Divorce To Restart: Vengeful Ex-Wife Strikes Back!

The Sly

Chapter 83 The Sly

COLE’S SPOT, NEW YORK. Andrea blinked in disbelief; she shifted slightly in her chair to look at those seated at the rear end of the space. There is no way that Nina is with Xander. Her informant couldn’t get much on her as Nina kept a shallow profile, which isn’t surprising. Nina has always loved to stay hidden. She had scoffed at the idea of Nina ever getting a chance to meet anyone better than Asher. But from the look of things, she seems cozy with the CEO of X&J. She had doubted they were the one until she took a closer look. Is it possible that they rekindled the old flame? Nina must have been desperate and ignored what happened between them in college so that she could hang around him. On second thought, that is something she would do, not Nina. A sudden burst of anger filled her up as she clenched her fist. How dare Nina give her a finished and almost bankrupt man to end up with the wealthiest bachelor in New York? Nina has no reason to be happy as she is undeserving of it when someone like her wallows in self-pity. Orphans like Nina, who their parents had rejected, have no place in the world where they belong. Andrea’s teeth gnashed against each other as the thoughts kept floating. She can’t just sit around here. She would have to go to them and make her presence known. If Nina is still who she is, a few tears from her would have her forgiven in no time. And just like Asher, she will snatch Xander off Nina’s hand even though it had been impossible in college. Andrea wouldn’t mind if Xander ignored her, just like in their college days. But she would bring them apart as long as that relaxed smile on Nina’s face was replaced with a sad look. Only she should be that happy. She stood up and headed to the restroom, thinking of the best way to approach them. “Ahhhh! This feels so nice. I haven’t been out since Winter’s birth.” Nina said as she glanced around the restaurant. “It’s a beautiful space.” Xander stared at her lovingly, even though she had only lipgloss on with her hair packed up. Nina looked like an angel, and she made his heart flutter. “Well, a friend of mine from college had just opened the door and said I had to come. Also, he cooks fire. Trust me, you will love every bite.” Nina grinned, “I intend to enjoy every bit of it. Thank you.” She mumbled while stealing glances at him. She couldn’t deny how much she missed his presence in the house, even though it was barely two weeks since he left. However, Nina knew that starting afresh would be for both of their good. Being around Xander makes her feel alive every time. “You want to take a picture?” Xander teased, wiggling his brow at her. She blushed profusely. “Can you not be like that?” “Wh…..” His words halted at a loud interruption next to them. “Oh my God! Xander, is that you?” Andrea hollered. She touched him by the shoulder and almost gasped at how firm it was. She suddenly turned around with a hand to her mouth, acting shocked. “Nina? You are here? Oh, my goodness! I have searched high and low for you.” She did a fake wail and hugged Nina. Nina and Xander exchanged a shocked look. Nina pushed Andrea away forcefully. Andrea blinked innocently, pouting. “Nina? Why would you do that?” “Are you sure you are in the right place?” Nina inquired. She glanced at Xander, “What’s wrong with Nina? Was she angry before I arrived?” Xander stared for a brief second before bursting into a chuckle. “Is this some joke, Andrea? Do you have amnesia?” Andrea chuckled awkwardly; she couldn’t think of any other means to approach them except to act oblivious to the past. “Come on, Xander. Is it because of what went on in college? We were just kids then. There is no need to take it seriously.” Nina hissed; she couldn’t seem to stand Andrea. “I don’t know what this is about, Andrea. But you should leave.” “Nina, why are you acting so cold?” She inquired, to Nina’s annoyance. “Is that supposed to be a question? Have you forgotten all that you did to me?” “I swear, it wasn’t me. Asher manipulated me, and like a fool, I listened to him. You know I will never hurt you. Nina, I have always had your back….” She paused and pointed at Nina’s flat belly. “Oh, I bet you got rid of the child. Asher doesn’t deserve a place in your life.” Nina could feel anger making a storm in the pit of her belly. Xander reached for her hand to calm her down. Andrea saw it and felt a cold goosebump rise on her neck. “Miss, I am betting you must have lost your way. You and Nina are no longer friends the last time I checked. What, then, is the need for this fake familiarity? Please, we got a special invitation to come here. If you don’t want to be embarrassed, I will advise that you leave when it is still honorable. And try your best to stay very far away. Or I will have you arrested.” Xander stated through gritted teeth. Andrea stumbled backward slightly. “Nina, will you let him talk to me like that? This wasn’t how we started, you know? If you could forgive him for cheating on you years ago, why can’t you extend the same grace to me?” “I didn’t cheat on her, and you know it.” He interjected. She snorted at him and kept her eyes on Nina, her head bowed. Andrea grinned as she thought Nina might feel pressured by her presence. “Nina?” Nina hissed spitefully and got up. Xander tried to hold her back, but she gave him a reassuring nod. With an amused smile, she held Andrea’s gaze. “I see you still think me to be that gullible girl from college. It must have been fun for you to toss me around and make a full mess of me. Xander already told me everything. And judging by your present record, I am not surprised. It would help if you thought I had forgotten because I have stayed quiet for almost a year. Listen, Andrea, whenever you walk from now on, look behind you because I will come at you when you least expect it, and that is a promise. If you ever come around me to play the dumb card, I will trample upon you like a piece of shit that you are. Now scram before I get you tossed out.” Nina growled in a reserved tone. Andrea’s lips twitched as she glared at Nina. Nina dared her with her eyes to say something. But she was smart enough to keep her lips closed and left instead. Not Nina embarrassing her in public. She will make her pay. Worse than she could ever imagine. “That was good!” Xander praised. “She sure wasn’t expecting that.” Nina shut her eyes tightly and nodded. “She will return.” “And by then, we would be ready for her.” He assured.This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

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