Diary of Fragile Heart (Spin of Loving You Too Long)

Chap 42

A week after the last attack, Flavia was finally transferred to a regular hospital room. Abigail faithfully stayed by her side, continuously urging Flavia to open her eyes. Two weeks later, Flavia finally woke up. By then, her rib bones had healed, as had her clavicle. Only her left leg remained pinned.

Flavia seemed disoriented, gazing at everyone with a puzzled expression. Antony even thought his daughter might be suffering from amnesia, but the doctor stated that her memory was intact, albeit slightly shocked. She remembered who she was, her parents, and the last thing that happened to her.

The first thing she asked when her full consciousness returned was, “How is the taxi driver?” She cried when the doctor informed her that the taxi driver had passed away on the spot.

Then a new fact struck them. After further observation, Flavia was diagnosed with a spinal cord injury. “It’s not permanent. Spinal cord injuries can still be healed through physiotherapy. This is a result of the severe impact the patient experienced.

“It will take time, indeed. And during the therapy, it may feel painful. But as long as the patient has a strong will, then God will work miracles,” the doctor earnestly replied.

“Therapy cannot be done in the near future. The patient needs to heal her left leg first. Once her leg is ready to support, then therapy can be initiated. But it doesn’t mean the patient has to be idle. She still needs to do light exercises to prevent stiffness in nerves and muscles. A coach will assist later,” he continued.

And yet, that wasn’t all. The bombshell came from the specialist and the obstetrician. “The impact the patient experienced had a detrimental effect on her uterus,” said the obstetrician with sadness. “The patient’s uterus has suffered damage. But don’t worry too much. The patient is still young. Her uterus can still recover normally as long as she maintains a healthy lifestyle.”Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Does a damaged uterus mean I’m infertile, doctor?” Flavia asked innocently.

“No, not like that.” The doctor explained the impact on the cervix in simple terms, avoiding medical jargon that might confuse the patient. “Not infertile. But in your condition, future pregnancies might be a bit challenging. However, there’s a fifty percent chance of success. Don’t lose heart. We are just doctors, not gods. God is the Almighty Giver of all things. Always believe that miracles exist.”

And that’s what truly brought Flavia to despair. She spent quite a long time mourning her situation. Physical disabilities from broken bones could be eliminated with plastic surgery. But a damaged uterus? What does it mean for a woman if she can’t conceive and give birth? That reality made her feel like she was no longer a complete woman.

Abigail, Claire, Adaline, and Mrs. Brianna Quirino-Antony’s mother-succeeded in making her resilient. As fellow women, they clearly knew comforting words for Flavia, and she was stirred. That she was still given a chance to live was a blessing. She continued with life, even though everything no longer felt the same.

Yes, everything changed from that moment onward. Flavia, who was shy from the beginning, became even more reserved. She asked everyone to keep this from Gladwin.

“If Uncle knows I had an accident, he’ll insist on coming back. You all know how excessive Uncle Gladwin can be.” That was her statement at the time. Although she expressed it in a joking manner, everyone could sense underlying sadness. Flavia didn’t want Gladwin to pity her.

Flavia chose to continue her studies, cherishing the scholarship she had earned. She wasn’t ashamed to go to college even though she had to use a wheelchair. For her, God allowing her to still have intact and recoverable legs was already something to be grateful for.

“I’m not blind, and that’s already a blessing, Dad,” she said when her father commented and asked her to focus on her recovery instead of going to another city for college.

The hospital became her home in the first year of her college life. Yes, Flavia chose to live in the hospital. She was transported by a nurse specially hired 24/7. She slept and ate there, doing physiotherapy in between her classes.

Flavia was not only known by the nurses and doctors but also by the staff and inpatients undergoing long-term treatment. All because of Flavia’s personality, which, although reserved, was friendly to everyone.

And it was in the hospital that Flavia eventually met Eijaz Dominic. Eijaz, who had just returned from Germany after completing his studies, chose to live in a different city than his parents to avoid their insistence that he continue their family travel business.

Eijaz’s desire to become a doctor was greater than everything else. ‘Youthful rebellion.’ That was Eijaz’s reason when Flavia asked why he chose to become a doctor instead of continuing the family business.

“Do you know why I chose to become a doctor?” the handsome man asked at one point. Flavia, still in her teens, shook her head innocently. “To win the hearts of women,” the older man answered with a sweet smile. “Most women like men in uniforms, be it soldiers, police officers, doctors, and others.”

“Is that true?” Flavia asked hesitantly. Eijaz answered with a firm nod. “Why?” she inquired.

“Because in their eyes, we appear more handsome and authoritative,” he replied with a laugh, causing Flavia to roll her eyes and groan.

“So, you want to be a doctor to be chased by women?” she mocked.

Eijaz shrugged. “Well, of course. What man wouldn’t want to be a Casanova? Do you want to chase me? If you do, we can make a short film titled ‘Chase me, and I’ll catch you.’ You chase me, I catch you. Tomorrow, we can head straight to the wedding.” He offered.

Flavia squinted again, while the nurse accompanying her laughed. “I don’t want to. I prefer to marry a normal man. Like an office worker.”

“Why? They’re not as handsome as doctors.”

“But they also wear uniforms. Suits and ties. And their job is nice. They go to work in the morning and come home in the evening. Not like you medical professionals with irregular working hours, disturbing us patients even at night like this. Poor your partners at home having to be guarded by pillows.” Flavia joked, making Eijaz burst into laughter.

Truthfully, Eijaz didn’t have a shift that night. He just liked accompanying Flavia. Yes, Eijaz fell in love with Flavia. Aside from her beautiful face, Flavia possessed determination and a fighting spirit. Her intelligence was an added value. They often chatted between therapy sessions. Even if there was spare time, Eijaz preferred to spend it in Flavia’s room, just like now. So, over time, they became closer.

And even after Flavia could walk normally again, Eijaz continued to stay in touch. There was no formal commitment in their relationship. If Flavia saw Eijaz as a brother, Eijaz always hoped for more. Just like the hopes of Antony and Claire. Especially when Antony learned that Eijaz’s parents were business associates. Knowing that Eijaz came from a good family, Antony hoped even more that his daughter would accept Eijaz.

However, the heart cannot be controlled like a television channel that can easily be switched. Flavia still couldn’t shake off her feelings for Gladwin. This was evident in the way Flavia avoided Gladwin. At one point, Antony even caught Flavia gazing at a photo of Gladwin that the girl had stolen from social media. Antony, Claire, and Abigail just tried to understand. Because all those feelings were felt by Flavia herself.

They wouldn’t force Flavia’s heart to anchor on anyone. They only hoped, whether it was Eijaz or Gladwin, they hoped that one of them could boost Flavia’s confidence and help her regain her happiness.

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