Dangerous Desires

Chapter 99

Chapter 99

99 What Happened in Santa Braee


I sat on the chair and did not know what to do, but I had a wife to go home to, and I promised I would return no matter what. I could not let these people kill my teammates. Their lives were meaningful, and I wasn‘t going to sit and let a pimp waste them. The silver binds had sealed our fate. There was no getting out of it, so I did the only thing I knew how; I negotiated.

Tugging on the binds, I called to Justin. “We are just businessmen working for West Corp!” I said to the guy, and he looked at me, irritated as fuck.


“Shut the fuck up!!” he said, sounding like someone needing a fix. That was also an opportunity.

“How about you let us go, and we pretend we never met. I will give you twenty thousand each, “I said confidently, and Justin looked at me. He was trying to size me up, and I had to suppress the Alpha in me. He walked up to me and punched my jaws. It was a good punch, but I could take it. Still, I pretended it hurt like hell.

“You gave the bitch fifty. Do we look like fools to you?” the guy said, and I shook my head, pretending it hurt. I did not want him to know I was an Alpha. He did not need to know my strength level; I just needed them to free us. I knew I could take them. If they were all from Dome, I could take them. “How much do you want?” I asked Justin groaning from pain, and he began to laugh. ‘If you want us to pretend this never happened, five hundred thousand will do the trick.” he said, and I tried to negotiate with him.

“I do not have up to that. How about three–fifty.” I said to the guy. Of course, I could afford five hundred thousand, but I would not give it to him quickly. That would be suspicious. He walked up to me and tried to punch me, but one of them stopped him.

“If you kill the guy, we won‘t be getting any money. The rest don‘t look like they have it. Take it easy.” The guy said. I looked at them; they were six altogether. I would be able to take six scrawny–looking wolves. There was no way they were military trained from the way they punched. That was why they assaulted us with guns and tasers.


“How about you give us four hundred,” Justin asked, and I nodded.

“Deal,” I said as if I was afraid. I had one thing in mind: getting home to Tia. I knew she would be out of her mind by now. There was no way she wasn‘t scared at home. I wondered if she was

showing by now. I really regretted coming to Santa Braee.

“So, how do we do this?” I asked, and they were silent. None of them responded. Their eyes glazed over, and I knew they were communicating via the mind link. “Do you think they will let us go?” Mike asked me, and I bowed my head so they did not see my glazed eyes.

“Follow my lead, Mikey. Think of Tasha and your unborn child and pretend to be weak. It will get us home to our wives.” I said to him, and he was silent. “How do you want to give us the money?” I finally heard Justin‘s voice. They must have finished communicating by then.

” you have to untie me, and I need a laptop to do the transfer,” I said to them, and they looked at themselves. They were sizing me up. I knew it. They were calculating the risk of freeing me. “Just you?” Justin asked, realising the six of them could take just me. “Yes,” I nodded, “You have to promise to let us go after this,” I said to him, and he laughed. “I need a form of assurance that you won‘t just take the money and kill us,” I said, and Justin laughed.

‘A smart one,” he said, smirking.

“Well, I guess you will never know. You will just have to hope,” he said, and I knew they would try to kill us after the transfer. I was silent for a while and looked at my teammates.

‘I have a son to take care of. My colleague has a wife to go home to. Please let us call this a day. Let us go, please.” I said to Justin, and he was silent. ‘After the transfer, we will decide.” Justin said, and I knew what I had to do. I had achieved one thing already: stopping them from planting their silver bullets in our heads; now, I needed to accomplish the next thing, and that was getting out of there alive. Justin walked up to me and untied the silver chains. I flexed my wrists, pretending to be weak, and the guys brought a laptop and handed it to me. They were not holding their guns anymore. I signed in to Adam‘s account and did a false transfer to them. Kirk had shown me how to do it, and the guys were not paying attention to what I was doing. Soon they would get an alert on their emails and phone about a credit. “Are you done?” Justin asked me, and I nodded. I stood ready to defend myself if they tried to be innovative. My mark was burning, but I kept my rage under control and focused on Tia. I had to get home to Tia. “Are you going to let us go?” I asked the guy, and he looked at me and began to laugh. He walked up to me and punched me in the face. I fell down deliberately so he wouldn‘t be able to size up my strength. “Miles sent whimps to do a man‘s job,” he said, laughing, and I knew the bastard could not be trusted.

