El enigmatico regreso

Capítulo 151-160

Capitulo 151

El gran salon ya estaba lleno de gente: Frederic y Wrenn estaban

presentes, junto con un gran grupo de familiares que esperaban ansiosamente su regreso.

Cuando Jean y Neera entraron, Jean tom6 la iniciativa y grito: “Papa, mama”.

Todos los ojos se volvieron hacia ellos, escudrifiando cada uno de sus movimientos.

La mayor parte de la atencion se centro en Neera, con muchos ojos Ilenos de

curiosidad y juicio.

En medio de la multitud, algunos parecian estar esperando que se desarrollara algtin drama,

con los ojos brillando con picardia.

Neera se mantuvo serena, consciente de que esta reunion no era un

asunto sencillo

. Sin embargo, no se inmuto y tenia estrategias en mente para manejar la

situacion. No tenia ninguna intencion de dejarse intimidar. Capitulo

1/10 En ese momento, Frederic y Wrenn también estaban ocupados. Cuando la mirada de Neera se encontro con la de ellos, ella sonri6 con gracia y los salud6 con voz clara: “Papa, mama, soy Neera. Pido disculpas por nuestra llegada tardia; Te hicimos esperar”. Su comportamiento digno llamé la atencidn de los mayores, pero su actitud hacia ella permanecié algo fria. Después de todo, sabian muy bien como habia entrado ella en la familia y era natural que albergaran algunos prejuicios y desaprobacién hacia ella. Sin embargo, para salvar las apariencias de su hijo, asintieron y respondieron: “No hay problema, por favor tome asiento”. Mientras se calmaban, un hombre que parecia unos afios mas joven que Frederic fingid estar sorprendido. “...zNeera? ~La novia con la que Jean se casé no se llama Roxanne? 11:11 sabado, 26 de agosto Capitulo 151 Una nueva novia con la que no hay que meterse 310 Jean respondié rapidamente: “Tio Clarence, el nombre de mi esposa es Neera. Hubo una confusién durante los apresurados preparativos de la boda, pero no hemos tenido la oportunidad de aclarar el malentendido”. Aprovechdé la oportunidad para presentar solemnemente a Neera a todos y dijo: “Esta es mi esposa, Neera Garcia”. Neera se levant6 con gracia, sonrid y asintio con la cabeza a la gente que estaba a su alrededor, repitiendo: “Hola a todos. Encantado de conocerlos a todos. Soy Neera”. Clarence dejé escapar un significativo “Oh” en su presentacion y dijo: “Oh, ya veo. Pensé que la familia Garcia estaba jugando con la familia Beauvort...” Las reacciones de la multitud variaron, y algunos ni siquiera se molestaron en ocultar sus burlas. El hijo de Clarence, Jonas, intervino con intenciones maliciosas: “Neera, ese nombre me suena muy familiar. Si mal no recuerdo, la familia Garcia y la familia Fain estuvieron involucradas en un gran escandalo en ese entonces, y el protagonista de ese

incident had the same name, right? Let me think, the news at that time, how did it go

He deliberately paused, emphasizing the words, “A fiery affair with three men, quite scandalous, right? That person could it be you?”

The atmosphere in the hall suddenly changed, and the air seemed to freeze as tension mounted,

Especially Frederic and Wrenn, their faces darkened instantly.

Neera hadn't expected the Beauvort family to provoke her so quickly.

She pressed her lips together and glanced at Jonas, who appeared warm

and amiable, but his words revealed a sinister intent.

This incident had caused a sensation at the time, but the Beauvort family

had always ignored such tabloid news.

So, many members of the Beauvort family were completely unaware of this matter.

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Chapter 151 A New Bride Not to Be Messed With

Now, hearing Jonas bring it up, they couldn’t help but frown.



Frederic and Wrenn wore stern expressions as their sharp gazes fell on Neera. Jean’s brows furrowed too, his gaze cold as he stared at Jonas as if he were looking at a dead man.

How dare Jonas deliberately stir up trouble in front of him? He must have grown too audacious...

Just as Jean was about to intervene, Neera shot him a reassuring look, indicating that he need not worry.

Then, she turned her gaze back to Jonas, her heart filled with a cold smile. This little trick of yours, do you think it can bother me?

Not a chance!

She then put on a harmless and innocent smile, looking as harmless as a 11:11 Sat, 26 Aug

Chapter 151 A New Bride Not to Be Messed With


lamb, and replied, “You must be joking. Nowadays, a significant portion of the news in society is fabricated without any evidence. Many media personnel create sensational stories out of thin air just to attract attention. It's hard to trust such gossip. As Jean said, the Beauvort family always handles matters with integrity and evidence, so how could such absurd rumors be taken seriously?”

First, she defended herself, and then she subtly implied, “These gossips are only the concern of idle individuals who have nothing better to do than

gossip and spread rumors. You must be very busy with your work, so don’t waste your time on such trivial matters. It might prevent you from utilizing

your time and energy wisely...”

The last sentence was undeniably mocking.

Jonas was known as the most indolent member of the Beauvort family,

alguien que no sabia nada sobre el trabajo y simplemente se entregaba al placer. Era famoso en la alta sociedad como un playboy disoluto.

11:11 sabado, 26 de agosto


Capitulo 151 Una nueva novia con la que no hay que meterse

Con solo unas pocas palabras, Neera logr6 burlarse de él con precision, haciendo que la sonrisa indiferente de Jonas desapareciera y su expresi6n se volvid amarga. 710

Inconscientemente queria perder los estribos, pero dud6 con tantos

ancianos presentes.

