Emily’s Dilemma: Seduced by Billionaire Brothers

Chapter 41

“She’s sustained a considerable head injury,” one of the doctors reported after what felt like an eternity after Emily was brought to the hospital . His voice was thick, his beard covered face remained passive as if unmoved by the weight of his profession’s battles-hopeful yet grounded. Jackson felt shattered while Ethan looked on passive, his face bearing no emotion.

“It’s too soon to tell, but there is a possibility she might experience some memory loss.” The doctor went on

The news settled like a shroud over the brothers, Jackson and Ethan, who stood together in the sterile hallway, their earlier animosity supplanted by shared concern.

“What’s the possibility that she might not experience any memories loss” Jackson piped in, his face smeared with concern. The first two buttons of his shirt unbuttoned as he ran a nervous hand through his hair.

“We can’t tell until she wakes up, we still have to run some test on her because it looks like something like this has happened before so it could be a case of a worsening injury” the doctor explained further.

The brothers shared a knowing look before looking back at the doctor, but he had nothing more to say

“Let’s wait for the test results on her blood work” the doctor said and walking away, leaving the brothers with themselves.

“I’ll stay with her, you go” Jackson said first but Ethan shook his head

“She’s my wife, if anyone is staying you should, besides you have lot of damage control to do” Ethan said

“I don’t care about that now-”

“Well you should” Ethan cut in “Everyone saw you try to steal my wife from me-”

“They wouldn’t think that if they find out you guys are in a contract marriage , when is that ending by the way. You got the deal, how about you just let her go instead of just hurting every woman that comes your way”

“Shut up, Jackson” Ethan said through gritted teeth and a tight jaw

“Don’t think I have forgotten aboutwhat happened in Cancun, does Emily know how you -”

This time Ethan lunged at Jackson, grabbing him by the collar, his breath heavy with fury “Shut up, shut up, this is different”

“Look around you” Jackson said “Emily is in a bloody hospital, how’s it any different?”

“Look go home Jackson” Ethan released his collar and pushing him away “Just go away, I don’t want to see you around her”


But still and a day later, Jackson couldn’t stay away, even with the media scandal about him and Emily doing rounds, Jackson feigned ignorance. Paparazzi following him everywhere, his face gracing the front pages of gossip magazines and blogs, but he could care less. He thought about Emily, he was worried about her, he thought about her past, her previous memory loss. He wanted to be there, be beside her and and hold her hand, whisper in her ears that everything would be okay and she’d be fine, but he couldn’t and it broke his heart everyday.

His father left him alone because their sales were skyrocketing maximizing their profit, Infact the ruined banquet dinner was an added plus and the old man couldn’t complain.

“Maybe we should create more scandals for future sales” he said playfully some days later at the dinner table one time, but Jackson couldn’t pay attention, his mind burdened with thoughts of Emily. He played around with his food before standing up abruptly and driving to the hospital.

When he got there, he found Ethan under subdued light lost in thought outside Emily’s room. The sight of his brother was still a catalyst of anger within him, but still he kept his voice sober and pushed the anger aside.

“How is she?” Jackson’s voice was low, tired edges fraying the question.

Ethan lifted his gaze, heavy with remorse. “No change. But the doctors are hopeful.” His reply was a tightrope of hope and fear-a balancing act they both understood too well.

“Wanna take a walk?” Jackson suggested, and Ethan looked from Emily lying down unconscious on the hospital bed to Jackson’s saddened before nodding his head and falling in Jackson’s footstep.

“You know, this is history repeating itself with Emily” Jackson said

“It’s not the same thing, two different scenarios”All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

“I don’t see it, Amelia -”

“Don’t mention her name” Ethan warned immediately, his eyes suddenly widening as he stepped in front of Jackson.

“She’s Voldemort to you now?” Jackson said with a hint of surprise but Ethan fell back into step.

“Don’t just mention her name, it’s been years, I’ve moved and I’m sure you have too”

“I’m sure Emily wouldn’t be a pawn in your game, you don’t love her and you know it, you only want her because you don’t want me to have her”

“I love her, she’s my wife -”

“You don’t, just like you didn’t love Amelia-”

“I told you not to mention her name” Ethan cut in angrily, the anger clear cut in his eyes but Jackson stared him down, satisfied by the reaction he got out of him. No matter how much Ethan tried to gaslight himself, Jackson knew he’d never get over it. That was the beginning, the initial dent on their brotherhood and ever since then nothing had been normal between them.

Jackson was about to say something when the brisk footstep of an incoming nurse caught their attention, her eyes frantic even with her calm demeanor.

“She’s awake”

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