Divorce To Restart: Vengeful Ex-Wife Strikes Back!

The Motorcycle

Chapter 94 The MotorcycleText © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

REMINGTON HOSPITAL, NEW YORK. The hospital building almost felt strange to Nina, even though she had been by the place a few months back. The section she is heading to must be the reason why. However, Nina has decided, knowing she is doing what suits a great cause, that she doesn’t mind whatever she has to do. “Hello.” She greeted the receptionist. “Hi, ma’am. Welcome. Who would you like to see?” “Uncle J. R. Oh, pardon me, I mean Dr Jason. Is he in? He is expecting me.” “You must be Miss Nina Ruiz?” “Yes, please.” “Alright, please come with me.” Jason was on a call when they walked into the office. At the sight of Nina, he smiled heartily. “Let me call you back, Dr Smith. My daughter just walked in.” He mumbled and hung up. Nina blushed at his referral. “Hello, Uncle J. R.” “How are you, my darling? Feels like ages.” He laughed, embracing her. “I am good. How are you, too?” “Great. Please sit.” He motioned towards the couch. “Thank you. So, I am your daughter?” She teased. “I have told you, if you let me, I will gladly adopt you.” “There is no need to do that on paper. You are my father.” Nina assured. Jason’s eyes twinkled happily. “Come here.” He muttered, hugging her. “I am glad to have you.” “Same here. It would help if you came by the house sometime with Winter. We need to have dinner together.” “Sure. Winter would love to know her grandfather more.” “What would you like to have? Tea, coffee?” “No, I am good.” Jason hummed in response and held her gaze. “Is something wrong? As delighted as I was to hear from you, I was also concerned. Is everything okay between you and Xander?” “Oh yes, we are fine. But I am here because of Xander.” He shifted uncomfortably; Xander didn’t call him to speak about anything, making him concerned. “Okay.” “It is okay, papa. There is no need to look anxious. He already told me everything. I am here to know what his medication schedule is like and if there is any way I can help to hasten his recovery.” Jason had a proud look in his eyes. “You are not angry at him?” Nina laughed softly. “Why would I be? It is not like his situation was something he could control.” “I just thought maybe because he hid it from you.” “Technically, he didn’t. Our relationship only kicked off not too long ago. I am happy he trusted me enough to let me know and not push me away. I care so much about Xander and would love him if he could sacrifice his time and money for me. Why can’t I do the same?” He held her hand and kissed it. “Thank you so much, darling. I am sure he would get better in no time with you supporting him. And I have been working hard for years to make him see the reason; I have no worries with your involvement. Thank you, Nina. I will get his schedule and send it to you. Including all that he should eat and avoid, his daily routine, and everything else.” “That works.” She said. Even though they still had a long way to go, Nina felt better leaving the hospital. It still felt like a significant step to take. Getting into her car, she drove down to X&J Empire. Xander was in a meeting when she arrived and had to wait for him in the office. She misses being on the premises. But then it felt good heading a whole new company. The projects they have at hand seem very intriguing, and she can’t wait to work on everything. “Hey, baby,” Xander said, approaching her. He settled on the table’s edge, leaning in for a kiss. “What are you doing here?” “Can’t I come in to see my man?” She retorted. “Oh, really now? I am your man?” “Since you have refused to label us. I have decided to pronounce you as my man. So, we are officially dating. Moreover, I am living at yours now. And you won’t even let me go back home.” He bites down on his lips seductively, leaning towards her. “Mine is your home now. Also, I wish I could take you now; you look ravishing.” Nina giggled, placing a wet kiss on his lips. “We could do something freaky.” She drawled, pulling at his tie. “Don’t start what won’t finish, mama. You will leave here angry.” He chuckled. She slapped his chest playfully. “You just had to ruin the moment.” Xander laughed, pulling her up to nibble at her nape. She smells so good. Ever since he told her about his situation, the air around them feels better. Knowing he doesn’t have to hide away to take his pills and has her to lean into when it gets hard makes