Ademas, perder los estribos solo confirmaria su inactividad.

La ira que burbujeaba dentro de él enrojecié su rostro.

Los rostros de Frederic y Wrenn finalmente se suavizaron un poco.

Jean observo desde un lado y la frialdad en sus ojos disminuyo.

Se dio cuenta de que no necesitaba preocuparse en absoluto por esta mujer... Al mismo tiempo, estaba un poco sorprendido.

EI no habia tenido la oportunidad de contarle sobre estos parientes, entonces, como sabia ella tanto?

1111 Sabado, 26 de agosto

Capitulo 151 Una nueva novia con la que no hay que meterse




Clarence vio que engafiaban a su hijo y no pudo evitar sentirse molesto.

No pudo resistirse a hablar: “Jean ha elegido una esposa excepcional, elocuente e ingeniosa.

Sin embargo, se puede verificar facilmente si lo que dijo Jonas es verdadero o falso . La familia Beauvort tiene un legado de larga data y una

reputacion impecable a lo largo de generaciones. jNo podemos darnos el lujo de casarnos con una mujer que deshonraria nuestro apellido y se convertiria en el hazmerreir de todo Kingsview!

Sus palabras estuvieron llenas de sarcasmo y comentarios despectivos hacia Neera. Neera permanecio imperturbable y serena.

“Tio Clarence, puedes estar tranquilo. Aunque la familia Garcia puede ser pequefia, nuestros antecedentes familiares son igual de limpios. Una simple investigacion lo confirmaria . Ademas, Jean y yo nos casamos como es debido, con todas las formalidades necesarias”.

Luego parpaded, sugiriendo algo mas.

“Pero tio Clarence, tienes razon. Siempre es bueno ser cauteloso, especialmente AdaptedMind.


Capitulo 151 Una nueva novia con la que no hay que meterse

cuando se trata de mujeres ambiciosas y escandalosas que nunca podran ser respetables.

Este comentario fue otra indirecta sarcastica hacia Clarence.

Después de todo, Clarence tenia un historial de infidelidad y tuvo una aventura con una mujer de mala reputaci6n, lo que resulté en un hijo ilegitimo.

Clarence no esperaba que ella se burlara de él tan abiertamente y su rostro se puso palido.

Los espectadores no pudieron evitar mirar a Neera una vez mas.

Se dieron cuenta de que no se podia jugar con esta nueva novia.

A pesar de su apariencia radiante y encantadora, demostrd ser bastante formidable.

Fue sorprendente que pudiera enfrentarse a este padre y a su hijo tan rapido, 0/10

Capitulo 151 Una nueva novia con la que no hay que meterse,

dejandolos sin lugar para un regreso...


11:18 Sat, 26

Chapter 152 Unable to Hold Back Blaming

Chapter 152

Jean’s aunt, Seren, sat there sipping her tea, seemingly indifferent to the tense atmosphere. However, her sudden light laughter broke the silence. “Frederic, this new daughter-in-law of yours comes from a humble background, which is fine, but she needs a lot of refinement and etiquette. You'll have to teach her how to communicate with elders properly,” she remarked, implying that Neera lacked manners.

Frederic’s brow slightly furrowed as he listened, his thoughts clear as a mirror. What kind of “teaching” was this? His sister just wanted to provoke Neera. But Frederic didn’t blame her; he calmly said, “Neera has just arrived, and she might be feeling a bit nervous, so her words may have been misjudged.” Wrenn chimed in to support, “Absolutely! She’s just arrived, and you all are putting on such a grand show, making it feel like an interrogation. She’s a young girl and may say the wrong things due to nerves. As elders, we should 1/15

18 Sat, 26 AugExclusive © material by Nô(/v)elDrama.Org.

Chapter 152 Unable to Hold Back Blaming

be understanding and not take it to heart.”

Neera’s eyes flashed with a glint of determination, but she kept up her innocent facade, timidly biting her lip.

“Did | say something wrong just now, Uncle Clarence? | hope you don’t misunderstand; | truly didn’t mean anything else. Jean had already advised me before coming that | must always respect and agree with the elders. | might not be very articulate, and perhaps | said something inappropriate...” Her expression of innocence was so convincing that it made it hard for anyone to blame her.

The members of the Beauvort family found themselves doubting their judgments. Was this woman genuinely naive, or was she pretending to be ignorant?

If she was truly naive, then her sharp retort earlier must have been coincidental, leaving everyone speechless.

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Chapter 152 Unable to Hold Back Blaming

On the other hand, if she was pretending to be naive, her current appearance made it difficult to tell if it was an act.


Only Jean remained clear-headed, watching her act, and nearly bursting out laughing.

He realized he had seriously underestimated this woman.

Even lan, who had been standing nearby, couldn't help but think, “What a fantastic performance! This level of skill in expression, she deserves an Auscar Award!”

Seren squinted at Neera for a while and began to sense that she was a formidable one.

After a moment, Seren spoke again, her smile seemingly having a hidden meaning, “Jean, your wife is quite fascinating.”

Though her words sounded like praise, there was an obvious undertone.


Chapter 152 Unable to Hold Back Blaming

Jean was well aware of the implied meaning but paid no mind to it. He responded casually, “Aunt Seren, you're too kind. She is indeed fascinating.” Having been shut down earlier, Clarence was unwilling to lose face. He took the opportunity to mock, “Considering Jean’s health, shouldn’t he have married a gentle and virtuous woman to take care of him? Why marry someone so...”

