Deserted But Not Alone

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

I wonder what's going on?

We walked into the school and towards our lockers. Fortunately, Taylor's locker is really far from mine and Adam's, so at least I don't have to look at her stupid face while getting my books out, but unfortunately, Tyler's locker is just as far away too.-

Tyler squeezed my hip and pecked my cheek "I'll see you at lunch babe."

I smiled and nodded in agreement as he walked away towards his locker. Taylor had already left to get her things too, so it was just Adam and me. "Shit! I forgot about the Physics homework." Adam cursed and ran his hand through his hair in frustration.

I scrunched up my face in confusion at his words because if anyone forgets about homework, it's usually me. Adam is the type of jock that always does his homework, gets As and Bs on his report sheets, never hands in an assignment late and is always on top of anything related to school. So him forgetting his homework was kind of a shocker for me.

"You can copy mine in class later, but what were you so caught up in that made you forget?"

"I was on the phone with Taylor last night and we spoke for so long that it totally slipped my mind. I planned to do it last night, but it took quite a while before we hung up and I was burnt out, not to mention that I had to wake up early and wake you up too, so it kinda slipped my mind." He hiked his backpack up on his shoulder and closed his locker shut.

I rolled my eyes at the mention of Taylor. I really don't know why he's dating her. It's like he has decided to turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to all the stupid shit she pulls. Not just with me, but with other people too. As much as Taylor is popular, she's also a vile creature.

The bell rang for the first period, and Adam and I sprinted off to our next class which was A.P Literature with Mrs. Henshaw.

Luckily, when we got to class Mrs. Henshaw wasn't there yet. So we took our seats beside each other in the middle row and goofed around for a while. Six minutes later, she ran in huffing and panting like she'd just run a marathon.

"Phew. Good morning class." she greeted, once she had gotten her things and herself in order.

"Good morning Mrs. Henshaw." "Morning Hot stuff " we chorused, all except one idiot. Carter.

"Who said that?" Mrs. Henshaw took off her glasses and scanned the room with her eyes. Only that she didn't need to, because all hands were pointing to Carter.

"Carter! Stand up!" Mrs. Henshaw shouted in anger. Yeah... That woman has anger issues.

"This is your three hours detention slip for the next three weeks-" she signed a piece of paper that she pulled from a drawer and thrust the pink slip towards him, "-and I expect your parents to be here in school tomorrow as well. We'll be having a talk about your grades and behavior. Now class let's get to business." she clapped her hands and began the lesson on To Kill A Mockingbird.

The classes went by in a blur. The bell rang for the lunch break, I grabbed my bag and picked up my phone, sending a quick text to Tyler and Adam, asking if they were at the cafeteria already, to which they both replied that they were on their way.

I joined the lunch line at the cafeteria and when was my turn, I bought three slices of steaming pepperoni pizza, a strawberry milkshake, and an apple to munch on.

Humming a tune, I held my tray and walked to an empty table. I pulled out my phone and connected it to my headphones. I scrolled through my BTS playlist and selected a song. Soon, 'Blue and Grey' flowed through the headphone speaker and into my ears.

I saw a familiar hand tap on the table and looked up, coming face to face with Tyler, who was also holding his lunch tray in his hands.

"Hey. How was Miss Dawson's class?" I asked, kissing his soft pink lips once he sat beside me.

"Hell as usual. I swear that woman was sent to torture me from another pl." he complained with a sigh before pouting.

"Awww my baby's grumpy" I cooed and pinched his cheeks. He swatted my hands away playfully and laughed.

"So....." I clasped my hand and batted my eyelashes, a smile creepier than that of Joker's adorned my face.

"So...?" He leaned away noticeably.

"Someone's pre-birthday is this Friday and that person's birthday is next week. Do you know who that is?" I feigned ignorance, still blinking rapidly. "Hmmmm...lemme guess" he acted like he was thinking. I sat back and let him take his time.

"Oh oh oh I know!" He exclaimed in realization. I smiled, ready for my hugs and kisses.

"It's ADAM'S birthday!" He exclaimed, clicking his fingers.

"Oh come on!!" I hit his shoulder repeatedly.

He laughed.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding babe. I know it's your birthday. I mean how can I forget the birthday of that best, the most beautiful, the most amazing, most talented, and most supportive girlfriend ever? That would be a shame" he said dramatically.

"Yeah yeah, whatever... So! What are you getting me? Is it a puppy? A new phone? Headphones? Is it-" my over joyous rant was cut off by his chuckles.

"Whoa... Calm your horses down cowgirl" I pouted.

"Guess who got two tickets to see The Multiverse Of Madness on Friday?" he smirked on seeing my reaction.

My eyes widened. "Really? But I

thought they were already sold out." Just so you know, I'm a huge Marvel fan, and Eve been anticipating watching the Dr Strange movie for months now, but when I tried to buy tickets for it, they were already sold out.

"I have my ways babe. If it's The Multiverse Of Madness you want, then it's what you'll get."

I squealed happily and hugged him. "I. Love. You" I kissed him on the cheek for every word, emphasizing the last one.

"What's got her all riled up and excited? Lord knows it cannot be a good thing" Adam sighed dramatically like an old lady as he walked to our table with his hands in his pocket.

"Oh shut up" I flicked his forehead when he sat down.

"Tyler's taking me to see The Multiverse Of Madness as a pre-birthday gift on Friday night."This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

"I take that back." Adam said, nodding his head in approval.

"What are you guys doing for your pre-birthday?" Tyler asked Adam, referring to him and Taylor. I turned to him to listen too, biting into my apple. I already had my pizza, so it just remained my milk.

Every year, the Friday before our birthday is our pre-birthday because my mother's due date was on the Friday before our actual birthday and it's been like that since our it's


parents were alive. So we always do one thing or the other to celebrate it

and its kinda grown on us. Content

belongs to

"Nothing. Taylor hasn't said anything about it. I think she's forgotten it again." he sighed and ran his hand through his dirty blonde hair. He tends to do that a lot, but so do I.

"Don't worry man. She'll come around eventually. And if you still don't have anything to do, you can come with us to the movies on Friday, I got an extra ticket in case you were going to come with us."

"Yeah, when pigs fly and hell freezes over" I muttered under my breath at the thought of Taylor coming around.

"Thanks man." Adam said with a grateful smile.

"Babyyyyyy?!" Taylor's shrill voice was heard across the cafeteria.

Not again...

"Yeah Taylor?" Adam turned around to look at her.

"Why are you still sitting over there? Won't you come to sit with us?" She said, eyeing our table in disgust and gesturing towards the table for the 'populars'

"Nah I'm good" Adam shrugged her off and she stomped away screaming something along the lines of him being a traitor and not loving her.

Talk about a drama queen.

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