Divorce To Restart: Vengeful Ex-Wife Strikes Back!

Jewel Orphanage

Chapter 44 Jewels OrphanageOriginal from NôvelDrama.Org.

X&J EMPIRE, NEW YORK. “What are you doing?” Xander asked Dawn when he noticed her peering into his phone. She pouted, trying to hide her smile. “Nothing. I was just wondering why you had the phone on the lock to that extent. What are you hiding, huh?” Dawn wiggled her brows at him. He raised a suspicious brow. “Why are you interested in whatever I am hiding?” “Nothing. I just used to know your passcode to the house, and now you changed it.” “I didn’t change it because of you. I did this to keep Jace out of my house. But he knows it now anyway, and I hate that he keeps that much tab on me.” “I don’t think I would ever like your brother.” “He doesn’t like you either. So I bet that is just perfect. No one will get hurt.” “You do know he gets down with my sister, right?” Xander stared blankly at her. “Meaning? Isn’t your sister in a relationship?” Dawn mirrored his expression. “Does that make any sense? Since when do you give excuses for irrelevant behaviors?” “Aren’t they adults? The last time I checked, it was none of my business whatsoever my brother does outside these walls. And we shouldn’t be discussing private matters during office hours. So, please, let’s focus on what’s at hand.” “Why are you always so quick to snap? I mean no harm in any way.” He didn’t respond and only kept staring at the computer screen. Dawn felt a part of her slip at his reaction. He hardly ever turns her away, and his attitude towards her keeps getting colder. “Did I do something wrong?” She asked. He furrowed his brows. “No, you didn’t. Why would you ask that kind of question?” “You tell me. You have been acting so differently. I told you what Nina did to me, yet you haven’t said a word of it since that day. You hired her pregnant; isn’t that against the company’s policy?” “I told you before that I won’t involve myself in your fight with Nina. You had it coming. As for employment, I won’t explain myself again.” Dawn gasped dramatically. “I am your friend, Xander. How can you be so carefree?” “Nina is my friend too. But you don’t see me trying to back her actions. You two can handle your differences without my interference.” “Do you care about her that much? She is your ex, and I bet she was the one who hurt you.” “Think whatever you want. Moreover, didn’t Nina apologize to you the other day? That is enough on that discussion.” “The thing is-” Xander cut her short. “How is your mum?” “She is fine.” Dawn pouted for a while, watching him closely. “Would you like to have dinner with me?” “What is the occasion?” “Do we need to have an occasion before spending time together?” “Maybe.” There was a faded smile on his face. “Xander.” She drawled. He chuckled. “Fine. When is dinner?” “I will let you know. Just have it at the back of your mind that you have to keep space for me whenever I call you.” “I don’t know what to do to you. You always make sure to get your way. Just know I will be going on a business trip in a week, so choose your date soon.” “I won’t be myself if I can’t then. I will take note of your schedule. See you later, bye.” She winked, making her way out. Dawn bumped into Jace along the way. “Hey, watch where you are going.” Jace snickered at her. “Yeah, yeah, your majesty. You have the floor.” He rolled his eyes, walking further into the office. Dawn flared her nose with her fist clenched, ready to say something to him. But she kept her calm instead. Xander sighed tiredly. “Stop being such a bully, Jace.” Jace blinked in disbelief. “Is that a joke? Dawn is the bully, not me. Why would you even say something like that?” “I saw what you did.” He sneered. “Anyway, what do you want?” “Nothing just came to say hello.” “Is this some joke? Do I pay you all to waltz into this place whenever it pleases you? Do you intend to run my company down?” Jace blew on his nails unbothered. “Dawn was here, and I didn’t hear you complain. Why are you so biased?” “That is my decision; it’s none of your concern.” He pouted, leaning into the chair. “I do not like you.” “I am glad we are on the same page.” “Whatever! Have you sorted out everything needed before your travel?” “Not really. I still have to attend a few meetings with the board and Nina.” “You have a meeting with Nina? What for?” “The last time I checked, I did not pay you to probe me. Why are you always so nosy?” “Because I am your brother. And did I mention it to you that mum is preparing to marry you off?” There was a mischievous twinkle in Jace’s eyes. Xander looked unfazed. “Is this the Stone Age or what? Why is she not looking for a partner on your behalf? You do need one, I hope you know that?” A wide smile tugged at his lips. “I don’t think I do. I have already found the one for me.” He scoffed. “Tania? Like she would ever want a doucheface like yourself.” Jace eyes rounded like saucers. “How did you know?” “I am the older one for a reason, Jace. I see how you look at her and concern yourself with her well-being. It’s not so hard to figure out.” “I hate it when you can read me so easily.” “It’s so nice to see you at the rope’s end. That’s for all the times you are always poking your nose in my business.” “Shouldn’t you act your age once and let me have my way whenever I please?” “Where then would be the fun?” “Are you a sociopath?” “For you, I will be a psychopath. So that you can get off my back.” Xander stated with a snicker. Jace sneered. “Well, I am glad to announce that I am your nemesis, and I won’t be going anywhere. You are stuck with me for life.” He let out his tongue at him, making his way out. “Don’t be surprised if you see ninjas coming after you.” He retorted, trying to hide his smile. “I would like to see them try.” Watching his brother leave, Xander couldn’t help but laugh to himself. Jace is a handful.