He stopped midway, leaving the rest unspoken.

Everyone could easily guess what he didn’t say; it wasn’t anything complimentary.

Clarence turned to Frederic, purposely targeting his sensitive spot.

“All ’'m saying is, aren’t you afraid Jean might face some unexpected consequences later? Your new daughter-in-law seems quite spirited, and it might clash with Jean’s fate.”

His words were cu nning, aiming straight at Neera and implying that she


11:18 Sat, 26 Aug

Chapter 152 Unable to Hold Back Blaming

might negatively influence Jean.

Frederic’s expression turned grim at once.


Jean’s health had always been a worry for him, and Clarence’s words struck anerve.

Wrenn, too, showed a faint cr ack in her well-maintained composure, unable to bear it any longer. She glared at Clarence and rebuked him with a stern

voice. “Clarence, what’s the meaning of this? Are you allowed to speak recklessly like that?!”

Chapter 153 Json remained unfazed by the words that resembled a curse. To him, such remarks held no significance. However, Neera couldn't help feeling uneasy and uncomfortable. She sensed an air of ill fortune surrounding her. 14 Nevertheless, she didn’t hold back and retorted, “Thank you for your concern, Unde Clarence, but you’re worrying too much. Jean is perfectly healthy. | checked him before, and hell live to a ripe old age of a hundred. As for you.” As she socke, Nesra looked at Clarence with a half-smile, half-smirk, scanning him from head to toe. Your health doesn’t seem to be in good shape at all. You need to take it seriously, otherwise, I’m afraid you won't live past three years. If something unexpected happens then, you'll regret not taking action sooner Upon nearing this, Clarence erupted in fury, his gaze like sharp arrows directed of her Kama Shaury Cases in Medes bro? Chapter 153 You Won’t Live Past Three Years Jonas couldn’t contain his anger and slammed the table while scolding her, “What nonsense are you spouting? Are you cursing my father? Do you have no manners? How dare someone from the Garcia family acts so brazenly in front of the Beauvort family!” The rest of the family also grew disdainful and displeased with Neera. It seemed that being raised in a less prestigious household left her unsuitable for their circle. An ordinary junior daring to challenge her elders in public and speaking with such arrogance and ill fortune-it was simply unacceptable! Even Frederic and Wrenn, who had defended Neera earlier, now frowned, disappointed with her behavior. “Neera, how could you speak to your elders like that? It’s truly unlike you! You should apologize to Uncle Clarence immediately!” Neera blinked her eyes innocently, seemingly undisturbed by the situation. 2/6 1118 Sat 28 Aug Chapter 153 You Wont Live Past Three Years “Dad, Mom, please don’t be angry. Let me explain; | didn’t mean to offend Uncle Clarence...” Jonas gritted his teeth, “You call this not offending? The Garcia family’s manners and upbringing are indeed otherworldly!” 94% 3/6 Ignoring his outburst, Neera calmly explained, “I didn’t mean to offend, truly. What | said was the truth... In all honesty, I’m a medical student, and when | saw Uncle Clarence, | noticed that his complexion looked abnormal-pale and weak. It seems like he might have long-term kidney issues, possibly even showing signs of kidney failure. Moreover, considering his age, his quick temper might indicate heart problems.” Clarence was taken aback and furious, about to unleash his anger with scathing words, but she didn’t give him a chance and persisted, “I understand that my words might be hard for you to accept at first. You probably think I’m just making wild claims. If that’s the case, how about you answer a few questions? Do you often feel weak, fatigued, and dizzy?” 11:18 Sat, 26 Aug GO Chapter 153 You Won't Live Past Three Years Clarence was momentarily stunned by her words, and his retort got stuck in his throat. He couldn’t deny that what she said made some sense. 4/6 However, he couldn’t bring himself to admit it. His face contorted, looking as if he had just swallowed a fly, trying to maintain his pride. “No, | don’t! You're just talking nonsense. Just because you have a little knowledge doesn’t mean you can show off here!” Neera spoke with a weight of sincerity, trying to persuade him, “Uncle Clarence, don’t deny it. Everyone falls sick at some point; there’s no shame in that. Taking care of your health is essential. Moreover, it’s your own body, not someone else’s. If you suffer, no one else can bear that burden for you,” Clarence was left speechless, his face fluctuating between gloom and brightness. On the one hand, he couldn’t stand being publicly pointed out as potentially ill by a younger family member. On the other hand, he began to worry, afraid that Neera might be right about his health condition. 11:18 Sat, 26 Aug Chapter 153 You Won't Live Past Three Years The rest of the family also doubted as they witnessed Clarence’s reactions. Could there be any truth to Neera’s words? = An eerie silence enveloped the room. 5/6 Sensing the opportunity, Neera intensified her efforts to convince him, “Uncle Clarence, if you still doubt me, | can demonstrate by applying acupressure. It will provide proof.” She exchanged a subtle glance with Jean, who responded with a nearly imperceptible nod, suggesting they give it a try. “In that case, let's try it,” Jean proposed. With consent granted, Neera raised an eyebrow teasingly and confidently approached Clarence. Without waiting for his response, she firmly pressed a specific meridian point on his hand. “Do you now feel weakness throughout your body or even a tingling sensation in your heart? If so, it’s enough to suggest that your body is Home Massage Chairs In Mexico Are. 11:18 Sat, 26 Aug Chapter 153 You Won't Live Past Three Years gradually deteriorating, especially your heart...” She maintained a grave expression as if Clarence’s condition was already dire...

