Divorce To Restart: Vengeful Ex-Wife Strikes Back!

Market Value

Chapter 75 Market ValueBelongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

X&J EMPIRE, NEW YORK. “How is the market value that I asked you to check?” Xander asked Lisa while keeping his eyes on the tablet in his hand. Lisa made a sound before responding. “I just sent it to you now. Many are backing out due to the debts the company is owing. The market value is at its lowest, but the clause pays the other money without remaining a dime.” He hummed, nodding his head slowly. “Jace, what do you have on the probability of sales in the next six months?” Waiting for his turn, Jace sat up and passed a document to his brother and Lisa. “So, depending on what we have gathered, the merger would boost the sales tenfold. However, we chipped in the possibility of unforeseen circumstances. Which would bring us to five times the profit.” “Does that mean Nina’s proposal is top-notch?” Xander asked. “Yes, sir. We did market research and had the team conduct a proper analysis and survey. What we got enabled us to have a sketch of the incoming sales.” Jace replied. “Sir, do you plan on paying that huge amount of money? And it says here that you are retaining the staff.” Lisa said with a doubtful glare. Xander shrugged. “Yeah. I am certain we can handle it.”

She still looked skeptical. “Are you sure about this? We are doing just fine on our own; what is the need to buy it out?” He exchanged a look with his brother. “Jace, why not do Lisa the honors and explain it to her.” Jace chuckled, facing her. “Lisa, baby, buying out such a huge company that had been a force in the industry and maintaining the good quality that had enabled them to be faithful customers for ages is a good thing to indulge in. Why? It means that the customer base will never diminish. Plus, we have the best hands-on deck that has helped the company to float up until now in six months or a year. We would have all of our profits intact. Take it from me as the CFO. I don’t approve just any deal.” He finished off his explanation with a wink. Before they could continue, the door to the office opened, letting in Dawn. “When is the CFO invited to a meeting, and I do not get to be present?” She questioned, folding her arms. They all exchanged a look before Xander glanced up at her. “There was no need for you here.” Dawn’s expression shifted, “Really? Since when?” Xander inhaled deeply, shutting his eyes. “You two should excuse us.” Jace tilted his mouth and sent his brother a coded message before leaving. “You were saying something,” Xander said when they were alone. Dawn swallowed hard; her heart thumped rapidly against her chest. Everything that happened at his house the day she went still makes her heart clench. She feels betrayed by Venus and hurt that Xander didn’t try to reach her. “Xander…” She called out in a low tone. “Why are you doing this?” “Doing what exactly, Dawn? These are working hours, and I am trying to push my company forward. I am not in the mood for a pity party.” “Pity party? Did I sound like I needed you to pity me? What is wrong with you? You think highly of yourself. I am the COO of this company. Before you decide, I deserve to be aware of whatever deals you might be involved in. It is my job, and I have to be accountable.” “No one is asking you to!” Xander raised his voice. He huffed in frustration, realizing his mistake. “I didn’t mean to yell. But why are we having this discussion? The deal we are on to now has nothing to do with you. I can handle it myself. Whatever it is that might be going on with you, please do not bring it to work. And if you push me to make a decision. I won’t hesitate to ask you to leave.” He said, standing up to leave. Dawn stood in his way despite her ego, reaching for his hand. “Xander, why are you being this way all of a sudden? What did I do to warrant this cold treatment from you? I am sorry that I did you wrong. But that doesn’t mean your affection for me would be diminished. Please, it’s frustrating seeing you act this way.” Xander blinked slowly before rubbing his forehead. “You and I know you are not sorry. I haven’t heard you sincerely apologize. I don’t know what you take me for, Dawn. But I am not going to play this game with you. You are my friend, but there are boundaries you shouldn’t think of crossing.” He stated, walking out on her. Dawn’s shoulder dropped as she watched him leave. Her heart felt like someone had ripped it off. The pain seemed to have crippled her legs too. She sat still, staring blankly at the white wall. Everything around her swiveled, and it made her feel depressed all of a sudden. She has desired Xander since she returned to New York. Dawn has never been the type to give up on what she wants. She believes Xander is just confused and doesn’t know his feelings yet. And Dawn promised herself not to give up. Dawn stood up to leave, but she suddenly got an idea. Finding something to make him have no choice but to listen to her wouldn’t be so bad. She glanced hard at the door, putting her ear down to be sure no one was coming. Dawn pulled out his drawers and searched the table quickly. She groaned in frustration when she realized nothing seemed out of place. Dawn pushed back the drawer; her eyes caught sight of a document. She reached for it, reading through the content. Her eyes rounded like saucers at the content. She never would have imagined someone like Xander indulging in something like that. It made her amused. A satisfied grin settled on her face. Her wait wasn’t for nothing after all. It was undoubtedly a good thing that he decided to leave her in the office. Bringing out her phone, she took a picture of it. Dawn returned it to where she had taken it and stepped out of the office feeling fulfilled. She noticed the coy look Lisa gave her, but she ignored it. Her goal was on Xander, and she wouldn’t miss it this time. ******************

