Dangerously Yours Till Eternity

Chapter 67 – Wrongly Meet The Parents

Whatever Ivy had seen when she got in definitely wasn’t what she had expected.

The light was on in the sitting room and everything seemed peaceful.

Then a loud rattling from the kitchen.

Ivy tensed up as she tiptoed closer to the kitchen, her heart thundering in her chest.

‘Let my parents be alright, let my parents be alright.’ She mumbled continually to herself till she came to the open door.

“Careful, Maxwell. It’s still hot.” She heard her mother snap with urgency but she sounded nothing like she was in some sought of grave danger.

“Ayyy, Romito. I was wondering when you’ll get home.” Her mother said, looking straight at her.

She looked as firm as always, just that this time she had a pan in her hands, an apron on, and she seemed almost bubbly.

Even now, she still looked like Ivy’s elder sister by a couple of years and not her mum. She would have to find out the secret of eternal youth from her, it might come in handy some day.

“There you are,” her Father said, turning away from the kitchen slab. There was a knife in his hand, he must have been chopping something. Maybe vegetables.

“We’ve been waiting for your arrival.”

“So good to see you Pa and Ma,” Ivy said nervously.

Everything seemed to be alright but they hadn’t spoken about rushing down for a business break or something in the line of business yet. In fact, they didn’t look it.

What was going on?

“So—” She started to say, joining them in the kitchen, helping out with the pans and anything she could chip in with.

“You should be apologizing for coming late.”  Her mother cut her off.

“I’m sorry?”

Her gaze followed her mother as she walked around the kitchen.

Why was she supposed to apologize? Was today a special day or somethi–

She caught a glance of her father, making inaudible sounds to her while swinging his hand quickly in a dramatic way in the air.

Her eyes grew wide when she finally understood what he was saying.

“I’m really sorry, Ma. I wanted to come back home immediately but I got lost in a dinner date.”

Thanks to her dress, that lie was smooth.

“A dinner date uhn?” Her mother turned to her after putting in a baking pan filled with cake mix in the oven, a glint of something in her eyes. “Interesting.”

Ivy beamed nervously, mouthing a “thank you” to her Father when her Mother’s gaze turned away from her, back to what she was preparing.

“What’s his name.”

“Doesn’t matter.” Ivy shrugged dismissively, passing a tray to her Father. “Happy anniversary, Ma and Pa!” She announced before her Mother would force her to give more information about her fake date.

Her Mother suppressed a mile and her Father beamed.

“Thank you, Sweetheart. We love you too.” Her Father pressed her into a side hug and she pulled away almost instantly, mischief twinkling in her eyes.

“Get that mushiness away from me.”

“Okay, I’m done waiting. Where is my gift?” Her Mother said, twirling a kinfe on the kitchen slab, her gaze fixed on Ivy.

“Y-your gift?”

Her mother arched her a questioning eyebrow, her eyes growing growing suspicious.

“You did not forget ny gift, did you Romito?”

Oh goodness, this wasn’t good. If her Mother was to find out that she had forgotten, she’d be doomed.

Her Mother looked back at her Father that was now behind her, with squinted eyes, then back at her.

“Did you even truly remember that today was your parents wedding anniversary? Ivy Romina Rominnez, now that I think about it, I don’t remember you calling me or leaving a text to wish me today.”

Great. This would be a right time to start digging a grave because that would be where she would be sleeping tonight… and every other nights, from now on, till forever.

Just as Ivy was come up with some not-throughly thought out lies to save herself, she heard a voice from behind her.


Goodness, she had totally forgotten about him!

“Happy anniversary, Mr and Mrs. Rominnez. Sorry for stepping in late, I had to go back to get your gift in the car.”

He stepped forward handing her parents two different separate bags.

“Ahh, how could I have forgotten? Thank you, Koel.”

That was a save she appreciated but seeing the way her parents liked whatever it was that was in those bags, she knew a bigger problem was coming.

After thanking him and Ivy, her mother was quick to ask, with a small smile stretching across her lips.

“You are Ivy’s date, ain’t you?”

And there it was.

She gave it five minutes before her Mother would start talking about what wedding dress would fit with the occasion.

Then how the invitation cards should be designed.


She really didn’t have the strength for this tonight.

“Ivy has never brought home a guy for us before. She must be taking you seriously.” Her Father said and Ivy shook her head immediately.


“What?” He shrugged dismissively,  “it’s the truth.”

“I believe there must have been some sought of misunderstanding. I’m not her date, I’m a friend.”

“A friendddd?” Her mother asked, putting her bags carefully away.

Okay, she had to put an end to this right now but Koel was fast.

“Yes, I’m merely here to accompany the Sire’s Woman.”

Ivy’s head rang bells.

Sire’s Woman? Seriously?!

When last had he been made to communicate with humans?

Could he just shut up and let her handle this.

“Sire’s Woman?” Her father asked, looking from him to her.

“That is the pet name he calls me as friends.” Ivy chuckled nervously. “Koel, I’ve told you to stop calling me that. People are going to get the wrong impression. We are just friends.”

“Pet name, hmmm.”

Her parents hummed definitely not buying her lie.

Well, she couldn’t tell them the truth so she would just have to butter up her lie even more.

Her parents had been very hospitable, leading Koel to the dinning table while they served him refreshments.

Before they went back to the kitchen, pulling their daughter along to have a word with her.

If only Koel had been Chris then she would know that this stress was worth it.

But no!


The questioning began.

“He definitely looks our age but age is just a number when it comes to love,” her Father started, sounding as supportive as ever.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

“And contract marriages too, I guess.”

A strain crossed her Mother’s face at that and she quickly shook it off.

“Don’t try to change the subject.”

It took Ivy 30 whole mins to convince her parents that he was just a friend that needed a place to crash.

They didn’t believe that either but on getting back to the dinning table, Koel’s tea had really helped in calming down the situation, as her parents strangely let it slid and started talking about tea flavours with Koel instead.

Her father wasn’t pestering her with questions about this man she had never mention to him before and her Mother wasn’t already planning a wedding.

A miracle!

Maybe Koel’s tea wasn’t that bad after all.

They all had dinner now and they were all in their rooms, except for Koel who wasn’t in the guest room but in hers. Using the same excuse once again.

She really hoped her parents wouldn’t come upstairs because she didn’t know how she would explain to them why he decided to sleep in her room on the floor, when they gave him a whole to to crash for the night.

She put her phone down finally. Shs really had to stop calling Elsa and texting Chris so much.

But she couldn’t help but be paranoid. There had been no response from them whatsoever and that only increased the feeling of an impending doom looming over her head.

She just hoped they were okay.

She sunk further into bed, looking up at the ceiling.

If only she had an idea of what was going on…

If only…

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