Escaping The Mafia King

Chapter 23: 23

Chapter 23: 23

Hope could not believe her eyes upon seeing Varys in the party. What was he even doing here? This was a party for extremely rich people. And Varys was not supposed to be here!

Her heart was beating against her chest like a jackhammer, the sweat making its way down to her temple despite of being in the fully air conditioned hall.

When his furious gaze became too harsh for her to bear, and the shock of seeing him here passed, making her realize that it was no dream and she was seeing him in front of her eyes for real, she averted her gaze. And in that exact moment she realized that Shawn's lips were still pressed upon hers.

She immediately pulled back, taken aback and surprised. Shawn was smiling down at her as their body still moved to the rhythm but she came to a standstill,

"Why did you do that?!" she asked, feeling a strong urge to run away from there but holding her ground.

"Because I like you!" Shawn was still smiling, his one hand lifted from her waist to come up and cradle her face in his grasp, "I want you to date me, Hope."

"I... I do-" she was about to finish the words when someone grabbed her arm and snatched her away, and the next thing she heard was a loud crunch as an fist came flying upon Shawn's face.

"Shawn!" she cried out, running towards him on instinct to make sure of his well being.

But she forgot that the hand was still clutching her arm and she had nowhere to run. As she took another step the hand pulled her back, making her slam against a rock hard chest.

"Stay right fucking here!" Varys' furious voice shook her to the core, "And YOU," his eyes dropped to Shawn who was trying to dull the pain and bleeding on the side of his face and nose, "I SEE YOU


"Varys!" Hope shouted, squirming in his hold to get free, "What the hell do you think you are doing?!"

Varys' angry eyes turned to her before he tightened his hold and started to drag her out of there.

"Where are you taking me!" she seethed, his hold becoming too painful for her already.

"Anywhere where I can fucking talk to you!" NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

"This is not talking that you are doing, this is violence!" Hope spat, squirming harder as the pain in her arm increased and tears stung the corner of her eyes.

They had now come out of the hall and a valet was already handing out the keys to Varys of a very fancy looking car.

He dragged her to the passenger seat, opened the door and spat, "Get inside."

"I am not going anywhere with you!" Hope shouted.

"If you do not want me to make anymore scene right now, Hope, get inside the fucking car!" Varys' eyes were shining dangerously, the vein in his jaw ticking as his harsh breaths escaped his lips. Hope could literally feel him shaking.

Giving in to his demand because of the fear of raising anymore drama in a grand party, she slid inside. Varys' hold finally loosened on her and he let her arm go as he rounded the car to get in the driver seat.

Hope hissed while her hand caressed the bruise, the pain hitting her like sharp, painful needles.

As soon as he was seated, he started the car, and gave race, ready to take off. But then suddenly he stopped as his gaze came to her. Turning towards her he leaned down, invading her personal space.

"What are you-"

Varys grabbed the seat belt and tightened it around her body, clicking it in place and securing it safely. His eyes met hers, the fury still simmering in his gaze and his lips pressed tight in anger.

Once he was sure that she was secured, he turned around and started driving the car at a fast speed. Hope's fingers were tightened in a fist as she clutched the seat tightly, her breaths coming our harsh and uneven and she suddenly realized that she was getting scared.

"Slow down!" she whispered, the pain in her arm forgotten as her eyes tried to adjust to the speed of the car. It raced fast despite of the mild traffic covering the open road. Her heart was about to jump out of her chest.

"SLOW DOWN!" she shouted, her head was spinning. She wanted to throw up.

Her scream finally managed to snatch Varys' attention. As soon as she shouted the words, the car came to a halt on the side of the road with a loud screech.

With suffocation gripping her throat and her mind having a hard time in staying conscious, she threw open the car road and jumped outside, seeking the much needed open air, breathing heavily. Throwing her head back she took deep breaths in an attempt to not vomit.

She felt Varys coming to stand beside her. His hand lifted up and slid in her waist but she already had enough for the day. Flipping around, she threw his hand aside and shouted,

"What are you trying to do? Kill Me?!"

"I am so not in the mood to fight with you right now, Hope." Varys huffed, "I want you to listen to me right now and I want you to listen very, very carefully!"

"Oh... you do not get to say anything to me, you fucking asshole!" Hope seethed, stepping backwards trying to put distance between them and not realizing that she was stepping in the open road.

"Hope, come back here right now!" Varys shouted.

"You do not get to order me, Varys!" Hope shouted, "Our friendship is fucking over, remember? What had you said the last time I had seen you? Fuck off, right? You told me to never show my face to you. You told me to never come to you! What the hell did you do back there? You hit Shawn and you brought me here without my consent! What the hell is wrong with you?!"

In her angry, hysterical rant she did not notice that while stepping back she had come to stand smack in the middle of the open road. She only realized where she had come when it was too late. A horn screeched in her ear, and the white lights of a car blinded her before loud screeches of tires were the only thing that she last heard.

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