Fated Mate


Lee’s head shot forward, she hadn’t even seen him. What is Ash doing here? Did he come to scold me some more or torture me with someone I can’t have? Seeing him made her chest tighten in pain.

“Who are you?” George asked rudely.

“A friend,” Ash responded coldly. She followed his fixed sharp gaze. He was staring at her arm; at George’s fingers on her arm.

“Hi guys, Ash.” Jane sang out Ash’s name, she appeared out of nowhere.

This was turning out to be a perfect day for Lee.

“Jane.” He gave her a crooked smile before he looked back at Lee.

“Did Lee tell you about our double date?” She swung on her heels looking very cute in her blue short dress.

“What?” His eyes were wide and dark, angrily staring into Lee’s. She cringed back. His gaze softened at her reaction. “Who’s the fourth party?” He bit out.

“I am.” George put his arm over Lee’s shoulders possessively. Ash’s eyes darkened again, he fought the urge to rip it from Lee’s shoulders. It was getting difficult for him to keep his hopes up.

She shrugged it off and took a few steps forward, away from all four of them. “This was fun, and now I’m going to catch my bus. Bye.”

She turned around hoping to make a break for it but she didn’t get far before she felt her pack get pulled off her shoulder and a hand gripping her elbow tight. She didn’t have to look to see it was Ash, she could feel the heat from his anger.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

He walked fast pushing her in the direction his car was parked. She had to run just to keep up with his pace. She wanted to pull her throbbing elbow out of his grip but she was too scared to, she didn’t want to anger him any farther. He came to an abrupt stop, Lee tripped over her feet but he held her steady before she fell. He turned around. Lee followed his gaze; he was staring at George.

Ash knew it was never a good idea to read people’s minds but George’s was practically screaming. He had all these images of him and Lee together, which pissed Ash off.

A loud dangerous growl rolled in his chest, as it heaved up and down fast as if he was struggling to breathe. His grip tightened, hurting her elbow even more.

“Oww! Ash!” she yelled at him in pain.

He closed his eyes and took several deep breaths before he opened them again. He loosened his grip and looked at her. His eyes were still dark and angry. He pulled her forward, gentler and they walked the short distance left to his car in a slower pace.

He walked straight to the driver’s side and got in. Lee stood outside, contemplating running for the bus stop. He was mad out of his mind and she didn’t feel safe being alone with him, let alone him driving in that state with her in the car.

He lowered the passenger window and leaned over. “Get in. Now!” His voice was low and harsh. She was definitely making a run for it. “You dare run and I’ll lock you in the trunk!” He spoke louder angrier. Lee didn’t doubt he would.

She opened the door quickly and got in, fastening her seat belt as tight as she could. The second she was settled, he sped fast out of the school grounds and onto the main road keeping the speed dangerously high. Lee crossed her fingers under her thighs hoping they would get stopped by a cop for speeding. She’s never wanted to get arrested before but if they did, it would be a blessing.

After a few miles in silence, he pulled over to the side of the road and stopped abruptly. The force threw her forward before she was pushed back against the seat by the belt. She had to remember to thank the guy who made them.

Ash chuckled softly next to her, his eyes closed and his fingers gripped tightly on the steering wheel. Lee certainly didn’t see anything funny about his road rage, it’s a miracle they made it this far without crashing into something. She rubbed her belly and her shoulder, she was sure she was going to bruise.

More bruises courtesy of Ash, again she thought.

He moved so swiftly, if it wasn’t for the unfastened seat belt or her seat having been reclined, she would never have known he had moved. He leaned over her, his eyes darting all over her. His hands moved above her, he couldn’t make up his mind whether or not to touch her.

“Are you okay, how badly hurt are you?” He sounded anxious, worried. His eyes were still dark but no longer angry. It was finally safe to talk.

“I’m good.” Lee couldn’t get her voice above a whisper.

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” He leaned against his seat, his face creased in anguish. She didn’t know what to say to that, so she stayed quiet as she watched his pained face.

When his face finally smoothened over, she turned in her seat and faced him. “Would you like to talk about it?”

“What?” He opened his eyes and looked at her confused. His brown eyes were soft and clear.

