Fall For Me

Chapter 14

“I told sir what you said, ma’am,” Janet said

“And so?” I inquired more, I needed to know why people barged into the room to set up chairs, plates, and all

“He decided to come meet you instead” Janet met my eyes and she saw the disbelief, My ears must be failing me

“What?!” I exclaimed, So now I’m expected to play dress up and tea time with him, I’m not his puppet, The only good thing about the whole breakfast time was that I will be able to confront him and maybe plead enough for him to let me go.

They set up the table, There were lots of meals displayed and I wondered if it was just for the two of us, Janet helped with my hair and jewelry and I couldn’t concentrate on anything else, My stomach was turning and twisting, and My nerves were skyrocketing, I just wanted to get the meeting over with, The quicker I can try to convince him the better for me, I would be able to go home and see my family again, I’m sure they’re devastated by this.

He walked into the room, His dark hair was scattered beautifully, He was a very handsome man I won’t deny that but it doesn’t change the fact that he abducted me.

“You can leave now” He dismissed Janet and before I could blink I was Janet exiting the room swiftly. He signaled me to come over to where he was, I walked slowly till I reached his spot, He pulled out the chair for me and I sat down without saying a word, He went over to the other side and sat opposite me.

“My oh my, you’re are stunning” He complimented while smiling at me, contentment filling his eyes, He stood up and my heart nearly beat out of my chest, But he only wanted to serve the food and when the serving plates were opened I saw shrimps, I am deadly allergic to shrimps, I am sure he didn’t know that, or maybe he knew and he was just trying to poison me either ways I couldn’t eat it. I played around with the food for a little while before he noticed.

“You are not eating” Carson grew concerned and asked, Curiosity filled his voice.

“It shouldn’t concern you” I replied rudely, He only smiled and stopped eating, He was invested in why I wasn’t eating.

“But it does, Now eat” Carson insisted

“I am allergic to shrimps,” I said sternly while looking directly into his eyes. His eyes softened at the epiphany that I could have had an allergic reaction, And in a swift second his soft concern turned into anger.

“Benson” Carson called out to Benson and in an instant Benson came in.

“Yes sir” Benson answered respectfully

“Everyone involved in making this meal today is fired, I need an immediate substitute,” Carson said freely, His decision was drastic but I guess he wanted to keep me safe, I felt bad for the people losing their jobs just because of an allergy they didn’t know about, I decided to speak up

“Don’t punish anyone, it was an honest mistake” I said, shifting my eyes to meet Carson and Benson simultaneously.

“You’re so sweet,” Carson said cheekily,

“I don’t want that on my conscience,” I said

“If that is what you want, Fine” Carson said and smiled at me, I rolled my eyes.

“Will that be all sir?” Benson asked

“No, call the head cook to come take notes of her allergies, favorites, and anything worth knowing, she’s going to be here for a long time” Carson looked at me and winked, I felt anger fill my body as he said that, I can’t possibly think of living here, This is just a fancy prison. Benson left and after a couple of minutes, I saw a man with a long toque and a funny-looking mustache. He bowed and greeted me.

“Good day Sir, Good day Ma” The chef greeted.

“Go on, list out your allergies and everything he needs to know,” The chef said, I got angry with every word that Carson spoke.

“There’s no need for that, considering I will be leaving soon,” I said confidently. Carson smiled

“You should list them” He insisted firmly.

“I won’t” I replied angrily, Carson smiled and dismissed the chef and Benson, When their backs turned to leave, Carson immediately said.

“You are still upset?” Carson asked while drinking the wine In his glass

“You separated me from my family” I replied with tears filling up my eyes.

“You have to come to terms with it,” Carson said as he leaned back in his chair.

“Why are you doing this to me?” This time the tears in my eyes were ready to flow down my cheeks, I saw his face move from amusement to sadness. Maybe he didn’t want to see me cry or upset. If he didn’t want to see me sad then why is he holding me against my will?

I mustered up the courage to express my feelings and desire to go home

“You care about me right,” I asked him, waiting for a reply.

“Of course” Carson answeredOriginal from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Then let me go,” I said with tears dropping down from my eyes

“Why?” Carson asked I could see the devious smirk on his lips, He was doing all this on purpose

“I want to go see my family, if you love me you will let me go” I tried to be smart with my words, just maybe he would listen to me, He let out a hysterical laugh, His laugh echoing loud in my room, What exactly did I say that made him laugh so hard?

“That’s now how love works darling,” Carson said

“I know love doesn’t push anyone to kidnap,” I said in annoyance, already losing my cool. Carson stood up and adjusted his suit before walking up to where I was seated and he leaned before whispering.

“You can’t leave, you’re mine”

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