Chapter 154 Protecting Her Husband with Domineerin Chapter 154 Neera’s words were like a shocking bomb, exploding in the tranquil room. Clarence was completely frightened, his face showing obvious panic and fear. When Neera pressed his meridian point, he indeed felt weak all over, and his heart was experiencing the throbbing pain she described! Jonas, who had been skeptical, now realized that something was amiss, and he anxiously asked, “Dad, how do you feel now?” Clarence finally couldn’t maintain his tough facade, feeling at a loss, he admitted, “Yes! | do feel that way...” 1/5 At this point, Jean spoke in a calm tone, “Uncle Clarence, if something’s wrong with your body, you should seek medical attention promptly. Don’t wait until it's too late to regret it.” Jonas’ mother, alarmed by the situation, quickly stood up and urged them to go to the hospital, “Quickly, quickly! Jonas, don’t delay, help your dad, let’s go to the hospital now!” Home Massage Chairs In Mexico Are.. 11:18 Sat, 26 Aug G Chapter 154 Protecting Her Husband with Domineerin 2/5 Jonas nodded, not paying attention to the others, and without further ado, he hurriedly left with his father. The others in the room lost their appetites after witnessing the scene and made various excuses to take their leave. Frederic didn’t stop them, as the purpose of introducing the bride to the relatives had been fulfilled, and the rest didn’t matter much. As the others left, they couldn’t help but cast deep glances at Neera, leaving a lasting impression on her... After a while, only the newlyweds remained in the main hall, along with Frederic and Wrenn, and Jean’s two brothers. It was then that Frederic put on a stern face and questioned Neera seriously, “Is Uncle Clarence really in such bad health? Or was it just a little trick you played on him to tease him?” Neera hesitated for a moment, unsure whether to be candid or not, and subconsciously glanced at Jean for guidance. Chapter 154 Protecting Her Husband with Domineerin 3/5 Jean immediately caught her gaze, raising an eyebrow and using his eyes to signal her to tell the truth. With Jean’s encouragement, Neera decided not to hide anything and answered truthfully, “It’s half true and half a trick. His health does have some issues, but not as serious as | made it seem. | did want to scare him a bit because he cursed Jean first!” Jean was her patient, and anyone disrespecting his body condition was essentially doubting her abilities. Of course, her little scheme was unknown to others, and they misunderstood her actions as protecting her husband. Jean’s elder brother, Joseph, couldn’t help but laugh, “Neera, you described it so vividly just now, it was quite frightening! | thought it was true for a moment? Even Jean’s second brother, Karl, couldn’t help but smirk. Home Massagost A 11:19 Sat, 26 Aug Chapter 154 Protecting Her Husband with Domineerin Though he didn’t see eye to eye with Jean, he was also in conflict with 4/5 Clarence’s family. At this moment, he was enjoying watching Clarence being frightened out of his wits. Upon hearing Neera’s explanation, Frederic’s serious expression softened slightly, clearly satisfied with her protective behavior towards Jean. Although this new daughter-in-law had a rather... peculiar background, she sure knew how to stand her ground when confronting others; she was not one to be trifled with. Most importantly, she knew how to protect Jean, and that alone was commendable. However, he still felt the need to criticize her a little, so he put on a stern face and reproached her, “Next time, don’t act so recklessly. Even if it’s for Jean’s sake, you need to restrain yourself. If Uncle Clarence finds out that you were playing a prank on him, he’ll hold a grudge against you!” Neera chuckled nonchalantly and replied, “It’s okay, | have Jean protecting Sat, 26 Aug Chapter 154 Protecting Her Husband with Domineerin me. | have nothing to fear!” Wrenn, who was observing from the side, still had a somewhat cold attitude towards her. 5/5 “While it’s satisfying to see you fight back and scare people away, running your mouth like that is not appropriate. Our Beauvort family has always valued integrity and respect for our elders. Since you’ve entered the Beauvort family, you should ab ide by its rules. Even if you’re unhappy, those are still your elders, and you should show respect. Even if you hear unpleasant things, learn to endure, you can’t offend everyone every time. Don’t forget, you are now married to Jean, and as a couple, your words and actions represent not only yourself.” 11:19 Sat, 26 Aug

Chapter 155 Indulging Her Chapter 155 Her tone remained calm, delivering words of guidance. 04% 91 1/5 Neera immediately sensed that Wrenn seemed somewhat displeased with her. Could it be that she was about to face a tense mother-in-law relationship after marrying into this family? Nervously swallowing, Neera contemplated agreeing with Wrenn to avoid

unnecessary trouble and follow her wishes. However, Jean stepped in to defend her, taking all responsibility upon himself.

“It's my indulgence that’s caused this, no need to be polite. They're always high and mighty, and someone needs to put them in their place once in a while. There’s nothing to worry about.”

Seeing Jean's defense, Wrenn’s brow furrowed slightly, but she didn’t say anything more.

11:19 Sat, 26 Aug

Chapter 155 Indulging Her

Later, dinner time arrived, and only six people remained at the grand dining table.


Finally having some time, Jean formally introduced his two brothers to Neera. “This is my elder brother, Joseph, and this is my second brother, Karl.” Neera obediently nodded and greeted them, “Nice to meet you, Joseph and Karl. Please take care of me in the future.”

