Divorced My Cheating Husband, Married A Billionaire

Chapter 8: Heart Attack

Chapter 8: Heart Attack

At Renee Allen's Residence.

[Miss Allen. The boss would like to know if you have considered his offer?]

Riley gasped the moment she read Clint's text. She bit her lip and studied herself in front of the bathroom mirror.

It had been five days since Adrian proposed marriage. She had not given him a response, but she meant to decline his offer.

In the mirror, she saw a reflection of a woman with woeful eyes. Aside from the dark circles around her eyes, Riley no longer had that radiant glow on her face, the one she used to have during her happy days with Brian.

She had been focusing on her mother's care these past few days and was trying hard to forget the pain of her divorce, but she knew healing was still a work in progress.

Riley ran her fingers through her blonde hair and realized it was tangled. She muttered, "When did I last go to the salon?"

With a sigh, Riley asked, " How could I compare to Leni Eros? Adrian is crazy not to fix things with Leni."

Riley knew she was also beautiful, but Leni Eros was on another level. Leni Eros was not only an heiress but also a model. She was on the front page of many magazines and often talked about on social media.

She did not find Adrian's engagement with Leni surprising. Powerful families wanted to marry each other, and their parents probably arranged their engagement, but how could Leni cancel her engagement just like that?

Riley returned to her phone and replied to Clint: [I'd like to speak to Adrian about this. When is he available?]

Clint: [He is free anytime.]

Riley: [Isn't he busy?]

Clint: [The boss will make time, Miss Allen. You can meet him when we move your mother to The King's Medical Center. Her doctors have agreed to the move on Monday.]

Riley looked in the mirror and smiled. Yes, her mother was feeling much better and stable enough to be moved to another hospital. Finally, she could completely avoid Brian and his family.

She glanced back at her mobile and answered: [I look forward to speaking to Adrian.]

After a full shower, Riley got dressed and went to Halliport General Hospital.

In the lobby, she noticed Brian speaking to an older woman and a teenager. Riley did not recognize them, but she evaded their group. She took the stairs to the ICU. She would rather have cardio exercise than be seen by her ex-husband. This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

When Riley entered her mother's ICU room, she inhaled, and immediately, tears stung her eyes.

"Surprise!" Doctor Wilson and a nurse said.

Her mother was in a wheelchair!

Renee Allen was smiling and crying before Riley. She said, "Su-rise."

Riley's mother still found it hard to talk, but she could speak a word or two day by day. Renee had also gained a little weight, thanks to her intravenous nutrients and soft diet.

"Oh, my god!" Riley walked to her mother and embraced her tightly. She kissed Renee's cheeks and said, "I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I love you, Mom. I love you so much. Thank you for fighting for me."

"I love - too," Renee responded emotionally.

"Actually, Mrs. Martin - I mean -"

When Doctor Wilson tried to explain the situation to Riley, she stopped him from correcting her name. When they were alone, she didn't like to be called Mrs. Martin, but in front of her mother, she did not mind. This was because her mother still did not know about the divorce.

Riley did not know how to explain it to Renee. Her mother loved Brian and approved of him so much that causing her any more emotional pain was the last thing on Riley's mind.

'Since she is getting better, maybe today is the day?' Riley thought.

"So, as I was saying," Doctor Wilson resumed. "We are moving your mother to a private room today. And you can take her outside if you wish, Miss Riley."

"Thank you, Doctor. We love to do that," Riley responded eagerly.

The move to the private room was so much better. It meant Riley could finally stay overnight with her mother. They settled in the morning, and in the afternoon, Riley finally took her mother out into the hospital's rooftop garden area.

Many other patients were there to get some fresh air. The weather was great—not too sunny or cloudy. The floor was covered in artificial grass, but there were many potted plants, including small palm trees.

Riley took Renee around the garden three times before deciding it was time to return. They were halfway to the entrance when Renee asked, "Where is B-brian?"

With a sigh, Riley paused. She cautiously said, "Mom, you know how marriages have problems -"

"You! I'd like to have a word with you!" Suddenly, an older woman, seemingly in her early fifties, approached Riley. The woman was seething, and Riley was clueless as to why.

Excuse me?" Riley asked.

The woman had light brown hair. She was a petite lady, wearing casual clothes. In front of Riley and Renee, she revealed, "You don't remember me? You barged into our new home two months ago."

It dawned on Riley that the woman was Claire's mother. She said, "You women always blame the other woman when my daughter never knew Brian was married! How could you push her when she is pregnant? Now, she is in complete bed rest -"

"Please, I don't want to talk about this in front of my mom," Riley tried to reason with Claire's mother, but the woman was determined to pick a fight.

"Does your mother know you almost killed Brian's child?" Claire's mother said.

Renee ended up staring at Riley in shock. She looked puzzled as she asked, "What?"

"Mom, it's a long story," Riley said as she tried to move Renee's wheelchair to avoid Claire's mother. However, at that point, she already saw Renee's chest heaving.

"We are not done yet!" Claire's mother chased after Riley. "Just because your husband chose my daughter doesn't mean you should hurt an unborn child!"

"I did not hurt your daughter! She fell on her own!" Riley snapped. "Leave me alone or else -"

"Ri! What -" Renee asked with evident horror in her eyes. She cried as she said, "What's going - on?"

"Oh, your mother doesn't know," the woman said. She purposely walked in front of Renee and said, "Brian Martin left your daughter for my daughter. They are in love and are expecting a child. Your daughter tried to sabotage Brian's newfound love by attempting to kill my daughter's unborn child!"

"We will sue you!" The woman screamed. "You should give us a settlement! Pay us five million dollars -"

"No!" Renee found the strength to react. Her voice was not loud but audible enough for Riley and the woman to hear. "Brian - loves my daughter -"

Just then, Renee's hand clenched her chest, and her eyes fully rounded.

"Mom? Mom?" Riley tried to calm Renee, but it was of no use. She rushed back into the hospital hallway and called for help, "Help! My mother needs help! Help!"

As nurses and doctors come to her aid, Riley could hear them describing her mother's symptoms.

"She is having a heart attack!"

"Put her on the bed!"

It was an emergency, and Riley witnessed them perform CPR in the nearest available room.

Behind the commotion, Riley cried her heart out. She turned to find the woman who caused it all and screamed, "You! You did this to my mother!"

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