Fated to the Ruthless CEO

Unexpected Visitors

After their delightful lunch date, they returned to Devlin’s office to tackle the mountain of paperwork demanding his attention. His desk was covered with files that needed his signature and review. He would visit Agent Smith and Abby later on to check on their progress.

Devlin glanced over at his wife, Amber, who had made herself quite comfortable on the couch. A peaceful expression graced her sleeping face, and it warmed his heart. Her presence always provided him with a sense of calm amidst the chaos of his work. With a tender smile, Devlin turned his attention back to the paperwork, resolving to let Amber rest for as long as she needed.

He didn’t realize that he had finished all his paperwork in record time. He checked his wristwatch, and it was still 4 pm. It seemed like a good idea now to visit Agent Smith and Abby to check on how far they are into their investigation. He set aside the completed work, he trusted his capable secretary to handle those papers.

He stood up from his swivel chair to go to his wife who is still sleeping soundly. She had been in slumber for two hours now. His gaze softened as he took in the sight of his beautiful wife, her auburn hair framing her small face. She looked ethereally beautiful with those long, curved lashes, a straight nose, and those sweet luscious lips that he couldn’t resist. He moved closer, lightly brushing the back of his hand against her right cheek. She stirred in her sleep, a slight smile gracing her lips. Eventually she slowly opened her big, beautiful gray eyes, as if unveiling the world from a delicate curtain of dreams.

“I am sorry, wife,” he whispered apologetically. “I didn’t mean to wake you up. I need to go check on Agent Smith and Abby. You can stay here in the office, and I’ll come back to pick you up.” His tone carried a hint of concern as he gazed tenderly at his wife.

“What time is it? How long did I sleep for?” she inquired, her voice groggy, as if searching for her bearings.

“Relax, my love,” he reassured her, his voice soothing. “You’ve been asleep for nearly two hours. It’s 4 pm now.

Her eyes widened in disbelief. “Why did you let me sleep this long?” She hastily sat up, suddenly aware of the time. After all, she wasn’t accustomed to taking afternoon naps, especially given her busy role as the head of her own company. However, the past few days had been a whirlwind of events, and she felt the weight of exhaustion from the constant contemplation of their problems.

“Just give me a few minutes please, to compose myself. I would like to come with you. I also want to know about the situation of their investigation,” she said with determination. Devlin knew he couldn’t refuse his wife’s request.

As they entered the investigation room, they were struck by the organized chaos within. The room buzzed with activity, with the team deeply engrossed in their respective tasks, each contributing to the collective effort to solve the case.

Amber’s keen eye caught the intricate scribbles written onto the whiteboard, revealing the names of the other people aside from their mastermind. She is amazed at the remarkable efficiency and swiftness with which the team operated. It seems like they have a good plan to bring their guy to jail.

As she scanned the room, Amber noticed that Devlin was also doing the same thing as her. He was meticulously absorbing the information sprawled across the whiteboard while keeping a watchful eye on their surroundings. Meanwhile, Agent Smith and Abby were fully immersed in analyzing some data on the computer screen with focused determination.

In an attempt to gather everyone’s attention, Devlin cleared his throat, breaking the silence that enveloped the room.

“So, how is everyone holding up here?” Devlin’s voice cut through the intensity of the moment, his eyes reflecting genuine admiration for the team’s dedication. “I can see remarkable progress, and I must say, I’m thoroughly impressed.”

Agent Smith rose from his seat, acknowledging Devlin’s words. “We’ve certainly made significant strides, but there’s much work ahead of us,” he said, his voice reflecting both optimism and caution. “We’ve managed to uncover compelling evidence against our mastermind, and now our task is to finalize every detail. In addition, we’ve been in close coordination with the local police, and we’re hoping to secure an arrest warrant as soon as possible.”

“That’s great news! I can’t wait for this to finish,” he said with a hint of sadness in his voice. Still, the feeling of being betrayed by someone you’ve trusted your entire life hits hard.

“Have you met him yet?” Abby suddenly asked out of the blue. She was referring to their mastermind.

Both Amber and Devlin only shook their heads. The thought of meeting him hadn’t even crossed their minds. It is challenging to pretend that they are still clueless.