Xander exhaled slowly before putting a comforting hand on Nina’s lower back. Even though she tries to hide it well, he can see through her nervous wreck, and the paleness of her face gives it away. “If you aren’t ready to go, we can return to work.” He said. Nina took one step away from his hand and shook her head stubbornly. “I want to do this. The sooner I take it all away from them, the better.” She gritted. He could see the beads of sweat forming on her forehead. Xander wishes she wouldn’t be so adamant and rest back. But then, it would be hard to keep her still. He understands the gravity of what she desires and how much it would haunt her if she doesn’t do it now. “Alright, if you say so. Get in the car.” He said, opening the door for her. “So where are we headed,” Nina asked after getting to steady her breath. Xander waited by a traffic light and tapped his finger on the wheel. “Jason Woods, the chairman of Remington Hospital.” “That is the hospital I registered in for antenatal. What does the chairman have to do with us?” “Oh, that’s nice. Jason is one of the board members of M&M Foods and also controls the third-largest share in the company. He has a stronghold if you ask me.” The surprise was evident on her face. “How did you get to know that much?” “Come on now, Nina. You don’t think all the wealth I have amassed over the years, including my reputation and that of the company, wouldn’t get me anything I want in this country?” “Now you are just bluffing.” She teased. He chuckled. “It’s not bluff if it’s true. Anyway, I am not trying to show off. I need you to trust me when I say I will handle some things for you. I truly mean it.” Nina giggled, and a wince immediately replaced it. Deep concern graze Xander’s expression. “Are you okay?” He asked. She closed her eyes for a brief second to figure out the pain. Feeling relieved, she opened her eyes. “I am fine. It’s just a normal routine.” Xander didn’t look convinced. “Are you sure about that? I can make a turn towards the hospital right now.” There was a hint of panic in his tone. Nina covered his hand with hers. “Trust me, Xander. I am fine.” “Let me know if you need anything, please.” He begged. “Yes, sir.” She mocked with a grin. After driving for about ten minutes, they got to their destination. Nina was surprised that they had arrived at a cabin house instead. “We are meeting in his house?” She asked. Xander hummed in response. “It’s not exactly his family house. It is where he comes to whenever he wants to be alone.” “Wow, he must be a very private person. If he could carve out something like this in the middle of an actual city.” “People have their reasons. Come with me.” Xander guided her towards the cabin like he had been there before. It is an ample space that almost has the feeling of fantasy. Nina fell in love with it the minute she stepped into the space. A large man with a bright smile on his face, which she suspected might be Jason, walked towards them with his arms spread out towards Xander for a hug. “There you are, my boy. You finally thought to see your uncle.” His laugh sounded like a musical instrument. Nina blinked in shock. Xander didn’t say he was related to the man. Xander embraced him, chuckling. “I call you every week, uncle.” He snorted. “Calling does not do as much justice as visiting would do. But I am just glad you are here. Hello, beautiful lady. You must be Nina. He talks a lot about you.” Jason complimented as he extended his hand towards her. She clasped her hand with his. “Nice to meet you, sir, Nina Ruiz.” “Welcome, please sit. I made some lemonade, and it’s fresh. You will love it.” Jason said. “Wine or some strong whiskey, maybe vodka will do it for me.” Xander requested. Jason furrowed his brows at him, sending a silent message with his eyes. Xander groaned inwardly. “Fine, I will take the lemonade.” “I knew you would comply.” He grinned, confusing Nina further. “You didn’t say he was your uncle.” She whispered to Xander when Jason turned his back. “If I told you, you probably won’t want to come with me. Jason Wood is my mum’s younger brother.” He admitted. “Will he hear my pitch for me or only choose to help because you are related.” Nina sounded displeased. “You don’t have to worry about that,” Jason said as he handed each person a chilled glass of lemonade. “I am not the type to infuse my personal life with business. Money differs from emotions, and the former means a lot to me. So what do you need from me?” He asked, then paused when Nina tucked her hair behind her ear. Her face looked more familiar. “That will be me…” Xander started, but Jason raised a hand to stop him. He raised a brow and stared more intensely at her. “Nina, do I know you?” Jason asked. Nina glanced back at Jason. “Yes, sir. We just met a while ago.” “No, not that one. I have a fogged memory when it comes to people. But trust me, the best of them stick to my head. What is your surname again?” “Ruiz. Nina Ruiz.” The older man gasped like he had heard something shocking. Silence settled amongst them for a while. Xander and Nina had genuine confusion written on their faces. Jason exhaled slowly. “Jewels orphanage. There was a brilliant young girl that made my heart thump every time I saw her. I couldn’t adopt her because my wife wouldn’t allow it. But I made it a duty to ensure she gets provision of everything she wanted. I even gave her the surname she has. Does it ring a bell?” Nina’s lashes fluttered as she tried to piece the memories together. Her eyes rounded like saucers when they finally did. “Uncle J. R!”

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