Deadly Affairs


*Ten days later*

I sat alone in my room as I tried to get some work done on my laptop but I just couldn’t. My mind wasn’t on what I was doing. It kept reverting back to the last few days.

It just feel as if all that had happened was some sort of dream. It felt like it didn’t really happen. Oh how I wish it was. How I wish I could just pinch myself and wake up from this nightmare.

I shut my laptop and stood up in frustration. I couldn’t focus on what I was doing so what’s the use? Four days ago, I said my final goodbye to my parents. Unlike others, I didn’t cry.

Even though I wanted to, I couldn’t. I’ve shed enough tears when I found out that they died, to the extent that my eyes were already dried up. It was really hard for me to do it all alone but thankfully, Ryan, Grandma Shelly, Mr. and Mrs. Murphy were all there to help me out.

We had some other visitors which I have never known nor seen around my parents before. I guess they all came to get whatever they could. I didn’t even let Molly attend the burial.

I know how heartbroken she woukd be if she founds out that her beloved grand parents were dead so I just couldn’t tell her. I left her at home with nanny Abigail while I left for the burial with Ryan.

She even asked me where I was going to that day but all I could tell was that I wanted to see a friend. It pained me that I lied to her but what could I do? How was I going to tell her? I guess I’m gonna keep lying to her until she she’s finally able to understand fully and it won’t really hurt like it should.

These past few days, Ryan and Grandma Shelly have been really helpful in helping me keep my sanity in check. Most especially Ryan. He calls almost everyday to see it I’m alright and he sometimes visits my home.

Then, he spends time with both me and Molly before he goes back to his apartment. Normally, I would have pushed him away considering Jason’s threat but I decided not to.

I know that what Jason wants is for me to be alone, with no one to talk to or confide in. That’s exactly why he murdered my parents but I want to prove to him that he doesn’t scare me anymore.

I don’t care whatever threats he makes, I would live my life the way I want to but first things first, I need to make him pay for what he did. Even though that doesn’t bring my parents back to life, I need to make sure he rots in prison so I can finally have peace of mind.NôvelDrama.Org © content.

Even though the past days has been really silent, I could still feel that a huge storm was coming. If only I had solid evidence. Even the police had decided to end the investigation.

They already ruled it as an accident. Someone left the gas on and that caused the fire but only I know that’s really far from what happened. I pleaded with them to continue the investigation but they chose not to.

They said there wasn’t any evidence that showed that it was arson and if they did find one, they would continue with the investigation. Though I was really mad and disappointed, I could only agree with them.

They had no solid evidence that someone actually did it and Jason already had an alibi. He claimed that he was at the ball and his mistress testified to it so I couldn’t do anything.

I walked towards my bed and layid on it, before wrapping the duvet around me. If only I had known. If only I could go back in time and change all of my past mistakes.

Would things be different if I had told them from the start? Would things be different if I had allowed them to report Jason from the beginning? Would things have been different if I had listened to them when they told me not to get married to Jason?

I had a lot of regrets but I never knew I would get my karma this way. I had done nothing but loved, respected and obeyed Jason all through our time together. Why couldn’t he do the same and let me go peacefully?

Why did he had to forget our years together and hurt me this way like I was his sworn enemy. If he was hurting me physically, the pain would be lesser than what I was feeling right now.

I tried crying. Maybe the pain would go away if I shed tears but no tears could come out. Thankfully, Molly had gone to school I didn’t want her to see me this way.

I pulled the duvet closer to my body and was about to drown myself in my thoughts when I heard the doorbell ring. I remained still, hoping that Abigail would get it but she didn’t.

Seeing that no one answered, the person stopped ringing the doorbell and started banging really hard on the door. I stood up in anger and went to answer whoever it was.

I was about to scream at the person when I saw to policemen standing out side.

“Are you Ms. Natasha?” They asked immediately they saw me.

“Yes, I am. What are you doing here? Have you finally caught the culprit?” I asked hopefully. I was really hoping they did so Jason can finally be behind bars.

“Yes.” One of them answered.

I almost screamed out in happiness. I couldn’t contain my joy anymore. Finally, God had answered my prayers. The policemen gave each other a look before they turned back their attention to me.

Okay, what’s up with them.

“You need to come to the station with us ma’am.” The other one said.

“To identify the culprit? Sure, I will.” I said and was about to go in and take my purse when the other policeman stopped me.

“Quite the contrary miss. You are under arrest for the murder of Mr. and Mrs. Roberts. Anything you say or do now would be used against you in the court of law so I would appreciate it if you don’t resist.” He said as he showed me the arrest warrant.

Wait.. what???

“What do you mean by that? You must be joking.” I said in surprise.

“I really hope we are but all evidence points to you.” The second one said as he placed the cuffs on my hands.

What evidence? I wasn’t even with them that day.

They took me outside and led me to their car. We got in before they drove off to the police station.


Ryan was on his way back from work when he placed a call to Natasha. He had been calling her line since but she wasn’t picking up. Luckily this time, the phone was picked but it wasn’t Natasha that picked the call. It was Molly.

Ryan’s heart raced when he heard from Molly that she hadn’t seen her mother since she returned from school. Different thoughts started to run through his mind.

He speed up the car so he could get to Natasha’s house fast. He really hoped nothing had happened. While driving, he got another call, from an unknown number.

He didn’t want to at first but decided to pick it. It might be someone important. After he had picked the call, the person at the other line didn’t say anything.

“Hello.” Ryan called but it was still greeted with the same silence. He could only hear the person’s breathing.

He was about to end the call when the person finally said something;

“This is the time you’ll finally die. Extend my greetings to Mer. and Mrs. Roberts in hell.” After saying that, he immediately ended the call.

Ruan felt chills when the person said that. He tried calling again but the number was switched off. What type of person would send him a death threat? Worst of all, the person had a connection to Natasha’s parents’ death.

It made him wonder if it was really an accident or someone did it on purpose. But who would murder two people during the say?

He decided to forget about it for now and focus on the road. He was still driving when he saw the traffic light turn red. He decided to stop his car but when he pressed on the brakes, the car didn’t stop.

He started to get really anxious and continued hitting on the brakes really hard but it was still the same thing. His car kept speeding up every time he matched on the brakes.

His eyes widened when he realised that someone had cut the brakes of his car!!!

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