Joseph's amiable smile accompanied his warm wishes, “We're all family now, so naturally, we'll take care of each other. Speaking of which, | haven’t congratulated you on your wedding. Congratulations and best wishes on your marriage!”

As he spoke, Joseph took out a prepared envelope and handed it to Neera. “Here, Neera, this is my welcome gift to you. Welcome to our big family.” Neera was taken aback by his thoughtfulness and hesitated whether to accept the envelope. After all, she and Jean were just putting on an act, and Home Massage Chairs In Mexico Are_

Sat, 26 Aug

Chapter 155 Indulging Her

taking the gift might not be appropriate.

However, Jean glanced at her and gently said, “Go ahead and accept it. It’s I

Joseph's sincere gesture.”


With Jean’s encouragement, Neera felt she couldn’t refuse, so she gratefully accepted the envelope, saying, “Thank you, Joseph.”

As Joseph had given one, Karl, as the second brother, naturally couldn’t come empty-handed. Though he had no favorable impression of Neera and found her displeasing due to Jean, he maintained a composed facade and presented his envelope, offering a brief congratulation.

Neera thanked him accordingly, “Thank you for your good wishes, Karl.” Once both brothers had given their gifts, Frederic followed suit, giving an envelope as well. He reminded Neera, “Now that you’ve married into the Beauvort family, we are all one family. From now on, we share honor and disgrace. When you go out, always consider your identity, and think twice before speaking or acting, so as not to bring shame to Jean and the

26 Aug

Chapter 155 Indulging Her

Beauvort family.”


Neera politely received the envelope, nodding earnestly, “Yes, | understand, Dad. You can rest assured that I'll keep it in mind.”

When it was Wrenn’s turn, she maintained a cool demeanor as she looked at Neera.

“Earlier, with so many people present, | didn’t expose your actions, but | still have my doubts about you. Your Garcia family originally promised to marry Roxanne here, but without our consent, they secretly replaced her with you. This deceitful act is shameful to the Beauvort family. However, since the matter has been settled, whether Roxanne or Neera, | can overlook it and not hold it against you. But... Jonas mentioned that rumor, and it’s you involved, isn’t it?”

Surprised by Wrenn’s probing, Neera hesitated for a moment. She didn’t want to lie and felt no need to. She nodded and admitted, “Yes, you guessed right. | was indeed the person in that news story.”

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1119 Sat, 26 Aug

Chapter 155 Indulging Her

Wrenn’s brow furrowed tightly, and her expression turned displeased. “Preposterous!”

She reprimanded sharply, her tone no longer as composed as before, but with evident anger. Her eyes bore into Neera, sharp with scrutiny.

“The Garcia family is simply outrageous! Do they think they can manipulate the Beauvort family as they please? And what about Jean? Are any women suitable for him?”

In her eyes, her son Jean was one-of-a-kind, and she couldn’t fathom him marrying a woman with such a scandalous private life.

Karl, overhearing Wrenn’s words, briefly displayed a flicker of delight, but quickly concealed it with a composed fagade.

Hah, Jean married such an absurd woman. How astonishing...

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1119 Sat, 26 Aug Chapter 1561 Really Like Neera Chapter 156 Neera didn’t take offense despite Wrenn’s stern words. She remained composed and calmly defended herself, choosing her words carefully. 1/5 “I understand that you must be angry upon hearing about this, but | ask you to take a moment and think calmly. Even if the rumors were true, what does it really represent? As | said earlier, rumors should not be blindly believed. Madam, judging by your demeanor, | can tell you’re someone wise and knowledgeable, someone who can see things clearly. You should know that some things are not fully understood, and it’s best not to be too judgmental.” “As for the marriage arrangement, let me explain. | had no intention of marrying Mr. Beauvort originally. The situation turned out this way because the Garcia family interfered and schemed. They couldn't bear to let Roxanne marry into your family, so they replaced her with me, someone with fewer emotional ties to the Garcia family. Now that | am married to Mr. Beauvort, | will honor this marriage.” “Furthermore, the reason the Beauvort family wanted this marriage was AHORRO REGISTRATE Y PARTICIPA OX 11:59 Sat, 26 Aug Chapter 156 | Really Like Neera 21/3 primarily due to my birth chart, not because of who | am as a person, right? | mean no offense, but | am just stating the facts. Since the purpose of this marriage has been fulfilled, is it really necessary to dwell on these matters?” Wrenn found herself momentarily speechless in the face of Neera’s logical reasoning. While she understood the reality of the situation, the deceitfulness of the Garcia family still bothered her. What bothered her even more was Neera’s background. Her son was exceptional, and he deserved the best woman in the world. Yet, he ended up marrying someone embroiled in scandal like Neera. The atmosphere became tense, but Jean spoke up to diffuse the situation. “Mom, | really like Neera, and | stand by her. Let’s not dwell on the past.” Joseph also chimed in to mediate, “Mom, since Neera is now part of the family, and Jean has said his piece, let's not dwell on these matters. Besides, this marriage arrangement isn’t entirely bad. Neera mentioned she’s a doctor; do you know if she’s familiar with Jean’s condition?” 11:19 Sat, 26 Aug Chapter 156 | Really Like Neera Joseph deliberately redirected the conversation to give Neera a chance to 3/5 redeem herself. Grateful for the lifeline, Neera smiled and calmly responded, “Yes, I’m familiar with Jean’s condition.” “Really?” Joseph eagerly inquired, “Then Neera, do you have any ways to help him?” Neera nodded, “I can alleviate his symptoms and reduce his suffering, but | can’t guarantee a complete cure at the moment.” Before the matter was resolved, Neera didn’t want to make any promises. Besides, she was cautious about revealing too much about her identity. After all, Jean’s health condition was extremely dire, and she was currently just a “nobody.” If she made promises too early, it would undoubtedly raise suspicions about her true identity, especially with Jean’s keen perception. He might quickly connect her to Nancy! At this moment, Jean spoke up in her defense, “Dad, Mom, my health has improved recently because of her care. Her medical skills are impressive, even better than Joanna's. I’ve personally experienced it, and | can vouch for 26 Aug Chapter 156 | Really Like Neera her.” Frederic listened, surprised, and carefully scrutinized Neera. “Could she be the doctor Joanna mentioned before?” Jean nodded in confirmation, “Yes, it’s her.” With that, Frederic’s impression of Neerd underwent a complete transformation, and he looked at her with newfound respect. Her background and identity suddenly seemed less important! The reason he arranged this marriage was to bring good luck to his beloved son. Now that their birth charts matched and she could treat Jean’s condition, it was a perfect scenario. As long as Jean's health improved, everything else became inconsequential! Wrenn, upon hearing this, found herself unable to come up with any more

