Chapter 3: BETRAYAL


After his music class, Lucifer called on Michael who answered with smiles on his face after waiting for so long for him.

“Where are we going, brother?” Michael asked lucifer after they dropped the little being home who came for the music class and walked out.

“A place in the kingdom brother, I just want to give a being a gift” Luci whispered and smiled.

Michael smiled at him and patted his shoulders loving the word he just said.

He didn’t ask any more questions and they went in silence holding hands chattering and laughing as they went.

Even chasing each other, the whole beings crossing them admired them and waved at them which they responded and waved back.

They came at a halt in the far end of the kingdom at the bridge where Angels pass to enter the earthly realm.

“Brother what are we doing here?” Michael asked but Lucifer kept silent and raised his hands in the air.

“This isn’t what you said and what are you doing?” Michael repeated but suddenly the forbidden sword appeared on Lucifer’s hand.

“Brother, what are you doing with the forbidden sword? How is it possible you’re in possession of the sword?” Michael asked his eyes bulging out.

“Do you want to know?”

“I stole it from the great one chambers” Lucifer answered chuckling.

“The great one’s chamber is guided by an Angel because of the sword so how did you get in.”

“I’ll tell you since it’s your last day living anyways” Lucifer whistled.


“Being the being after the supreme being’s heart I had the power to split which none of you knew about.”

“While I sang my other half went off and met the room of the great one unguided because the Angel at guard went to listen to my song too.”

“I entered and found the sword in a sparkling box in the middle of the room and got hold of it.”

“It took me a lot to be able to wield it but I’m no ordinary Angel so I sang and it respected my voice.”

“I knew it won’t be possible coming out with it so I had it sent here.”

“That was what delayed me.”

“Why you waited I was getting a weapon I can use to kill you.”


“You can’t kill me, brother, I never wronged you, please” Michael muttered stepping away from him.

“Oh, I never told you, I’m still singing in the palace right now but you are missing cause you left without letting any Angel know.”

“No one will even know you went out with me and got lost” Lucifer whispered in a rocky voice and let out a great laugh.

“What are you talking about?”

“I’m the same part that stole the sword myself while my other half is still singing.”

“Brother please, is it the crown?”

“You can have it.”

“Please don’t just kill me.”

“Please you can’t use that sword on me” Michael pleaded his voice coming out shaky.

“You feel you can take what belongs to me and go free” Lucifer barked and charged towards Michael.


Michael being a chief warrior defended smoothly and the fight started.

While they fought they didn’t notice the figure that ran out.

“Brother Michael needs help,” the little being whispered running off.


After the class was over Michael and Lucifer dropped the little being at home but the mind of the little being couldn’t rest.

“Something is going on with brother Lucifer” he had whispered and followed them only to see the worst sight ever; two great Angels fighting.

First time since the creation of the Angels.

Knowing that he needed to get help he ran off.


The fight between Lucifer and Michael was becoming intense.

Michael never thought Lucifer could be such a great warrior.

He has already wounded so many places yet he couldn’t allow himself to attack his brother, someone he took as his better half.

“Fight me, brother, don’t die a coward die a hero” Lucifer thundered at him.Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“I can’t fight you brother, please stop this madness before it’s too late” Michael barked back.

“Too late you say?” No one will even know your whereabouts.”

“Once you are dead, I’ll throw you down this bridge to the earth where you will perish and become soil to the little ones.”

“And you think the supreme being won’t find out?”

“Before he does I would have taken my revenge on him too” he muttered and charged at Michael one more time so greatly more than the first time.

Michael fought back and split Lucifers face with his sword.

Lucifer became furious and attacked back wounding him too and sliced off one of his wings.

“Ahh,” Michael screamed bleeding his wing falling through the bridge.

Lucifer laughed and charged again slicing off his second wing.

Michael tried to slice Lucifers wings too but his sword had no power to do such.

Lucifer broke his sword into two drew him close and pierced the forbidden sword into his heart.


Immediately the sword went through Michaels’s heart the little being felt it and started weeping.

“Things are falling apart” he screamed running more faster.

“He’s dying, he’s dying” he kept muttering as he ran.

Luckily he got to the great gate but it was locked as always.

He knocked on the gate trying his luck but no one could hear him cause the gate had no gatekeeper.

“Supreme being hear me please, Michael is dying” he whispered.

The first time an Angel prayed cause at that instant even without the little being’s knowledge he was made an Angel.

He screamed and screamed yet nothing was happening.

He fell to the ground crying.

“Please open up the gate, his dyinngg’ he screamed.

But suddenly his eyes opened wide and he muttered; “he’s dead and fainted.”


“Hahaha,” Lucifer laughed and threw Michael off the bridge.

“Goodbye brother” he whispered.

“One more to go” he thundered locked the sword in his backpack and vanished.


“Supreme being hear me please, Michael is dying, he’s dead” the words of the little angel echoed in the supreme being’s ears and his eyes flipped open cause he has been in a trance.

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