him happy. “I love you so much, Nina.” “And I love you too. Guess who I met up with?” “Who?” “Uncle J. R. and he is insistent on adopting me.” Xander laughed. “He adores you.” “I know, and I feel the same way. I went to ask for everything I might need to know regarding your health. He sent me off with a list. It doesn’t look much, but we are ready to work through it.” “Are you sure? The sight of that list drives me crazy.” “I promised that I would stay with you until the end. So yeah, I can handle it. And don’t get pissed when I start to boss you around.” She warned, laughing. He wrapped his arm around her waist, kissing her passionately. Nina moaned into his mouth; realizing that she might get too involved, he tried to let go. She held onto him tightly to prevent his escape. Kissing him to her fill, she stared at him dreamily. “Now that feels better.” Xander threw his head to the back, laughing. “I never thought the time would come when I would see your goofy self again.” “I am here now.” She winked, sitting down. “So, have you gotten a new COO?” “Yeah, found one. I hope the new person knows his onions.” “Nice. Have you heard from her?” “Who?” “You know who I am talking about, Xander. It’s Dawn.” “She will be fine, baby. I don’t want to involve myself with her anymore. Giving her room will only give her the idea of doing something wrong. I am not leaving you for anyone.” Nina blushed at his possessiveness. “Yes, sir. I should get back to work now. Come home on time. I will make something nice.” “Okay, I will love that.” “Will you see me out?” “I guess I can do that. I have a meeting in five minutes.” “Let’s hurry then.” She urged, pulling him towards the door. Xander couldn’t keep the smile off his face. Nina seems to be blooming daily; he feels glad to be a reason for it. They kissed passionately in the elevator, and Nina couldn’t keep her hands off him. Richard called in on Xander’s phone when they eventually got to the floor. “It is okay; you can pick it. Just watch me while I get into the car.” “Why, where did you park the car? Is it not here?” “It’s across the road. I didn’t want to go through the trouble of looking for where to park.” “Okay, mama. I will stand here and watch you. Love you.” He waved at her. As promised, he had his eyes on her when he answered the call. “How are you doing, Richard?” “I am good. But I do not have a delightful news.” He said. Xander furrowed his brows, still watching Nina as she attempted to cross. “What is going on?” “Asher, he met up with Dawn some days ago. I wasn’t sure if it was her when one of my men sent me the images, but she was the one. And from the little my man heard, I don’t think they have anything good planned. Did something happen between you and Dawn…..” While Richard spoke into the receiver, Xander hastened his steps towards Nina. She stood by her car and was about to open it when Xander caught sight of a black power bike by a rider who seemed determined as he drove towards Nina. “Nina!” Xander yelled, running towards her. When the bike passed, he got to her, slamming him into the concrete road. Nina gasped in shock at the sight of him on the floor, unconscious. “Xander!” She hollered. **************

REMINGTON HOSPITAL, NEW YORK. “How is he doing?” Venus asked as she hurried towards Nina, who had dirt all over her dress. Nina burst into fresh tears as she fell into her arms. “I don’t know, ma. He was talking to me a while ago and suddenly landed on the hard ground.” Venus held her close, patting her back. “Trust me, he will be fine.” She assured. Jace stood on one side, talking to Richard. Due to Xander’s phone still running the call, Richard could tell what had happened, and he immediately called Jace. “Are you saying she met with Asher?” Jace inquired. “Yes, and I think this might be part of their doing.” He explained. Nina heard part of their discussion and walked towards them. “What did I just hear?” “You don’t need to worry yourself about it, Nina. I will handle it.” Jace said. Nina scoffed, “No, you won’t. I want to know who is behind this?” “The rider might be Asher. He met with Dawn some days back, and they seemed to be deciding something to do with you.” Richard said. A light scoff escaped Nina’s lips. Just as she was about to say something, the doctor stepped out of the emergency room. They all turned their attention to the doctor. “He is out of danger now. Thankfully, he didn’t sustain any injury to the head. But he was quite hit in the leg. And it will