Deadly Storm

Chapter twenty two

Sarah's POV

The past three weeks have been stressful. I've had assignments due, some tests from my first semester, which meant heavy studying. And since tomorrow is the Christmas Break, I couldn't wait to escape the town for a week and see my mom.

It felt forever since I've seen her. I've told my friends that I'll be away for the week but I'll still be able to talk to them over the phone.

I've been so excited that for the past week, I couldn't sleep, and not just because of the tests.

Tonight my mom is picking me and I'm scurrying around my room packing everything I might need. My clothes, toiletries and some extra, like my brush, a book for night. My charger for my phone.

Anything that'll entertain me while I'm there I case I'm alone or something.

After packing, I bring my things downstairs and set them by the door. I'm all ready to go.

"Already kiddo?"


"I'm gonna miss you. Remember to have fun."

"I will dad."

"Okay good. Your mother should be here soon."

I sat in the living room waiting for the knock or sound of the doorbell. It felt like an eternity until I heard that doorbell go. I bolt from my seat and scurried to the door.


"Hey sweetie."

She pulled me into an embrace. Her pointy nose pushing against my head in the side and her fluffy curly golden locks tickled my face.

"How have you been?"

"I'm doing great, just have been busy with school and all."

"That's good. Hey I hope you haven't eaten, have you?"

"Nope." I popped the 'p.'

"Okay good. I'm going to take you out for dinner, your choice."

"Really?" My face blew up in excitement. My dad walks in. "Ready to go?"


"Have fun."NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

He waved goodbye not even acknowledging mom. Strange.

I grab my suitcase and leave with mom our to dinner.

"So hun, where do you want to go?"

"Spice symphony."

I haven't been to New York City but have been doing some online researching of restaurants I would like to try when I'm old enough. Spice Symphony looks to have delicious food.

From pictures online, I'd love to try their food. Now that I'm actually doing this, my dream is coming true.

"Alright, so this is the plan. We'll go to dinner, take our time and catch up. Then we'll make our way back to my apartment and you can get settled in while meeting my roommate. We have an extra room where you'll be sleeping in, but you'll be sharing since Jill's cousin is coming for the holidays as well."

"Oh, so I won't be alone then."

"Nope, she's also your age too."

Wow, I'm going to have a great break.

We made it to the restaurant.

"Hello, welcome to Spice Symphony, how many for a table?" Her shiny, soft blood red hair tied tightly in a mid ponytail with little curls at the bottom. Her long sleeve white blouse tucked in her her knee high black skirt.


The woman lead us to a table. She handed us our menus as we thank her. I glance over the menus.

Our waitress came.

"Hello, I'm Mia and I'll be your waiter. What can I start you off for drinks?"

"I'll just have a water, please." I say.

"I'll have a Diet Coke, please."

"Okay, are you ready to take your orders or would you like a little more?"

"Uh. . ." Mom glances at me and I shook my head needing for more time.

"We'll have a little more time."


She left getting our drinks. I finally found something I'll like.

Mia came back with our drinks then we order. Once she disappeared from view, my mom started talking.

"So what's new with you?"

"Ehh, nothing much other then I'm already training."

"Really, hows that going for you?"

"I mean . . . I'm not bad at it yet I'm not great. I've just been practicing throwing stakes in the dummy and practicing some skills."

"What kind of skills?"

"Running from a vamp, hiding my scent."

"How long have you been practicing for?"

"The day you left was my first one."

"Oh, so you've been at it for a while."


I took a sip of my water. "How's your friends doing?"

"Doing great, but Lauren might be leaving soon. She's moving away to Seattle."

"Aww, that's too bad. When's she moving?"

I told her the full story of when she was supposed to move and now who knows when. We talked all evening when our food came. Let me tell you it's delicious. My dream is finally coming true.

We spent the whole evening catching up when it's time to go.

Mom payed for the check and we sat off to her apartment. It took around half an hour to get to her apartment and by the time we got there, it's almost ten.

She parked in her parking spot as I gazed up to the building. It's tall with what looks to be with fifteen floors. The building is made out of stone. We enter the building as I pull my suitcase. The lobby has flourished spruce wood flooring with light brown walls to go with it.

The desk is also made out of the same wood but smoother. The doorman sat behind the counter clicking away at his computer. The dim lights also have that rich eerie affect. The little glass chandelier in the middle of the room hung up giving away light.

My mom pressed the elevator to go up. The ding sound came and the doors open. Fainted elevator music played as we got in. A whole elevator to our selves. Noticing my mom pressing the number twelve. So she's got the twelfth floor. It was silent on the way up. I notice for the first time all night that she's checking her phone.

The elevator doors open once we made it. The long hallway of doors with their numbers on the door. The walls painted a creamy brown and the dark grey carpet. As we pass the each door, I admire the dark oak colour.

We stopped at a door which read the 1209.

"You ready?"

I nod and she unlocked the door opening it. I couldn't explain how beautiful the room looks. The design is amazing.

The kitchen to the right sat with it's white design. As soon as we enter, its like your walking into it.

"We're back!" Mom called. A woman, looks to be in her early thirties late twenties, peeked over the couch she's sitting on. Her shoulder length brunette hair draped over her shoulders a bit.

Her twinkle green eyes sparkled in the light that illuminated in the room.

"Hello. You must be Sarah. I've heard so much about you. I'm Jill."

"Hey Jill. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too." We shook hands. "Hey imma get my cousin, she's just setting up her area in the room, if you like to come with me I'll show you where you'll be sleeping."

I followed Jill through the apartment. There are four doors, one for moms room, the other for Jill, the guest room I'm assuming, and the bathroom.

Jill knocked then opened the door a smidge, just to poke her head in. "She's here."

Jill moves out of the way and allow me to walk in. I mumbled a thanks and when I went inside the room. I couldn't believe who my little roomie is.

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