Dangerous Desires

Chapter 74

Chapter 74

74 Investigation and Findings Luke.

Mike and Natasha finally arrived, and Tia received them warmly. They came with alcoholic ad non- alcoholic wine. Tia collected the drinks and went to set them down on the kitchen counter

“There was traffic on our way here due to the road repair. A truck fell and caused some damages.” Mike said, and I was disappointed at the recklessness of the driver We moved to the dining area to eat. We ate a delicious meal, and I was surprised that we could whip up something this good in the kitchen. Soon we finished the meals, and the women went to Kimberly’s room to play with baby Emma.

“They definitely had sex,” Tia linked me the moment she entered Kimberly’s room, and I looked at Caleb, who did not seem to be bothered by me.

Caleb went to bring us beers, and we sat to discuss the news.

“So, where should I start?” Mike asked, and I sighed.

“Luis,” I said, stating the most obvious answer. Mike sighed and smiled. It always felt good when an investigation leads somewhere. I could understand how he was feeling at that moment.

“We discovered that Luis Moon is on the board of West corp and owns a significant part of the business, not necessarily controlling shares, but he is important there. He said and looked at Caleb. I could understand his concern since Kimberly’s father owned West Corp.

“Don’t worry about that, Mike. Kimber hates her father,” he said, and Mike relaxed

“I know that West corp has been stealing from Diamond corp. Kirk suspects it is part of Luis’s design. If you look at the moves he has made so far, we will notice his main aim is to destroy the moon family. Other than killing the heirs, what better way to make sure the moons are ruined if not bankrupt their company,” he said, making a lot of sense. My father had also implied it. This was the best way to ruin us.

Like termites, they eat at our wealth gradually until the structure collapse so that they can emerge from the rubles.

“I think we should officially arrest Timothy Miles to learn more from him,” Mike said, and I shook my head. This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“That will put Luis on high alert and enable him to plan. We do not want them to see us coming. Linking Luis to west corp is great; now we need to plant a mole in their company somewhere high up in the command chain to give us feedback on their activities.” I said, and they nodded. It would make absolutely no sense to alert Luis by arresting Timothy when the person we wanted was Luis.

‘You know we can’t plant someone there, Luke,” Caleb pointed out, and I understood his point; it takes many years of service, expressing dedication and loyalty for anyone to rise to that height in a company. We would need to buy someone already at the top and give them a deal they would not be able to resist,

“Yes, Caleb, I agree that is why we will buy someone already high up there,” I said, and Mike asked me how

“let us study them. We need to understand them. Their wants, needs and aspirations. Only then would we be able to give them an offer they can’t resist. Once we get the information we need, we will move in on Timothy if not for anything, but for associating with a wanted man and an enemy of the pack,” I said, and Mike smiled. It was indeed a good break. Until now, we have not had anything solid to which we could link the man. Relating Luis to West corp was a big break Mike adjusted himself on the seat and took a swig of his beer. He had high tolerance like me, so it wouldn’t do much to his system.

“Regan Adhit,” He said, and Caleb and I were attentive.

“Regan Adhit is dead. His tombstone is on Fifth Avenue, Olsen street in Dome. He has a son that goes by Tom R.L. Adhit. He is about Luna Stacy’s age, but they claim he fell on hard times and moved away

from Dome. The investigator’s description of his life fits the bill only for certain differences. He had a mate, and they loved each other so much. Something happened to her, and she died with his child. He was devastated and moved away. This was over twenty four years ago,” he said, and I frowned. That wasn’t the guy Stacy told us about

“Are you sure there isn’t any other Regan Adhit in Dome? Someone that dated Stacy. She said he was cruel, violent and abusive,” Caleb asked, and he shook his head.

“Tom Adhit was said to be a loving man, and he took his mate’s death so bad that he went missing,” Mike said, sighed and looked at Caleb with a worried expression.

“I hate to break this to you, Caleb, but your mother is lying,” Mike said, and Caleb was angry. I knew he wasn’t pissed at Mike. He was pissed at his mother for misleading us

“We have to still go and pick my grandparents up so we can question them,” Caleb said. Sounding more determined now than ever.

“Who will care for Kimberly and Emma?” I asked him, and he smiled.

“Tia will be here; I know she will do a good job.” He replied, and I shook my head.

“You have forgotten Tia needs pampering, too,” I asked him, and he sighed.

“Nothing bad will go wrong within a day or two,” he said, and I wasn’t so sure if that was right.

“It is a good idea to question Stacy’s parents extensively on the matter,” Mike said, ” In fact, it will be easier if Caleb questions them. They will be relaxed and not overthink it. He is likely to get more honest answers than you or me.” Mike pointed out and could see his point.