take a while to heal. As long as he wears his cast, he will be fine.” The doctor assured me. “See, I told you,” Venus jumped in excitement. “Can we see him now, doctor?” “Yes, in a bit. Just be sure not to bother him. He is on a sedative.” He said. “Please, excuse me.” “Come on, Nina. Let’s go see him.” Venus said. Nina stood back, keeping her eyes on Richard and Jace. “Why don’t you go in? I need to sort something out quickly.” “Alright, be sure to return before he becomes conscious. He would want to see you.” She said, making her way to the ward. “Nina….” Jace called out. “Please, Jace. I want to know.” Nina insisted. “I think you should let the police handle it.” He urged. She ignored him and turned to Richard. “Is there a way to know where Asher might be?” “Yes, do you want to know?” Richard asked dumbly. “Of course I do. And I hope Dawn gets arrested before I get to her. Where is Asher?” “He was lodging in a Bon Hotel the last time we checked him. Room 312. But I am not sure he would still be there, considering what just happened.” “Alright, I will head there now. Could you do me a favor and keep the tabs on Asher? Can I get your contact information so I can call you later?” “Sure.” Richard nodded, taking her phone to punch his number in. Jace looked dazed as he watched everything unfold. Xander would have his head if he caught a whiff of what Nina was about to do. “Let me at least come with you.” Nina stared at him for a while before giving in. “No! Go get Dawn!” She instructed, breezing off. “I think I will get my men, just in case,” Richard added, following suit. Clueless on what to do, Jace decided it would be best to do as told. Giving the ward one last look, he hurried after the other two. Nina’s hands shivered as she gripped the steering wheel hard. “Calm down.” She muttered to herself. It won’t do either of them if her anxiousness is showing. Tears had washed off the makeup she had on. Asher should have just accepted defeat and moved on. Why would he want her dead? For someone she had loved for six years and lived under the same roof with. She knows nothing about him. The car stopped at a red light, giving her time to notice her environment. Since she wasn’t familiar with the place, she navigated the road using her GPS. She had heard Asher mention it by mistake one time. When she asked him why he needed a hotel when he had a home, Asher said it was something he came across online. It probably was the meeting spot for him and Andrea. As it was her turn to move, she saw a store selling golfing tools. Her eyes landed on the golf club displayed by the window. A thought clicked, and she moved out of the way to purchase it. Driving as fast as she could, Nina eventually got to the hotel. Luckily for her, Asher was walking into the hotel lobby; she picked up the golf bag she had also bought and hurried after him. He looked suspicious and kept looking backward while speaking on the phone hastily. Nina kept her eyes on the price; since she knew the room number, she decided to take a different elevator so he wouldn’t suspect anything. She arrived in the hallway just before he entered his room. She pressed on the bell for a while, hiding close to the wall. Her eyes caught sight of the CCTV as she dipped her hand into the bag to take out the club. She held it still, deciding to pull it out later. Asher eventually opened the door, and the minute he sighted her, he tried to lock it. She pushed past him forcefully, gaining entry, and before he could do anything to disarm her, she whipped out the club and hit him right across the face. With Asher distorted, Nina shut the door, resting her back against it. Asher groaned in pain as he struggled to see; his nose was bleeding from the hit. “You bitch! What are you doing here?” He questioned, trying to stand up. Not responding, Nina slammed the club on his backbone, sending him back to the ground. She let out a devilish cackle at his pathetic sight. “What is wrong with you?” He managed to say. “You bastard! I can’t believe I was ever in love with a pathetic soul like you. How dare you harm my man? How dare you, Asher?” She yelled, hitting him again. Asher groaned in pain, wailing. Rage filled her entire being, and it was taking just a bit of self-control not to keep hitting him until he stopped breathing. A lone tear rolled down her face. “After everything that I did for you. You ripped me of everything. You bastard left me out there in the world alone pregnant. I have been