Chapter 157 Thanks to Her Chapter 157

Frederic’s attitude had improved significantly. “The past is in the past, and we can’t change it. As long as you stay by Jean’s side and take good care of him in the future, that’s all that matters.”

Neera nodded hastily, “Yes, | will.”

Frederic was satisfied and picked up his spoon. “Alright, let's eat while it’s still hot.”

During the meal, he made sure to serve Wrenn, trying to soothe her emotions. “Come, eat more, and don’t be upset.”

After a moment of silence, Wrenn finally nodded and handed a pair of bracelets to Neera. “This is a gift for the new bride. Since you've married into the Beauvort family, you should behave appropriately from now on.”

Neera didn’t expect her to prepare such a valuable gift. The jade bracelets were clearly of considerable worth. She hesitated for a moment before

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Chapter 167 Tharts to Har

glancing at Jean,


Jean cast a quick glance at the bracelets and spoke warmly, “Accept them, This is Mom’s way of acknowledging your status; don’t let her kindness go to waste.”

With genuine gratitude, Neera accepted the gift. “Thank you, Mom. | will cherish them.”

The atmosphere eased, and finally, everyone started eating.

Neera picked up her chopsticks and breathed a sigh of relief.

Thank goodness, she managed to get through it...

The Beauvort family was indeed a group of formidable individuals, each with their complexity.

Luckily, she wasn’t marrying into the family!

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Chapter 157 Thanks to Her


The dinner proceeded quietly, and Jean’s appetite remained excellent, even better than before.

Joseph was surprised but more delighted. “Mom has tried everything to get Jean to eat more in the past, but nothing seemed to work. Now, his appetite has improved so much. It seems like Neera is taking good care of him.”

Jean nodded, “Yes, thanks to her.”

Karl stayed silent, but his eyes flashed with a hint of darkness.

For him, Jean’s improved health wasn’t something to be happy about. Joseph was a kind and gentle man, not interested in fighting for the family inheritance. But Karl was different; he believed he was just as capable as Jean and didn’t want to be left in his shadow.

If Jean, who was already ill, could achieve so much, what would happen if he made a full recovery?

Chapter 157 Thanks to ther

Of course, he didn’t dare show any ambition in front of Frederic.

After dinner, Karl found an excuse to leave. He had no interest in staying longer in Jean’s presence.


Jean, on the other hand, played two chess games with Frederic before finally leaving with Neera to go back to Imperial Gardens.

On the way back, the rain started to fall gently, creating a soft rhythm on the car windows...

Neera glanced at the raindrops before turning to Jean.

“How was | tonight? Did | do well?” she asked.

Jean praised her, “You were more than impressive.”

Then, his curiosity surfaced, and he asked the question that had been on his mind, “But how did you find out about Uncle Clarence and Jonas? | don’t think | ever mentioned those things to you.”

11:20 Sat, 20 Aug

Chapter 157 Thanks to ter

Neera didn’t hide anything and replied, “I did some research beforehand. Your family members are all seasoned and cu nning, | knew they would be formidable opponents, so | had to be well-prepared not to be ato disadvantage,”

Jean’s narrow eyes squinted slightly, revealing a hint of contemplation

While it wasn’t surprising that she could find information about Jonge, the fact that she knew about Uncle Clarence’s affair was a different matter. It was a closely guarded family secret, never disclosed to the outside world, and all information about it had been suppressed.

He wanted to ask her how she managed to uncover such confidential details, but the words stuck in his throat.

In the end, he decided to let it go. There was no need to dig deeper into this matter.

Chapter 158 The Beautiful, Powerful, and Tragic Mr

Chapter 158

Neera didn’t notice Jean’s peculiar expression; instead, she overheard lan praising her ahead.


“Ms. Garcia, you're truly a heroine among women! Facing off against the formidable members of the Beauvort family, | was actually worried for you at first, but you held your ground and fought bravely. | admire you, genuinely admire you! | didn’t know you had such strength even without using medicine!”

This was the first time lan had seen Clarence and his son being put in their place, and he couldn’t have been more satisfied with the outcome.

