Divorce To Restart: Vengeful Ex-Wife Strikes Back!

A thing

. Chapter 39 A Thing

X&J FOODS, NEW YORK Nina hurried towards the office, feeling thankful for escaping Dawn. It would have been too awkward bumping into her after yesterday. She had thought something was happening between her and Xander, and she was right. Now she knows why Dawn might feel some way about her association with Xander. Even though she feels hurt that Xander never took the liberty to tell her that he is in a relationship, he denied it when she asked. On second thought, they probably just put a label on it. Nina feels that either way, it’s none of her business as long as she knows not to get into Dawn’s way. As she entered the office, she was shocked to find Xander by her table. He stood with his hands in his pocket and eyes darting around the space. None of the assistants were around yet. Xander looked up at her with a smile that faded when he saw her face. There were tired lines on them, and they almost looked bloated. “Nina.” He called out, trying to help her to sit. “What did you do all night? Didn’t you get to sleep?” She shrugged out of his hold. “I was working on the advert ideas for the new products I intend to discuss with the marketing team.” “Why do you need to bother yourself about that? It is the marketing team’s job to brood over things like that. Not you.” “I came up with the production, so I must chip in any ideas to bring it all together. I intend to work side by side with them from now on. It’s the most strategic point right now to use against those people. You don’t have to worry about me. I am fine. What are you doing here?” Xander cleared his throat as he folded his arms and held her gaze. “I came to discuss what you saw yesterday. I mean-Dawn-at my place-in my shirt.” He stuttered. Nina glanced around. “Right now? In the office?” He nodded. “Yes, right now.” “I don’t think we have anything to discuss, sir. It was all crystal clear yesterday.” “Why are you suddenly being formal, Nina?” “I have always been like this.” “What you saw isn’t exactly what you are thinking.” “Sir, I am not thinking of anything. I do not have any place in your life enough to meddle in it. There is no need to explain your relationship to me. That is absurd.” “And I have decided that I want to, and I have to make things clear to you.” His persistence was beginning to irritate Nina. She held his gaze with a stern look in her eyes. “I just told you now. I Am. Not. Interested.” She emphasized. Xander acted like he had gone deaf and leaned towards her instead. “I don’t intend to back down until you hear me out. I am not dating Dawn. She is a long-time friend I have known before I ever met you. And she can be extra sometimes. She came by my house saying her dress had been stained and needed washing. She ushered herself into my house and wore my clothes without prior permission. I was just as surprised as you are when I found her in the cloth.” She didn’t say anything, just trying to do what was not required on her desk. He inhaled sharply. “I haven’t changed in the past ten years, Nina. I will never hide anyone I am with. I need you to know that.” He expected a response, but she didn’t even spare him a glance. Xander sighed. “Have a good day today, and make sure you eat.” Without thinking it through, he reached and kissed her forehead.

When Xander moved away, he stood straight, and his eyes met Dani’s. Xander nodded his head towards her and left. It took Nina a while to get herself together. Only then did she notice that there was someone else in the space. “You and him?” Dani asked in a thin tone. “No, nothing like that. Get the proposal printed, and we have a meeting with the marketing team.” Nina said as she searched her bag for her morning dosage. Xander can be pretty frightening when he chooses to be. As much as she tries to deny it, a part of her feels relieved that nothing is intimate between them. It would have been complicated maneuvering around if Dawn realized she was Xander’s ex. ~~~~ Xander settled into the chair, letting out a long breath. Nothing prepared him for the discussion he had with Nina. Xander had promised himself to say his piece and leave her to react however he chose. But he couldn’t leave her to think he was a cheat. She would find him repulsive, considering where she is coming from herself. A smile tugged at his lips when he remembered the forehead kiss. Nina smells so lovely. “Mind sharing what is making you so happy?” His train of thought was interrupted by Dawn’s entry. He smacked his lips. “Am I not allowed a thought of my own?” She raised her hands. “Not at all. No one will dare to. Thanks for yesterday. You are such a gentleman.” Dawn said, blowing him a kiss. Xander couldn’t get the words of his brother out of his head. Dawn didn’t eventually go anywhere and even acted like she wouldn’t mind spending the night over. He had to make excuses and offer to take her home. Jace looked glum throughout the exchange until Dawn was out of the house. “Can I ask you something, Dawn?” He said. “Sure, baby. What’s that?” She smiled brightly at him, crossing her legs. “Do you think I am lenient?” “Well, you are most times.” “I see.” He hummed. “I just hope no one gets to see my wrath eventually. I would hate to have to repeat myself when such ever occurs.” Dawn chuckled in confusion. “What are you saying?” “You don’t have to worry about that; I am just saying,” Xander said, tightening his jaw. “Anyway, when do you intend to ask me to be your plus one for your parents’ anniversary?” “Do I have to ask you?” She laughed, flipping her hair. “Of course, it’s not like you have any other person to ask.” Xander couldn’t help but laugh. “Are you pulling my legs right now?” “Not at all.” She replied, looking severe. “Is it because you think I am not aware of myself or because I keep to myself a lot?” Dawn shifted at his question and stuttered in response. “Of course, I am sure you know your worth. I was saying-” “Stop it, Dawn. You would get invited to the event whether you want to or not. My mother is obsessed with you. So you don’t have to worry about my plus one. I already have one.” Her eyes twitched. “What? You-You have one? Do I know this person?” She asked. “You will find out on the day itself. Don’t you have work to do, Dawn? I was hoping you wouldn’t make me think I am paying you for free. Get a move on now. See you later.” He held up a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. Dawn smiled tightly, standing up. She didn’t need to be told who his plus one was. It’s up to her to put things back in place. Not under her watch will someone snatch Xander away. *********************

