Fates Hands

Chapter 57

Chapter 57

Chapter 57

Christmas was quickly approaching, Adira had the whole pack house and grounds decorated, there

wasn’t a place that was left forgotten. She’d never had a real Christmas before, so she went all out.

Duncan looked around and was pleased, the pack house hadn’t looked this good since he was a pup.


He had decided that he was going to make sure she was spoiled rotten, besides the normal gifts she

would receive from the pack. He had also brought her a special gift as well, his families diamond and

saphire necklace, earrings and bracelet set.

He was now taking a tray up to Adira for lunch. She was so close to her time and was having problems


her feet and ankles swelling, that the Doc put her on bed rest. This is of course making her a bit

restless and cranky.

The last two days she had been getting more and more uncomfortable. So he had been dividing up his

time with her mostly and then pack issues, Marcus had been taking care of everything else. Thank God

for Marcus, his best friend since their crib days. (12)

He also wondered what it is going to be like to be a Dad. Wow, he never had the time to give it too

much thought until now. He started to smile with thoughts of his little pup running around the house.

He got up to their door while juggling the tray, he managed to open the door and there was Adira

doubled over on the side of the bed. Clearly in

pain. He dropped the tray and ran to her. She looked up at his face with a painful smile.

“Duncan, I think it’s time.”

Felicia was still pissed two days later, she was given a blanket, a pillow and a bucket. The rogue in the

other cell went quiet again.

She sat there staring off into the dark, planning her revenge. That little bitch of a she wolf is going to

pay, how dare she do this to her. Her plans were all of murder and betrayal. She was going to get her

revenge one way or the other. Two more days and she was out of this hell hole. 2

Once she was in the pack house again, she would start putting her plan into motion. Then they will all

be sorry for what they had done to

her. Maybe, perhaps Archer will be forced by Daddy to marry me, as some sort of compensation, for

what he allowed to happen to her. 2

Though right now she wasn’t sure she was going to stand the smell the dungeon was becoming

engulfed in for the next two days.

“What the hell is that smell!? Then it hit her, that smell was death, is that why that rogue went quiet?

Oh, God did they leave her down here alone with a dead body?.” ©

“GUARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GUARD!!!!!!!!!! LET ME OUT OF HERE, HE IS DEAD!!!!!GUARD PLEASE!!.”

The only thing her screaming got her was more silence, she started to cry. They will have to take him

out of here when they brought her once a day meal. Oh, god she was so hungry but

how would she eat knowing what was rotting two doors down.

She curled up into a ball on her blanket, plotting a few more nasty things she was going to do when she

got out of here. Crying, she was never going to get that smell out of her mind. She did have one hope


I hope they let me take a bath…..

Lily was sitting on a stool next to the King, while he held court. Everyone was looking at her in curiosity

or with a scowl. To be honest she didn’t give a shit. One good thing about going through all that abuse,

is that it gave her an inner strength. She stopped caring a long time ago what anyone thought of her.

It was facinating to watch her mate

hold court, it was also quite boring. Most of it was legalities and land contracts, things of that nature.

Once it was all done the King then introduced his mate to the council.

Lily almost giggled at the looks on their faces. She managed though to stand tall and regal. Some were

just surprised but happy for the King, others were quiet and others still were out right angry.

” As your King I have the right through the Mate Law, to choose my own for when my true mate comes. Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

Lily is my second chance mate and I am hers. I understand that she can’t be an official queen that she

will be queen in name only.”

“However, She will be given the respect that is her due. I will also allow her to have some authority to

make laws.reguarding children and

women. These laws will pertain to their treatment and rights to be protected and to seek justice.”

“She will be given the people and the resources to do these things, she will only have to seek

permisson from myself. Since the Queen, even if its in name only, still only has to answer to the King.”

“She will travel to all the packs in our care, no longer will the royal family stay within the walls of this

castle alone. It is time to go out into the world and make sure what we are being told is actual truth.”

“It makes me sick that something as evil as all that was able to get such a big foot hold on us. From

now on I and my Queen will do everything in our power to see that it never happens again.”

“Lwill no longer hold to the old stuff

“I will no longer hold to the old stuffy and blind traditions of the past. Anyone here now who disagrees

with anything I have said today, may step down and leave.”

With that he turned and kissed Lily deeply and possessively, sending his point out loud and clear.

Marnie was finally in her own bed, she was fully healed now and no side effects were left from the

poison. She wasn’t alone in her bed either.

Ash was still with her, tighter than a tick in a butt crack. She didn’t mind it though, she was coming to

love it. Her wolf Myan loved it too, though she was a bit un-nerved by the really loud purring. When he

would make her grumpy she would tell him to go

cough up a hair ball, which in turn made Marnie laugh.

She rolled onto her side to get a better look at the sleeping Mr. Kitty. When she looked at him, he

looked so handsome asleep almost like he was a young cub again.

“Liking what you are seeing, my naughty little wolf?.

Startled she blushed, when she realized he was awake the whole time she was staring at him. He

didn’t say anything more as he pulled her to him and kissed her possessively, she didn’t think that a

simple kiss could turn her on soo much, her panties were getting wet just the same.

“I can smell your arousal, you smell so delicious. I want to lick all that wonderful cream, I want to know

what you taste like. I want to feel myself inside you as we become one. I

want to know what you sound like, when I bring you to the climax of your passion.”

“I want your everything and I want you to have my everything. Forever.”

Before she even knew it she was naked and under a equally naked Ash. He was sucking on her

nipples, his hands were everywhere. He moved his mouth slowly downward to her center.

His tongue did things she wasn‘t aware that they could do, he licked all of her cream and then slipped

his tongue inside her to get more. She was screaming in her desire, arching her body to get closer to

him. When she finally came, she thought for just that moment in time, that she had left the earth for


Once she came back to his arms again, he positioned himself between

her thighs.” Now my love, we will asend the heavens together.” In one swift move he joined them

together in bliss.

It was like nothing she had ever thought or was told it would be.

It was so much, much more.

It was right at this blissful moment that Marco popped into her head. I

“Marnie!!! it’s time, Adira is on her way to the pack hospital to have the pup..”

Marnie to Ash’s surprise flew out of their bed and started to put random clothes on, all the while in a

happy sing song voice she kept saying, “I’m an Aunt, I’m a auntie aunt aunt.”

She looked over at Ash as he was just watching her, “Come on Mr. Kitty we gotta go. We are about to

be a Aunt

She looked over at Ash as he was just watching her, “Come on Mr. Kitty we gotta go. We are about to

be a Aunt and Uncle. Get a move on.!!”

With that she was out the door running down the stairs, while he was still putting on his shoes as he

hopped out the door after her. 5

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