“Well, you’re mad about something, so instead of killing us in a car crash, which by the way I’m not criticizing. I’m just giving another, better, life preserving suggestion to dealing with it. Talking about it is an alternative I wouldn’t mind exploring.”

“What?” He chuckled shaking his head. “Okay. So are you studying to be a psychiatrist, because you approached that with very shrinkish humor?” He smiled his earthshaking smile.

Lee’s heart fluttered. She caught her breath and stared at his beautiful soft face. She shook her head clear before she spoke again. “No. I have my own problems, talking does lift a load but shrinks don’t really help as much as they advertise.”

“How do you know?” His face dropped as if he’d figured it out. “Are you seeing a psychiatrist for your problems?”

Lee cleared her throat, trying to mask the embarrassment she was feeling. “I have for most of my life so it kind of makes me an expert. Start talking.”

“Why are we going on a double date and why George?” he said George’s name with venom.

Lee held back a smile, she didn’t want to get ahead of herself but he did sound jealous. That is why he almost made us road kill?

“I have no idea how I got roped into that. Apparently word’s out that I’m a free agent so I have no excuse to say no.”

“You just broke up with Steve. It’s too soon for you to date.” He looked stiff.

“It’s been practically a life time since Steve and I broke up and we hooked up, so that argument doesn’t hold.”

“You are not hooking up with anyone else! He may leave you right after.” His voice was raised and harsh.

She snorted. “Don’t worry you cured me of all the fairy tale illusions of love at first touch.”

His face was expressionless. He stayed quiet as he stared forward. She stared at him, fighting the urge to crawl onto his lap and press herself against him.

“I’ll cancel the double date, I’ll think of something. But maybe I’ll go on the date next week,” she whispered the last part loudly so that he heard her. She wanted to see his reaction.

“Date with whom?” He turned and looked at her, his face as angry as before

“With Josh…unless you don’t want me to go?” She was happy he reacted that way. She was hoping he would forbid her or something caveman-like.

“He seems nice. You should go out with him,” he said it so casually as if they were discussing the weather.

Lee’s heart dropped into her stomach. That’s all she need as confirmation; he really didn’t want her.

“I need your number, Jane wants it.” She turned and looked out the passenger side window. She didn’t want him to see her cry.


“Why else? She wants to go out with you.” She couldn’t keep the pain from leaking into her voice.


“Why not, she’s your type. You two would make a great couple,” she snapped.

“Why would you say that?” His voice was flat.

Because you are both heartless and cold, and she’s a hundred times better than me in everything. “She’s smart, pretty, good at everything she does and the complete opposite of me.”

“What are you talking about?” His voice rose.

She shrugged, keeping her back to him. “You can’t stand me, something the two of you have in common. That’s a good start.”

“Lee,” Ash whispered her name angrily then he was quiet. He reached over her and pulled the seat belt and fastened it. He started the car and drove slowly. She wasn’t sure if it was either to prolong their time together or just to torture her some more with his presence.

Lee pulled her legs onto the seat and curled up sobbing quietly, regretting the night she spent with Ash, wishing she had never met him. She spent a month pining for Steve, she wasn’t sure how long it would take her to get out of this painful black hole.

She wasn’t sure if it was a teenage crush or love, the only thing she was sure about was that the pain in her heart was unbearable. It was close to the pain she felt when she lost her family.

“Lee, I’m sorry.” His voice felt wounded.

She stayed quiet. It’s better to start forgetting him as soon as possible.

He picked the thought from her head. He regretted the pain he was causing her. The pain of losing a family was more than enough, adding on to it was complete torture. “I’ll take you to work.”

“No. Take me home, I don’t think I can handle people today.” Her voice cracked as she spoke.

“Please don’t cry.” Ash sounded even more pained. He put his hand on her cheek, wiping the tears with his thumb.

His caress felt so good. She wanted to hold his hand where it was but she knew the fantasy of what could be would only last for a few minutes before he slammed reality in her face again. She felt like something squeezed her heart and it hurt so much. She put her hand on his, holding it longer than she should have, then she brushed it away.

“Please just take me home.” She bit her lips shut, holding down the sobs in her throat.

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