“I am just warning you that this guy operates on a large scale. He has control over your financial department and can even approve or terminate the hiring of some of your employees. It’s no wonder he gained full control of that department,” Abby said, her gaze fixed intensely on Devlin who looked surprised.

“You didn’t know that our main guy has been responsible for approving and terminating employees in the accounting department? I was wondering how he gained such power in your company,” She pressed further. She wanted to understand how someone as successful as Devlin had ended up ceding control of his company’s financial aspects.

Devlin took a heavy sigh, rubbing his temples as he tried to process Abby’s revelation. “I had no idea,” he admitted, a sense of unease settling in. “But how did this even happen? I’ve always been cautious about maintaining control over crucial departments.”

Agent Smith came forward, his expression was sympathetic. “Well, it seems like he built strong relationships with key people in the accounting department over time. He’s cultivated a network of loyalists who look out for his interests. It’s a classic power play, Mr. Wesley.”

Devlin frowned, feeling a mix of frustration and regret. “I should have been more vigilant.”

“And one more thing,” Abby said, her eyes narrowing as she leaned in, “it’s interesting to note that he started working in your company five years ago when problems started for you.”

Amber moved closer to Devlin, intertwining their hands, her brow furrowed with worry. “I think he set this all up from the beginning. It’s hard to believe that he took advantage of our situation at that time. I just don’t understand what could have driven him to do all of this.” Amber’s voice trembled with concern.

They continued to discuss the situation for another hour. Amber and Devlin urged Abby to come home with them, but she declined, determined to finish her work with the team.

“Very well.” Devlin agreed. “I have the entire unit on the last floor. You can stay there for the night. This goes also to the rest of the team. We have caretakers there who will accommodate all your needs. And by the way, I’ve already ordered your dinner.” He addressed everyone, and they expressed their gratitude for his generous offer.Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Mr. Wesley,” Abby said, her tone serious, “please stay as vigilant as possible. We’ll never know when this guy might strike back. I am asking you to be more cautious until we wrap up the whole investigation and put him and all his accomplices behind bars.” She was giving a warning to both Devlin and Amber. Looks like the guy can pull out any stunt if he chose to.

“Thank you. We’ll keep that in mind.” Devlin’s brief reply.

“Thank you so much.” Amber said sincerely, her eyes brimming with gratitude, as she stepped forward to hug Abby. She had a deep appreciation for Abby’s help and the unwavering support of the entire team. They also bid goodbye to Agent Smith and the other team members.

They both headed to Devlin’s car. They sat in silence during the car ride back, each lost in their own thoughts. When they finally arrived at the opulent mansion, Amber couldn’t help but notice a sleek black luxury car parked outside the imposing gate.

“Are you expecting someone?” she inquired, her gaze fixed on the heavily tinted windows of the car. She didn’t receive an immediate response, but she did catch the faint sound of Devlin’s heavy sigh.

“Let’s go, wife,” her husband said with a resigned tone, reaching for Amber’s hand. “I’m not entirely sure what they’re doing here.”

Before Amber could press for more information, she spotted Devlin’s parents emerging from the elegant car. A wave of apprehension washed over her as she remembered how they had treated her in the past. Their disapproval of her had been obvious, and though she couldn’t entirely blame them for their skepticism, it still weighed heavily on her mind after all these years. She doesn’t know how to approach them.

“There you are, my son.” It was Devlin’s mom who came to greet his son and kissed him on both cheeks. Then, her gaze went to Amber. The tension in the air was inevitable.

“It’s been awhile, Amber. How have you been?” His mom said politely to Amber.

“I am doing good, Mrs. Wesley.” She replied briefly. She doesn’t want to be rude but she could not pretend otherwise to treat them any differently than being casual to them. Despite everything, they are still Devlin’s parents.

There was an awkward silence before Devlin’s dad came closer to his son and tapped him on the shoulder.

“How are you doing, son?” He simply said but the longing in his eyes did not escape Amber’s attention.

“I am doing great, dad.” Devlin replied, his voice laced with sincerity. “As you can see, I have my wife back with me.” He looked at Amber, a tender smile breaking through the tension. It was a silent declaration of his commitment to the future, and a silent plea for acceptance from his parents.

“Why don’t we get inside?” Devlin offered. Amber saw his parents smiling brightly at him. She hopes that this is a good start for all of them.

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