Neera found his words amusing and chuckled. “What are you talking about? Do | look like someone who would casually use medicine?”

lan was taken aback for a moment, and his expression twitched slightly. He felt a bit numb and replied, “Aren’t you? If | remember correctly, isn’t that guy still in the hospital?”

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Chapter 158 The Beautiful, Powerful, and Tragic Mr

Neera shrugged her shoulders. “That was a special case. Zachary is a brute, 2/6

not a human! If | hadn’t used medicine against that kind of person, I’d feel like | wasted all the effort | put into preparing those medicines!”

lan was left speechless.

He wisely decided to keep his mouth shut and reminded himself never to mess with a woman-especially not with someone like Neera.

Twenty minutes later, the car stopped at the entrance to Imperial Gardens. As Neera was about to step out of the car, she remembered the envelopes and the invaluable hand bracelets she had received tonight.

“Um, maybe it's better if you take these back. After all, we’re only bound by a contract, not truly married...”

Accepting such valuable gifts under a false identity, Neera couldn’t shake the feeling that it was inappropriate.

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Chapter 158 The Beautiful, Powerful, and Tragic Mr

But Jean shook his head, “Keep them for now. Consider the envelopes as a reward for today’s performance. As for the bracelets, wear them when we visit the Beauvort family next time.”


Neera thought about it and agreed. Returning the gifts now might give the impression of disrespect to Wrenn and the Beauvort family if she didn’t wear them in the future.

Anyway, she could return these things once the contract was over.

She nodded and was about to step out of the car.

Unexpectedly, Jean grabbed her wrist.

Surprised, she turned back to meet the deep, ocean-like gaze of the man. “It's raining. Take the umbrella before going down.”

“Oh... Okay.”

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Chapter 158 The Beautiful, Powerful, and Tragic Mr

She came back to her senses and thanked him softly.

Walking down with the umbrella, she couldn’t help but feel the lingering warmth on her wrist.

His touch seemed to stay there, refusing to fade away...

An indescribable feeling welled up inside her. When she reached her doorstep, she couldn’t resist rubbing her wrist, trying to shake off that peculiar sensation that wouldn't leave.

Once inside, the triplets were eagerly waiting for her.

The three of them, along with their cute pets, rushed over with their short legs, looking expectantly at her. “Mommy, how did it go tonight? Did Uncle Jean's family elders give you a hard time?”

Seeing their adorable faces, Neera’s heart melted, and she smiled tenderly. “Thanks to the information you gathered, | managed to get through it all


Chapter 158 The Beautiful, Powerful, and Tragic Mr

unscathed. You were a great help, and Mommy owes you one.”

She praised the triplets and briefly recounted the events of the evening.


The triplets were astonished. “Uncle Jean’s family is complicated, like a den of wolves... Seeing him like this, it’s heartbreaking. His health is already poor, and he’s targeted by so many relatives. Even though they’re family, he can’t let his guard down; it’s so sad...”

Hearing the triplets’ words, Neera couldn’t agree more.

Being in control of such a powerful family like the Beauvorts was like having a huge piece of juicy meat. Surrounding them were wolves and tigers, each one trying to sn atch a piece for themselves. It was a truly dire situation.

Not to mention Jean’s health...

Having to fight his own body, endure the torment of illness, and also deal with this group of scheming relatives, felt like a mix of beauty, strength, and

Chapter 159 Onset of Illness

Chapter 159

However, she quickly dismissed her thoughts and refocused her mind. The affairs of the Beauvort family were too complex, and there was hardly any genuine affection among the relatives-only deceit, scheming, and power struggles.

Neera reminded herself that she was merely a contractual wife to Jean. She neither had the qualification nor the obligation to interfere in their affairs. It was best to mind her own business.

“Sweethearts, why don’t you play for a while on your own? Mommy will go take a shower.”

She patted the triplets’ little heads and removed her slightly damp coat before heading upstairs.

Meanwhile, Jean went straight to his study after arriving home. lan followed Dy

him and diligently adjusted the room’s temperature, knowing that the changing weather always caused Jean discomfort due to his poor health. Find The Best Freight Forwarder For..

11:20 Sat, 26 Aug


Chapter 159 Onset of finess


Even in the summertime, the weather didn’t spare any mercy on Jean. As he sat behind his office desk, he glanced at the documents without saying a word and continued to work on the tasks left unfinished during the day.

The study was filled with the sound of rustling papers as the two of them flipped through the files, accompanied only by the faint patter of rain outside. After a while, Jean's gaze fixed on one particular document, and his brow furrowed. He called for lan and tossed the file in front of him.

“The financial report from Huspela for the last quarter doesn’t match up.” Upon hearing this, lan promptly took the document and carefully examined it, but he couldn’t find anything wrong. However, he knew that when it came to auditing reports, Jean’s accuracy was impeccable down to the last digit. He never made mistakes, and lan had complete faith in him. If Jean said there was a problem, then there was.

Furthermore, it occurred to lan that Huspela fell under Clarence’s responsibility. Could it be...

Chapter 159 Onset of Illness

His expression turned serious as he asked, “Do you suspect... Mr. Clarence is secretly manipulating the accounts?”

Jean's voice turned cold as he replied, “It’s quite evident. Send it back fora redo! Also, investigate his activities abroad. Whatever tricks he’s playing, dig them all up!”

lan immediately took the task seriously.

