El enigmatico regreso

Capítulo 204

Chapter 204 You've Suffered

Neera spoke with conviction.

Frederic was unexpectedly taken aback by her words. There was a surprise in his eyes

He found a strong sense of pride in her demeanor...

Such traits were extremely rare in the modern age where fickleness was a common sight. It was something he hadn't seen in a while.

To think he would find these qualities in Neera, who was rumored to have a “bad reputation”.

Was a girl like her truly someone so reckless?

He suddenly thought that there might be more to the story behind what had happened in the past

Wrenn’s expression was still somewhat unsightly.

She knew she was in the wrong, but she believed that, as the elder, Neera shouldn’t have been so confrontational. Neera should have taken the initiative to offer her a way out.

It was clear, however, she had no intentions of doing so.

Wrenn was left speechless.

Fortunately, Frederic stepped in to defuse the situation and redirected the conversation.

“Alright. We'll be more careful in the future. This was indeed our mistake. We won't believe those rumors so willy-nilly again. We won't interfere with your lives again since both you and Jean are doing well.”

With that, he got to his feet and left with the uncomfortable Wrenn.

Jean saw them out the door.

He returned to the living room once they were gone. He pursed his lips and apologized, “I’m sorry for putting you in that situation.”

Neera pouted. “Forget it. It's fine. | can’t be bothered with them. Besides, it’s not the first time someone has come to question me this way. It’s okay.”

With that said, she was no longer in the mood to stay and turned to leave.

Jean could tell she was still upset despite her claims that she was fine.

After all, having baseless slander piled onto her wouldn’t sit well with anyone either.

lan also noticed and couldn't help but feel worried.

“Ms. Garcia seems upset, Sire. Will she stop treating you in a fit of anger? What are we supposed to do if that happens?”Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

Jean’s gaze sharpened with confidence. “She wouldn't. She’s not the type of person to go back on her word.”

Seeing his expression, lan realized he had overthought the situation and quickly apologized, “I misspoke.”

He then furrowed his brows. He couldn't help but grumble. “Roxanne Garcia has certainly caused a lot of

It didn’t take a genius to figure out it was that woman who spread these rumors!

Jean’s eyes darkened:

The reason Neera suffered verbal humiliation from his mother stemmed from these rumors. The instigator behind it, without a doubt, was Roxanne.

The Garcias were a den of wolves who treated Neera with great cruelty!

Permanecié en silencio, pero Lan, todavia furioso, siguid quejandose.

“Esa mujer es bastante intrigante. Ella manipuld a la Sra. Garcia y le caus6 sufrimiento hace cinco afios. Cinco afios después, te toma por tonto. Sus métodos son deplorables. Afortunadamente, la que se caso con un miembro de la familia es la Sra. Garcia y no ella. jLa gente como Roxanne ni siquiera es digna de ser el limpiabotas de la Sra. Garcia! Ademas, ella es la que tiene una relacién ambigua con Zachary. Qué par de escoria...”

Al escuchar esto, Jean fruncié el cefio. Le lanz6 una mirada de reojo y pregunto: “; Qué significa eso?”

Por lo general, mostraba poco interés en los asuntos ajenos.

Nunca le habia prestado atencién a Roxanne.

Ignoraba por completo de qué estaba hablando Lan.

Lan explicd de inmediato: “Le he informado del asunto antes. El ex prometido de la Sra. Garcia y su hermanastra se unieron para conspirar contra ella. Esto result6 en su reputacion arruinada. Mas tarde lo investigué y descubri que habia mas en la historia... Roxanne habia estado mucho tiempo con Zachary. jEse incidente podria haber sido su plan conjunto!

“Ademas, la sefiora Garcia supuestamente estaba en el hotel ese dia porque habia asistido al banquete de cumpleafios de Roxanne el dia anterior... jAl dia siguiente, se despertd con rumores de que habia pasado una noche apasionada con tres hombres en el hotel!”

La voz de Lan bajé a un susurro bajo: “jA decir verdad, siempre pensé que habia algo sospechoso en este asunto! La Sra. Garcia acababa de regresar del campo unos meses antes en ese momento. Tenia una personalidad muy timida e inocente. Ella siempre estuvo cerca de Zachary. jJunto con su compromiso, es muy poco probable que hubiera hecho algo tan vergonzoso!

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