“I am feeling generous. You get to choose one out of the three of them. That way, all of you don‘t die, and we have a body to show Mr Luis.” he said, and I pretended as if I was afraid.

I watched them link themselves.

“While I head to the bank, I will leave you with Tom and Gentle. They will release whoever you choose, and you can go home.” He said, and I pleaded with him, but he ignored me and walked away. I gave it fifteen minutes, and then Tom and Gentle were history. I attacked them and Killed them with my Alpha

might. They did not stand a chance. It was pretty sloppy of Justin to leave two men to guard an Alpha. Too bad he did not know I was an Alpha, which worked to

my advantage.

I realised my team members. We wanted to leave immediately but decided to hang around. I wanted Justin‘s phone. I knew there would be a wealth of information on it. A picture, number or address that would lead me to Luis.

“What if they overpower us again?” Mike asked, and I looked at him.

“We were trained for battle. It will be a shame for four pimps to end us.” I pointed out to him, and he was quiet. I had managed to get us out of the silver binds. It was now up to us to get what we came for and leave.

“They will return here with a problem and a pain in the arse. The transfer was false.” I confessed, and Mikey was shocked at what I did.

“I do not have a lot of money to throw around. I am on a budget.” I said, and Mike chuckled. “Haven‘t heard you said that in a while,” and we laughed.

“Kathrine. Release the woman. She is coming with us.” I said. “The poor woman had been through enough. She really helped us out, and all she wanted to do was return to Dome to be with her son.” I said, and Kathrine went to help her down.

“You and Wiley should guard her body and watch our backs while we take care of Justin and his minions,” I said, and we were on alert.

My mark burned, and I was ready. We stayed at the door leading to the room they had kept us and waited. Soon we heard their angry voices. We waited by each side of the door, so they would not have the time to compose themself when we attacked.

Justin and his peers did not know what hit them. Mike and I took out our frustration on them and killed all, leaving Justin wounded.

“Alpha Moon,” Justin said with realisation. He was looking at me with fear. He was so afraid that he peed on himself..

“It was Mr Luis that put us up to it,” he pleaded. I could smell his fear.

“Why should I let you live, Justin?” I asked him, and he could not respond.

“If you are of no use to me, I cannot let you live,” I said to him.

“I... I will work for you, Alpha. I know Mr Moon; seen him, and I know how you can fly off this Island. I will help you get back home. Please do not kill me.” Justin cried, looking at the corpse of his friend on the floor. I guess it hit him that he would have been dead, too, and no one wanted to die. The corpses were motivation enough. “Get the guns and silver bullets.” I linked my team, and they did it. “I need a jet out of here. Do you think you can arrange that?” I asked him, and he nodded quickly.

“I have a Guy. Olson. He will hook us up. He owns a hangar and rents out jets. If I tell him it is from Mr Moon, he will let us borrow one. I swear.” I looked at him to gauge his sincerity. I had no cause to doubt him.

“If it is a trap, consider yourself dead, Justin,” I said to him, and he nodded.





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We left the vicinity in a van and headed towards the airport where Olson had a hangar. There was no one there, and Justin made a few calls. To my surprise, the guy was not lying. I was ready to kill him and whoever he might call for help, but he did not even have the guts to double–cross me. Seeing how a supposed hard guy could turn into a coward, the moment death stared at him was amazing. If he was this afraid of dying, then why do a deadly Job? I guess I will never know. Bianca was awake, but she was weak. We boarded the jet, and Mike decided to be the Pilot. I made sure we took Justin along because he had a lot of information about Luis Moon that I would need to move on the bastard. This was indeed a great turn of events. My heart was glad that I was going home to my wife. I couldn‘t wait to get home and hold Tia. I had a lot to pay for. Three weeks of anxiety and not knowing what might have happened to me must have taken a toll on her, my father and Caleb. I was glad I was on my way back to them.

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