Falsifying financial records usually indicated embezzlement or covering up internal financial discrepancies. Both were grave offenses, no matter which possibility it turned out to be.


Jean didn’t tolerate any nonsense, and for Clarence to resort to such deceitful tricks right under Jean’s nose was nothing short of courting disaster. This matter weighed heavily on Jean’s mood, and his eyes remained gloomy. Unfortunately, at this moment, he felt a headache coming on.

The rain outside grew stronger, and even with the increased room

Chapter 199 Onset of Bess

temperature, Jean still felt a chill in the air,

Setting aside his work, he reached up to pinch his brow, releasing some tension. He decided to let go of the tasks at hand and poured himself a cup of hot water before heading back to the bedroom for a medicinal bath. Surrounded by the warmth and aroma of the bath, he relaxed slightly, but the weariness still weighed on him. After leaving the bathroom, he went straight to bed and fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, accompanied by the glaring lightning and the sound of thunder, Jean suddenly woke up.


He groaned, clutching his head, his face turning pale, his brows furrowing tightly as if he was trying to endure something. His eyes even showed a hint of crimson, and his breath became slightly rapid.

Athin layer of sweat formed on his forehead.

Chapter 159 Onset of Illness

The neural pain struck him in waves.


As if two large hands were pulling and tearing at his brain, as if someone was drilling into his head from his temples, the pain was excruciating, making it almost unbearable.

He couldn't help but clench his teeth.

His illness... seemed to be flaring up!

His heart sank slightly, and with what little consciousness remained, he struggled to prop himself up, reaching for the painkillers from the nightstand. Without even a sip of water, he swallowed them.

Chapter 160 Only You Can Help Him

Chapter 160

However, this was just regular pain medication and not what Neera had given him.

His body had long developed a resistance, rendering it ineffective.

He endured and endured, but after half an hour, he couldn’t bear it any longer. With great difficulty, he turned his body and swung towards the bedside.

In the next moment, a loud “bang” echoed through the room.

The silence of the rainy night was abruptly shattered.

Everyone in the villa was startled!

lan and Richard rushed into Jean’s room without even having time to put on their clothes, checking on the situation.


Ekadar 100 Only You Can Help Him

In the usually tidy and orderly bedroom, chaos reigned. The water glass on the bedside table had been knocked to the floor, water spilling everywhere, and glass shards scattered around, reflecting the cold light.

lan immediately realized that Jean’s condition had once again flared up. And judging from the situation, the pain was overwhelming!


He called out, intending to awaken Jean’s reason.

However, at this moment, Jean’s face was twisted in agony, and he could hardly control his expression. The veins on his forehead even slightly protruded, and his eyes were crimson as if he wanted to tear everything apart!

Where was there any reason left?

Suddenly, he uncontrollably grabbed the nearby chair and smashed it


11:20 Sat, 26 Aug

Chapter 160 Only You Can Help Him

towards the direction of the door... as if he were venting something.

But lan understood that he was being driven insane by the pain...

He quickly moved away.


The next second, the chair hit the door with a loud bang, and then it broke in two.

Richard was also frightened, his face turning pale.

He looked at Jean’s painful appearance with a heartache, and hurriedly approached with concern, “lan, didn’t Sire’s condition improve recently? Why has it flared up again, and why is he in so much pain? What should we do...” lan was equally anxious.

In the past, if Jean had an episode, there was nothing they could do but let him vent.

Chapter 160 Only You Can Help Him

After the intense pain subsided, he would calm down.


But after calming down, he would be left barely clinging to life, barely breathing, unable to recover without lying in bed for at least ten days or half a month.

lan gritted his teeth!

He couldn't just watch Jean suffer like this again!

Now, Neera was here, and she must have a solution!

Thinking of this, lan clenched his teeth and instructed, “Richard, keep an eye on Sire. Don’t let him hurt himself, and keep your distance too. Be careful not to get injured! I’m going next door to find Ms. Garcia right now!”

On the other side, Neera was fast asleep, but she was abruptly awakened by the urgent ringing of the doorbell.

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Chapter 160 Only You Can Help Hirn

As she opened her eyes, she was startled by the flashes of lightning and thunder outside. She realized that the rain was getting heavier.


Zuniga was also awakened and carne out wearing a coat. They ran into each other in the corridor.

“Ms. Garcia, it's so late, and we don’t know who’s outside...”

Perhaps it was the atmosphere, Zuniga was a bit nervous. Neera comforted her, “It’s okay, let's go and see.”

The two of them went downstairs. Just as they reached the entrance hall, they heard lan continuously calling from behind the door.

“Ms. Garcia! Ms. Garcia, please open the door! Please come and save Jean!” Neera was taken aback for a moment but quickly opened the door.

lan was in a hurry, he hadn’t even had time to open his umbrella, and he was soaked by the rain, his face wet as well.

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Chapter 160 Only You Can Help Him


But he didn’t care about that. When he saw Neera, he felt like he had found a lifeline and urgently made his request.

“EM. Garcia, jven a ver a Jean rapidamente! Esta teniendo un episodio y

no es nada bueno ahora. Me temo que si esperamos mas, podria hacerlo. algo irreparable...”

Tan pronto como Neera escuché la palabra “episodio”, sintio una repentina sacudida en su corazon. tener una premonicién de que algo no estaba bien.

Sin demora, le orden6 a Zufiiga que cuidara a los trillizos y agarré un

paraguas para seguir a lan hasta la puerta de al lado.

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