meaning to see you writhe in pain. Isn’t it beautiful to have you on this spot helpless? You wanted to kill me? For what?” She hit him again. “For what exactly? What did I ever do to you? How dare you try to take my life? Because of you, Xander has to have his leg in a cast. Who the fuck do you think you are to make such a move on the man I love? How dare you!” Nina struck him on the back nonstop, carefully avoiding his reach. Asher spat out the blood at the excess hit. He couldn’t lift himself off the floor, yet he struggled to move farther from her. “Pl…please…..” He coughed blood. “Please, Nina. I promise to stay away, please don’t hit me….” Another furious hit on the face accompanied his words, giving him another brutal hit before resting. “Do you know what I feel like doing? I want to kill you and have you skinned until nothing as regards your existence ever comes to mind. But then, I have a family now. People who would be genuinely unhappy if anything happened to me. So for that, I will let you rot in jail.” While talking, she dialed Richard. Richard picked on the first ring. “I am on my way. Are you okay?” “For now.” She replied and hung up. Asher’s phone rang, and the caller was Dawn. Nina scoffed. “I don’t know until what end this bitch would go. She even went as far as joining hands with you.” Picking up the phone, she knelt next to Asher. “What did you two discuss?” “S…she is coming.” He replied with difficulty. His mouth was swollen, making it hard for him to speak. The jaw Xander broke has not healed yet. A message popped in from Dawn saying she was coming up the elevator with an angry-looking emoji. She must have been expecting feedback from him. Nina stood behind the door with a bloodstained club and gave Asher a warning glare not to do anything funny. Dawn pressed on the doorbell, and Nina opened it. Dawn walked inside with a frown; Nina closed the door and did the same thing she had done with Asher. But this time, she had hit Dawn in the head. “You bitch!” Nina cursed. Dawn turned around to see who her attacker was. However, she passed out immediately. “That forever thinking to lay hands on me.” She gritted. A loud bang came from behind the door. Nina opened it, letting the police in. Richard looked from her to the other two on the floor. “I am sorry,” Nina mumbled, holding onto the club like she was proud of what she had done. “As long as they aren’t dead. No wonder we couldn’t find Dawn, so this is where she is.” He said, joining the two other police officers and checking them. “Damn, Nina. That is a serious beating. But they will survive.” Richard noted, standing up. “So, how long do I have to spend behind bars?” She asked. He snorted. “Drop the club, wash your hands, and return to your man. He must be dying to see you.” He assured with a wink. Nina smiled slightly and went to the bathroom to wash her hands. When Nina finished the torture of her ex-husband, Dawn seemed to have regained slight consciousness as they dragged them out. She left the hotel like she had nothing to do with the unrest and got into her car. “Took you long enough.” Venus joked when Nina arrived at the room, Xander was in. “I just had to take care of something real quick,” Nina replied, hugging her. “Hey, baby.” She mused. Xander smiled at her weakly. “Hey, mama. I was scared you dumped me for ending up with a bandaged leg.” Venus stood up. “I will excuse you two.” The tears Nina had held back for so long rolled down her face, letting out a light laugh. “I am so sorry you had to go through all that because of me.” He managed to snort. “I would do anything for you, my love.” She sobbed, sniffling. “Don’t you ever do that again, Xander? I thought I was going to lose you.” “You will never lose me, baby. I still intend to get you knocked up, remember?” He joked with a straight face. Nina laughed amidst her tears. “It’s all over now. I am all yours to keep. I love you, Xander.” “I love you more, baby. Don’t worry; Richard will find all of them.” The door opened suddenly, letting in Jace. “Xander-you-” he pointed at Nina. “Is everything okay?” Xander asked, sounding worried. Nina gave Jace a side eye with a silent warning. Jace gulped hard and shook his head. “It’s all good. I am just happy to see you so bright.” He said. “Fool!” His brother retorted, laughing. Nina mouthed a thank you and rested her head on the edge of the bed. Xander caressed it until sleep took over his eyes.

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