Enough For Him

Chapter 9

The design was basic so I’m guessing she hasn’t properly added her touch just yet.

“she’s just getting ready you can either wait here or leave” Jess said from the doorway holding Jayson in her arms.

I thought about it. But i wanted to talk to her so I will stay.NôvelDrama.Org content.

I made my way upstairs and heard the faint sound of music playing in the room at the end. The door was slightly open, and I could instantly see her figure as she stood there in high waisted shorts that showed off her toned thighs.

“Liz” I said making her know that I was here. I didn’t want her to catch me staring at her naked back like some creep.

No matter how much I wanted to stare for a while longer. As soon as she heard my voice, she grabbed a t shirt quickly putting it on.

“you shouldn’t be up here” she said walking out.

Tough shit princess

“I know” I said watching her as she searched for something on her bed.

I turned and looked into the bathroom and found her phone sitting on the table next to the small speaker where music was playing from.

I grabbed it and walked towards her “here” I gave her, her phone which she grabbed.

She always would lose that phone.

I followed behind her as she went to find our son. I smiled to myself when I saw her stare at the doughnuts that sat on the kitchen counter.

I felt proud when I saw a ghost of a smile grace her lips before walking away and crouching down to grab Jayson.

I stood against the door as she cradled the little guy in her arms kissing his little face everywhere.

“Did you have fun with your daddy jay jay” she asked him to place him down on the ground. I tried not to get to affected by her saying “daddy” but being a man, it was very hard.

Pun intended

“see you next week Jay” I said kissing him slightly on his cheek as he sat on the counter with Liz feeding him strawberries.

I let myself out not wanting to intrude in her time. I had business to attend do and I knew that for me to get Liz back I would need to be slow and calculating.

Giving up was not on the cards.

What was he playing at?

How the fuck does he have time to be taking in homeless people off the streets when his family is falling apart. I’ll admit it was something that I found to be very heart warming and kind but just not something I imagined him doing which is saying a lot.

It’s all over the news, Instagram and twitter where everyone is talking about the hero he is for taking in a homeless man. Is he stupid for letting a stranger in his house when our son is there.

I will have to go over and assess the safety for my son to be staying over at his dads. But right now, I’m at a meeting with boss.

Raquel was working me hard ever since I started work again, It’s stressful but worth it, if I can improve mine and Jayson’s life.

I have been asked to go on many podcasts and interviews on behalf of the magazine as well. It’s not even that surprising that they all just found it as an excuse to bombard me with questions regarding my personal life. About Leon.

I love speaking about my baby but having to talk about Leon, I have to be really careful what I say and I’m already not very good at that.

Co-parenting isn’t as easy as you’d think. Not when I still have feelings for him, and I have to walk inside a house that used to be my own home. But for Jason I needed to just put up with the pain so that he doesn’t feel any.

“jay jay c’mon why are you so difficult today” I said to him as I go full Usain bolt and sprint to catch him. He only had his nappy on as he ran around the house.

I heard his giggles from inside the kitchen.

“don’t you want to go see daddy” I said standing in front of him with my arms crossed.

As per usual his eyes lit up when I said daddy. Leon has made a big change in his attitude towards his son which I am grateful for but in my dreams, I would’ve wished that he did the same when we were together, and didn’t cheat on me.

He finally let me carry him back to the room to get him changed into one of Leon’s outfits that he sent over. He’s trying to turn my boy into one of those cool babies. Even bought him some tiny vans the other day.

Once I finally got him dressed, I gave him a sweet, since that seems to calm him down and actually follow my instructions.

30 minutes later I was just pulling up to Leon’s. Jayson was sleeping in the car seat.

As soon as I cut off the engine the door to Leon’s house swung open and Leon who was dressed in grey sweats and a thin black t-shirt walked out.

I pretended to be busy with my phone whilst he opened the door and started to unbuckle Jayson.

“can I speak to you” I asked Leon when he had Jayson in his arms.

Leon turned to me “yeah sure come in” he said slowly turning and walking into the house. I grabbed Jayson’s night stuff and followed him inside.

I saw Jayson sat in the living room already playing with his toys. Leon waited in the office for me, the door wide open as he stood by it.

“what was it you needed to talk about “Leon said rounding the table and placing his phone face down on the table. One thing I liked about Leon, well above many other things is that he would give me attention when I needed it. If I wanted to discuss something with him, he would remove all distractions. I just wish he did that with Emma. That way, maybe we would still be together.

When we were together, he rarely had his phone on him, it wasn’t like me where I would always be posting on social media. There are many videos of Leon still on there where I would catch him eating, thinking, working and being a great boyfriend.

His moments of poor judgement were never caught by me personally.

“when were you going to tell me about your new roommate?” I asked him. I left a whole week since the news broke out and I hoped he would at least tell me.

“didn’t think you would want to know” he replies back. I could sense some attitude in the way he spoke.

There he is again making me feel guilty.

“Of course, I would want to know, especially with Jayson staying over. Are you punishing me by intentionally putting our son in harm’s way” I snapped back, he was really testing my patience today?

Leon rolled his eyes before standing up instead of leaning on his desk.

“is this your way of telling me I can’t see my own son, Liz” he may be a business scholar but sometimes he can be fucking stupid.

He’s lucky I love him too much to take away his first born son.

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