X&J EMPIRE, NEW YORK. Dawn stretched her neck out to check Xander at the car park. Her heart clenched at seeing him helping Nina out of the car with so much focus. She shook her head to shake off the negative thoughts. There is a plan, and she has to work on it. But first, there is the need to be sure she and Xander are on good terms. When he took the elevator with Nina, she went the other route to wait for him at the office. Xander arrived a bit late. Dawn couldn’t stop imagining what must have transpired between him and Nina. “Good morning.” She chirped when he walked into the office. Xander stopped in his tracks, staring at her in wonder. “Why are you here so early?” “I just came to say hello and want to talk to you.” Dawn mused, making a pitiful face. “Isn’t it too early to discuss things unrelated to the company?” “Xander, please. Just have coffee with me. Why are you being so offhanded?” He sighed, feeling exhausted even though it was just morning. “Alright, I will call Lisa to get us coffee.” “No, I want to treat you to a Starbucks coffee.” Dawn insisted. She was pushing her luck, obviously, but there was no harm in putting her foot forward. “Your insistence drives me nuts.” He huffed, giving in. “I want some croissants with my coffee.” “And you will get it.” She grinned sheepishly. They arrived at the coffee shop and placed their orders. Dawn stared out of the window, watching as people moved around. A light chuckle escaped her lips. “Do you remember when we had been stuck in traffic coming from McDonald’s while the rain poured heavily on the car?” She said. Xander snickered at the memory. “The meal seems to be getting cold. I couldn’t wait to get back home before wolfing it down.” She laughed. “It was incredible; your shirt was stained heavily with the burger cheese.” “Isn’t that what we wanted to avoid by not eating at the restaurant?” He chuckled. Dawn nodded slowly, staying quiet. “Those were fun times, Xander. And I miss them. What changed? Why are we suddenly so distant?” He raised a brow, snorting. “You know what happened, Dawn. I am the one who should be asking that question. You went from being playful and sassy to a villain. You threw an innocent person under the bus just because you were angry. I have never hidden my thoughts from you, even long before Nina returned to my life. Yet that didn’t make you reason that I was the one you had a problem with. Tell me, what did Nina ever do to you?” She wanted to reply that Nina did a lot of things. Nina’s showing up alone ruined her chances of getting Xander to concentrate on her. “I was out of line.” “Not just out of line, Dawn. You fooled me and played with my mother’s emotions.” Dawn stiffened at his words. She hoped the exchange between her and Venus hadn’t gotten to Xander. She chuckled nervously. “What do you mean?” “Don’t be like that. You know what exactly I am talking about. You lied about attempting suicide because of me and dragged my mum into it. What were you trying to do? Do you think I will see you the same after everything you have done in the last two months? I felt hurt deeply for a friend who claimed to care for me. I have held myself back from lashing out at you. But you are not sorry.” “I am sorry.” She yelled when he made a move to get up. “Please, Xander. I am tired of this friction between us. It’s killing me. I shouldn’t have done all that I did. My emotions overwhelmed me, making me do things I shouldn’t have done.” “Dawn, please. Stop making excuses for yourself. You were in your clear mind when you did all those things. Come on, now. I know you well. And you have never been the type to act without having to think about it first. I was very disappointed in you because you are more reasonable than what you are trying to portray.” “Xander….” “I am going to say this just once to you. I love Nina. I have loved her since the day she walked into my life. Nothing will change that. You are my friend, and my affection towards you will never be as intense as my one for Nina. I want you to understand that.” She swallowed with difficulty, feeling vicious goosebumps rise on her body. The depth at which Xander used to confess his affection made her insides churn. “I…I know, Xander.” She managed to say after almost biting her tongue out. “I apologize for trying too hard to get you when you were clear on your intention. Pardon me for being overzealous. I want my friend back. Please, Xander.” Xander stayed quiet, observing her. He never would have thought a time would occur when Dawn’s presence wouldn’t interest him. He always enjoyed her company, which was why he could endure her attitude. But then, even he had a limit. Dawn had disrespected him too much just to let it slide. And anyone who comes for Nina would be tagged as an enemy. “I will not pretend it is all over and we are good. You did me wrong, and restoring my trust will take a while. I would need time to think it through.” “Alright. Thank you for at least listening to me.” She bites out. “You are welcome. Thanks for the meal. I will take my leave now; I have a meeting soon.” He mused, making his way to the door. “Thanks for coming,” Dawn called out to him. Jace was seated in Xander’s office with his legs crossed. “Just about the time you arrived. Where have you been?” “Who are you to question me? And why are you seated in my chair?” Xander questioned as he pulled his suit off. Jace stood up and snorted after giving the chair a distasteful glare. “For someone who can afford a better-looking chair. You are clingy.” “Say whatever you want; you are the one nosing around.” He retorted, settling himself into the chair. “Where did you go?” “Dawn. She wanted to talk.” He scoffed in irritation. “I wonder why you still keep her around.” “She is good at her job; you must give her that.” “Whatever.” “Jace, for a man, you are spiteful. No ounce of forgiveness from your end. She tried to apologize to me.” “So, did you get to forgive her?” “Jace, please, you are frustrating me. Let’s forget the discussion. I need you to get me some list of things.” “What’s that?” “It’s for Nina. I would like for us to make the plan together.” “Does that mean I won’t have the time to myself?” He pouted on the verge of whining. “Yes, and you have no choice but to join me. Is that clear?” Jace sucked his teeth. “I shouldn’t have come here. Me being here is the problem. Bye.” “Yeah, bye.” Xander laughed. He picked up his phone and dialed his uncle. “Hey, man.” Jason hollered on the other end with extra enthusiasm. “Uncle, are you high? It’s just morning.” Xander teased. “Shut up! I am off duty.” “I see why you are so happy. I could do with a break now. So, will what I discuss with you be possible?” He asked. “Sure,” Xander explained what he needed from his uncle. There was a slight pause on the other end. “Are you sure she won’t be pissed?” “I am bold enough to take responsibility for my actions. Just help me out this one time.” “Alright, I will get it ready whenever you want me to.” “Thanks, uncle, you are the best.” Jason mumbled some incoherent words that made Xander chuckle before ending the call.

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