Emilianos to eat. I knew it was a stupid choice since that was the place we went to when Luis sent his guy to try to kill us, but that was the best restaurant in town. The moment Tia noticed where we were going, she became a bit panicked. I had to calm her down and assure her everything would be alright. We ate lunch in peace and decided to take a walk in the park. People waved at us. Some people even brought Tia and me flowers which showed how people loved us.

The fight at Eastwood had made me quite popular, and how Tia took charge made the people respect her.

We returned home to get ready for dinner at the moon mansion. When I told Tia about it, she cringed a bit, but it was inevitable. She wore something simple, and we left around five in the evening. Knowing we were on our way. Bart waited for us outside. I told him to make a salad for Tia so she would eat something before dinner started. I intend to discuss my findings with my father after dinner, so there was a possibility we would be spending the night at the moon mansion.

The moment we entered the dining room, my father pulled Tia into a hug. He held on for a bit, broke it, and hugged me. I could feel his mood. He was delighted. Kimberly and Caleb Joined us, and they seemed to be getting closer than before. She had a small gift in her hand and gave it to Tia.

“Congratulations, Luna Tia,” she said, and the two hugged and kissed each other’s cheeks. Caleb shook me to congratulate me, and I was surprised by how calm he was taking it. I guess dinner won’t be bad as I thought.


“Congratulations, you two,” Stacy said, and I nodded to thank her. “Luna Tia, Congratulations,” Monica said, and I wondered what she was doing at the dinner, but I kept silent to keep it peaceful.

We went to sit at the table, and we ate merrily. Unlike what happened at the Lockwoods, there were no offensive comments. In fact, my father went on and on about names and aspirations for the little Moon in Tia’s tummy. I noticed Kimberly was a bit sad about the situation, and I wished my brother would just accept that the baby was his, but he had reasons to doubt the baby was his, and I wasn’t planning on getting involved. After dinner, I told my father I would like to discuss something serious with him in the office. I also requested Caleb to join us. “Luna Tia, do you mind if I hang out with you while they have their meeting?” Kimberly asked Tia nicely, and Tia looked at me for approval. I linked her that it was okay, and she nodded at Kimberly. It was amazing to see how Kimberly wanted to be Tia’s friend. I linked my

wife to be careful. It wasn’t like the girl had anything to benefit from hurting Tia, but I just did not trust anyone in the mansion. I watched them leave, and soon my father, Caleb and I went to the home office for the meeting. “Are you guys moving back in now that she is pregnant?” My father said, sitting at his desk, and I shook my head. Now that my mark was active, there was no point lying to him. “We have moved out, father and we are not coming back here. I have bought the house we are living in. I do not want to raise a family in this place, especially around the likes of Stacy. I also want Tia to live a stress- free life.” I said, and he was stunned. “How could…” He started, and I interrupted him. “I bet the tension in this house was part of why Tia didn’t conceive. I wouldn’t want to put her in a situation where she will miscarry. Please respect my decision, father,” I said, and he was highly disappointed. “Stacy told me you moved out, but I said it was a lie and that you will tell me if that ever happens,” he said, trying to sound betrayed. “You made this house impossible to live in, with your compulsory breakfast and obnoxious mate. I am sure when Caleb and Kimberly settle their differences, he, too, will want to move out. You are the only one comfortable in this house, Father. Just because you love Stacy does not mean I have to put up with her bullshit.” I said to him, and he looked a bit pissed off, but I didn’t care.

“You will be the first Moon to live outside this mansion. This is your heritage, Luke. As Alpha of Woodclaw, you should be living here and using this office.” he said. “No, father. I want peace for me, Tia and our children.” I said, and he looked at me angrily.

“So what about Elisabeth. Why did you dump her for us to care for?” he asked, and I shook my head.

“I pay the bills and staff of this house. Technically I am still caring for her. If you want to kick her out, feel free to. I already told you she is seeing someone, and she was seeing the guy while she was dating me,” I said, and Caleb gasped.

“Does that mean her baby isn’t yours?” Caleb asked, and I shook my head. “I am very sure it is mine, Caleb. Elisabeth is a sneaky bitch. There is no way she would still hang around if it weren’t. Joey isn’t broke, and he is okay. She knows I love Tia, and I have forgotten about her. If the baby wasn’t mine, she would have left.” I told him, and he looked like he felt sorry for me. “What will you do when she delivers

because it is in two months” he reminded me, and I knew he could do the math because Kimberly would be due next month. “Tia and I have discussed it. If father still wants to take the child from Elisabeth, he can, but Tia is willing to take care of the child as hers,” I said, and Caleb shook his head.

“Don’t do that to her, Luke. Elisabeth is a vicious bitch. She got pregnant to get your money… Having Tia deal with Elisabeth in her current condition will be wrong. She will stress her the fuck out. You already know.” he said, and my father cleared his throat.

“Stacy and I are willing to care for the child,” My father interrupted. “I am only waiting for her to give birth so we can take the child from her and kick her out. If you threaten to cut her off the mark, she will leave quietly.” my father advised me to use his methods, but I knew a better way of dealing with Elisabeth. “No, father, I do not need to threaten her like that. All I have to do is offer the bearest minimum for the child or threaten to abandon the baby. She will give it up immediately. The only reason she would want to hold on to that baby is to get money out of me, but once she realises she won’t be getting much, she will dump the child and move on with Joey. I have her email account on my laptop, and she has promised Joey to give up the baby and return to him. That is why I know the child is mine,” I told my father, and he sighed. “Enough about Elisabeth and her baby. I am happy that our Luna is with child, and Tia’s child will be regarded as your first born and heir.” my father said, and he did not need to say it. It was going to be so. Tia’s baby was wanted, planned for and needed. Elisabeth’s child was a trick, a mistake that I wished I could go back in time and fix. — “So, what do you want to discuss with me, Luke?” My father asked, and I sighed. “Alpha Luis..” I told him everything the captives said to me before they committed suicide. He was flabbergasted.

“When were you tell me that my mother was a Renshaw from Eastwood and the Alpha of Eastwood?” I said, and Caleb was shocked.

“The actual Renshaw family?” Caleb asked, and I nodded.

“My mother was a key mark bearer like you, father. How could you hide such a thing from me? The Moons do not own Eastwood; the Renshaws do. So I would have been Alpha of Eastwood even if you chose to hand the Woodclaw pack to Caleb, yet you tried to hand both my mother’s pack and yours to Caleb. What did you take from these people, father? You better start talking because whatever your mistakes are, it is beginning to claim lives. This Alpha Luis is bold and isn’t backing down. He also has soldiers willing to die for this cause. They warned me to back out that the fight is between you two, but I do not think they can face you without burning Caleb and me. You better start talking now, father. My Luna is pregnant, and the last thing I want is to fear for my wife and baby’s life.” I said to him, and he was tongue-tied.

“Honestly, I never stole from anyone Luke. Yes, your mother owned Eastwood, and I should have handed it over to you right when you turned twenty-one. It was poor judgement, but I never took anything from anyone, Luke. Please, you have to believe me. I do not know who this Alpha Luis is, Please.”

My father said with teary eyes. It was clear he was raking his memory and confused about the events, which was frustrating.

“You have to think, father, because I doubt we have seen the last of them,” I said, and he bowed his head. As much as I wanted to believe him, I couldn’t. He had kept too many secrets and done some unfair things because of Stacy. I wouldn’t put bullying someone with money to take what is theirs past him. It was sad, but I just did not trust my father anymore.

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