NINA’S HOME, NEW YORK. “Do you think this is good enough?” Nina asked Carla and Tania for the umpteenth time. They had assured her persistently that the dress she had on fit perfectly. Her anxiousness was too evident even though she kept reminding herself it was just dinner. Tania exhaled loudly. “What exactly is the matter? Why are you so nervous?” “I have never been out to a public space besides work since my bump started showing. I know this rich person and how snobbish they can be. They might uncomfortably eye me, and I don’t think I am ready. I will go to pee a lot; in no time, they will find out.” She admitted. “Since when did you start concerning yourself with what people say?” Her friend asked. “You are a woman of substance, and anyone will be crazy to think they can look down on you.” Carla cleared her throat. “It is just the hormones. I don’t see you as someone who gets intimidated by others. Go to the party and have fun.” “I shouldn’t be having fun. I am supposed to be working my ass off.” Nina insisted. “And miss out on many things? Learn to live and work at the same time. I have never seen you take a break and go to sleep. Let yourself be free for once, please.” The older woman begged. “Carla is very correct, Nina. Take this as an opportunity to feel like yourself again.” Tania added. “Moreover, I know Xander would stick to your side like glue until you get tired of him.” Carla joked. Nina flushed. “Nothing is going on between us; we are just old friends.” “No one said anything about you two not being friends. I was saying he would be by you.” She mumbled, exchanging a glance with Tania. “I will pretend not to notice what you two are up to.” She snickered. A loud horn echoed from the outside. “He is here,” Tania announced. “So I am good to go?” Nina inquired. “One more question and I will toss you out myself,” Tania said, laughing. Nina finally got a hold of herself and headed outside the house. Xander gasped at the sight of her. She had on a bright sienna dress that lightened up her glowing skin even though it was protected by the jacket she had on. Her curled hair cascaded down her back, making her look so beautiful. The little bump on her belly makes her appear heavenly. “My goodness, you look so breathtaking .” He complimented. “You don’t look too bad yourself.” She added. “So shall we?” “Yes, please.”

************ Nina was surprised at the party turnout. She had expected something grand, considering how rich the Jacksons were. But the anniversary was just a backyard occasion with barely twenty people in attendance. She was introduced briefly to his parents. His mother seemed to pay more attention to her than Xander’s father. She didn’t take offense since it seemed like both father and son weren’t on excellent terms with each other. The one time she would have met them in college, they broke up before the set date. Xander guides her towards the table assigned for the nonfamily, and to Nina’s dismay, she is seated opposite Dawn, and it seems she has some mean girl as friends with her. “Oh, so this is your plus one. An ex?” Dawn couldn’t hold herself back. Xander glanced towards Jace. “Her name is Nina.” “Please, Xander. Don’t say anything on my behalf, and I can handle this.” Nina said, keeping an eye on Dawn. “I need to talk to Mum now. Do you think you can handle it? I won’t be long, I promise.” Xander said as he kissed her forehead. Dawn scoffed, stabbing at the food plate in front of her. She had promised herself to look away from whoever Xander ends up bringing to the party. But finding out that it’s Nina and seeing that her suspicions about Nina being pregnant were true made her angrier. Despite the jacket she had on, it was too glaring. She couldn’t hold back anymore. She wanted to believe Xander wouldn’t hire a pregnant woman. Now, she can’t trust what he will or will not do. “How are you doing, Nina? You look beautiful.” Jace complimented. “More like bloated,” Dawn mumbled under her breath. Nina inhaled deeply, cautioning herself not to mind her. “Thank you, Jace. You don’t look too bad yourself.” “What’s up with Tania? I asked her to come to the party, but she refused.” He said, causing him to get a glare from the lady next to him who looked a bit like Dawn. “She feels she would not be able to cope much with strangers.” Nina drawled on the last word. “True. I will check on her after all of this. It’s been a while since we hung out together. I might drive to Brooklyn soon to spend enough time with her.” Jace said, still ignoring the lady, trying to get his attention. Silence reigned all of a sudden, making it awkward. “Let me ask? Who is the father of that thing you are carrying? I hope it’s not Xander?” Dawn questioned out of nowhere. Jace sucked his teeth. “Are you always this impolite, Dawn? Please do not ruin my parent’s party.” As if he didn’t just caution her, Dawn snapped her finger. “Or let me guess, and there is no way you both just hooked up; that pregnancy looks older than when you started working. Did you sleep through to get a job and pin it on him? I was wondering why he was all over you for no reason at all. You are trying to take advantage of his good heart. And I am not going to let you.” She sounded drunk. Nina could feel herself boiling inside. At the same time, she felt the need to teach Dawn a lesson she would never forget. She just called her pregnancy a THING. However, it would be wrong to ruin someone’s party just because a stupid person like Dawn refuses to be thoughtful. “Can’t you answer, bitch!” Dawn gritted in a low tone, throwing a piece of carrot at Nina. “Have you lost your mind?” Jace bellowed. He was beginning to worry about Nina’s safety “Shut up! Shut the hell up, you fool. How dare you talk to me like that!” She yelled in Jace’s face. “You know what? I need to go to the restroom.” Dawn hissed, leaving the table. “I am so sorry, Nina.” Jace pleaded. “What for?” The lady next to him questioned. He gave her a disgustful glare. “No one asked for your opinion!” Nina inhaled sharply. “It’s alright, Jace. Can you point me to the ladies, please?” “Sure, please come.” He urged. Nina followed stealthily with a mind of her own. Hell was about to let loose.NôvelDrama.Org © content.

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