Divorce To Restart: Vengeful Ex-Wife Strikes Back!

A lone time

Chapter 53 A Lone TimeProperty © NôvelDrama.Org.

NINA’S HOME, NEW YORK. Even though Nina was quite aware of Jace’s presence, she chose to lock herself in the room and didn’t step out until she was sure he had left. She promised herself to steer clear of anyone about Xander, too. She hasn’t left the house because she believes it is part of her remuneration as a staff member at X&J Empire. She came out of the room to make something to eat since Carla had taken the rest of the day off. Nina was shocked to see Tania curled up on the couch and watching a reality show. “Tania? When did you arrive?” She asked. “I came with Jace to surprise you. But a certain someone chooses to remain indoors.” Tania replied, flaring her nose. “Why didn’t you knock on my door?” “Why? Carla already clarified that you must have intentionally chosen to stay deaf. Which means you don’t want to see anyone. I couldn’t leave you. And now my ride back to school is gone.” “I am so sorry. I will drive you back, please. I didn’t realize you were here.” Nina said hastily, attempting to hurry to her room. Tania stood up quickly and pulled her back gently. “Easy, Nina. I will go back to school tomorrow. Why don’t you sit with me for a second and talk to me? What is the matter?” Nina blinked back the tears that rushed to her eyes as soon as she sat down. Damn the hormones. They are constantly triggering her. She wanted to break down and tell Tania all about the unfairness at work and how she has to rack her brain more intensely than ever for a way out. How does she explain that she has been surviving on the vitamins she got from the hospital because she had been too busy to visit the hospital for her routine check? As heavy as her heart was, she worried about putting it all out. Knowing Tania, she would make sure Xander gets a whiff of it, and his hypocrisy might turn up. The best thing to do is to keep moving without stopping. “Say something, Nina. You know you can trust me.” Tania said, interrupting her thoughts. Nina smiled weakly. “I guess it is the pregnancy. I haven’t been much myself lately.” “Are you sure it has nothing to do with work?” She pressed further. “No, Tania. Trust me.” “Why haven’t you been picking up Xander’s calls? Did he do something wrong?” Nina’s forgotten anger returned, and she felt the savage urge to get a hold of Xander and make him admit to his hypocritical behavior. She sighed heavily. “Give me a moment.” She said, making her way to the room. “Why do I need this?” Tania asked when Nina returned and handed her phone to her. “Read that message.” She urged. Tania’s eyes bobbed out when she read the content of the message. “This cannot be. Why would he send something like this to you?” “I guess he just got tired of playing nice. It dawned on him too late that I can never be his again.” She gasped. “Oh, my goodness. I guess all of Xander’s calls are to explain himself. Did you confront him?” “Of what use would that be, Tania? Haven’t I been humiliated enough? What did I ever do to any of them? I get that they do not want me, but I doubt I have done them so wrong to be this detested. I am tired, Tania. I doubt I will ever get a breakthrough in this miserable life of mine. I don’t know how long I must keep up with this.” She wailed. Tania embraced her, feeling her heart clench. “Stop crying, Nina. I am going to give him a piece of my mind myself.” “No, please. Don’t do that, I beg you. Just let it be. Won’t it seem as if I am desperate for attention? I don’t want to become that kind of person. All of this is happening because I let Asher win for too long. I can’t deal with that anymore, please.” “Pardon my foolishness. I shouldn’t even think of that in the first place. It would help if you weren’t crying this much, Nina. Your condition is too delicate for your heart to be in this much chaos, please.” “I want to break free, too. I am tired. It’s almost as if nemesis keeps catching up with me.” Nina took in a deep breath and sat up. “Maybe I knew this was bound to happen to me. I was probably just too hopeful. Who will I run to now? X&J is the only place I am allowed in with my skills. Everyone else has my name blocked. What if Xander chooses to turn his back?” “I will personally murder him if he does that.” Tania gritted. “That is enough mourning, Nina. You are stronger than you let on, and I trust you will overcome this. Since it’s the weekend, why don’t you come to school with me? We can walk around the campus and make dumb jokes with my roommates. That way, you forget all of your worries,” Nina’s eyes stared longingly at her room door. “I have a lot of work to do.” “You always have one excuse to give or the other. Carla isn’t around, and even if she is, I doubt you will want to talk to her since you are so buried inside work. Why not let it go in the meantime and live freely? Many others wish they could get the chance at life like you do now. Do not let us put it to waste.” “You don’t get it, Tania. I have a solution proffered presentation to make on Monday. I can’t slack off at this point.” “Why not bring it all along? My roommates are business management students and might be able to help.” Tania is unrelenting. Nina sniffed. “I don’t have a way out of this, right?” “No, you don’t. Please, Nina, please.” She begged, staring at her with puppy eyes. She chuckled. “Fine. But you will get to drive.” “I didn’t need to be told that would be my duty.” She replied, jumping happily towards the room to help Nina pack.

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