“Maybe we will leave for Dome in two days,” I asked, and they both nodded.

“I would have said tomorrow,” Caleb said, and I almost laughed. I knew he was eager to get to the bottom of the matter. It would be heart-wrenching if Stacy was lying about this Adhit guy. There was no way she got the names mixed up. She lived and grew up in Dome. She knew some of the families there. I wonder who Stacy was paying off and why. “We need to dig deeper into Tektite. I want to know why Stacy would lie about something so serious.” I said, and Mike sighed. “Maybe she was trying to get money out of you, Luke,” Caleb said, and I nodded. “That was not a hidden motive, Caleb,” I said and sighed, ” But she has never kept any of the

money she stole to herself,” I said and looked at Mike,

“Let us investigate, Stacy. Maybe she has accounts under a different name where she stored all that money.” I said, and Caleb shook his head,

“I asked for money the day you told me about the blackmail; she honestly had none,” he explained.

“Nonetheless, we will investigate her. Regan Adhit does not exist, so it has to be something, else. Whatever it is must be serious for her to jeopardise her stance as Luna and your stance as a legitimate child just to cover it up,” I said, and Caleb could finally see my point,

Stacy was a sneaky selfish bitch; I wouldn’t put it past her.

“Very well. We will launch an investigation on the former Luna, Your father’s stepping down would make it easy because we can investigate her thoroughly without having to dance around the laws. After all, the alpha and Luna had immunity for the duration of their service,”

Mike explained.

We were silent a bit. It was obvious Mike was trying to figure out how best to table the final matter. I knew the last topic was the most difficult because it involved my mother.

“We have started digging into your mother’s death, Luke, and we found out she wasn’t poisoned in Woodclaw city. The poisoning happened in Neev when she went on vacation with you and your father. Because Neev could not produce the culprit, your father did many unspeakable things to them there. Cutting off their food supply was among it.” He said, and I felt shivers run down my spine. I had just sent my son to Neev for treatment. My father said he wanted to dig into my mother’s death, but why didn’t he give me this piece of information. I didn’t tell him I was investigating my mother’s death, but he should have told me about Neeve,

“Not to bother about the misunderstanding, Luke. Your father and the Alpha of Neev settled their differences twenty years ago, but to find out what really happened to your mother, we have to visit an old woman by Ummul Wahab. She was the maid in attendance when it happened. She ingested the poison too. Not enough to kill her, but she lost her speech and function of her legs.” He said, and I felt so sorry for the woman.

“How can we question such a person?” Caleb asked a very valid question. “She is educated and can write. She lost the function of her legs and not her hands. I am sure she will gladly tell us all she knows.” Mike said, and I did not know how to feel about that news. I had thought my mother’s killers were in Woodclaw City, but I was wrong. I did not understand why my father went to Neev with my mother. There were better places they could go to for vacation. I haven’t been to Neeve, but I looked it up a bit in the morning before Tia woke up. There was nothing special there. I was also surprised that my father didn’t mention his visit to Neev when I told him where they took Paul. He should have at least told me he had visited the place with my mother. One thing I knew about him was that he always talked about her at every opportunity. Why did he not speak about Neev when I mentioned it? I did not know if it would be wise to ask him. “I think an investigation in Neeve will be great. Since it is close to Dome, we will visit Neeve before we go to Dome to get Caleb’s grandparents,” I said, and Mike agreed. I knew the movement would be tedious, and I would not like to spend days away from Tia, but it would be inevitable as things were. If we did not spend a week away from our mates, five days was a possibility. To help them cope, we might ask Natasha to join Tia and Kimberly in our house. I

am sure they will have so much to talk about. We agreed on how to go about the trip and the investigation, and then we closed the topic.

We talked about minor stuff, and soon Mike and Tasha left. Tia went to bed ahead of me, and Caleb asked to speak to me privately before I retired. “Luke, I do not know how to say this, but we have to investigate father too. He did not say anything about Neev; he likes to talk about your mother at every opportunity, but he withheld that piece of information. He might be hiding something, Luke. I am not trying to imply he killed her because clearly, he loved her too much to do that, but he might know something that he does not want you to know.” He said, thinking along the same line that I was.

“Whatever it is, Ummul will shed some light, and we can get to the bottom of the matter,” I said and then nudged him.

“I guess you will be sleeping in the room tonight,” I said, and he smiled at me, confirming · what Tia and I already knew. “Make sure you get it right this time,” I advised my brother and headed up the stairs.

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